MTL - This Text Adventure Game is Absolutely Toxic-Chapter 366 shadow god

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  Chapter 366 God of Shadow

  Lu Yao's work efficiency was good, and she sent back a message to Mu You before the afternoon, sending over the information he wanted to investigate.

   There are three 'Saye Xiang's' who meet the conditions. After getting the information, Mu You did a little elimination and easily identified the problematic one.

  This Sayaka asked for leave a year ago and took a month off from school because her parents had to arrange for her to live in an elderly home in the countryside for a period of time due to work scheduling.

  And this 'country old man' died unexpectedly on the day Sayaka came back to school, so no one can be sure whether Sayaka went to the country during the month she left.

   After confirming that it was the little girl, Mu You immediately teleported back to China and brought Lin Xue over. The two quickly found the little girl's location and began to spy on her secretly.

   After monitoring until early this morning, the other party finally took action.

  The two tracked all the way, and finally found a space crack in this dry well.

Mu You reckoned that this Sayaka should be the backhand that the young man with glasses prepared for him. He has been replaced by a shadow person from the Undead Society a year ago, but he has been living a normal life and going to school in peace, and has never been exposed. over identity.

   It wasn't until now that the people behind the scenes were injured and were about to evacuate the earth, did they use this backhand. After the young man with glasses returned to Japan on Tuesday, he came here to replace the original shadow man, and hid himself as a little girl, waiting for the space crack to open.

   "I have already made concessions and deliberately avoided confronting you, why do you still want to take advantage of others?"

  The girl stared at Mu You in front of her blankly, and made a childish voice, but the tone of her words didn't match her weak appearance at all.

"Unfortunately, some conflicts are irreconcilable. Your existence and abilities have seriously threatened our race. There is no possibility of peaceful coexistence between us. In addition, for me personally, it is actually just to complete the agreement promised to others. "Mu You said.

The original reason why he came to the Cook Islands was because he accepted the little girl's map fragments and promised to help her save her sister, but he didn't expect that the pit would get bigger and bigger, and finally he dug a strange creature that had been hiding on the earth for a long time. world power.

  The girl stopped talking after hearing the words, and looked back.

  The front was blocked by Mu You, but a woman holding a sickle behind her blocked her retreat.

   Seeing the girl looking over, Lin Xue raised her sickle and was ready to fight.

  The girl wandered between the two sides for a week, and finally rushed towards Mu You suddenly, as fast as lightning.

  Sharp claws approached, Mu You stepped aside, but the girl just feinted and took the opportunity to rush towards the entrance of the crack.

  It's a pity that Mu You had been prepared for a long time, and an ice wall appeared at the entrance of the crack in time. The next moment, the girl hit the ice wall with a bang, and was bounced back with a bruised nose and a swollen face.

  The girl stood up holding her nose. Seeing that the exit was completely blocked by the ice wall, her face instantly became ferocious.

  The girl's eyes were red, and she swung her sharp claws towards Mu You.

   Mu You also used the vampire's claws to fight her in close quarters without fear.

The little girl shadow ghost in front of me is obviously not as good as the muscular man before him in terms of fighting ability. Besides, when Mu You fought against the muscular shadow ghost, the time was around 8 o'clock in the evening, and the bonus of vampire skin was not high, but now it is It is late at night and early in the morning, when the vampires have the highest bonus of the day.

  Under the ebb and flow, his strength sensitivity attribute is higher than that of the little girl, and he is not inferior in one-on-one close combat.

   Mu You raised his right arm, relying on the defense reduction provided by the God of War armband to easily catch it, then took the opportunity to reach out with both arms, and grabbed the girl with his claws.

  Then without stopping, he raised his arms and lifted the girl above her head, and fell to the ground with her head and feet, followed by two sharp claws that quickly stabbed down.

  The girl struggled to get stabbed with a claw, and hurriedly jumped up from the ground with a roll, quickly jumped to the rear, and stepped on the rock wall.

  However, before she landed completely, Xue Lin came from behind wielding a sickle, and the girl subconsciously moved to the side, but this time the sickle was not aimed at her, but pierced the shadow under her.

Both the girl and the shadow let out a scream, and the girl flew upside down, but the shadow under him who was pierced by the knife point couldn't escape, and the shadow was instantly elongated, like a fish out of the water, struggling violently on the shore, but always Can't get rid of the tip of the knife.

  The next second, the girl got up and rushed towards Lin Xue again. Lin Xue had no choice but to raise her sickle to block, and the shadow was free again.

  The girl threw herself on the edge of the sickle, and even though the sickle cut deeply into her body, she grabbed the handle of the knife with both hands and pinned Lin Xue in place.

  At the same time, taking advantage of Lin Xue being unable to move, a shadow on the ground quietly separated from the little girl's feet, bypassed Lin Xue, and quickly swam out towards the exit of the dry well behind her.

   Now that the exit of the space crack has been blocked, the shadow had no choice but to take the opportunity to hide in the darkness, planning to escape from the scene first, and then find other ways to leave.

  However, before it ran out of the distance, it suddenly felt that the perspective in front of it changed.

  When it opened its eyes again, it had quietly returned to the rear, surrounded by a wall of water flow.

   And at the place where it escaped just now, the one standing there has become Mu You.

  The black magic version of transposition, the first time you use it, it will directly seal the opponent into the water prison.

   While on the spot, the girl who grabbed Lin Xue's sickle had turned into a dead body with empty eyes, and fell to the ground without a sound.

  The shadows are constantly changing shapes, condensing into various human bodies of men, women, old and young, desperately bumping around in the water prison, but no matter what shape it is, it can only be bounced back by the water prison continuously, and there is no exit at all.

   When Mu You walked to the water dungeon, a mana dragon appeared on his shoulder, and he let out a breath of cold air.

   Around the water prison, several ice walls quickly connected to form a square ice prison, completely sealing the shadow in it.

  The water prison has become an ice prison that can continue to exist. The shadow man also seems to know that there is no hope of escape, so he gives up struggling, returns to the form of a shadow, and stares at Mu You angrily.

   "Now, let's talk."

   Mu You looked at the shadow in the ice prison.

   "What do you want to talk about?" Shadow made a hoarse voice.

   "How did you make the shadow ghost? Also, where is Mianmian, the number 14 you call him?" Mu You asked.

   "No. 14? You actually asked me where is No. 14? Hahaha..." Shadow laughed wildly when he heard this.

   "What's so funny?" Mu You frowned and looked at Shadow.

   "You really don't know anything!"

  Shadow shook his head and sneered: "Do you think that I have abandoned the management of the Forgotten Land for many years and wanted to go back desperately, because of some bigger conspiracy?"

   "Isn't it?" Mu You asked.

"So you don't understand anything! I am in such a hurry to go back just to appease the monster that is about to wake up. Otherwise, do you really think that the forces I have worked hard for many years will be afraid of a head-on confrontation with you fools? ?” Shadow sneered, his expression was no longer as calm as before, and gradually became a little crazy.

   "Monster... you mean the thing you kept in the underground factory?" Mu You raised his eyebrows.

  The 'thing' he met in the Gu pool of the underground factory before, the thing that could kill him in one blow, did make him a little afraid, and he still hasn't figured out what it is.

   "Captive? You're wrong, big mistake!"

   Shadow glared at Mu You angrily: "I'm not raising it in captivity, but suppressing it!"

   "If I hadn't been suppressing it desperately, nothing would happen to you fools! Your so-called forgotten land should have been razed to the ground as early as a thousand years ago!"

   "What do you mean?" Mu You frowned.

"It's too late, it's too late to say anything now, my shadow's weakness has exceeded the critical point, and I can't suppress it anymore! I have worked hard for thousands of years, and it was all destroyed by you, and now, you fools can't help it!" You have to pay the price for your stupid behavior!" Shadow became completely insane, and amidst a burst of wild laughter, his whole body began to twist and deform, and finally, with a muffled sound, he exploded into a cloud of black gas and completely disappeared into the ice. in prison.


  Lin Xue looked at this scene a little strangely.

"To be precise, he gave up his own shadow, and his body is still in another world." Mu You shook his head. Of course, the other party's body cannot be self-destructed so easily. What makes him care now is what the other party said just now .

  Because Shadow's weakness reached a critical point, he couldn't suppress that monster anymore...

   That is to say, which monster will leave the underground factory next and reveal its real body?

   While frowning and thinking, the phone vibrate suddenly sounded on the two of them at the same time.

   The two took out their mobile phones and saw that it was a message from Xiaoya through the forum. The message was very brief: Boss, Sister Xue, hurry up and play the game, it seems that something happened in Liming City!

   "An accident in Dawn City?"

   The two looked at each other, and they both hurriedly took out their phones and logged in to the game.

  As soon as it went online, a series of prompts popped up in the game.

  【Dawn City has been locked by an unknown existence, and is facing a crisis of destroying the city. It will automatically enter war mode! 】

  【In war mode, all production buildings will stop, the entrance to the dungeon will be automatically closed, all residents who have entered the dungeon will be expelled, the war building will automatically enter defense mode, and all residents will receive war notifications in real time. 】

  【In the state of war, residents of Sky City will not deduct their action power due to death. 】

  【As the city lord, please decide immediately whether to mobilize the residents to fight, or let Dawn City evacuate the area? 】

  Finally, the options popped up, and Mu You didn't rush to choose, because he still hasn't figured out what the situation is.

   "What's going on?" Lin Xue looked at Mu You.

   "Just go and have a look." Mu You exhaled and looked towards the space crack ahead.

   Fortunately, there is a space crack in front of them, and they can go directly to the astral world. Otherwise, there is too little information to be obtained from the text in the game.

  The two stepped through the space crack one after another, and as the light in front of them turned, they appeared on a cliff.

  Thick clouds in the sky blocked the moonlight and starlight, making the surroundings pitch black.

  However, with their night vision ability, the two of them could see clearly where they were: it was the outskirts of the Cook Islands!

  The two of them were on the top of a certain mountain in the Cook Islands. Looking up, the huge city in the sky was floating in the sky, and looking down, it was the villages on the island.


   Almost as soon as the two of them appeared, they heard a faint roar from the ground.

   A few seconds later, the ground of one of the villages suddenly trembled, and then a human-shaped phantom broke through the ground.

The phantom quickly rose up, growing to the height of a mountain in the blink of an eye. At the same time, an indescribable coercion radiated to the surroundings. All the small creatures shrouded in coercion were all tremblingly frozen in place. Unable to move an inch.

  Phantom is like a prisoner who has been imprisoned for a long time and finally broke free from the cage. He raised his head to the sky and roared, and the village under him was instantly razed to the ground when he hammered down with two claws.

   "This is... the body of that 'monster'?"

   Mu You looked at the huge phantom in the distance in surprise.

This is a human-shaped shadow with wings on its back. It is hundreds of meters long, and its body is as black as ink. Only the eyes are blood-red. The whole phantom is full of violent feeling. It looks like a A shadow ghost that has been magnified hundreds of times!

   At the moment when the phantom appeared, Mu You had already used the Omniscient Crystal to check the information of the other party, but the content of the feedback surprised him.

  【God of Shadow: Level? ? ? ability? ? ? Attribute: ∞, HP: ∞]

  In addition to the name, it returned a bunch of question marks and infinity marks. Is this the meaning of infinite attributes and life?

   But what surprised him even more was the only detected name.

  God of Shadows...

   This turned out to be a real god?

  Mu You was surprised when he suddenly saw that giant shadow looking up at the sky, as if he had found something he had been longing for for a long time, he licked his tongue, jumped up, and flew straight towards Sky City.

   "Its goal is indeed Sky City!"

  Mu You and Lin Xue exchanged glances, hurriedly set up a teleportation array on the spot, and teleported back to Sky City.


  At this time in the urban area of ​​Tokyo.

  A member of the dragon group gathered his staff and captured a fleeing shadow on the ground into a bottle.

  The young man quickly put the cork on the bottle, but he didn't have time to pay attention to the shadow that was crazily crashing into the bottle. Instead, he hurriedly turned his head and looked at the two companions behind him who were still playing with their mobile phones: "What? Dawn City has been attacked?"

   "Yes, it seems that the residents of Dawn City have received it. Anyway, as soon as I go online, I will be asked to choose to protect the city or escape from the city."

   "Damn it, shouldn't it have something to do with what happened in Tokyo tonight?"

   "It must be related. As soon as there was chaos here, Dawn City was attacked. How can there be such a coincidence?"

  The three of them got together and discussed in low voice, but before discussing a few words, there was a scolding sound from the headset: "You guys are very idle!"

  The three of them were taken aback, and one of them hesitated for a moment and asked, "Director, do you really not need to worry about the game? It seems that the situation is very serious..."

   "Eat salty radish and don't worry about it. The game's experts will naturally solve the game's problems. It's your turn to be anxious? Let's solve the immediate task first!"



  On Dawn City, a huge pitch-black arm suddenly grabbed the edge of the city, and then the giant shadow ghost below jumped up and jumped onto Sky City.

  Looking at the dense group of 'ants' under his feet, the shadow ghost roared and slapped down with one arm, and the sky city was suddenly shaken, and all the players around who were affected received the prompt of being killed in the game.

   Just as the shadow ghost was angry, Mu You and Lin Xue's figures quietly appeared in an open space in front of the giant shadow ghost.

  Looking at the giant creature above his head, Mu You switched to robot form, and Lin Xue immediately summoned the phantom of Death.

  However, even the phantom of the **** of death, who is tens of meters tall, is just an inconspicuous dwarf in front of this behemoth.

  The giant shadow ghost didn't notice the existence of the two of them at all. After boarding the sky city, he glanced around, and quickly focused on the direction of the center of the sky city, and he was about to walk there.

   But before it could take a step, a distant whale cry suddenly sounded in the sea below.

In the next second, a giant octopus appeared from the sea, jumped onto the edge of Sky City instantly like a cannonball, with its four claws resting on the ground, and the other four octopus legs wrapped around the giant shadow ghost from behind, heading towards Then he backed away, as if he wanted to drag Shadow Ghost down to Sky City again.

  (end of this chapter)