MTL - This Text Adventure Game is Absolutely Toxic-Chapter 261 Pandaren Travel

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  Chapter 261 Pandaren Tour

  【Eric felt a little guilty about your rejection, and asked what reward you want. Are you ready to reply...]

  【You reply him, you need 1000 reputation. 】

  【Eric categorically rejected your lion's big mouth! 】

   Mu You finally seized an opportunity to pluck the wool, and planned to take advantage of this wave to complete the prestige task directly, but it really wasn't that easy.

[Eric looked at you with a tangled face, hesitated for a long time before speaking again, and gave a new reward: 400 prestige for clearing the rat nest in the winding mountain pass, plus a mouse ear can be exchanged for an extra prestige with him, This is his bottom line! 】

   "It's really stingy..."

Mu You sighed secretly, thinking back in the forest of elves, he would give dozens of reputation points for killing any trolls, but only a little for one here... It can only be said that this race is really xenophobic, allowing outsiders to gain reputation from them. The benefits are as uncomfortable as cutting meat.

   But now after all, the other party is in a hurry, and he is not in a hurry, so Mu You decided to continue wrangling.

  【You indicate that you can accept this reward, but the other party also needs to agree to two conditions. 】

  【First, the mouse ears you get in the future can also be exchanged for a little prestige with him. 】

  【Second, you need to bring some people over to help, and you need the convenience of the other party. 】

[Eric was even more hesitant after hearing your conditions, but considering the speed at which the Ratmen were multiplying outside the city, he finally agreed to your conditions, but made some restrictions on your conditions: it must be within the territory of the Sun Elf Only the Ratmen you kill can be exchanged for reputation; the manpower you bring cannot exceed four, and you need to be a guarantee. Any trouble caused by the manpower you bring will be borne by you. 】

  The other party imposed restrictions on his conditions, but the result was acceptable. Anyway, this task has become a long-term task, and he can come to him for a long time in the future.

  By the way, Mu You also won a few qualifications to walk in the Sunlight Elves.

  This qualification is actually quite valuable. Many people cannot break into the Sunlight Elf Clan because there is no way out. Even if they sneak in, they will only be driven away as intruders.

   With this qualification, the invited person can enter the territory of the Sun Elf openly, and as long as the reputation value is set to positive by doing tasks and other forms, there will be a chance to stay here for a long time in the future.

   After reaching an agreement with this NPC, Mu You immediately began to look for a small partner to start a black game.

  Both Lin Xue and Xiaoya responded to his call quickly. In addition, Mu You also specially called Lin Hai. His healing and shield abilities are quite useful for spawning this kind of wild monster dungeon.

  Both Lin Xue and Xiaoya were in the Forest of Elves, while Lin Hai was at the border of Erling, not far from the Forest of Elves. Mu You teleported back and rode a chocobo to pick up all three of them.

   "Master, you are so interesting!" Lin Hai was pulled over to play games late at night, but he was full of energy.

  The territory of the sun elves is rich in various fantasy creatures such as phoenixes, dragon eagles, and mana dragons. It is a place where many people can't get in even if they sharpen their heads. He was dragged in in a daze.

  It can be said that as long as he can gain a firm foothold here, as far as the business alliance is concerned, there will be a way to get started with many special products of the Sunlight Elf in the future, which is of great significance.

   "Have you prepared your lifespan? It will take a lot of stamina to kill these ratmen," Mu You said.

   In the case of forming a team, the consumption of action power will also be calculated as a whole.

  For example, now, when they form a team of four, Mu You's mobility is exhausted, but the other three have about 15 points each, adding up to a total of 43 mobility points. This is the mobility of their team.

  Their team acts collectively. Every time they encounter a battle on the way, every time the team makes an exploration option, and every time someone in the team dies, a little action power will be consumed. After the mobility is exhausted, four people will take turns kryptonite to keep the team running.

However, there is a very troublesome problem with this group of Ratmen right now, that is, these Ratmen will run away, and dealing with a Ratmen is often not a single battle. But it can only earn back one year of life, not to mention the physical strength consumed in the process of exploring the road.

  So, like their kryptonite spawning monsters, they will definitely suffer a loss in terms of lifespan. Of course, the rewards are high experience and materials.

  In general, it is equivalent to a process of exchanging lifespan for experience, and whether it is worth it depends on individual circumstances.

Ordinary players will definitely not burn their lifespan like this. Most players will go online when they have physical strength, and they will go offline when they run out of physical strength. The online time does not exceed ten minutes a day. Keeping lifespan will make you a stable profit. Of course, upgrading in this way is also extremely slow , Ordinary players only have a few dozen points of stamina every day, converted into experience experience, it is only a few dozen points, even if the whole process is led by a master to spawn monsters, it will take nearly a month to upgrade to level ten. It is even more distant.

  The four of them, except for Xiaoya, are all players with a lot of money in terms of lifespan. Naturally, they don't care about this loss. The most important thing is to upgrade as quickly as possible.

   "This is it."

   "Xiaoya summoned all the summoned beasts, Xiaohai gave the shield, and the Ratman has a long-range flame arrow, which does high damage. After the fight starts, rush into the rat crowd as soon as possible to disrupt their formation..."

  The four of them opened a room with voice software to facilitate communication. Mu You directed the basic idea.

  The four of them have cooperated once in the Forest of Elves before, and they are more experienced in this kind of group battle.

Xiaoya is now at level nine, and she has summoned nine animals by her side at once. In addition, she also has some special beast-controlling abilities that she learned from the forest elves. After all the blessings, the combat effectiveness of several of her summoned beasts has been greatly enhanced. .

And Mu You's side is even more extreme. Since there are not as many restrictions as the Forest of Elves, necromancer magic can be used, and Mu You and Lin Xue can also fully use secret techniques. The two summoned eight zombie beasts in total, two War Eagle, two fire giants, and two devil boys from the underworld.

  In addition, Mu You also summoned three treants, two trolls and four clones.

  Suddenly, many summoned creatures appeared on the battlefield.

  【You and three teammates led 33 summoned creatures and rushed into the Ratman line, causing chaos on the battlefield...】

   Now it’s much easier to fight the Ratmen, there are too many enemies, and those Ratmen don’t know where to throw their range attacks.

Xiaoya carefully strengthened all the summoned creatures, Lin Hai was responsible for adding blood and shields to the summoned beasts, Mu You and Lin Xue cast spells in the back row, fireballs, strong winds, flaming circles, snowballs Curse, Giant's Fist... Anyway, there are ratmen everywhere, and all kinds of large-scale damage magic can be thrown directly into the crowd.

Today, the two trolls that Muyou summoned, one is of course the troll **** of war, rushed to the front of the rats with a furious battle axe, and suffered the most damage, but with the life barriers of Muyou and Lin Xue to support them at any time, they always stood tall Does not fall.

  At the same time, the blood-sucking halo activated by Battle Fury is also a perfect match with the summoned army present. It can be said that the four of them are a complete army.

As for the other troll, Mu You specially rolled out the 'Totem Summoner', this troll mage has the ability to create a 'taunting totem', which is especially effective against these ratmen who will escape, wait for a group of ratmen After bombing below half health, throw a taunting totem nearby, and the Ratmen can only come back to fight the totem if they want to run away, and then they will be harvested by various AOE.

  【Your team killed the Ratman Assassin...】

  【Your team killed the Ratman Archer...】

  【Your team killed the Ratman Scavengers...】


  Continuous kill prompts popped up constantly, and the experience of several people increased rapidly. Of course, physical strength and lifespan were also being consumed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

  With their cooperation, the Ratmen really didn't last long. Within five minutes, the rat group was dispersed.

  【The rat people were frightened by your fighting power. After seeing a large number of comrades die, they turned around and fled towards the mountain pass...】

   "Master, the rat man has escaped!" Lin Hai's voice shouted in the voice.

   "Chasing. If you can run away, the monk can't run away from the temple!"

   Of course, there is a limit to the escape of the Ratmen. At most, they can escape back to their lair, which happens to be a guide for them.

  The next few people followed the escape direction all the way, and they quickly found the entrance of a mouse den located in the deep part of the mountain pass, under a certain rock wall.

  【Seeing that all the Ratman escaped into the cave, you choose...】

  【You chose to wait outside. 】

  The cave is relatively narrow, and there are many side roads. It belongs to the home field of the rat people. Anyway, they have found their old nest, so they can just wait outside.

  Mu You blocked a group of summoned beasts outside the cave, and put a taunting totem from time to time to lure out one or two ratmen, who were easily killed by them. The speed was relatively slow, but the victory was stable.

  The four of them continued to kill like this from two o'clock to four o'clock in the morning, and the Ratman was finally cleaned up in sevens and eighties.

   Then the four of them rushed into the cave, exterminated the remaining sporadic ratmen, and then set a fire to burn down the ratmen's lair.

After the lair is burned, the wild monsters will no longer be resurrected in place, most of them will be resurrected in their source area, and a small part will be reborn around the source area. In short, it is impossible to appear in this mountain pass again in a short time. This is how the clearing task is completed.

  After the fire was finished, Mu You went into the cave with a jack-o-lantern and groped around, and found some treasures.

  【Jack-o-lantern effects, trigger! 】

  【The blue glow of the jack-o-lantern reflected some special traces in the depths of the Ratmen's lair. 】

  【You go forward to check, and when you open the scorched soil layer underground, you find a treasure chest buried in the soil layer, which is part of the loot obtained by the Ratmen from burning, killing, and looting in the Sun Elf territory for a long time. 】

  【You open the box, and there are seven pieces of equipment and weapons inside, light cloak, crystal chain mail, elf leather boots, civet wand...】

   Cleaning up the loot found on the battlefield, Mu You counted, five pieces of white equipment and two pieces of green equipment.

Mu You reported the names and effects of the equipment in the group chat. They were all low-level equipment, and they were not particularly useful. The four of them randomly picked and used the useful ones. Mu You kept the ones that no one wanted. You can use the synthesis furnace to turn waste into treasure in the future.

  Among the several pieces of equipment, the only one that stands out is the civet wand.

  【Civet Wand: A wand made of civet fur mixed with living wood, it has a high damage bonus to ratmen. Attacks made with this wand increase the damage to Ratmen by 50%. 】

A ratman special attack wand, probably a weapon specially made by the daylight elves' mousehunting team to clean up the ratmen. One of them was captured by the ratmen, and now it has fallen into his hands. It can be used to kill other ratmen later. tribe.

   After dividing up the rewards, Mu You counted today's gains and losses.

The four-person team, in addition to exhausting all their physical strength, also spent 289 years of life to replenish their mobility, and killed a total of 236 ratmen in the whole process, and added back 236 years of life, which is the actual loss of 53 years of life. On average, each person loses more than 13 years of life.

   Of course, in return, more than 200 Ratmen provided them with 3300+ experience points, an average of more than 800 experience points per person!

  Both Lin Hai and Xiaoya rushed to the tenth level through this wave of experience.

  Of course, Xiaoya had Mu You prepare the evolution potion for her early on, and Lin Hai also seemed to have obtained the evolution potion from the business alliance in advance, and both of them broke through to level ten or above without experiencing any bottlenecks.

   Now their team can be regarded as an all-middle-level team.

   After the rat man was cleared, Mu You put away all the rat ears, and prepared to take people back to find Eric to exchange for reputation.

   Before Cheng wanted to leave, another prompt popped up in the game.

  【You were about to take people away, but when you passed a certain intersection in the Ratman Cave, you suddenly felt something change on your body. 】

  【You opened the space ring to check, and found the source of the change: the troll coffin. 】

  【You take out the coffin of the troll, and find that the only golden skull on the surface of the coffin is flickering. The dead soul of the troll God of War sleeping in the coffin seems to feel some very familiar breath here. 】

   "Oh?" Mu You was taken aback.

   It turned out to be a reminder from the altar, and the reminder came from the skeleton of the Troll God of War... Could it be that there is something related to the Troll God of War in this place?

  The Troll God of War is a hero in the history of the Trolls, and things related to it must have a strong background.

  Thinking of this, Mu You took out the jack-o-lantern again and searched around.

  The result was nothing unusual.

   Mu You took out the lucky dust again, and sprinkled a handful into the jack-o-lantern.

   Finally got a response this time!

  【With the help of lucky dust, the jack-o-lantern burns violently, and the strong light penetrates the dirt wall in front of you and radiates deeper. 】

  【You realized that the wall seemed to be hollow, so you hurriedly took the axe, and after a few strokes, you smashed open the soil layer in front of you. 】

[In front of your eyes, there is a hidden passage. The square bluestone tunnel is full of damp moisture and moss. It seems to be a catacomb with a long history, but the environment here makes you It feels like deja vu. 】

  【Do you want to enter to view? 】

   "The tomb? Is it the tomb of a troll?"

   Mu You's heart skipped a beat. The description in this text is somewhat similar to when I entered the troll crypt in the forest of elves. More importantly, this tomb resonated with the troll coffin. It is very likely that this is a tomb of a troll. !


  【You lead your team members into this bluestone tunnel. 】

   After entering the tunnel, Mu You arranged several zombie beasts to explore the way ahead, and the four followed behind.

   What is more strange is that there is no mechanism in this tomb, and there are no extra tombs. After walking for fifteen minutes, they finally found the first and only tomb.

  【You saw the tomb at the end of the tunnel in front of you. From the perfect symmetrical structure of the tomb to the finely carved epitaph beside it, you can see the intention of the tomb erector. 】

  【You stepped forward and read the epitaph on the grave. 】

  【The name of the owner of the tomb is Mond Wotu, a legendary witch doctor from the ancient times of the troll tribe. He assisted the troll **** of war, Aroman, and kept running for the troll tribe, opening up a place to live until he died in a foreign land...】

   "It's really a troll's grave!"

  Mu You was pleasantly surprised.

   Judging from the epitaph, this troll and Aroman, the **** of war, were comrades-in-arms who had lived and died together before. No wonder the coffin reacted.

   A legendary troll witch doctor who is as famous as the troll **** of war, he is definitely a big shot!

If this grave bag is absorbed, another golden skull will appear again. The blessing of two consecutive golden skulls should be enough to raise the troll summoned by the coffin to level 15 or above, and then the troll God of War will be able to unlock it At the same time, it can also allow the summoning of the coffin to choose an additional legendary witch doctor.

  【The altar in your hand buzzed again, as if expressing the joy of seeing an old friend in a foreign land. 】

   "Don't worry, this will bring you together."

  Mu You clicked on the coffin and chose the tomb ahead.

  【You took the altar and prepared to put it on the grave to absorb the ashes. 】

  【However, just as you acted, beside the tomb, a two-meter-high irregular bluestone quietly shattered, and then a figure walked out from the debris of the bluestone. 】

[The figure is stout, wearing a bamboo hat, wearing a pressed mandarin jacket, holding a green bamboo stick, a row of wine gourds hanging around his waist, a white bear face, a pair of black eye circles and nose... what appeared in front of your eyes is actually A Pandaren! 】

  【The pandaren raised his head, his fierce eyes pierced through the broken bamboo hat, and stabbed at you: "The tomb-builder roams around here, young man, what do you want to do with my old friend's tomb?"]

   "Ci'ao! Master, there seems to be a national treasure coming up ahead!" Lin Hai's exclamation came from the earphones.

   Mu You was also taken aback. There were no institutions or guards in this place. He thought it was an empty tomb, but unexpectedly a tomb guard ran out, and he was a giant panda!

  Pandaren, there is still this race in the astral world?

   Mu You hurriedly checked it with the Omniscient Crystal.

  【Pandaren (Level 12): Attack Power 84-100, Defense Power 204, HP 15000, Mana 7800...】

   "Only level 12?"

Mu You was very surprised. According to the description, this panda should be the one who erected the tomb for the troll witch doctor, and the troll witch doctor was at least two thousand years ago. This giant panda has lived for two thousand years. No matter how you think about it, it should be very powerful The character is right, and the result is only level 12?

   Just as he was wondering, another prompt popped up in the game.

  【"No matter who you are, I promised my old friend to guard his grave until death. If you want to move my old friend's grave, you must step on my dead body first."】

  【After the pandaren finished speaking, he took the initiative to rush towards you. 】

  Mu You originally wanted to make a routine, but he didn't expect the other party to do it directly.

  Let’s fight it. The wild monsters at level 12 don’t even have level suppression, so they naturally pose no threat to the four of them.

  However, the result of the action made the four of them turn pale with shock.

  【...Facing the rushing enemy, the four of you showed skillful coordination, casting out several spells in succession. 】

  【However, because the opponent is in a special area and is in a state of magic immunity, your magic strikes have no effect on the opponent. 】

   "Immune to magic?"

  Mu You was startled. Seeing this description, he already felt something was wrong. How can someone who can call the legendary witch doctor two thousand years ago an old friend be an ordinary person? There is a big problem with this level 12!

  【The pandaren dexterously climbed over to the front of you, the bamboo stick shook off, and a cloud of wine mist popped up in the sky, and the wine mist quickly dispersed, covering the surrounding space. 】

  【The strong aroma of wine diffused, making the four of you intoxicated, staggering as if drunk, moving slowly, and unable to exert force correctly. 】

  【You sprinkled the dispersing powder, trying to disperse the alcohol mist covering you, but it didn't work. Obviously, the alcohol mist cannot be cleared by ordinary dispersing effects. 】

  【Suddenly, you saw the pandaren quickly make a handprint on its chest, and the next moment, the rich fire element quickly condensed in its mouth. 】

  【The Pandaman opened his mouth and spit out a big fire, the fire surged past, spread rapidly with the help of wine mist, and the high temperature distorted the entire battlefield. The wine fueled the fire, and the four of you fell into a state of intense combustion. 】

  【Your health has dropped rapidly, and you have entered a state of serious injury. 】

  【The pea breeder has been killed...】

  【Lin Haihai has been killed...】

  (end of this chapter)