MTL - This Text Adventure Game is Absolutely Toxic-Chapter 273 The Uninvited Guest of the Misty Mountains

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  Chapter 273 The Uninvited Guest of Misty Mountain

  Scorching Sun City shards, and they are also effective shards that they are desperately looking for!

  Of course the lion understands that Aries got the map fragments and said what it meant at the meeting, obviously intending to give it to him!

  With this fragment, they can find the entrance of Lie Sun City and make arrangements in advance. Once the entrance is opened, they can directly enter the city to grab the city lord!

  Of course, he didn't expect to get it for nothing. There must be conditions for someone to give such a valuable thing, and the conditions are mostly other fragments.

   "I don't intend to fight for Lie Sun City, Lion, I'll give you this fragment... However, you need to bring another fragment to the next meeting."

   "No problem! Boss, what fragments do you need, just tell me!" The lion agreed.

  Even if it is a one-for-one exchange, it is definitely not a loss for him, because as long as the fragments are obtained, they can display the contents of the map, and then they can rub the map, and the fragments can be exchanged for other fragments.

  Of course, it doesn’t mean that you can exchange any fragments you want. The higher the opening order, the more difficult it is to get fragments, because the first few cities are all in the process of gathering maps, and most of the preparations have come to an end.

  Especially the Dawn City that Aries said to fight for is about to be born, so it is almost impossible to get scattered pieces of Dawn City at this time.

   Fortunately, Mu You didn't make things difficult for him.

   "Just replace it with any piece of Eternal Night City." Mu You said.

His mission reward on the side of the dark elves is a 'Nine of Eternal Night City', which is a valid entrance fragment. The entrance is already there, and it is useless to take another 'one', and the 'five' It is too precious, and most of them cannot be exchanged, so Mu You didn't deliberately pursue effective fragments, and just bring one at random.

   "Thank you boss!"

  The lion was excited and exchanged the valid fragments for any fragments. This was a very straightforward gift to him.

   "Well, second thing..."

   Mu You didn't say much about the fragments, but stretched out his hand and summoned the Mana Floating Dragon.

   "Huh? Mana Wyrm?"

   Archer recognized the thing in Mu You's hand at first sight, but he was a little surprised: "I heard that Mana Floating Dragon can only be contracted by the Sunlight Elves..."

   "Yes, this is also a secret that I just discovered this week. Normal mana dragons cannot be contracted by outsiders, but mana dragons that are out of control can be contracted with secret art crystals. Its function is..."

  Mu You described the characteristics and functions of the mana floating dragon with everyone.

  Everyone's eyes lit up when they heard the words: This thing can be used as a slot?

  Having been mystics for so long, they naturally understand that the biggest constraint on the combat effectiveness of mystics is the slots. If there are enough slots, their combat effectiveness can be improved by several levels compared to now!

   "There is such a good thing!"

  The lion was pleasantly surprised again, and hurriedly asked: "Boss, do you have any extra floating dragons? Can you bring me one next week? I'll buy it!"

   Following the lion's opening, others looked at Mu You expectantly.

   "You don't need to buy it. I will bring some uncontracted mana wyrms over next week... But in return, I hope you can help me through the death contract when I compete for Dawn City next week." Mu You said.

  Mana floating dragon is not a precious thing. The actual value of a floating dragon is only about one year of lifespan. The reason why it cannot be seen in other places is purely because there is no contract, so there is no market, and no one engages in transactions in this area.

   If you really want to buy it, you can definitely buy it with a ten-year lifespan. It is not worth selling something of this value, and it is simply used as a reward for the support provided by others.

"no problem!"

  The lion immediately agreed: "This is the first city, the boss must take it down!"

  Others also nodded. From the standpoint of the Mystic Arts Association, everyone has the same interests. Naturally, the more cities the members master, the better, so that they can provide a lot of convenience for their actions when they encounter various things in the future.

   "When will the boss start supporting?" the lion asked again.

   "Is this... Everyone basically has a substitute card. I suggest that those who have a substitute card report their substitute ID, and add friends to each other later, so that when someone needs support, they can contact them at any time!" Mu You suggested.

He mainly considered the situation that Libra and Capricorn didn't come today. If there was an emergency battle, and there was no one to ask for help when urgently needed, and after everyone exchanged their double identities, this situation would be greatly reduced. Twelve Individuals can support each other remotely at any time, which is the biggest advantage of their association.


"good idea…"

   "My ID is 'Let's listen to the wind'..."

"My name is…"

  Others reported their IDs one after another.

After writing down all the IDs, Mu You nodded and looked at everyone: "What I want to talk about here are these two things. Does anyone else have any additional questions? If not, let's start today's card exchange Bar…"

   "Wait a minute, I have a problem!"

   At this moment, the Taurus on the side suddenly spoke.

  Everyone looked at her.

   "I have three questions. I haven't figured it out after thinking about it for a week. I hope you can help me out." Taurus said seriously.

   "Oh? Tell me." Mu You looked at her and nodded.

  The things they discussed just now have nothing to do with Taurus. The Lord of the Abyss is not a fool. He doesn't have any ID or anything like that. Since she came to the palace just now, she hadn't spoken a word, and suddenly she wanted to speak with a serious expression, and everyone was ready to listen.

  Jin Niu paused, then said:

   "First, where is Chiba County? Or where can I find Sadako Yamamura?"

   "Second, Sadako's father should not be Yixiong, so who is her father?"

   "Third, why did Longsi's ex-wife die? And did Grandpa Yangyi blame his daughter?"


   After Taurus finished speaking, the scene was completely silent.

  Everyone was silenced, with all kinds of shame and speechless expressions: Is this the question you have been thinking about for a week?

"Cough... Big sister, didn't I tell you? The Ring at Midnight is a movie, a fictional story. In reality, there is no such thing as Sadako. As for Sadako's father..." Lion Barabara, on behalf of everyone She answered them one by one.

   But the Bull is no mortal, and immediately followed up with a new series of questions in response to the Lion's answer.

The movies that Mu You prepared for Taurus included the entire series of Midnight Ringer, and from the detail of her question at this time, Mu You knew that she must have watched all of them, and not only watched them once. You won't notice so many details.

  These complicated questions made the lion shut up for a while, but fortunately, the eight earthlings present at the scene, you said a word to each other, and with the collective wisdom and efforts, they finally dealt with the Taurus' questions one by one.

   "But if so..."

  Seeing that Taurus still wanted to continue asking, Mu You hurriedly interrupted: "Okay, the meeting time is limited, and the remaining issues will be discussed next week. Now, let's change the card first!"

   Taurus probably realized that he had taken up too much time when he heard the words, so he nodded and did not continue to ask.

  Everyone started the normal card replacement process.

   Muyou here, as usual, displayed several new cards produced this week.

  Because there are two fewer people this week, the number of card changes is less than before, and the speed is also much faster.

   After some exchanges, Mu You only got two cards in the end.

  【Wind blade: low-level wind black magic, wave the wand, and shoot the invisible wind blade with strong cutting power forward. 】

[Executioner: Medium-level strengthening black magic, transforming into an executioner, double the strength value, increase the damage taken by 50%, gain the effect of overlord, immune to knockback, floating, deceleration and all prison control effects, lasting for 10 seconds , cooling time 10 hours. 】

Among them, 'Executioner' is a spell from the crystallization of the Taurus. This week, the master of the abyss finally made a copy. The effect Mu You had seen before in the battle with the former Taurus. After using it, the power doubled and gained Overlord state.

  The main strength lies in the overlord effect, which can ignore all control states, and can exert a huge effect in specific scenarios such as escaping or chasing and killing.

  As for the wind blade, it is a secret technique from the water bottle. Although the description is very concise, it seems that there is no bright spot, but this spell is actually quite easy to use.

  The biggest feature of the black magic version of the wind blade is that it is silent, and it casts spells extremely fast, almost instantaneously. When used in actual combat, it often makes the opponent hard to guard against.

  When participating in the battle of breaking the tower in the imperial capital, Mu You used this trick to easily kill the man in black who was following the man in white.

  In addition to these two cards, Zhou Muyou unfortunately failed to receive a life-type or lightning-type spell scroll, but Lin Xue received a soul-type scroll.

  【Soul Fire: After casting the spell, add soul fire to a unit, which can temporarily gain the opponent's vision. The duration is 1 hour, and the cooling time is 10 hours. 】

This is a low-level soul-type spell. It is used to temporarily gain someone's vision. It is equivalent to a surveillance technique. However, after the fire of the soul is lit, it will be noticed by the other party, and it can also be dispelled. Therefore, basically only when the other party agrees to your surveillance, you can For normal use, the scope of application is relatively narrow.

   But after all, it is a functional magic, and it is better than nothing. After Lin Xue took over, she passed it to Mu You, and Mu You secretly learned it with a pocket watch.

After all the cards were exchanged, everyone settled a few item transactions left over from last week. The main one was the abyss worm reverse scale promised by the Taurus. electronic devices for videos.

  The other thing is the potion trade.

  Water bottle, after getting Nilin, turned around and handed over the complete materials of the two evolution potions to Mu You, and Mu You even took out a bottle of ordinary potion on the spot and handed it over to the water bottle.

  Outsiders need to queue up to ask him to refine medicine with materials, but of course people in the meeting can jump in line.

   Immediately, Mu You also handed the washing potion prepared earlier to Viru.

The quality of this bottle of potion is only black iron level, the effect is mediocre, and it cannot be washed thoroughly. After taking it, there will be such a single-digit free point that cannot be washed away, but if it is only for adjusting attributes, the black iron level potion has already been used. enough.

  All transactions were completed, and after everyone chatted for a while, the meeting time ended.

   Following a scene change, Mu You and the avatar returned to the house.

  Usually when he comes back from a meeting, there is always a cat waiting for him at home, but now that Coke is gone, the house is not as deserted as he imagined.

   A burst of children's laughter came, Mu You opened the zoo backpack, and went in to have a look.

  Little Lolita is riding a chocobo running around the yard.

After explaining the current situation to her yesterday, the little girl has consciously developed the habit of sleeping during the day and being active at night. When the business closes in the afternoon and the guests leave, the zoo becomes her private playground. .

   "Muyou, I'm a little hungry!"

  The girl disappeared from Chocobo's back when she saw Mu You, and reappeared in front of Mu You a few seconds later, pulling his clothes and looking at him expectantly, she remembered the smell of fried chicken yesterday again.

  Her ability to move freely in the backpack space made Mu You very envious.

   Shaking his head, Mu You took out his phone, ready to order another takeaway.

   Unexpectedly, as soon as I turned on the phone, the background of the phone received a bombardment of private messages from the forum.

  Opening the forum, I saw that the person who sent the private message was 'July's Tail', that is, the lion.

   "Boss, I seem to have received a distress letter from Libra and Capricorn!"

   "Oh? What's going on?" Mu You asked hurriedly.

   "Winter's Curse and Holy Light Nana, these two should be the stand-in IDs of Capricorn and Libra. I applied to add me as friends before, but because I haven't fully confirmed my identity, I didn't talk about it in detail."

"I also just came back to play the game, only to find the in-game message from 'Winter's Curse', saying that the two of them encountered a battle in the Astral World and were trapped there, unable to get out. The situation is more dangerous now, I hope We can use the death contract to help them as soon as possible!"

   "You mean, the two of them are in the astral world?" Mu You asked.

   "Yes, they should have just entered the door yesterday." The lion replied.

   "Where is it exactly?"

   "Let me see... oh, in a place called Misty Mountain..."

   "? What mountain?"

   "It's Misty Mountain, that's right. The message from Winter's Curse said that this place was written, saying that they were trapped in a certain tomb. What's wrong, boss, is there a problem with this place?"


   "Oh, boss, shall we call everyone else to start helping now?" the Lion asked.

   "For Misty Mountain, I don't need it for the time being. I'm not far away. Now go and see for yourself." Mu You said.

   "Ooh, that's the best!"

   "Boss, call me anytime you need it!"



  After finishing the private chat with Lion, Mu You quit the forum with a slightly strange expression on his face.

  Libra and Capricorn are actually on the Misty Mountain at this time, and they also encountered a battle...

   So, the tomb hidden on Misty Mountain has been discovered by many people?

   If so, how did they find out?

   Could it be because of the fragments of Dawn City that I have there?

   And the person who will track the fragments of Dawn City, could it be the emperor or Jack's men?

   Many possibilities popped up in Mu You's mind, but unfortunately none of them were confirmed, and there is still too little information.

   Before he had time to think about it, he also hurriedly logged into the game, manipulated the character back to the hut in Phoenix City, and teleported from the hut to Misty Mountain.

  【In the dizziness of the teleportation, you came to the secret room in the Misty Mountain Tomb. 】

   Fortunately, before Mu You, for the sake of convenience, the teleportation array placed at the entrance of the tomb was removed and moved to the secret room on the top of the tomb.

  At this moment, he successfully teleported to the secret room, which means that the teleportation array has not been dismantled, so it is very likely that those intruders have not found this place yet.

  Mu You first controlled the characters to walk around in the secret room. Sure enough, there was no trace of opening the ice coffin in the secret room, and the remains of Vivian and Grandma Lin Xue were still intact.

  Mu You breathed a sigh of relief, and then went out to check the condition of the tomb.

  【You walk out of the door of the secret room, walk down, and release the gargoyle at the same time. 】

  The only ones who can move freely in the tomb are him and the gargoyle.

  Mu You arranged for the gargoyle to go through one of the passages, and him to go through the other. The two passages were searched downwards at the same time, searching for all suspicious persons in the tomb.

  【When you come to the lower level of the tomb, you suddenly hear the roar of monsters coming from the corridor ahead. It seems that a large number of monsters are gathering in front. Do you want to go and check? 】

  【You chose to look up. 】

  【After passing through a dark and deep corridor, you saw a cave in the front hall. The entrance of the cave was covered by an ice wall. Countless high-level monsters guarding the tomb gathered here, madly attacking the ice wall at the entrance of the cave. 】

  【Through the icy wall, you can vaguely see two figures behind the wall. 】

   "Ice Wall?"

   Seeing this text prompt, Mu You already had some concerns in his heart.

  Ordinary ice walls can never withstand the attacks of so many high-level monsters. The ice wall here is obviously the black magic version of the ice wall.

   So, the two people hiding in the cave are Libra and Capricorn?

   However, if they are only surrounded to this extent, why don't they just use the teleportation mark to escape?

  【You stepped forward wearing the skin of the vampire count and ordered the monsters to stop. 】

  【Other monsters saw you, so they stopped attacking, retreated one after another, and made an open space in front of the cave. 】

  【You cross the group of monsters, go to the ice wall, shout into it, and ask the identity of the people in it. 】

  【The ice wall receded slowly, revealing the figure hidden in it. 】

[There are two people in the cave, a man and a woman, whose IDs are 'Curse of Winter' and 'Nana of the Holy Light'. It was the Curse of Winter who cast the spell to maintain the ice wall just now, and Nana of the Holy Light is located deep in the cave. It was fixed in place by a shackle extending from the mountain wall, unable to move. 】

  【"Captain Ghost? Are you... Aries?" Winter's Curse and Shengguang Nana saw the double ID above your head, and their worried faces quickly turned into surprise. 】

   Mu You glanced at the Omniscient Crystal, both of them are level 12, and their level is also compatible with Libra and Capricorn, so it should be that they are correct.

  However, it is still necessary to determine the identity in more detail.

  【You nodded and acknowledged their guess, and asked the two to show items that can prove their respective identities. 】

  【Winter's Curse and Holy Light Nana glanced at each other, and showed you the Capricorn and Libra rings on their fingers respectively. They are indeed your companions of the Mystic Association. 】

   After confirming the identity, the next step is easy.

   Mu You added the two as friends and formed a team, and then asked about their situation in the team channel.

  【Shengguang Nana: Thank you for coming in time, otherwise we really don’t know what to do...】

  【Captain Ghost: How did you find this place? 】

  【Curse of Winter: It’s a long story, we were actually deceived...】

  【Captain Ghost: What's going on? 】

[Holy Light Nana: The thing is like this, we got a piece of Twilight City by chance a few days ago. At that time, the map guide of Twilight City had been opened. Misty Mountain, found the hidden tomb here. 】

  【Captain Ghost: You mean, there is a piece of Twilight in this tomb? 】

  Mu You was very surprised, he didn't know that there were other fragments hidden in his tomb?

But after thinking about it, they felt that it was wrong. The two said that the map guidance of Twilight City had been opened, which meant that all nine Twilight Shards had fallen into the hands of the Fool. If one of the Shards was hidden in the tomb, then It means that someone other than him must have entered the tomb recently...

[Curse of Winter: We thought this was the case at first, but what happened later proved that it was not that simple... We followed the arrows and found the Misty Mountain, but we were trapped by the fog outside the mountain and couldn't find the entrance here. Yesterday, we met a person in the mist, and through his guidance, we found the entrance to this tomb. 】

  【Holy Light Nana: Afterwards, we continued to search along the arrow, and sure enough, we found the second Twilight Fragment in this cave. But just when I was about to take away the fragments, this shackle suddenly appeared next to the fragments, and locked me here. This shackle is called "painting the ground as a lock", and people locked by it cannot be taken away by any transmission, even if they die In the end, it will only be resurrected on the spot. Unless the key can be found to open the lock, no matter what you do, you can't break free from the chain. 】

[Curse of Winter: Afterwards, these monsters suddenly appeared in large numbers and began to besiege us. In order to save my life, I could only maintain the ice wall here, so I was unable to attend the meeting... Now that I think about it, this map fragment should be placed on the ground by someone on purpose. Here, they deliberately lured us into the bait! 】

  【Shengguang Nana: We guess it should be related to the NPC we met before, otherwise how could he appear in the mist by such a coincidence and guide us to the entrance of the tomb for free? 】

  【Captain Ghost: What does the man you met look like? 】

  【Shengguang Nana: There is nothing special about her appearance, but that person is a vampire. 】

  【Captain Ghost: Vampire? Are you sure you're not a player? 】

  【Shengguang Nana: No, there is no sign above his head, he should be a native of the Astral World. If he was a player, we would have doubted it at the time. 】

   "It's actually a vampire..."

   Mu You frowned as he watched the news in the team channel.

  It seems that he guessed wrong. It was not the emperor and Jack's men who caused the trouble, and the cause was not because the location of the fragments of Dawn City was exposed.

   But for vampires, the amount of information is even greater.

  This is the tomb of the vampire count, and now a vampire actually came in... Could it be that the same family came to the door?

  (end of this chapter)