MTL - This Ninja is Obviously Not Strong, But He Kills Too Much-Chapter 15 be my son?

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Sinomiya Qingyu slept very comfortably all night without a word. He originally liked to sleep in an extremely quiet and dim environment, because he couldn't feel the passage of time, and it was the best time to be on vacation.

The only fly in the ointment is that this broken place doesn't even have a pillow, so I'm panicking.

I don't know how long he slept, but when he opened his eyes, a tall ninja wearing a Konoha forehead stood in front of him and scrutinized him.

Qing Yu was startled, but before he could say anything, he heard the man in front of him slowly open his mouth and say, "Are you Si Gong Qing Yu?"

Qing Yu nodded and said in his heart, "Don't you ask this knowingly."

"You're ruthless when you're young, you'll pay for it, and you've got a bad temper... Forget it, come with me."

Qing Yu knew that the person who went to investigate his past should have passed the information back, and his every move during this time was indeed watched by the people in the dark, but he didn't know how to arrange him now.

Following the tall ninja all the way out, Qingyu could see the fearful eyes of many people. It must be that what happened last night had already spread. Now that he was taken away, he should be very lucky.

He didn't care about this at all. He wasn't here to make friends anyway. He always kept in mind that he was an undercover agent. He was here to do things. To deal with him, that dog system will have to pull him to self-destruct together!

"Master, it's so difficult, alas!"

"I'll take people away."

The middle-aged aunt's eyes are not eyes, and her nose is not a nose. She glanced at Shinomiya Qingyu in disgust, and said angrily, "Hurry up and take this troublemaker away."

The tall ninja didn't say anything, just walked forward.

But Qing Yu turned around and raised a **** to show respect to the middle-aged aunt who locked him up.

If it wasn't for the dog system not releasing the mission this time, or he would have to rush up and spit her saliva!

The punishment method of confinement in the orphanage is really too much. It seems that Konoha is not as majestic as it looks. Even if there are no Danzo people, such nasty things are absolutely indispensable!

"Although Hokage-sama wants me to adopt you and educate you as a talent, I would like to hear your thoughts."

The tall ninja suddenly stopped, turned to look at Qing Yu and said.

Qing Yu was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect the other party to say that, and he didn't expect that someone had already arranged his future life.

Maybe someone else would agree. After all, there is no child who does not yearn for the warmth of a family, let alone suddenly come to a strange place.

But he is different. He originally came for other purposes. Being adopted will only implicate more innocent people, and suddenly there are multiple fathers, and he feels awkward in his heart.

So he refused without hesitation.

"I can live very well by myself, so let's forget it. You are probably not satisfied with this decision, so you asked me like this."

A hint of surprise flashed in the eyes of the tall ninja, but he didn't expect his mind to be seen through by a 5-year-old child.

But he had to admit that the kid was right. Although his child was sacrificed on the battlefield, he was unwilling to continue his bloodline in this way, even though he was just an ordinary special Jōnin, and this kid seemed to have Somewhat special talent.

"You're right, I don't want to adopt you, it's just not easy to refuse, but I still want to remind you, do you know what your choice means? I can give you another chance to choose."

"No, I don't want to call someone who's never masked my father. But I've done you such a big favor, can you do me a favor too?"

"Huh? You talk about it first."

"I don't want to go back to the orphanage and I don't want to be adopted again, so can you help me find a place to live?"

The tall ninja was stunned for a moment, suddenly remembered the experience of seeing him in the confinement room before, and then sighed, although these things are not under his control, some people still go too far, it seems that it is necessary to mention it to Naruto-sama. for a moment.

"Are you sure you want to live alone? In fact, I can help you find a family that is willing to adopt you and treat you well."

"Don't, don't, you also said that my personality is too bad. If anyone adopts me, it will be bad luck."

Thinking of this kid's violent tendencies, the tall ninja was speechless and had some headaches.

"Come with me."

. . . . . . . . . . . .

After a while, the two came to a house in a civilian area.

The tall ninja opened the door and walked in, "Just live here first, I will report your affairs to the superiors, but I can't guarantee the result. In addition, there is some money here, which can be regarded as living expenses for the past few days. A little compensation."

After speaking, the tall ninja left the money and keys behind, and then turned to leave.

It seems that everything here makes him a little emotional, and he doesn't want to stay longer.

"Wait a minute, I still don't know who you are?"

Qing Yu suddenly thought that he didn't know who the other party was or what his name was.

"Just call me Mikawa Shangren, and I will come again when the results come out. Don't run around or cause trouble during this time."


Or a ninja?

After the other party left, Qing Yu was a little confused. Because of the name, he didn't have any impression at all. It seemed that he was a ninja with a trick, or a kind of unknown.

After all, there are so many ninjas in the Naruto world, and he can remember the names of those with familiar faces.

In addition, after coming to this world, apart from the familiar villains Madara, Obito, Bai Jue, and Hei Jue that he met at the very beginning, he actually never met a person who could name a person in Konoha Village. However, it seems that ninjas and ordinary civilians really belong to two different worlds.

But after getting the identity, it should not happen again.

While thinking about it, he looked at the environment here. It was a private dwelling of about 30 square meters. The place was not big, but it was not messy. It seemed that no one had lived in it for a long time, and the house was covered with dust.

"It seems that the main job today is to clean up this place well."

After deciding what he was going to do for a while, he opened the wallet left by Mikawa Kamijin, and counted the living expenses in it.

A whole thousand and two!

EMMMMMMM... What is the price of Naruto World?

He vaguely remembered that "Book of Soldiers" recorded that 1 tael was equal to 10 yen, and the price level was similar to that of the Neon Kingdom before crossing the border. He remembered only a few dozen taels of ramen from Yile Ramen, absolutely not. more than one hundred taels.

If you calculate it like this, the purchasing power of this thousand taels is OK!

Qing Yu silently praised Mikawa Kaminin!

(PS: Uh, I just finished complaining yesterday, but today I came to sign the contract and the station was short, and the ramen editor also replied to me, didn’t it say that I didn’t go to work until the 10th? This is early? I’m like a club! I hope everyone uses it Recommended tickets, collections and investments to comfort the poor old faceless~)