MTL - This Star is Legal But Sick-Chapter 459 This song is hot on my tongue

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Chapter 459 This song is so hot.

  After this video of Xu Ye was posted, netizens were confused.

 “Is there an English version of this song? Are you kidding me?”

  “I really can’t imagine what the English version of this song sounds like.”

“Since there is an English version, why not just release the single?”

 Netizens are really confused.

In today's Chinese music scene, almost no singers would write an English song. This is completely unnecessary, just like there is no need for Chinese online novel authors to write novels in English.

If Xu Ye wanted to prove his English proficiency, there was no need to use this method.

 The situation is obvious.

 Xu Ye gave the big guy another big lump.

This time it was just after the album was released that Xu Ye became more normal.

 Not only in terms of sales, but also in terms of playing time and popularity, it will be a complete failure.

  The song "The Love Is Unavoidable" is not Xu Ye's trump card in this album at all.

 The one who is different from the patients is Yuan Xuwen.

 He did not expect that his previous guess was actually true.

 The comment area is quite lively. Everyone is very familiar with Xu Ye. Don’t expect anything good to come out of Xu Ye’s mouth.

 He has already won the Best Male Singer, so the music world’s requirements for him must be higher.

Every song of his is a hit song.

 “Come on, someone, is this video worth watching?”

But even though they knew that Xu Ye was bringing a pile of **** in front of them, everyone still couldn't help it.

 Now Yuan Xuwen is completely resting on his laurels.

 Except for the sixth song "Lang's Temptation", it gives people a slightly different feeling.

Yuan Xuwen leaned on the office chair and sighed in his heart: "Why are you so good at writing?"

 If he is handsome many times, he will reward himself with a perverted one.

At the time, he was still wondering why there was no title song in Xu Ye's album. It turned out that there was no need for a title song at all.

 A line of words appeared on the screen.

 Yuan Xuwen has not dealt with Xu Ye many times. This album competition is the first time he has had a serious confrontation with Xu Ye.

 Singer's albums are not only listened to by ordinary listeners, but also by professional music critics.

  These songs by Xu Ye have no problem in terms of emotion and popularity.

“Don’t hesitate, it’s not the first time for us to see the dean, go in and see it quickly, I can’t wait!”

“English version? Wrong! Xu’s English version!”

It can be said that if he had not released the album "Spirits" and it had been replaced by another singer, he would have lost by now.

These days, the popularity of Xu Ye’s new songs is also related to these operations.

 No matter what the final result is, he can accept it.

Then he clicked the play button and the video started playing.

“I have to say that Xu Ye really found a new way in publicity. No normal person would have thought of these methods.”

 Singer: Xu Ye.

Yuan Xuwen didn’t think about it anymore. Anyway, he will know when the new song is released next week.

This video is not an MV, it is just a video showing the lyrics.

“Only false patient numbers linger at the door, while the real patient number has already entered.”

 Yuan Xuwen looked at his phone, which displayed Xu Ye’s latest Weibo post.

“The biggest problem now is that Xu Ye’s album doesn’t have the kind of song that makes people in the music industry immediately admire it when they hear it. There shouldn’t be such a song anymore, right?”

 These songs in Xu Ye’s album are also quite normal.

As Xu Ye’s new songs continue to be released, there is not much difference in data between Yuan Xuwen’s album “Liquor” and Xu Ye’s album “Philharmonic”.

However, Xu Ye has produced works of the same style before, so Yuan Xuwen is not surprised.

"Lang's Temptation is a piece of national pop style. It is similar to Xu Ye's previous "Free Flying", the most dazzling national style. So the English version of this song will most likely be a re-arrangement, and the lyrics will be written in English. Possible guarantee of what the song was originally intended to express.”

 It’s enough for other singers, but Xu Ye is different.

 English version of "The Temptation of Lang".

 But as we all know, Xu Ye will reward himself.

  Yuan Xuwen made an analysis in his mind.

 The patients finally clicked on the video.

 The rhythmic melody came from the mobile phone, and Yuan Xuwen's legs began to shake involuntarily.

 At the end of the prelude, Xu Ye's singing voice sounded, and at the same time, both Chinese and English lyrics also appeared in the video screen.

 “Wife, you won’t be hurt…”

As soon as the first line of the lyrics sounded, Yuan Xuwen was shocked and his eyes widened.

 “What the **** is this?”

  The first line of lyrics belonging to a male voice in "Lang's Temptation" is "Lady, you will not gethurt~"

  Interspersed with a female voice’s “aha”.

As a result, in the English version, you literally translated it!

 Chinese to English, English to Chinese, right?

God **** you can't get hurt!

 The singing continues.

 After Xu Ye repeated the first sentence, it came to the main song part.

Yuan Xuwen used to live in Xiangjiang, and his English level is very good.

 Who doesn’t know how to literally translate lyrics? But the problem is that your melody and rhythm are already fixed. Literally translated lyrics from other languages ​​cannot match the original rhythm.

 The lyrics of the main song of "Lang's Temptation" are quite complicated.

 “I don’t believe you still translate it literally next time!” Yuan Xuwen said in his heart.

 However, the next lyrics soon appeared on the screen.


 The Chinese equivalent of this lyric is "I really want to sing a love song and watch the most beautiful fireworks~"

 Xu Ye’s singing voice also rushed into Yuan Xuwen’s ears along with the lyrics.

At this moment, Yuan Xuwen was completely speechless.

 He thought of many ways to translate this sentence, but he never expected that Xu Ye chose the simplest method.

Your **** literal translation!

Didn’t you feel that the lyrics were burning your mouth when you sang this line?

 Hey guys, there are only eleven sounds in Chinese, but there are more than eleven words in English.

Xu Ye’s mouth was like a machine gun, and he finished singing this English sentence in a sudden burst.

 “You’re **** sick!”

Yuan Xuwen complained directly.

 The singing continues.


 Looking at this literal translation into English, Yuan Xuwen felt a headache.

"Wandering in the city, my heart trembles for love, is this how you translate it? Translation must be honest and elegant, you are just a light translator!"

 As a result, the further he listened, the more Yuan Xuwen felt.

Especially because the English sentence is too long, Xu Ye's mouth clicks to finish the entire sentence, which is as high as possible.

 Not long after, the song reached the chorus.

 “Itwashusband\'stamptation, thatmademesingalovesong~”

Yuan Xuwen couldn't help laughing when he saw the English translation of this sentence.

 “This is the translation, I can’t say it’s wrong, but I always feel like there’s something wrong with it.”

This English sounds like a strong Chinese flavor.

 To sum up, it is similar to "youngforyou".

 What Yuan Xuwen didn't expect was that Xu Ye actually translated the rap part of "Lang's Temptation" into English.

This song is very exciting to listen to. After listening to the whole song, Yuan Xuwen sighed: "What a talent!"

 He ​​has a hunch that this English version will become popular on the Internet for a while, and it will also boost the sales of Xu Ye's album.

 This is outrageous.

 “If I ask myself, even if my songs were translated literally, I would be embarrassed to sing them.”

Yuan Xuwen exited the video playback interface and chose to forward Xu Ye’s Weibo post.

 The Weibo account he uses is not his small account, but his large account.

Yuan Xuwen now sees that Xu Ye's things are not hidden at all, but go directly to the large size.

 He typed a line of text in the input box.

“Xu Ye, doesn’t your mouth hurt when you sing so fast?”

 Finally, Yuan Xuwen also added a laughing emoticon, and then forwarded this Weibo post.

Most of Yuan Xuwen’s fans are relatively normal. After seeing that Yuan Xuwen actually forwarded Xu Ye’s Weibo, everyone also clicked in to take a look.

At this sight, everyone was dumbfounded.

“Teacher Yuan, you are also a bad student. Isn’t this song just torturing people?”

“I don’t know if this translation is correct or not. I just know that something is wrong with me now.”

“Is Xu Ye like this now or has he always been like this?”

Yuan Xuwen’s fans have never seen such a scene.

 Xu Ye’s fans are different.

After hearing this song, the patients in Huohua Hospital felt that their condition was relieved.

 “What a good song, what a good song, it’s like listening to fairy music and your ears are ringing for a while!”

 “It’s great, I’ve always been lonely, after listening to this song I’m not lonely anymore, I finally cracked!”

“We Chinese people must have our own English and we must not be choked by foreigners!”

“The dean is so rigorous. He even knows how to translate English into Chinese. I am already in tears.”

“I have passed the professional level eight in English. I know every word in it, but I can’t understand any of them together.”

“@安城大学, take care of your students!”

The comment area was already abuzz, and many people even directly @Anseong University.

Although Xu Ye is no longer a student at Anseong University, netizens don’t care about this.

 Anseong University must bear the main responsibility.

The students who managed the official WeChat account of Anseong University were also a little confused and quickly reported the incident to Qin Haobo, a teacher at the school’s New Media Center.

 Qin Haobo had dealt with Xu Ye last year. After Xu Ye sang "Young For You", he asked students to organize a cover of the song.

Anseong University’s official WeChat account promoted this cover activity, and many universities followed suit and even became a hot search topic.

Qin Haobo quickly went to listen to the English version of this song by Xu Ye.

 He also fell silent after listening.

Sitting at his desk, Qin Haobao sighed.

“It’s been a year since the song “Yang Buddha Oil”, and Xu Ye’s English level has declined instead of improving.”

Anseong University wants to shirk the blame, but it still can’t.

 Because Xu Ye took a break from school after studying for one year.

Anseong University’s official WeChat comment area now also has a large number of melon-eating netizens gathered.

This cannot be ignored.

 After all, it is a wave of traffic, and you have to respond accordingly.

Qin Haobo contacted Xu Ye's counselor and found out more about the situation. Qin Haobo felt relieved.

  He logged into his official WeChat account on his mobile phone and posted a Weibo post.

“Xu Ye, a 2014 student of our school, has completed his two-year suspension and has not restored his student status. His student status has expired and will be automatically revoked. Therefore, Xu Ye is no longer a student of our Anseong University [dog head]!”

This Weibo was originally a Weibo that Qin Haobo came up with on a whim.

 But what is said here is also true.

A break from university can only last for two years at most. Xu Ye has indeed expired and has no choice but to come back to school.

No one thought about Xu Ye going to school anymore. He went to school to work and earn money. Xu Ye had already made a name for himself in the entertainment industry, so why would he come back to school.

  In the comment area of ​​Weibo, netizens were excited.

 “I’m laughing so hard, the dean’s student status is gone!”

“The dean bravely entered the entertainment industry, but he couldn’t go back to school!”

“This is a great trick. You no longer have a student status and have nothing to do with our school!”

“As expected of Anseong University, which has trained deans, this operation is six!”

 “@Xuye, stop wandering, your home is gone!”

 Xu Ye was also confused when he saw the Weibo post from Anseong University.

 He is ruthless!

So heartless!

 Now he has become a star who never went to college.

 Xu Ye has never cared about whether he goes back to school or not. He went to college in his previous life and has already experienced college life, so he has no other ideas.

  But there is a difference between not going up and not being able to go up.

 Xu Ye quickly commented on this Weibo post.

“Once you are a student of Anseong University, you will always be a student of Anseong University!”

 After posting this comment, Xu Ye called his school counselor Ma Qiang.

He doesn't have much contact with Ma Qiang on weekdays. Ma Qiang will only notify him if something happens at school.

This counselor took good care of him. When he was maliciously smeared by a competitor on "Tomorrow's Superstars", Ma Qiang directly contacted the school leaders and helped him.

 Xu Ye happened to have something to do and wanted to ask Ma Qiang for help.

The call was answered quickly.

Ma Qiang smiled and said, "Hello, big star."

"Teacher Ma, you are too polite. I would like to ask if my student status is really gone?" Xu Ye asked.

"This is also a national regulation. The students who are on the same level as you are now in their senior year, and we can't make arrangements for you. You don't have to come back to school, right?" Ma Qiang said.

Xu Ye said seriously: "I still yearn for campus life."

Ma Qiang immediately said: "The campus doesn't yearn for you."

 After chatting with Ma Qiang for a while, Xu Ye brought the topic to the main topic.

“Teacher Ma, do you know any seniors who are now running a game company?”

Ma Qiang thought for a while and said: "There is a senior who has opened a game company in Ancheng, but it is not large. Why do you ask?"

“I have something to ask, Teacher Ma, please help me get in touch.” Xu Ye said.

“Okay, I’ll contact you then. I’ll send you my contact information after I say hello.”

 After hanging up the phone, Xu Ye read the online discussions.

 The English version of "Lang's Temptation" is indeed a hit, which has also boosted the popularity of the regular version of the song.

By the next day, on Penguin Music, the sales of the album "Philharmonic" had exceeded two million.

 Marketing accounts also quickly spread the news.

 Now, Xu Ye’s album sales are on par with Yuan Xuwen’s.

This album competition is coming to an end.

 On the other side, Ma Qiang sent the senior’s contact information to Xu Ye.

 The reason why he wanted to find a game company was not because Xu Ye planned to enter the game industry.

 The game industry in China is too deep for him to grasp.

 Looking for a game company, mainly to do some linkage with "Wan Wan Wan Fang".

  "Unexpectedly" will be finished soon. The post-production work of this drama will not take too much time, and it will be broadcast soon.

 The publicity work is about to start. There is a game, and Xu Ye plans to make it.

 In the spirit of keeping the good news from outsiders, we simply asked the counselors to find alumni.

 (End of this chapter)