MTL - Thrive in Catastrophe-Chapter 50

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"The warning is weak and the mobility is slow. If I am a member of the tide organization, you have lost your brain."

The icy hypothesis, the oppressive rhetoric, will not have a second person except Hein Burton.

Xiao Yan’s arm was pressed behind him and accidentally he did not feel pain except for the movement.

Hai Yin slowly loosened his arm, his palm slowly turned down and buckled his wrist and pressed it to his ear. His chest was almost pressed against Xiao Yan's back, warm body temperature came, Hai Yin's The illusion of the face generally glides over Xiao Yan's auricle, and the breath sweeps through his side neck from time to time. All this is simply torture.

"The next time, you should confirm that everything is safe after monitoring. Come out. Do you understand or don't understand?"

"Ming... understand!"

Hai Yin’s voice lingered in Xiao Yan’s ear. He subconsciously shrugged his shoulders, and Hai Yin finally let him go.

"Let's go, you should go back to rest."

Why is Hai Yin Burton behind him?

Xiao Yan can't understand it.

Hai Yin first entered the room of Xiao Yan and confirmed that everything was safe before leaving the door. It seems that the safety of Xiao Yan is very important.

"Coloton Burton..."

When Xiao Yan looked at the back of Hai Yin, the moment of nervous relaxation, he subconsciously wanted to grasp something, but when he shouted at Hai Yin, he found himself ridiculous.

"what's up."

"I... my research needs a blood sample. Can you let me collect 5 ml of blood?"

At this moment, Xiao Yan put down the feeling of confrontation with the colonel, but made a request to the other person as a researcher, although he can also help Mark or Lifu.


Xiao Yan groaned, and after the other party left, his lips twitched involuntarily and fell on the bed, revealing a big smile.

The blood of Heyin Burton, even Kathy has not received! It is said that it is the perfect match of virus content and human body function! At the thought of this, Xiao Yan started to roll on the bed.

But from the training of the next morning, Xiao Yan did not see Hai Yin again. Because Hai Yin is not there, Wen En and Mark have slacked off their training, and Casey also took the opportunity to steal.

Wenn and Mark sat down to the side and chatted dignifiedly. Xiao Yan completed an hour of jogging and came to them to kneel down. Mark took him over and licked his head. "Rookie, What are you going to do?"

"Why didn't you see Colonel Burton today?"

"The head is out of the task."

Probably because of the reason why Hai Yin personally directed Xiao Yan, Wen En was very fond of Xiao Yan.

Xiao Yan showed a disappointing look. Mark immediately whistled. "From the very beginning, I felt that you were interested in the head. I also deliberately kissed the mouth in the nuclear power plant! Nothing, I went to the head of my head! You Like the head right!"

"Ah--it was like this!" Wenn’s expression of ignorance did not know whether it was true or not with Mark’s joke. “The head is clean! Every time I go out of the task, only his body is spotless! Xiao Yan, you are really special, the head is actually Let you kiss him!"

Xiao Yan stunned Mark and said, "You have the same thing before you come to Colonel Burton!"

Just as Xiao Yan was ready to stand up, Mark grabbed Xiao Yan’s wrist and hesitated for a while, but he still said the words in his throat. “Oh... our special mission forces are not omnipotent. So you have to learn to protect yourself as soon as possible!"

Picking up his eyes, Xiao Yan realized that Mark’s words were definitely related to Hai Yin’s mission. “Hey! What happened?”

Mark looked at Wenn and Wenn nodded. "It’s nothing to say to him. He was originally a researcher. Maybe the sample brought back by the head will still be handed over to him for research."

"Well, you know that Jane Wallis's troops have left Charles to perform a mission. We have a very important transit platform that was occupied by the tide organization, and Lieutenant Colonel Wallis is going to retake the platform. It was originally a There is no difficult task, but Lieutenant Colonel Wallis has paid a great price for regaining the platform. The tide organization has developed a potion that reacts with the x virus once it enters the special forces' blood. It affects the oxygen function of cells and causes suffocation to cause death. The x virus, which was originally used to enhance physical fitness and improve healing ability, has become the killer of special forces suffocation. Lieutenant Colonel Wallis will be stationed on that platform for a while, and Colonel Burton Just bring back the sample of that medicine."

Xiao Yan was shocked. "So, will Colonel Burton be in danger?"

Wenn and Mark smiled together. "There is nothing in this world that can kill Haiyin Burton, except for the x virus in his body."

Xiao Yan bowed his head and meditated. Mark’s head came over. “Hey! What are you thinking about?”

“I was thinking, maybe the influx of organizations from the labeling virus ‘Snowon i’, made this kind of biochemical weapon for special forces, which is about genetic markers.”

"What it is?"

“I have thought about why zombies attack humans but not their own, because the comet viruses that infect them have a unique genetic signature for identification.”

"I don't understand." Mark scratched his head, but Wenn showed a very interesting expression.

"For example, both Mark and Wenn have a Caucasian lineage characterized by blue eyes, which is determined by your genes. And I am the Asian-American lineage of dark-skinned brown eyes, and the genes that express this characteristic are absolutely You are different. When Mark decides to attack an enemy other than his own race, he will use blue eyes as a marker to eliminate it, then Major Wenn will not be attacked, and I will be attacked without the blue eye gene. The same comet virus has a short paragraph. The gene that encodes complex but does not exist, this is the 'blue eyes' of the comet virus."

Mark nodded. He understood the blue eye problem, but did not understand the meaning of the genetic marker. Instead, Wenn nodded frequently, and a very interesting look urged Xiao Yan to continue.

Xiao Yan sighed, and sure enough, his IQ level was smoother with Major Wenn.

"X virus can improve the mobility of special forces, it also means that once the virus enters the target cell, it combines with your gene to increase the protein content of mitochondria, accelerate your cell metabolism rate, and also include oxygen supply. The oxygen-building function must have some manifestation in the gene chain of the x-virus. This gene chain is the blue eye of the x-virus."

"Do you mean that the agent of the tidal tissue has attacked the gene chain of the x virus?"

"Yes, if the gene chain is destroyed, it is like shielding the oxygen function of the x virus. When the ability of all aspects of the human body is rapidly increasing, the oxygen-producing ability can be kept at an ordinary level, then the oxygen supply of the whole body is insufficient!"

Wen En suddenly realized that he was full of admiration for Xiao Yan's gaze.

Xiao Yan suddenly inflated his self-confidence. It is a very unfortunate thing to be admired by a special soldier.

Mark scratched his head. "Although I didn't understand it, I think Xiao Yan seems to be particularly powerful."

"This is nothing. I can think of something that Kathy can think of." Xiao Yan smiled and looked at Casey.

Mark grinned and didn't believe it at all. "As far as his waste wood is? I thought he was a little girl at first, and he was a man for a long time!"

"The appearance can't determine the brain!"

At the end of the day's training, Xiao Yan returned to his dormitory and was about to take a shower. He found a message in the contact, signed by Haiyin Burton.

Xiao Yan, who had just drank a little bit of water, almost drowned himself and quickly opened the information. There was only a short sentence: what you want to stay in the study room.

"What do I want?"

Xiao Yan suddenly reacted that it was a blood sample of Hai Yin!

He slammed the door open and rushed out, and the two special forces in front of the door silently followed. He came to the laboratory to open the sample storage, and found a row of blood samples, but not the five milliliters he requested, at least fifty milliliters! This greatly exceeds Xiao Yan's imagination.

When Hai Yin left, he did not forget to agree to Xiao Yan, which made Xiao Yan greatly change this cold guy.

In fact, this guy is not so close to show.

As long as he gets his approval, he can get his respect.

Xiao Yan took out the blood sample and began his research in eagerness. Although she knew that she might not have access to the drug samples brought back by Hai Yin, Xiao Yan was interested in the oxygen-generating genes of x virus.

Xiao Yan, who is immersed in thinking, is immersed in the ocean of data. He is not even satisfied with the processing power of a single terminal. He starts the calculation and analysis of the other two terminals in the research room.

But such a load is heavy for the brain, and Xiao Yan often falls asleep without even exiting the terminal.

Time seems to be reversed, and back to that day he was pressed by Hai Yin on the wall outside the study.

It’s just that everything is out of the original track.

Hai Yin passed Xiao Yan's chin, kissed his lips heavily, almost violently kissing, and Xiao Yan's struggle seemed ridiculous and powerless.

A little bit of resistance is a more overwhelming encroachment.

Xiao Yan did not think that a person could kiss another person so hard.

His clothes were pulled open, and the other party rushed into his body, no matter how he yelled for mercy, he was forced to bear a more ferocious possession than once.

Hai Yin’s invasion was so cold that he was even cold, and he even asked Xiao Yan’s petition, forcing him to lift his left leg so that every collision could reach the deepest.

Xiao Yan's tears spread all over the place, no matter how crying, no response from the entire passage, it seems to have completely become the space that Hai Yin constructed to invade him.

"Ha--" Xiao Yan opened his eyes and gasped, reaching out to wipe the sweat from the forehead. "My God..."

It’s such a dream...

He then disconnected from the terminal, took off his helmet and looked at his trembling fingertips.

Xiao Yan, what happened to you? That is Haiyin Burton!

Sucking his mouth, Xiao Yan lowered his head and saw that his pants were wet...

God, my dreams are still cool? Do not all psychologists say that dreams reflect the deep desires of a person? I always dream of being invaded by Hai Yin. Is it not just a dream, but because I am eager for Hai Yin Burton?

Xiao Yan, Xiao Yan, you... you shouldn’t be shaking m? This is really a tragedy!

It must be because it has been locked in this place for too long!

... or is it because you have not got used to the time when he didn't look at you?

When he got up, he couldn't help but think of the warning from Hai Yin, and he must confirm the safety whenever he left the laboratory. He called out the surveillance and looked at the passage outside the study. When he saw the two special forces standing guarded at the door, they could not help but breathe out.

In the following days, Xiao Yan compared the blood samples of Hai Yin with Mark and Li Fu, and found that the activity of x virus in Haiyan blood samples was more than double that of others. The activity of x virus is positively related to the explosive speed and healing ability, but at the same time such activity will quickly consume the body of the sea. When one day x virus runs out of everything, it will be his fate. The end. With such high viral activity, Xiao Yan could not help but worry that the day might come suddenly.

Gradually, Xiao Yan’s head slammed to the side, and the moment he was about to fall asleep, the system showed off the terminal and the terminal was taken down.

Xiao Yan suddenly woke up, "Who!"

He opened his eyes and realized that it was Hai Yin in front of him!

This is the first time that Hai Yin kneels in front of him and looks at him.

Xiao Yan’s thinking seemed to fall from a height of tens of thousands of feet, and Hai Yan’s ice-blue elegant eyes captured him instantly.

"You... you are back..."

"Yeah." Haiyin's fingers swept through Xiao Yan's black hair and stayed at the tip of his hair for a short moment. He had a fascination of near nostalgia. He slowly got up and "goed back to rest."

In an imperative tone, Xiao Yan did not feel the oppression of the past.

"Yes, Colonel."

Xiao Yan did not think that Hai Yin would return to Shire so soon.

This time, Hai Yin followed Xiao Yan into the room and watched him lie down in bed before turning away.

"Colonel, did you really bring back the kind of potion that can make the special forces suffocate?"

Xiao Yan reached out and tried to hold on to each other, but still resisted such an impulse.

"Yes." Hai Yin unexpectedly returned to Xiao Yan's bed and sat down slowly. Xiao Yan was nervous.

"Nothing... I am just..."

"You feel curious, want to study..." Hai Yin is still simple and straightforward.

"Yeah, but even if you want to study it, give it to Casey."

Xiao Yan knows that although the Academy of Sciences has specially assigned a research room to him, he is only an ordinary researcher, and Kathy is not at a level.

"The remains of the special forces who lost their lives because of this potion will be delivered to Charles in three days."

Sure enough, special forces have lost their lives.

Xiao Yan understands the meaning of Haiyan, and the blood samples of the remains can also analyze the composition of the medicament.

Although Hai Yin told him this, he was afraid that there would be no chance to study blood samples.

"good night."

Hai Yin's fingers gently passed Xiao Yan's forehead, and Xiao Yan's black hair slipped through the fingers of Hai Yin.

At that moment, Xiao Yan’s eyes widened, his thoughts seemed to be condensed, and the subconsciously wanted to keep the other’s “good night” forever.

He got up and didn't have a trace of nostalgia when he left. When everything was quiet, Xiao Yan had a near-collapse. He wants to come out, Colonel, you are as disdainful as ever, contact me, stepping on my shoulders, breaking my bones... These injuries can be recovered after all.

But when I have a hope for you that should not be, this is the real tragedy.

Is it really time for me to go on the road of shaking m?

Three days later, Maya and two special forces escorted a constant temperature sample box to Xiaoyan's research room.

"Hey! Baby! Have you thought about me?" Maya blinked and was still not very serious, pushing the sample box to Xiao Yan.

"This... what is this?"

"I just ordered to send this box to you. As for what is inside, I am not responsible for it." Maya finished her hair and leaned in front of Xiao Yan. "How do you feel that my hair is especially Gloss? New care technology!"

Xiao Yan is like nothing. If the sample box is assigned to himself, the box can automatically identify his biological information.

With a gentle touch of the finger, a row of blood samples in the sample box is presented in front of him.

Xiao Yan groaned and looked at Maya and asked, "This is..."

"Because the tides organize the newly researched biochemical weapons and kill the remains of the special forces. Don't waste... For the sake of research, their bodies have almost pulled away all the blood, just like the dead bodies." Maya took a breath and bowed her head. Reluctantly smiled, "If the task is our team, maybe you are studying my blood."

Xiao Yan’s fingers trembled a little, and the image of Xue Lu’s fall in front of him suddenly poured into his mind. Xiao Yan said hard and succinctly: “Those things can’t happen because I lose my judgment.”

Maya patted on Xiao Yan's shoulder and smiled and said, "Well, here is your field, I will not bother you!"

After that, Maya left the lab. Xiao Yan's fingers point through the rows of blood samples, they are enough to do a lot of testing and analysis, which makes Xiao Yan feel that he suddenly became a researcher's upstart!

He couldn't wait to analyze the blood sample. He only ate half a compressed biscuit for lunch. This was the first time he ignored the taste of the biscuit. Even the most sleepy moment after lunch, Xiao Yan was like being injected with stimulants. Stop thinking.

However, when Hai Yin stood in front of him with his arms, Xiao Yan still felt the coolness of the forest.


Hai Yin does not need to say anything, Xiao Yan has begun to blame. There is physical training tomorrow, he should guarantee adequate sleep. Hai Yin's slender fingers were lightly pressed, the holographic screen in the entire study room was closed, and Xiao Yan was forced to leave the terminal.

"go to bed."

"...Yes, Colonel."

Xiao Yan lowered his head and silently followed Hai Yin's back. The other's back was still far away but inexplicably close.

The eyes of Xiao Yan’s face were uncontrollably replayed in their minds. Xiao Yan’s face was hot.

This is really the rhythm of death! Colonel, please don't show up again!

Daddy, the person in front stopped the pace, Xiao Yan’s nose almost hit the other side, Hai Yin looked at him, his eyebrows slightly provoked, “What’s wrong.”

"No...nothing..." Xiao Yan quickly followed up and opened the door and fell to sleep.

Physical training is coming to an end and their final assessment is coming soon. All the trained researchers were uneasy, especially Casey, and the whole person was crying.

"What if I don't pass the physical assessment? So I can't train fighting skills! Fighting training only takes half a day, and the rest of the day can continue my research project! If I have been spent on physical training, I will dead!"

Xiao Yan accompanied Kathy on the runway and didn't know how to comfort him.

"You said that when you grabbed me, the strength was so great, I thought you were very good!"

"Now you are proud!" Kathy glanced at Xiao Yan, and it looked so cute. It was exactly the same as the seriousness of Xiao Yan's research project, which made Xiao Yan unable to pinch his cheek.

Kathy and Xiao Yan are different. They basically went back to the room to sleep at the end of the three months, and Xiao Yan adapted to the evening after training and even took time to continue his research.

"Do you know that Jane Wallis's troops were attacked by the tidal organization, and some special forces suffocated and died. Maybe the military will suspend the training of our researchers' shit, and quickly invest in research to find the answer is the right way! So we can get from the bitter sea Freed!"

Xiao Yan stunned, Kathy should mean that he did not get a sample of research? But why did you get it? If it is a confidentiality study, Xiao Yan knows that she is not qualified enough.

When he looked at him, it was the sea that was standing in the distance and listening to Wen’s training.

This guy's eyes are too deep, so that Xiao Yan can't speculate on the emotions of the other party.

"Head, the sergeant of the torture unit sent a liaison officer to come to you... I said that you have not gone to him for evaluation all year round." Wenn finished this sentence, holding his breath and waiting for Hai Yin. Reaction.

"Yeah." Hai Yin looked at the information that Wenn sent to his contact, and did not mean to put Wenn's words in his heart.

Wenn swallowed, closed his eyes and prepared a heroic expression. He said, "The generals hope that... you will not go to him again... he will submit an assessment report that you are not suitable for the battle. ..."

"Yeah." Hai Yin closed the contact, and the moment he looked at Wenn, Wenn had the illusion that his bones were crushed and shattered.

When Xiao Yan’s gaze returned to the direction of Hai Yin’s conversation with Wen’en, only Wen’s pair finally saw a single sigh of relief and stood alone, and Hai Yin had turned and left.

Half an hour later, in a quiet and spacious room, a man in a military uniform was sitting at his desk and was drinking a cup of coffee. When a blond man with a cold expression came to him, the generals gently put down the coffee cup and said hello to him very well.

"I haven't seen you for a long time, Colonel Burton. I almost handed in your assessment report."

"You didn't write a report at all, and hoped that Major General." Hai Yin stood in front of the other side, and the cold eyes were indifferent, and the hopeful general in front of him frowned.

The author has something to say: Major General: I want to expose your secrets.

Hai Yin: What secret

Major General: You like a rookie researcher!

Hai Yin: ...

Maya, Liv & Winn: This is a secret that everyone does not say. 2k novel reading network