MTL - This Infinite World is Shameless-Chapter 1570

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I didn't make any big changes, just crossed out the ten that I cried ten times and changed it to one hundred.

It doesn't mean anything else, just make some reasonable changes to the combat strategy according to the actual situation, he is really not a careful man.

For example, Esdes is also a strong queen-type girl. At the beginning, Li Changsheng was quite sweet with others, so he didn't care about anything.

Thinking to himself, Li Changsheng registered another name by the way:

Song Yongyan, the height is the same as Jiugui Yangyu, and the measurements are 83, 56, 85, which is also peerless. Hei Changzhi is right in the strike zone. It seems that as long as you kneel down and ask for help, you should give grass.

After all, he is one of the Four Heavenly Kings of Martial Arts. Song Yongyan suddenly felt something, and while fighting against Chuan Shen Baidai, he glanced at Li Changsheng.

Obviously, there is a very real goodwill in his eyes.


Chapter 5 How Fatty, Little Brother

As for Li Changsheng's words, looking at this innocent-looking beautiful girl, he also responded with a smile.

In a short exchange, everything was silent. The obvious change was that Song Yongyan's attack on Chuan Shen Baidai became more severe.

Li Changsheng is not blind, so he thought about it secretly, finding time to ask others seriously, and asking him sincerely.

As long as the other party can feel his sincerity, the other party will definitely be willing to help him.

Sometimes, people may just need such a little understanding!

Of course, it is also possible that Song Yongyan is dissatisfied with Chuan Shen Baidai. After all, everyone likes the same man, but the latter seems to be more favored.

Perhaps seeing Li Changsheng and Song Yongyan hooking up with each other's eyebrows, Dai Yuji Jiang became more energetic when he took the knife to slash the Chuan Shen Baidai.

And Jiugui Yangyu, who was invited to help boxing, was obviously more normal in his three views. He did his best to help Class F deal with Baidai, and he didn't keep his hands at all because the squad leader of Class S was her younger brother.

Facing this kind of international humanitarian spirit like Bethune, Li Changsheng couldn't help being moved.

I took out my small notebook again, and made some changes to the taming guide on Jiugui Yangyu above.

It used to be Lei Tong Chuan Shen Bai Dai, but now Li Changsheng changed it to: beat down and cry twenty times.

Following this, he put away the small books, perhaps because his calm aura always gave his companions confidence, so when he came back to his senses.

Everyone calmly and calmly was surrounded by the people of Class S! After all, the number of people is indeed too many.

"Yamato, what should we do now?"

She glanced at Shiina Kyo who was standing beside her. At this moment, she was holding a longbow and was constantly destroying the people from Class S who were trying to attack Li Changsheng.

At the same time, as the squad leader of Class S, the hero of the Nine Ghosts was so excited that he probably felt that victory was just around the corner.

He took off his clothes directly, then wore a loincloth, waving his arms and shouting.

"The people in Class F are no longer good enough, let me completely defeat them!!"

This little brother, playing a game of children fighting in groups, it is very exciting.

Thinking of this, Li Changsheng looked at the pitiful loincloth of the Nine Ghost Heroes, with a look that could see through everything, with a hint of pity on his face:

"Oh, what a little brother."

What's the fat thing?

Seemingly substantive eyes, the Nine Ghost Heroes couldn't help but glance down.

Hiss~ It shouldn't be, although it is a loincloth, it is well covered, but why did you feel like you were being seen through just now?

Forget it, now is not the time to care about this at all. Thinking of this, he boosted his morale again!

"Victory is just around the corner, and the glory belongs to us! Don't fight those masters, stop them, then concentrate your superior forces and catch the squad leader of Class F first!"

Following the change in the trend of Class S, Li Changsheng still held his small notebook calmly.

But at this time, he still ordered Shiina Jing beside him, "Go protect the squad leader first, I'll be fine here."


Li Changsheng glanced at Kazuko Kawasami and Christiane who were in a hard fight. The two of them were beating those in Class S who wanted to catch the leader of Class F.

"They want to arrest the squad leader, I'm just a staff officer, it's fine, just listen to me." Seeing that the other party was still struggling, Li Changsheng knew that Shiina Jing loved him very much.

So, after a series of nasty thoughts flashed through his mind, he continued:

"Don't worry, I still have a secret weapon, so the people in Class S will definitely not dare to hurt me."

"Okay, but you must be careful." Out of trust in the object of her admiration, Shiina Kyo shot arrows and moved to cover in the direction of the squad leader.

As soon as Shiina Jing left, Li Changsheng turned around and took out a bag from the box beside him.

It's the kind of big sack, followed by opening the belt, and then let the Undead Chuan Xin out.

Immortal Chuan Xin was very embarrassed at this time. Because of being tied up, his skin was reddened by the rope.

Facing her eyes full of resentment, Li Changsheng secretly said sorry, in fact he was helpless.

And this also contained his good expectations for the immortal Sichuan heart. He put her in a bag with a strap, hoping that she could have a child with Li Changsheng in the future.

For a man to want a woman to give birth to him, so much trust!

"Bastard! The concubine will never let you go, woo..."

It's a pity that the immortal Chuan Xin didn't understand Li Changsheng's love for her, what a shame!

And this didn't affect Li Changsheng's actions, anyway, sooner or later Immortal Chuan Xin would understand, and he pulled Immortal Chuan Xin up.

"You guys from Class S, listen, Miss Chuanxin has been captured by me. If you don't want her to have an accident, you'd better surrender to me obediently!"

After hearing this, the first person to turn back was Kazuko Kawasaki. She was so stupid that she was almost slashed by an enemy in front of her with a knife.

At the same time, Christiane had a face full of disbelief, and took the time to yell at Li Changsheng:

"Yamato! How can you do such a chivalrous thing, it's so unethical!"

After hearing this, Chuan Xin was also extremely aggrieved, and this guy Li Changsheng's hand had already begun to move towards the excessive place.

"You idiots, don't hurry up and stop, haven't you seen your concubine being caught?!"

I have to say that some people from Class S were really stunned when they saw Undying Chuan Xin, after all, they all messed with this eldest lady.

"Haha! Bing is not tired of cheating, but it's useless to me!" Jiugui Hero didn't care about the immortal Chuan Xin at all, waved his hand directly, and urged again.