MTL - Thrive in Catastrophe-Chapter 12 trap

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The gate is embedded in the wall. Xiaoyan observes the surrounding area and finds the electric box on the top of the building. Even if the building is reinforced, the tidal organization can not modify the circuit structure here. Xiao Yan took out the tool test, and the wire here is working.

Xiao Yan cut off the insulation skin and made a short circuit in the building. He never dreamed that he had the opportunity to do things that only appeared in documentary movies more than two hundred years ago. Xiao Yan suddenly fortunate that she is a nostalgic person.

Everyone was on guard, and Xiao Yan returned to the gate and said to Mark: "It is okay to open it with your strength."

"Ha?" Mark looked at Hai Yin. "Do you do this?"

Hai Yin nodded. What they were worried about was the alarm inside the building. If the alarm does not ring, why should I care about opening it?

Mark did not bear the heavy hope, blushing, almost did not remove the entire gate.

Li Fu first entered, as a vanguard, Xiao Yan was nervous that she would encounter an ambush.

Others followed, and Maya stopped at Xiao Yan's side, seemingly wanting to protect or harass him all the time, but under the pressure of Hai Yin's eyes, he had to keep up with other people.

Hai Yin looked at Xiao Yan, Xiao Yan had to bite the scalp and follow them.

The building is full of dust, and it doesn't seem like someone has ever been active.

Xiao Yan wanted to cough. Hai Yin pressed a respirator on his face. The cold eyes seemed to say that if you make a little noise, you will kill you.

Everyone's pace is fast, but there is no sound.

Step by step, they finally came to the basement of the building. The previous scan showed that the hostage was locked inside.

Xiao Yan swallowed a saliva, which is a CNC electronic door that can only be accessed with the correct password. It’s old and troublesome.

Hai Yinyang raised his chin, meaning "to open it."

Xiao Yan had to carefully connect the portable terminal to the circuit of the door and calculate the password. After pressing it, the door slowly opened.

At that moment, Hai Yin grabbed Xiao Yan's back collar and pulled him behind him.

Numerous zombies came out and special mission troops began to kill.

It seems that the tidal organization has long guessed that they will come, so they left such a big gift.

At the end of the basement, in a cage, a middle-aged man was tied to the seat, and numerous zombies were kneeling in front of the cage, trying to squeeze in. They stretched their arms, and each one almost caught their flesh and blood.

Hai Yin pressed on Xiao Yan's shoulder, a roundabout, opened the zombies, they fell on the ceiling, leaving a sticky mark.

Xiao Yan was so nervous that he didn't want to experience it again.

When he tried to move his shoulder and found that it was still good, Hai Yin swept away without temperature. Xiao Yan felt that he had become a zombie that was divided.

Whenever the zombie is about to touch Xiaoyan's moment, it is cut off by Haiyin's sharp blade, and the pus splashes, but I don't know if it is the angle of the sea. The pus that the zombie splashed did not drop on Xiaoyan's body. . He is like an outsider, watching the masterpieces of special mission forces.

Numerous zombies came to Xiao Yan and countless times under the blade of Hai Yin, as if it were an irreversible reincarnation.

His eyes are like returning from the blood of hell, and every moment of cruelty spreads the beauty of bleeding.

Hai Yin’s palms stretched over and clasped Xiao Yan’s back of the head to press him into the chest. It was too hard to let Xiao Yan suspect that his skull would be crushed. In the ear is the sound of the blade cutting the bones, Xiao Yan found that he was almost in the arms of Hai Yin! Any zombies who are close to him are falling under the blade of Hai Yin.

When the respirator on Xiao Yan’s face almost ruptured, Hai Yin let him go.

Xiao Yan bowed his head and was buried in a zombie. If it wasn't a respirator, he might have spit out because of the foul smell.

In just five minutes, hundreds of zombies were solved.

They came to the cage and the man tied to the chair trembled and whimpered.

Xiao Yan recognized him, "Professor Manson!"

The famous virologist of the Academy has a rank of major general, but how can he be here?

"Do you have to get Manson to get out of the cage?" Mark looked at Xiao Yan again.

Xiao Yan shook his hand quickly. "Oh... this is not my specialty..."

Hai Yin came to the cage in silence and took out the blade and slashed it down. He only heard a bang, Mars splashed, the cage was cut, and the incision was neat and unreal.

Xiao Yan opened his mouth and Mark nodded. "Hey... it’s still the head..."

Because this cage is made of ordinary steel, it is not worth mentioning in the face of the special forces.

Xiao Yan quickly stepped forward to solve the rope on Professor Manson's body. His lips were white and very embarrassing.

"Professor! You are fine!"

At that moment, Professor Manson slammed through Xiao Yan and his fingers licked his neck.

Xiao Yan did not even react to everything. Hai Yin reached out and his fingertips just wiped Xiao Yan's wrist.

Such rapid movements were not expected, and all the special forces entered the state of alert.

Xiao Yan looked at Hai Yin’s eyes, and suddenly there was a conjecture in his heart... Is Professor Manson...

His fingers slowly reached his waist, and before he could touch the gun there, he was screwed by Professor Manson and the gun fell to the ground.

"You joined the surge organization, Major General Manson."

When Hai Yin’s voice fell, Mark’s fingers holding the blade creaked, and Maya slowly pulled out the filaments between the wrists, faintly seeing the cold cold.

"Mom! I haven’t been fooled by myself in this life!"

Manson pulled his mouth and took Xiao Yan step by step to the door. "Coloton Burton, I know your skills, don't come over, or I will break his neck!"

"You bastard!"

Mark just took a step forward, only to hear a bang, Xiao Yan clenched his teeth, his face suddenly pale, his wrist was twisted off by Manson.

Hai Yin grabbed Mark.

"Don't get closer, because the next time I will remove his wrist directly, the x virus will not regenerate the tissue that has been removed from the body."

" this..."

Xiao Yan never imagined that Professor Manson, who was respected by everyone, would turn to the tide organization! All this is only the trap set by Professor Manson. In order to attract the elite of the special mission, why is there only one person here? How can he deal with a complete special task squad simply? Not to mention Haiyin Burton!

“Do you mean joining a surge organization? Or is it referring to you here? Is the answer important?”

Just after the words, Manson had already left the door. He took a picture of Xiao Yan’s face. “We always pursue certain things, so life makes sense. And Shire, I can’t satisfy my pursuit!”

After that, Manson pushed Xiaoyan into the door and closed the door. Several special forces rushed up, but they were still a step late. Xiao Yan fell to the ground, the face on the left side rubbed the ground, the burning pain, of course, the more painful is his wrist.

Hai Yin came to Xiao Yan's side and picked him up. Xiao Yan's brain was thinking about Professor Manson's words. Hai Yin slowly lifted Xiao Yan's palm and his fingers were silently embedded between his fingers. The illusion is that Xiao Yan feels that the other's finger skin is very warm, slowly licking his fingertips, almost petting, but it is as short as an illusion.

"What are you thinking?"

Xiao Yan looked up and had not had time to answer, only heard a "squeaky" sound, his wrist was picked up.

Zhang has a big mouth, Xiao Yan did not even have the opportunity to exclaim.

He looked at the sea, and the blue in the other eye almost rendered his world.

Xiao Yan did not expect that the other party would actually pick up his wrist for him.

“Is there any other injury?”

Hai Yin's palm clasped Xiao Yan's shoulder, his eyes straight into Xiao Yan's mind.

At that moment, Xiao Yan was lost in the eyes of Hai Yin.

"No... no..."

Xiao Yan felt that there must be a problem with his vision. Otherwise, why did he feel that Hein’s fingers had rubbed his red face, and his brow was about to pick up. Just as Xiao Yan carefully distinguished all of this, Hai Yin suddenly left Xiao Yan.

Mark rushed to the door and pushed the door. "Mom-locked! Xiao Yan! Can you open it!"

Xiao Yan shook his head. "Manson took my equipment."

Others sighed.

Xiao Yan knows that if he is not hijacked by Manson, even if Manson injects the x virus and becomes more active than the average person, any special soldier here can easily kill him.

After a long time, his technical soldier was still cumbersome.

"Manson wants to keep us in it? Kill us?" Mark grabbed his head with irritability.

The entire space, except for the door that Manson left, could not see any other exits, completely confined spaces.

"Hey--" Liv's finger is on his lips. "It seems like there is water!"

In the next second, there was a constant flow of water in the four corners.

"Mom! I want to drown us! Too poisonous!"

Mark slammed his fist on the door.

"I have to say that this idea is very creative." Maya touched her hair. "Hey, I know that today is my last day. I should ignore the **** reports and put Xiao Yan on the bed and do it." Anyway, I will not be killed by me. Today he has to drown..."

No one saw how it happened. Maya suddenly caught her nose, and the red blood flowed from the fingers. He looked like a painful one. "Hey - what do you do! That is my nose!"

"You are too noisy." Hai Yin did not look back, but slightly raised his face and raised his chin, showing a proud expression.

Xiao Yan looked at Hai Yin, and the water flow slowly spread over their feet. He thought that Hai Yin would be disgraced because of his incompetence, but it was obvious that it was not put in his heart.

This man never fears, even for death, he is still indifferent.

"Head... what should we do?" Lifu looked at Hai Yin.

Hai Yin put on the eyepiece and scanned the four walls. "This basement is made of high-density titanium, and we can't cut the wall."

"That bastard! He deliberately created this basement to lead us in!" Mark hated the teeth.

"This is the so-called flying wings!" Li Fu looked around for a week, "Xiao Yan, in terms of this water flow, how long does it take to fill the entire space?"

"One hour."

"Only one hour!" Maya's nose was finally restored. He was very self-awarely away from the attack range of Hai Yin. "Let's think about ways to get out!"

No one blames Xiao Yan, but Xiao Yan understands that as long as they ignore his life and death, it is easy to catch Professor Manson to leave here!

But now is not a guilty time, you are a technical soldier! When a technician loses his equipment, he loses the same blade as a special soldier in carrying out his mission!

and many more……

Xiao Yan suddenly remembered that he did not lose all the equipment! 2k novel reading network