MTL - This Text Adventure Game is Absolutely Toxic-Chapter 13 I have a friend……

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  Chapter 13 I have a friend...

  Listening to Xiaoya's voice outside the door, Mu You wiped his face to remove the skin of the beaten man.

   After looking in the mirror and confirming that his appearance and clothes had returned to their original state, Mu You went to open the door.

   "Boss, the hamsters are all booked, should we go again...uh!"

  The door opened, and Xiaoya was standing at the door, talking, when she looked up and saw Mu You, she was stunned.

   "Boss, how long have you not slept, the dark circles under your eyes are so heavy!" Xiaoya looked at Mu You with a strange expression.

   "Huh? Is there?"

  Mu You touched his face, thinking it was weird, the skin should have been replaced... Could it be that the dark circles under the eyes still remain after the skin is removed?


  Xiaoya nodded her head heavily: "Boss, you really are under too much pressure, right? Don't worry, our store has recovered, and it will definitely not go bankrupt!"


   Mu You couldn't laugh or cry, and changed the subject, "What did you just say? The rats are all sold out."

When talking about this, Xiaoya's face danced with excitement: "Yes, all the hamsters have been reserved! In addition, there are four chinchillas, seven rabbits, three canaries, and six carps. ..." Xiaoya pricked her fingers and counted them one by one.

"so much?"

   This speed surprised Mu You too.

   hurriedly followed Xiaoya downstairs to have a look.

   Sure enough, more than half of the cages in the hamster area were empty, and the remaining cages were all labeled with names and phone numbers by customers.

  The popularity of these trained pets is beyond imagination!

   "Boss, what should we do next? Shall we go to the pet care base to order another batch of pets?" Xiaoya asked.

   "This...not for now."

  Mu You shook his head after thinking about it.

  Although he only needs to wave his wand to train pets, and it takes only ten minutes before and after, but he doesn't want to be too miraculous. He trains two or three pets a day.

  Now that so many pets are booked at once, it is enough for him to train for a long time.

  Besides, the popularity of the store is too fast, and it will take a period of word-of-mouth fermentation.

"Oh, okay."

  Xiaoya just asked casually, seeing that Muyou had no intentions, she didn't mention it again, and then hurriedly ran to the pet products area to greet the guests.

  Now Xiaoya is the only employee in the store. Usually, there is not much traffic when there are few people. Today, when there are more people, the shortcoming of understaffing is exposed. She has to do the work of three or four people by herself.

   "Should we recruit more staff..."

  Looking at Xiaoya's busy figure, Mu You rubbed his chin in thought.

   "If you need to order pets, you can go to this nursery base." At this time, a voice sounded next to it.

   Turning his head, he saw that it was Zhao Qian, the beautiful veterinarian from before, who was standing aside and handed him a business card.

   Mu You took the business card and took a look: Zhao xx, the person in charge of the Times Cute Pet Breeding Base.

   "Cute pet of the times? Do you know the person in charge of this base?"

   Mu You looked at Zhao Qian in surprise.

  Time Mengpet is a well-known pet breeding base in the country. The pets produced are of high quality and cheap, and they are well-known in the pet circle. But Times Cute Pets is very strict about the selection of supply direction, and many big pet stores have no way to buy goods.

  Mu You has also applied for purchase channels from Times Cute Pet many times, but unfortunately they were all rejected.

   Unexpectedly, at this moment, Zhao Qian casually took out the business card of the person in charge of Times Cute Pets.

   By the way, the person in charge is also surnamed Zhao, so maybe...

   "This base is my family's property."

   Sure enough, what Zhao Qian said confirmed Mu You's guess.

"I see…"

   "Actually, I'm curious, how are your pets trained?" Seeing the other party accepting the business card, Zhao Qian asked.

  She stayed in the store all morning and saw with her own eyes how amazing the pets in the display area were. She has no doubt that even if these pets are directly brought to the international pet competition, they are all at the level of winning prizes.

   She wouldn't be surprised if these pets appeared in the hands of a well-known pet trainer, but they happened to be in such a small pet shop, and there were quite a few of them...

   "Sorry, this is a commercial secret, no comment." Mu You said immediately.

  He himself has not passed the pet training certificate, but his parents have. Both of his parents are serious professional pet trainers, and there are not a few pets who have been trained in the past few years.

  Mu You had already thought about it from the very beginning, and whenever someone asked him how to train pets, he would always blame his parents.

   Sure enough, Zhao Qian didn't have the nerve to continue asking after hearing the words. They had already made it clear that this was a commercial secret, and she would not know how to flatter her if she continued to ask.

  Stayed here all morning, Zhao Qian is also preparing to leave at this time.

But before leaving, she suddenly turned her head to look at Mu You, looked him up and down, and then asked: "Actually, I still can't understand, is there really a person in this world who is naturally friendly with animals? "

  Although Mu You didn't tell her how to train pets, she can still feel that being able to train pets to this level has nothing to do with the means of training pets, and the more important thing is 'talent'.

But she is a top student who graduated from the Veterinary Medicine major. The textbooks have always told her that in the eyes of animals, there is no essential difference between people. There are only differences in acquired behavior and smell. There is no natural closeness to a certain animal. individual. But everything that happened today seems to be contrary to her inherent cognition.

   "There is no unexplainable thing in this world, and now we can't explain it because we don't know enough." Mu You said with a smile.

  He thought of the few magics he had learned. From the perspective of people who don't understand magic, magic must be a very magical thing, which cannot be explained by science at all.

But after actually using magic, Mu You felt that magic is a very complicated and forbidden system, which has its own complete logic chain and internal theorems, only because this system is contrary to the existing scientific system of human beings. rendered incomprehensible to humans.

  He believes that one day in the future, as more and more people step into that world and learn more and more magic, magic is like magic, and it will eventually be fully understood by humans.

  Zhao Qian lost her mind when she heard the words, stared at Mu You's face for a long time, and then said in surprise: "You look like a friend to me..."


   "Yes, she also said this to me...and you even speak in the same tone!" Zhao Qian sighed.

   Mu You's eyes lit up: "What does your friend do? Also a veterinarian?"

  Zhao Qian immediately understood what he meant, rolled her eyes and said: "Don't make up your mind about this, my friend is a top student with a doctorate in animal medicine, and he went abroad four years ago..."

  Zhao Qian didn't go on, but the meaning is already very clear. Is it appropriate for a talent of this level to work in a little-known pet shop?

  (end of this chapter)