MTL - Tomb Raider: Storytelling and Writing, The Mystic Nine is Confused-Chapter 227

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Hearing this sentence, Qi Tiezui stopped talking, the meaning of this sentence was very clear.

Even if Chen Pi A Si killed the fourth master in the end, he would not care.


the other side.

The old head listened to the content of the story just now, and couldn't help but fall into contemplation.

"Master Zhang, what do you think these six doors are?"

Zhang San said firmly.

"The Six Paths Gate, in the Buddhist interpretation, is the Six Paths of Reincarnation. Emperor Dongxia, Mr. Zhang also said that the Eastern Xia Kingdom believes in the Jurchen clan, and this Jurchen clan believes in shamanism."

"Tsk tsk, is it possible that King Dongxia thinks that he can be transferred to reincarnation? Then reborn? This is a bit nonsense."

"It can't be said to be nonsense. Just like the Rakshasa Hall that Mr. Zhang said before, these living Buddhas are not rotten in the flesh, so it is also very strong...0"

"Taoism ascends to immortals, and Buddhists reincarnate in the six realms. Really, the ancients really know how to make things up."

Zhang Sanlian shook his head and said.

"This is not something that can be fabricated or fabricated. It may be true. After seeing Mr. Zhang, I feel that everything is no longer so mysterious."

"Indeed, everything we have seen with Mr. Zhang is not so mysterious."

The old man nodded his head, thoughtfully.

No matter how mysterious Long Guo is, can it be more mysterious than Mr. Zhang?


Absolutely impossible!

How could it have been mysterious Mr. Zhang.

Everything in Mr. Zhang's hands is unknown.

Take out one is a very mysterious one.

Who knows if something great will come out in the future.

"But this **** stone city is built to set off the majesty of this tomb gate? Impossible!"

"Haha, old man, your idea is really interesting, and it's really possible that this is the reason. Think about the emperor's not so luxurious when he built his tomb. This Dongxia emperor's construction of a pile of stone cities in Changbai Mountain can be considered to make the best use of it. already."

"I don't know what this thing will be like."

"Then according to what Zhang Sanye said, do you know how to open these six doors?"

Zhang San chain stroked his beard.

"I've never seen it before, how would I know how to open this door, but as I said, the Buddhists pay attention to the six paths of reincarnation, and there must be a door 0.9 leading to the path of reincarnation among the six paths."

"There is life in the cycle of reincarnation."

Say so.

The old man immediately understood.

"I hope that the one entering the Yulou is the Reincarnation Gate."

"You, what are you worrying about, Yulou will be fine, the last time I saw Mr. Zhang, from Mr. Zhang's swollen eyes, I can see that Mr. Zhang has guessed Yulou's life, but this fate is not too much. After all, Mr. Zhang is still under this sky, no matter how powerful he is, he can't do anything about this world."

"Earth produces drought, and the sky has lightning strikes, and the sky has its will."

The old man nodded his head.

"I didn't expect that there are things that Mr. Zhang is afraid of."

Zhang San replied with a chain.

"Who is not afraid, under this heaven, all living beings are ants, and no one has been able to change the general trend of mountains, rivers and peaks to fight against the sky.".

Chapter 232 I feel that Chen Pi is the fourth grandpa

"Who said it wasn't, thanks to the third master Zhang for clarifying the doubts, let Yulou go to Yulou himself."

The old man has to change his head to blow the tea in the cup.

When the tea is cool, drink it all in one sip.


on the high platform.

In the hustle and bustle of the guests.

Zhang Chen slowly got up and said.

"Let's pick up the book."

"Wu Xie and others quickly ran to the end of the Shinto, that is, the six stone gates. These six stone gates were built by the Emperor Dongxia. The shamanism believed in the Dongxia Kingdom naturally inherited the six paths of reincarnation in Buddhism."

"Wu Xie suddenly felt an unusual itching sensation on the skin on his body. This feeling became stronger and stronger, and people couldn't help but want to scratch. And everyone felt dizzy one after another."

"After a while. Everyone's flashlights have been able to shine on the broken wall not far away, and the arrow of the Shinto is actually an altar."

30 "Behind this altar are sixty steps. When everyone sees it, the steps have become dilapidated."

Zhang Chen looked at the crowd under the stage with a smile unconsciously on his face.

It seems that the effect of the corpse tree is up.

It can enhance the listening effect of the guests.

The effect is indescribable.

At the same time, everyone in the hall seemed to be on the altar, and everything around them became pitch black.

There was a faint light shining in, which illuminated the broken arm very clearly.

"At the end of these sixty steps is the main entrance of the imperial mausoleum."

"The reason why the ancients separated the tomb from the mausoleum is this."

"The mausoleum refers to the building above the underground palace, and the tomb refers to the underground underground palace."

"Wu Xie and the others looked at the imperial mausoleum in front of them and murmured in their hearts."

"It's on the murals I saw in the seabed tombs before. Could it be that those spiritual palaces are the pile of chaotic stones in front of the boulders? It's really shabby."

"Monk Hua heard and explained: 'The mausoleum on the frescoes of the underwater tomb is actually a spiritual palace that symbolizes the above. The emperor hopes that the palace of Tai Nengshang can be so magnificent, but after all, it is just a tomb, how can it be made to think of a real spiritual palace.' "

"Wu Xie felt unhappy for a while. According to legend, there is a huge underground palace in the tomb of the first emperor, which is a perfect replica of Xianyang Palace."

"But at this time, Fatty Wang's doubts are even bigger."

"Immediately he asked: 'No, it stands to reason that this imperial mausoleum is under the snow cover, and there is no wind here, no wind and such a cold weather, it should not be eroded by the wind to look like this, Why has it eroded into such a tattered appearance now?' After that, Fatty Wang reached out and touched it."

"Wu Xie yelled loudly and signaled Fatty Wang to stop quickly. This thing can't be directly touched with your hands. Although it has been eroded by the poisonous gas of the crater all the year round, there are no poisonous insects and beasts in it, but I can't guarantee it completely."

"Fatty Wang also put away his giggling expression when he saw this."

"The next moment, everyone stepped on the mausoleum steps that could allow carriages to pass side by side, and walked into the main entrance of the imperial mausoleum."

"Fatty Wang looked at the stone gate that had already collapsed, his face full of displeasure: 'Naive, how long has it been? Could it be that the King of Eastern Xia cut corners when building the tomb, and the big treasure inside must have lost its appearance. White came here.'"

"Wu Xie and the others ignored Fatty Wang and walked straight on the door full of nails. It's hard to imagine what happened to Li."

"Go in through the gate, and inside is the gate of the mausoleum."

"Monk Hua explained: 'The ancient burial book, the emperor's mausoleum, the four dragon towers, the nine-tailed immortal car entering the Yellow Spring. This is the first hall in the four dragon towers.'"

"Wu Xie and others are still in the mood to listen. Everyone quickly greeted them and continued on."

"The sulphur poisonous mist from the crater has accumulated over the years and is already terrifying."

"Everyone rushed in."

"Wu Xie and others caught the eye. The store inside is about the size of two basketball courts. There are copper carriages on both sides. On the right back of the copper carriage, there are two black statues of Mengchen. It's a shaman's totem, a bit like an alienated Angry-eyed King Kong."

"Everyone was vigilant for a while before they dared to go inside with confidence."

"At this moment, Fatty Wang made an 'oops' sound, attracting everyone's attention, and everyone turned to look, wondering in their hearts, the road is so smooth, why is it possible to slip on this road?"

"At this time, Fatty Wang also felt a bit of bone in his heart. He covered his **** and stood up and walked to the place he just slipped to. He flipped over a few tiles. The traces on the ground were good proof that something was just under his feet. , he was the one who went up and slipped. But he searched for a long time, and he didn't see anything he just tripped over."

"At this time, Pan Zi said with a serious face: 'Fatty, did you trip over by a ghost?'"

"Fatty Wang shook his head desperately: 'Damn it! Why is the young master so unlucky, every time he goes to the tomb, this evil person likes to lean on me. Could it be that I have a ghost physique?'"

"Everyone burst into laughter after hearing this."

"Suddenly, Fatty Wang felt something strange under his feet, and he quickly called everyone to stop. He lowered his head and looked for it. It turned out to be a bullet casing."

"I saw Fatty 510 angrily said: 'Damn, besides us, Aning's team is the only one who came to Changbai Mountain. What's the matter? Why are there bullet casings? There must be no one else except this little girl. .'"

"Among the team, Pan Zi's nose is the most intelligent. Pan Zi took the bullet, took off the gas mask and sniffed at the nose: 'There is still temperature, it has just been shot from the barrel of the gun.'"

"Wu Xie seems to be inhaling too much poison gas, and his head is dizzy, and he only reacts at this time."

"Someone's here first! Come on, let's light up and look around, what else is there? No, if there was money left, we would have heard it long ago. Is it possible that this doorless hall can still be soundproofed?"

Soundproofing is good!

"Monk Hua hurriedly fired up the cold fireworks in his backpack when he heard the words, and the surrounding things gradually became clear in his eyes. I saw that the strong lie and the ground were densely dissatisfied with bullet holes."

"'Well, this little girl, An Ning, aren't you afraid of ruining this thing? It's really a waste of good things. When you catch him, his **** will definitely bloom!'"

"At this time, Monk Hua reminded everyone to look at the dense bullet holes."

"'No, Aning's group of people should be shooting something. You see that the bullet holes are all designed in one direction. When will you shoot in one direction?'".

Chapter 233 This black shadow should not be human

"There was a chill in everyone's heart, and Wu Xie was even more afraid and said: 'Is there any monsters in here? There are no other monsters' bodies on the ground!'"

Immediately afterwards, Fatty's flashlight looked up unconsciously.

"Wu Xie and others followed the light and saw a black shadow hanging on the beam."


The breath-holding under the stage seemed to be reaching its limit.


Take a deep breath.

"What happened just now? Why do I feel the darkness around me?"

"Wocao, it was amazing just now, I actually felt that Mr. Zhang didn't say something, and there was something more in front of my eyes. This feeling is like robbing a tomb in Mr. Zhang's book, it's really **** exciting. "

Everyone was talking excitedly.

said one of the crowd.

"Isn't it? I just saw the feeling of being in darkness and being in the imperial mausoleum."

"Why didn't you feel this way before?"

"That's right, this feeling was really bland before, it was just in my head, but this time it's like it really happened."

Suddenly, everyone looked at Zhang Chen on the high platform in unison.

Immediately, he looked back.

"Could it be Mr. Zhang? Only Mr. Zhang can do this."

"I'm afraid that's the only way to think about it. Mr. Zhang is really getting more and more terrifying. Just a storyteller can take us to the Genting Tiangong. You won't believe it if you say it."

"Fortunately, we grabbed this position today. If it was a little later, I probably wouldn't experience this feeling."

"I've decided to take you out to rent a house at Crescent Moon Rice in the future. Boss Yin is so unreliable. Jiang Ran has taken down all the shops in the surrounding streets. This is to force us to death. ."

When Yun Sheng arrived again, everyone looked up at Boss Yin on the third floor.

If eyes could kill, Boss Yin would have died many times.