MTL - Tomb Raider: Storytelling and Writing, The Mystic Nine is Confused-Chapter 201

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A red blood spot appeared between the eyebrows of the man on the ground.

"This is a hidden weapon. It is very difficult to let a hidden weapon needle go in."

"Don't mess with the Zhang family in the northeast."

"It seems that the people from the Zhang family in the northeast have been here all the time. It is very likely that the news just now was released by the Zhang family in the northeast."

"But in this way, wouldn't Mr. Zhang be the target of public criticism? Would Mr. Zhang allow such a person to appear?"

"You are right. It's not up to them to decide whether Mr. Zhang is the one who raised the price. If it is, people like Mr. Zhang will not deny it."

After this person's analysis, the spirits of everyone around him instantly became tense.

Makes sense.

"It seems that this is trying to bring hatred to the Zhang family in the northeast. Who is this? Aren't you afraid that Mr. Zhang will find out and directly destroy his nine clans?"

"I don't know, Mr. Zhang shouldn't do such a thing."

This is, another person raised a question point.

"By the way, it seems to be a very private matter whether Mr. Zhang has a unicorn tattoo, and Mr. Zhang also said before that this unicorn tattoo also needs temperature to stimulate. Who can approach Mr. Zhang at the New Moon Hotel?"

Another thought for a while and replied.

"Could it be Miss Yin Xinyue?"

Then he shook his head again.

"Impossible, how could Miss Yin Xinyue do such a thing? I'm afraid that if the people from the Zhang family in the northeast hadn't said it, none of us would know that such a mysterious family still exists."

"That's right, if you say that, how could Miss Yin Xinyue have a grudge against the Zhang family in the northeast."

Everyone kept guessing.

The person who was assassinated just now in broad daylight made this matter even more confused.


Crescent Hotel.


People kept getting up, others yawning late.

"You did a good job. I even got a spot today. I said that Boss Yin's method is too clever. There are so many vacancies, so I have to pay more!"

"Be content, I sold two people in a row. I came to grab a seat in the morning, but I still didn't grab one. Would you like to give me this seat ticket?"

The man laughed and cursed.

"Fuck you, this seat is hard to find. Look at how many people are in line behind you. By the way, when you came this morning, did you hear anything?"

With that said, the man put his head close to him mysteriously.

"Of course I heard it, but is this true? If it is true, it would be a big earthquake in the tomb robber world."

"I don't know either, but many people say that Mr. Zhang can't be. It is estimated that some people are not used to the Zhang family in the northeast and want to use Mr. Zhang's hand to destroy the Zhang family in the northeast."

"But I said which onion is the Zhang family in the northeast. It sounds so majestic."

"Hey, you don't know this, right? Master Zhang Dafa from Nine Gates, right?"

"I know, what's the matter? Could it be that the Zhang family in the northeast is the nine-door Zhang family, the family of Lord Zhang Dafo?"

I saw the man chuckle.

"It would be great, but I heard that Zhang Dafo is only a branch of the Zhang family in the northeast."

The moment he said those words, he was startled.

Heart beating.

"I also know about the Zhang family in the northeast from the inside of Mr. Zhang, but this big Buddha turned out to be a branch of the Zhang family in the northeast. This is a bit difficult to accept."

"It's hard to accept, hehe, there are many things that are hard to accept. Don't forget, Mr. Zhang is also surnamed Zhang, who knows what will happen next."


"Is it possible to stage a family love-hate relationship?"

"Fuck you, the dog's mouth can't spit out ivory. It can be seen that Mr. Zhang knows them, but they don't know Mr. Zhang. Mr. Zhang is most likely someone from a big family named Zhang."

"Hey, what is the use of discussing this for us, I am still more concerned about whether this Genting Tiangong has longevity. If I really find out the secret of longevity, I will also take a trip. I feel that there is not much time recently, I think I don't know how many times I can listen to Mr. Zhang's book."

The man looked puzzled.

"Time is running out? You are full of black hair, do you have some terminal illness?"

"Damn you, you have a terminal illness. Recently, my mother-in-law has been holding Mr. Zhang's photos all day long and sleeping with her at night. If this goes on, I will be invincible!"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

The people listening on the side laughed out loud.

in the crowd on the other side.

"Do you know that Jude Kao actually brought back the cockroach in the main hall of the Spirit Palace."


"real or fake?"

Everyone looked at the man in surprise, and their eyes were full of disbelief. Except for Mr. Zhang, who could catch this scorpion, it was impossible for someone else to catch it back.

This man looked like everyone didn't believe it.

said hastily.

"Don't believe it, really, didn't you see that Jude is not here today? He was never absent in the past." Jiu.

Chapter 206 The Zhang family in the northeast, the shriveled calves of the Wang family!

Everyone looked towards the box on the second floor, and there was indeed no one inside.

It's not as true as everyone said.

Did Jude go to pick up the centipede?

People still don't believe it.


Box on the second floor.

Qi Tiezui walked around in the box.

"Really or not? Who is the news from? How could Mr. Zhang be from the Zhang family in the northeast? Isn't this deliberately provoking fire?"

"It is indeed deliberately provoking fire, and the purpose is very clear, just to kill the Zhang family in the northeast."

Master Zhang put down the teacup and said lightly.

Qi Tiezui asked.

"Father, aren't you worried?"

"Worry? Why should you worry? Someone has been messing with the Zhang family in the northeast for a few years, but the vitality of the Zhang family in the northeast has also been seriously damaged in the past few years. But this person is very cunning and hides behind the scenes."

"What about the people who killed people on the streets of Beijing today?"

Master Zhang thought for a while and said lightly.

"Stupid, everyone is not from the Zhang family in the northeast."

At this time.

Qi Tiezui said.

"Buddha, do you think this has something to do with Changbai Mountain's Yunding Tiangong?"

"Genting Heavenly Palace?"

Master Zhang looked at Qi Tiezui suspiciously.

Could it be that this eighth master knows some secrets?

No, the Zhang family's mission is extremely secretive.

At this time, Lord Zhang Dafo remembered some of the things his father had said before.

This is also what Mr. Zhang remembered when he talked about the Seven Star Lu Palace.

The first time the Zhang family in the northeast was hurt was when King Lu Shang.

At that time, Tie Miansheng led the army of King Lu Shang to sweep the area, and it was hit hard.

But it's not just why it was hit hard.

Master Zhang was contemplative.

Changbai Mountain.

Genting Tiangong, Emperor Wannu.


Could it be because of this longevity?

When Mr. Zhang talked about the Seven Star Lu Palace, he described Lu Shang's way of seeking longevity. It should be a jade yong, but in the end, he was born out of the bag by Tie Mian, and after his death, he lay in it by himself.


Master Zhang's shoulders shook.

"Father, what are you thinking? You are so fascinated by your thoughts."

Lord Zhang Dafa smiled slightly.

I can tell you this.

Immediately after.

Master Zhang said with a smile.

"It's okay, even if someone engages the Northeast Zhang family, their means are not enough. But if the Northeast Zhang family finds it, there will be some trouble."


What trouble could this be?

Qi Tiezui's face was full of doubts, but Zhang Dafo paid no attention to him, and simply stopped talking.

"Oh, by the way, the fifth master said that Changbai Mountain has sent back news that our people have entered the mezzanine and are going to the crater."

"The centipede was taken away by Jude Kao's people. I didn't expect it to be so weak. It's a weak chicken."

"The lonely corpse below the mezzanine was shot to death as soon as it appeared. Hey, I didn't expect that this thing that absorbed the energy of the dragon's veins into essence would not be able to resist the ending of being killed by a hail of bullets."

"It doesn't seem as scary as what Mr. Zhang said before."

Master Zhang turned his head and looked at Qi Tiezui who was gloating at his misfortune with a speechless face, full of helplessness in his heart.

It seems that I have been listening to the book hall in the New Moon Hotel for a long time, and I am not afraid of this smashing thing, and it seems that I am very excited.

"You said that the Boss Yin of the New Moon Hotel has become the same as Mr. Zhang, and he will destroy the whole family at any time. You will become more careful in the future."

Qi Tiezui waved his hand, tugged at his sleeve, and motioned for Master Zhang to look over.

"I'm a fortune teller."

Ha ha.

Lord Zhang Dafa smiled ruthlessly.

"The divination is not accurate, the money is not earned, is it?"

This description is really apt.

The eighth man blushed with shame.

Actually it does.
