MTL - Thrown Into the Wolf’s Den! Zaizai Holds Space In His Hands To Survive the Disaster Year-Chapter 597 Apparitions from gods and goddesses

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When it was getting dark, shopkeeper Wen was awakened by the sound of a rooster crowing.

He thought he heard wrongly. His chicken coop was already empty. Not to mention chickens, there were not even any puppies.

Shopkeeper Wen turned over. Unexpectedly, the window pane was suddenly hit by something and made a flapping sound. Then, the crow of a rooster came from the window. The sound went straight to the sky and was extremely loud!

 “Cock?” Shopkeeper Wen lost all sleep and immediately sat up to check.

As soon as he opened the window, he saw a rooster standing upright under his window sill, pacing back and forth.

The tall comb and colorful feathers give off a majestic and majestic appearance in the sunlight.

Shopkeeper Wen rubbed his eyes repeatedly to make sure it was not a dream, and then he shouted: "Whose chicken flew into our yard?"

As soon as he finished speaking, his daughter Wen Xiaoman walked into the courtyard with a happy face.

“Dad, go and see, Miss Shen you brought back has healed my grandparents’ legs!”

Shopkeeper Wen was shocked when he saw a milk-white rabbit grazing in his daughter's arms.

He hurriedly put on his clothes and ran to his parents' yard.

As expected, the girl's slim figure was supporting his mother, Mrs. Wen.

“Yes, walk slowly. In the beginning, you can walk like this for a while every day. You must keep exercising and taking medicine. If you persist, you will be able to stand up completely in less than half a year.”

After Shen Ningning finished speaking, Mrs. Wen burst into tears and held her hands tightly: "Miss Shen, you are truly our benefactor. I, I will kneel down for you."

Seeing that the old man was really about to kneel down, Shen Ningning quickly grabbed her arm: "Grandma Wen, you don't have to be polite to me. Shopkeeper Wen is kind-hearted. If he hadn't taken me in, I would have had to sleep on the street last night."

 After saying that, Shen Ningning turned around and saw Shopkeeper Wen standing at the door with his eyes widened, as if frozen.

Not only Mrs. Wen was able to walk, but her father, Mr. Wen, also used crutches and tried to walk back and forth in the yard, his old face full of joy.

 “Okay, that’s great! Miss Shen, you are really a miraculous healer.”

Shopkeeper Wen came to his senses and hurriedly asked Shen Ningning: "Miss Shen, what is going on? My parents have been paralyzed for almost half their lives, and the doctor said they would never stand up again. How could you... be able to do it? Such a wonderful way to rejuvenate?"

Shen Ningning laughed dryly: "My mother is good at medicine, and my father and brother at home are also close to the miracle doctor Sima Han. I have followed the miracle doctor for several years. In fact, Grandpa Wen and Grandma Wen just accumulated congestion, and the treatment was slow over the years. They gradually became If you can’t stand up anymore, I’ll leave you with a pair of medicinal herbs. You can take the medicine while exercising, and your legs will feel better.”

 She was not telling the whole truth.

The two old men were able to stand up because Shen Ningning gave them spiritual herbs, used acupuncture to **** their veins, and combined with the herbs irrigated by spiritual springs, they had such a miraculous effect.

However, when shopkeeper Wen heard Sima Han's name, he was extremely pleasantly surprised.

“It turned out to be a student of the miracle doctor, Miss Shen, disrespectful!”

It turns out that shopkeeper Wen spent a few years looking for medical advice for the health of his parents and daughter.

Hearing about Sima Han's reputation as a miraculous doctor, he wanted to invite him to treat his family. However, the miraculous doctor was a wandering man with no fixed abode. Not only was it difficult to find him, but he also heard that the medicine was expensive, so he paid for it himself. Sorry.

Shen Ningning not only treated the legs of the old Wen couple, but also cured half of Wen Xiaoman's deficiency syndrome from his mother's womb.

 Last night, while Wen Xiaoman was sleeping soundly, Shen Ningning took out the instruments that had been used to examine Mo Lingwei's body from the fairyland and gave Wen Xiaoman an examination.

 Subsequently, Wen Xiaoman drank the soup made by using the medicine that came with the machine and the herbs.

“Actually, the deficiency syndrome Miss Wen brought from her mother’s womb is very simple, it’s just anemia.”

“Anemia?” Shopkeeper Wen glanced at his daughter in confusion.

 The doctors in the past also said that she had insufficient qi and blood, and overall she was still suffering from deficiency. However, Shen Ningning said: "If you are too weak, you will not be able to replenish your body. Miss Wen showed me the prescription she usually takes this morning. I made two slight changes, which should be more effective for her body. "

Shen Ningning did not prescribe medicine indiscriminately, but gave her the medicine according to the best treatment plan recommended on the device.

Shopkeeper Wen suddenly realized, no wonder, he just saw that his daughter's face was quite rosy.

 “These medicines are so effective immediately!”

Shen Ningning said with a smile: "Of course, according to the prescription I gave, Miss Wen will have enough energy and blood in one year, and she will never suffer from deficiency syndrome again."

As she spoke, she led shopkeeper Wen to the kitchen yard.

The family of four is helping to regulate things in the yard.

Shopkeeper Wen was stunned by the scene in front of him.

The water tank in the kitchen is full, with eight or nine lively fish, the vegetables on the shelf are bright and green, the rice tank is almost overflowing, and four large bags of flour are placed against the window.

 The most important thing is a cotton thread tied in the kitchen, hung with all kinds of meat.

 In the woodshed, firewood was neatly placed, filling the entire house.

Shen Ningning pointed to the basket that the family of four was carrying.

"These are all kinds of seasonal fruits. Winter is coming soon, so they are not afraid of spoilage, but it is best to store them in the cellar."

 The cellar has already been filled with various supplies by Shen Ningning.

Even if she leaves, there will be enough food for Shopkeeper Wen and his family for a whole year!

Not only that, there is a rooster and four hens in the chicken coop against the wall. There is also a small garden next to it and four white rabbits.

Shopkeeper Wen's eyes were red and he looked at Shen Ningning: "Miss Shen, where did you get all these things?"

 Almost overnight, his home was filled with food!

 What is the difference between this and the visit of gods?

Shen Ningning's face was bright: "Ah, that... I asked a friend to send it to me overnight. Originally, I planned to leave early today, but shopkeeper Wen was kind enough to take me in, so I thought I should thank you."

Shopkeeper Wen wiped away his tears and said with great gratitude: "I'll go get some money for Miss Shen right now."

 “Hey, hey, hey!” Shen Ningning stopped him quickly: “These things are given to you by me, and they don’t cost money.”

Shopkeeper Wen was shocked: "How can you not ask for money? How much did Miss Shen spend on so much food and precious herbs?"

Shen Ningning smiled implicitly: "Not much. My family is rich. There are too many of these things in my family. I can't eat them all in a hundred years. I'll just leave some for you."

 She was telling the truth. Last time she was wandering around in Wonderland, she accidentally saw a book with instructions for use in the Thunder Palace.

It should have been written by her mother. It said that the supplies stored in the fairyland are enough to feed three thousand people for six hundred years. By analogy, if there are fewer people, there will be less food.

 Furthermore, it can be continuously regenerated, so there is almost no limit.

  Shen Ningning was also surprised by the supplies stored in Wonderland at first.

However, she thought about it and understood. After all, her mother was originally going to take these things to the moon and be responsible for the food supply of the people of the entire country.

Now that it is in her hands, it is even more important to make the best use of it.

Shen Ningning left her things behind and prepared to catch the waterway and take a boat to continue to the border.

Unexpectedly, Shopkeeper Wen’s waiter in the inn came over in a hurry.

“Shopkeeper, Master Ma’s house was robbed, everything was destroyed, and a lot was lost!”