MTL - This Omega is Fierce and Wild-Chapter 111 narrow road

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Qiu Yu really didn't expect that Mu Feibai's birthday gift to him was actually to take him to a very famous brand cake shop in the seventh star district in the east - to make cakes by himself.

This cake shop is a long-established chain, because the business content is relatively close to the people, the store is not located in the most prosperous area of ​​the city, but is close to the residential area where the locals live.

This residential area is adjacent to a large river, and even the foundations of some houses are deeply embedded in the river. There are no dazzling holographic projections and various projected lights on the surrounding streets. The evening night is illuminated by warm street lamps. Along the street are rows of shops with traditional neon signs. The colorful lights reflect the sparkling water on the river, which is quite interesting.

Some young children who had just finished school walked by in school uniforms, chirping and discussing something, which caused a series of laughter from their companions.

"How about it, does it feel like a place where human beings live?" Seeing Qiu Yu looking at the surrounding environment, Mu Feibai smiled, "Like the central city, it always feels flashy and has no 'popularity'."

"I'm not looking at people." Unexpectedly, Qiu Yu said, "The street layout here is too different from the first star district. It's a bit messy, and there are many narrow alleys. It always feels a bit..."

Mu Feibai smiled and popularized science: "Because this is an old city built a long time ago. There were more or less such places on the early natural planets. In fact, our first star area also has them. They are all left over from the early stage of interstellar expansion. At that time The climate modification technology is far less powerful than it is now, and the first group of people who immigrated to the new planet can only live in fortress cities with tight protection, and space resources are too scarce, so the streets are built so narrow."

Qiu Yu frowned, and looked away from those dark alleys, and fell on the camera of the city patrol system hanging high beside him, and the worry that had been inexplicably raised in his heart slowly dissipated.

Mu Feibai caught Qiu Yu's gaze, put his arms around his shoulders, and comforted him: "Don't worry, although there are a large group of gamblers in the seventh star district in the east, the law and order is still okay. Those who run casinos and control the entire The chaebols in this city want the city to be stable and safe more than the tourists, and they can make more money only if it is stable and safe. Besides, we haven’t messed with those big chaebols, what are we afraid of?”

"Well, I know." Qiu Yu took a deep breath, "It's my own problem."

Xu is a habit brought from the wasteland of the last days. When faced with such an environment full of narrow alleys, he will unconsciously tense up. This habit is difficult to change, just like he will be vigilant when facing too dense crowd, especially when many eyes in the crowd are on him.

However, after playing games for so long and being a "public figure" for so long, he has gradually learned to ignore the gazes of people around him, so that he will no longer be so nervous trying to draw his gun as when he was surrounded by the media for the first time. .

Mu Feibai embraced Qiu Yu, but his feet stopped suddenly.

"If you don't like this place, we can go back now." He said, "I can ask the master to prepare the cake and send it to the hotel."

Qiu Yu turned his head and looked at the window next to him—the window was brightly lit, and there were several exquisitely carved multi-layered cakes, decorated with beautiful balloons and flowers, and in the center was a floral LOGO written with golden glitter.

"It's already here." Qiu Yu said with a smile, "It's better to come according to your arrangement."

As he spoke, he took Mu Feibai's hand and opened the store door first.

It must have taken Mu Feibai a lot of effort to contact this kind of time-honored cake shop that relies on word of mouth, and let the other party allow a novice like them with no baking foundation to enter the back kitchen.

Qiu Yu didn't want to let Mu Feibai's plan for him fall through because of his habitual vigilance against complex environments.

Since Qiu Yu and Mu Feibai are both beginners in baking, and there is not enough time for one night, the embryos for making cakes are actually the finished products directly provided by the store. They only need to use cream, fruit and various decorations together Sugar is enough to dress up the cake.

This process is actually not too difficult. At the beginning, I couldn't grasp the properties of the cream, and the two made the scene a bit chaotic. But later, Qiu Yu quickly mastered the details of the strength of handling the cream, and slowly, spread the cream on the surface of the cake. It was very flat, and even followed the teaching video provided by Mu Feibai, and framed a few full-shaped roses.

"You are really talented." Mu Feibai looked at the cake that was gradually taking shape in the hands of the two, and said with a smile, "You can draw, and you can learn how to decorate cakes so quickly... Even if you don't play games in the future, you will definitely be able to Find something you like to do and do it well.”

"Well," Qiu Yu was not modest, "I think so too."

Mu Feibai just laughed, pinched an unused strawberry, and handed it to Qiu Yu's mouth.

Qiu Yu took the strawberry away with his hand, but in the next second, Mu Feibai pinched his chin and pecked at the corner of his mouth.

After the cake was ready, Mu Feibai took a selfie with Qiu Yu with the floating lens, and then packed the cake they made with their own hands, and prepared to take it back to the League Hotel to share with his teammates, and have a birthday party by the way.

The night of this natural planet is very long, and it is completely dark now, but it is actually only dinner time. The aroma of the food floated from the surrounding dwellings, lingering in the narrow ancient alleys, and immediately made the scenery here more human-like.

Mu Feibai held the cake in one hand, and wrapped Qiu Yu's shoulder in the other, and asked in a low voice, "Are you still afraid of these streets?"

Qiu Yu laughed: "I'm not afraid. It's just that when walking on such a complicated terrain, I'm a little vigilant subconsciously..."

As he was speaking, his voice suddenly stopped, and his footsteps also stopped abruptly.

Mu Feibai didn't understand, so he said, "Huh?"

But Qiu Yu suddenly broke away from his embrace, stretched out his hand to hold his arm, and led him into the path on the other side with a sullen expression.


"Hush." ​​Qiu Yu interrupted Mu Feibai's question, listened carefully for a while, and then frowned.

The surrounding area was extremely quiet, and Mu Feibai finally heard the movement.

It was a series of dull and rhythmic footsteps, a large number of people gathered from all directions, almost surrounding the two people's positions.

who is it? Is it against them?

This is not right, have they provoked any big shots in the Eastern Seventh Sector? !

Mu Feibai was shocked and held Qiu Yu's hand tightly.

Qiu Yu moved his fingertips in Mu Feibai's palm, and tapped out the simple command to enter the electromagnetic silence in the game. Mu Feibai immediately understood, and also responded by tapping.

Then the two of them stepped lightly in a tacit understanding, and walked around towards the same alley, trying to sneak away from the encirclement of those footsteps.

However, it is a pity that this is not a battlefield that any of them are familiar with.

On the contrary, their enemies knew everything about it.

Just when Qiu Yu turned a corner with Mu Feibai, they finally met with the visitor.

Qiu Yu subconsciously raised his head to look at the camera of the city patrol system hanging above the street, and quickly turned his gaze back to the several strong men standing in front of the two of them.

These people obviously belonged to the Consent Force, wearing uniforms and badges on their chests. Just by looking at the way the other party walks, Qiu Yu can tell that these people are actually professionally trained.

"Golden Wing Group?" Mu Feibai recognized the badges on these people's chests, and was even more puzzled, "We haven't even been in your casino, everyone, did we find the wrong target?"

The Golden Wing Group is one of the most dominant chaebols in the Eastern Seventh Star District. It operates several traditional businesses, such as chess, horse racing, and boxing. The robot fighting that the Eagle Cavalry team went to watch out of curiosity before belonged to another company's business field. And they only watched the game the whole time, and never touched a bet at all.

It can be said that no matter whether it is Mu Feibai or Qiu Yu, after they came to the seventh star region in the east, they have never had even the slightest contact with any force of the Golden Wing Group.

Faced with such an absurd situation, Mu Feibai believes that the possibility of the other party finding the wrong target is the greatest.

The Golden Wing Group is a business consortium. Although there are many debt collectors under its management, it is not a criminal organization after all. Therefore, if the two parties have no interests involved, even if there was a misunderstanding before, it should be reasonable. .

But Qiu Yu had already started to accumulate strength in secret, and observed all possible directions of escape.

He was too sensitive to the killing breath, and he could clearly feel that those who surrounded them were definitely a group of people who had really seen blood.

—So, absolutely cannot be controlled by the opponent.

This extremely firm thought came to Qiu Yu's heart heavily.

At this moment, one of the people blocking Mu Feibai and Qiu Yu at the entrance of the alley raised his hand.

Soon, two other people came over with a bunch of things, slammed him to the ground in front of Qiu Yu, and then grabbed his hair and forced him to look up at Qiu Yu.

Mu Feibai and Qiu Yu were shocked at the same time seeing the man's face clearly by the light of the street lamp.

Was it the thief who was kicked out by the store that night?

Mu Feibai was a little confused.

He is Xu Qingqing's stepbrother.

Qiu Yu's heart sank suddenly.

Immediately after that, the thing spoke, with a hysterical scream: "It's him! Yes, yes, it's him! I'm not mistaken! Yes, he knows my sister! They lived together before! My sister is still here!" He appeared in the birthday support! They definitely still have contact! You ask him, he can definitely find my sister! You ask him, ask him! Ask him—where is Xu Qingqing?!"

Qiu Yu's face was expressionless, and his eyes didn't even fluctuate.

However...Mu Feibai has never experienced such a scene after all, when he heard the word "Xu Qingqing", he subconsciously grabbed Qiu Yu's hand. He knew this person because Qiu Yu invited him to attend the other party's wedding together after the game.

Xu Qingqing's elder brother actually messed with the Gold Wing Group?

Have a gambling debt?

How much is owed so that the debt collectors of the Golden Wing Group can chase it to this extent? !

Mu Feibai wanted to turn his head to look at Qiu Yu, but he suddenly realized something, forced his heart to tremble, and finally did not make any movements.

It's a pity that it's too late.

After all, what he was facing was a master interrogator from the debt collection team of the Golden Wing Group. Just a tiny movement had already exposed the fact that he knew the name "Xu Weiwei".

Several well-trained debt collectors around had begun to tighten their siege. Perhaps considering that Mu Feibai was an Alpha, they adjusted their positions and focused most of their attention on this threatening opponent.

The leader on the opposite side had a weak tone: "Two, please come with us..."

No one expected that, before he finished speaking, the only Oga in the field actually took the lead.