MTL - To Be A Virtuous Wife-Chapter 12 Angry for the red

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"This box should have been handed over to Wang Hao, but when Wang Hao was married, he was forgotten when he was busy." Liang gave the box to the raft, and after seeing the slap in the wood, he continued to speak with the choking. "They have been collecting it for years, and finally waiting for the day to be handed over to you."

The color of the rosewood box seems to have been some years old, but it still has a touch of sandalwood in the hand, the gold-plated lock is made into a cloud shape, the lock on the top has been opened, and the cover is only needed to open the lid. You can know what is inside.

The hand holding the lid slightly stunned, and her soul seemed to feel the body's obsession with the box. She could feel the helplessness and resentment of a helpless little girl.

Slowly open the lid, which is covered with a nice brocade. A jade pendant is placed on the brocade. The good sheep fat jade is carved into a gourd pattern. The gourd is engraved with a peanut pattern and the words of a hundred old students. Her heart shook, and some memories like movie clips came to mind. The original Qu 裾 裾 has always wanted to get this jade gourd from Liang, but Liang is always deliberately martyrdom, and now this person is actually handed over, and in front of so many people dressed up as a good person, want to come to her is also afraid I am embarrassed by her in the future.

"My sister made this jade gourd early in the year, but later my sister went to Xian, and then I was so busy that I let the people at the jade shop send things to my hand," Liang said, his eyes blushing. My sister died young, and I miss you alone. In the past years, I was worried that Wang Hao lost his sister’s things for you, and he took it for you. Now that Wang Hao has grown up, this jade gourd should also be handed over to Wang Hao. You have kept it." She glanced up and down with a sigh of relief, and some emotions, "Now I see Wang Hao's appearance, my sister will be happy in the Spirit of Heaven."

Reaching out to take out this jade gourd, the feel is very smooth and smooth, because it is small, and there is not much weight in the hand. I can imagine that the original Tian was trying to hang the jade gourd on her when the song was light for a hundred days.

Here, the nobles have the custom of giving their children a hundred-year-old ceremony. When the child is 100 days old, the elders will personally wear the mascot of the long-lived 100-year-old. Most of the mascots have auspicious patterns such as Xiangyun peanuts and are printed with the words of longevity, which means that they can lock their lives and the gods will protect their children for a hundred years.

Poor world, the mother's heart, Tian's young age is gone, she said that she was ill and died, but in the end, she also remembered to make a woman who made a jade gourd to her children. Is it so fragile and mad? The so-called mother is strong, and Tian is not a temperament of sadness and spring injury. How can she be forced to die if she is born soon?

"I have heard Gao Hao said that my mother made a jade gourd to do a hundred years old gift shortly after I was born. Unfortunately, my mother asked Gaochun to return to his hometown for ten years ago, and the jade gourd in the mouth. I have never seen it before. I never thought that my mother kept taking it for me." The hand holding the jade gourd was tight, and the kosher was wearing the jade gourd on the neck in front of all the son-in-law, and the eyes were reddish. For the children, the mother is pregnant in October, and the mother still misses me when she is dead. I can't give back one or two. It is because I am very filial." Her parents died in a car accident, but she was still the most worried about her death. Now that I saw this jade gourd, I only felt that my heart was blocked. I felt that the people in Changde’s government were very disgusting and let people see it.

"Wang Hao," Mucha saw, worried about watching the frivolous, but she was a slave, can not openly comfort.

"Children want to raise and don't wait..." Qu 裾 裾 stood up and looked at Liang's smile, the emotions on his face scatter a little, gradually and expressionless. "Mother is scornful, contempt for this life." In the future, I will repay my mother’s loving heart these years."

Mrs. Qu’s heart has been uneasy, and now she’s scornful and straightforward. The sly expression on her face can’t be stretched anymore. I’m just trying to ease the conversation, but I’m too late to speak.

"Today's father's birthday, I should have stayed for a while. It's just that there are many things in the palace. I have to say goodbye." Qu 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 裾 ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” 老 老 老 老 老 老 老 老 老 老 老 老 老 老 老 “ “ “ “ “

Everyone saw that Wang Hao’s face was not bad, but he did not stay strong. Liang’s stepmother made things so ugly, and where Wang Hao could still stand. Not to mention the end of the king, this world of people who meet this kind of thing, can not endure.

Mrs. Qu Laos couldn’t sit still, so she had to get up and send the songs in person. The end of the mother’s death, Wang Duan’s death at the father’s birthday party, left without listening to the drama, and if it passed to other people’s ears, the entire Changde Government Office Up and down, what is the face?

Everyone got up and sent the guests, but just sent them outside the hall to stop the songs. Her pale face was smiling: "The ladies are not so polite, I will invite your ladies to get together."

Everyone responded, and the old lady of Qu also wanted to send another one. She was stopped by Qu Wei. She smiled and said: "How can you let your granddaughter send your granddaughter when your grandmother is old? Isn't this a granddaughter not filial?" Finished, telling the rafts around me, "Let people say to the lord, I will go back first."

Mrs. Qu’s old woman couldn’t, but could only watch the song squatting away, turned and looked at Liang’s eyes coldly, and the hand that helped the virgin song back to the snow back to the opera garden. The world often said that his wife and wife, now Changde Gong has a woman of Liang, will sooner or later lose home.

Qufu stunned and walked away. Many of the son-in-law who came to the end of the palace to attend the birthday banquet came out to leave. In less than half an hour, the niece was far away.

On the male side, He Wei is a prince, naturally sitting in the VIP seat. He is sitting next to the music. He has no interest in making faces, so he doesn’t care much about each other, but even then, there are many people. He is kind to him in front of him.

After a song has not been sung, Qian Changxin came over and whispered a few words around the end of the king, sitting in the back of the king behind the faintly heard the word "Wang Hao".

"What?!" Wang brows slightly wrinkled, originally with a smile on his face, completely cold, the tea in the hand rested on the table, the blue-and-white tea squeaked a crisp sound.

Watching Changde’s public heart jump here, I don’t know when it made the prince angry. Others pretended to look at the unintentional king.

"The hospitality of Changde's government is really making the king open his eyes," Duan Wang sneered and got up. "Qian Changxin, let's go."

"Wang Ye, this is..." Changde Gongdun knew that the big event was not good. He was busy going to accompany him, but He Wei didn't bother to look at him. It was just a cold voice. "This king is here with Wang Hao." I also knew that Changde Gong and his wife were deeply affectionate, but the king of the king was also a grandfather and a prostitute. Your government treated it like this. Could it be that I couldn’t despise my king’s palace?!” After that, I don’t wait for Changdegong. Reaction, the sleeves will go.

The adults are first and foremost, and they only reacted. Many of them have heard about the past of Changde's government, but everyone is a man, and they are not very concerned about this kind of thing. It’s just that they didn’t think that the people of Changde’s government were stupid, no matter how slow the middle and upper reaches of the house were to be the daughter of Tian’s family, but now they are the end of the king’s, and that she is slow to wait for her, this is not a hard-hitting king. Is your face slap?

Even if the end of the king's temper is much better than the king of Rui, he can't stand this kind of face-lifting thing. It seems that this Changde government is really getting confused. Now everyone has got up and left, no matter how ugly Changde’s face is. Even the princes are mad, and these people still stay here to do what, it is difficult to tell the end of the king, Wang Ye, you are angry with you, we are good buddies with Changde Gong, but also here with Changde public tea listening ?

Changde public confused, their minds are still normal, this time, still left the subtle early, only the poor end of the king and the couple came to the birthday, but was stupidly stupid.

The original lively birthday banquet suddenly became cold and clear, and Changde’s public scented tea shovel fell to the ground, listening to the sound of the screaming on the stage, and more annoyed, angered: "What sings, sing, Go down!"

"Father," the hope of Qu Wang supported him. "You don't get angry, look carefully."

"What kind of body do I want!" Changde Gongshe refused to push the only child, but he was so angry that he fell a teacup. "You ask your mother, what happened, and provoked the anger of the king?!"

Qu Wangzhi’s little squatting around his eyes was not good for his father to mention his mother. He advised: “The grandmother and mother must be in the backyard at this time. It’s better to ask us together.”

Liang Rongwen, who sent the person back and stood on one side, also advised: "The matter has not been clarified, and the uncle does not have to be so angry. It is not too late to make plans after clearing it."

Changde Gong slammed his anger and ironed his face into the backyard.

When He Yi got on the carriage, he saw his own eyes stunned, and it was obviously sad. The original anger was vacated: "Who is wronged by Wang Hao, telling the king, the king will give you gas."

Qu squinted and looked up at him. When he saw his anger in his eyes, he said: "Who can give the end of the king a sigh of relief, but it is hard to think of the past."

"I am accompanying you today. This is to support you. You can't erase your face." After thinking about it, He added another sentence. "Not only today, but in the future, apart from the few in the palace, you don't have to deliberately let anyone. After saying this, he found that there was an exquisite jade gourd on his neck and he looked at him more.

"Wang Ye is not afraid of acting in the future, mad, and the reputation of the end of the king's house," Qu smacked the jade gourd on the chest, the warm touch made her smile.

"Wang Hao is an ignorant woman," He Wei moved away from his gaze and smiled. "Not to mention, if you scorn you, madness is no problem."

The four eyes are opposite, and the scorn slowly moves away from the line of sight, revealing a gentle smile.

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