MTL - Too Early-Chapter 1 Ota Kinjo Motokami

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Time is September, and autumn is cool.

At dawn, the night and the white pelicans are handing over. Datian Town in the dense fog is still asleep, except for a few diligent hunters who have started hunting on the mountain. Occasionally, a few cockroaches and dogs have not been able to disturb the dreams of Datian Town, and soon they are still silent. in.

Eat mountains in the mountains, eat water by water, and the good wishes of farming in the name of Datian Town on the back of Xiaoyu Mountain, but they have to be hunting for generations because of the scarcity and poverty of the fields.

The chicken clams were three times, and the sky was getting brighter. There were gradually people on the streets. From time to time, the practice of “drinking and drinking” resounded over Datian Town.

Most of these exercises are not childish, but it is the morning exercises of the teenagers. They gnash their teeth and their minds are catching up with Qin Haoxuan and Zhang’s mad goal.

In the hearts of the teenagers in Datian Town, in addition to catching up with Qin Haoxuan and Zhang Mang, there is still a dream like a dream, that is, the gods on the Xiaoyu Mountain are accepted as apprentices, and they are not able to practice their skills. Also become a good hunter.

In the courtyard of the west of Datian Town, they are still in the courtyard of the school. Their goal of catching up with Qin Haoxuan is still lying in bed and sleeping.

Among the children in Datian Town, Qin Haoxuan has the best skills. He sleeps in the sun every day. He is invincible among his peers. In addition to a superb hunting skill and means, he can also sell some rare herbs from time to time. The pharmacy in the town, earning a lot of money to subsidize the home, not only by many peers admire the envy, even the adults are full of praise, since the sigh.

No one noticed that a colorful snake sneaked into Qin Haoxuan's room, and traveled very skillfully to his bedside, then squatted in front of Qin Haoxuan's pillow.

The snake is about half a foot long, and it has a colorful snake skin. There are many dense bulges on the skin. It feels like a scale. Its head is not like the cone of a typical snake, but it is somewhat square and looks very weird.

"Hey..." Qin Haoxuan blinked and sat up, saw the bedside flowers, and the motionless snake was not surprised, but took a yellow object in the mouth of the snake, which was yellow. The object touches the small nails, giving off a faint scent, and then the little snake that is still moving into the arms.

This small yellow object is a precious yellow essence. It looks like a yellow stone. Although it is not good to look at, it is unusual because of its delicate touch and exuberant fragrance. It is no wonder that the old man of the drug shop has been chanting for several years and will certainly be able to sell a good price.

Qin Haoxuan’s hand reached into his arms and touched the cold snake in his arms. His thoughts drifted away, and he could not help but recall the scene a few years ago.

His family had once worked as an official. Later, when he moved his family to Datian Town, he set a rule for future generations. He must study but can't be an official. Now his father is only doing some farm work and making little money. His mother is in town. Do some pulp washing to earn some money to subsidize the home.

Qin Haoxuan, who has studied since urinating, realized from the book that reading is for the sake of reason rather than for fame, so he is sensible earlier than his normal age. At the age of eight, he went hunting with the adults and trained in crisis and stifling. The big heads, who are dissatisfied with hunting, are taken away by the adults. When he was ten years old, he went hunting alone.

Although he often encountered dangers, Qin Haoxuan repeatedly turned his back on the dangers. The only injury he suffered was that he was bitten by a strange snake at the age of twelve. His life changed completely.

It was a summer morning, followed by four days of heavy rain. The mountain road was muddy and difficult to walk. Qin Haoxuan, who had no pot rice at home, had to go up the mountain and start searching for prey.

However, the prey in the nearby mountain area had already been beaten seven hundred and eighty-eight, and Qin Haoxuan, who had wandered for a morning, had nothing to gain. When he was unable to do anything, a scorpion flew quickly, and Qin Haoxuan did not say anything.

The scorpion was extremely embarrassed, and it was drilled in the bushes. Qin Haoxuan shot a few arrows and it was empty, and it also led Qin Haoxuan to the depths of Xiaoyushan.

Datian Town has been hunting for generations, but they are all wandering around. Even if the prey is getting scarcer, no one dares to go deep into Xiaoyu Mountain. There are also daring hunters who have gone deep into Xiaoyushan, but they have never seen it again.

Legend has it that not only is there a fairy in the small hills, but there are also many evil spirits and ghosts.

Qin Haoxuan, who has the legend of monsters and monsters in the mountains, is suspicious, but the mountains must be rampant and there are countless fierce beasts, so he has not dared to go deep into the hills hunting, but now he can only go home with his prey, he can only let his father and mother I am hungry together.

Qin Haoxuan chased his teeth and chased it. He finally chased the scorpion. At this time, he had already penetrated into the Xiaoyu Mountain. It was inaccessible, and the thick and sturdy trees covered the sky and covered with thick bushes. The damp ground is covered with a layer of decaying leaves, which can only determine the direction of Datian Town, and explore the road when it comes to memory.

Qin Haoxuan, who had been chaotic for a long time, did not find a way home, but came to a small valley.

Compared with the towering ancient wood outside, this is a small valley with only red flowers and green grass. The environment is quiet and beautiful, and the birds are fragrant.

After Qin Haoxuan’s hunting, he specially learned the identification herbs from the old man of the drug shop. At a glance, he recognized that there are many valuable herbs grown here. If you can bring back some of the old man’s money, you can change the grain for a month, and the mother also Not so hard.

If you want to do it, Qin Haoxuan refuses to take this into the depths of the Xiaoyu Mountain in the midst of a crisis.

When Qin Haoxuan picked up the joy, suddenly a colorful snake came out of the grass and bite in Qin Haoxuan’s right hand.

Qin Haoxuan felt a whirlwind, and he slammed into the ground and passed out.

I don't know how long it took, and Qin Haoxuan, who thought he must die, woke up from a coma, and found that the original green grass was as big as a towering ancient wood. The small valley that was not big was suddenly wide in his eyes.

Moved around, the body has never been flexible, in the grass like a towering tree.

No, why didn't you use it, but the body was on the ground?

At the edge of a clear pool, Qin Haoxuan saw that his body was no longer a familiar human body, but a colorful snake. Not far away, his body was lying in the grass, without heartbeat and breathing.

Could it be that you are dead? Attached to this little snake that bites me?

A terrible thought flashed in Qin Haoxuan's mind, and swiftly swam to his body, imagining to shuttle the soul back.

Suddenly, a powerful suction was uploaded from his "corpse". Qin Haoxuan felt dizzy and his soul was sucked away. After a while, he opened his eyes again and returned to the human body. The strange snake that was possessed by the soul before was lying. No motion on the ground.

Once again, another powerful force pulls the soul to the snake.

In the case of several reincarnations, Qin Haoxuan finally determined that his soul could shuttle back and forth between the body of the snake and his body, and now he was the best, and smiled.

This tossing is already coming at night. The poisonous cockroaches in the small mountains have begun to spread. If the human body inhales the poisonous cockroaches, it will surely die. This snake has lived in the small hills before, and the poison cockroaches must not threaten it.

Qin Haoxuan thought about it and attached the soul to the snake. It was true that the rising suffocation in the valley could not harm him.

He swims and discovers a magical beauty. The place where the snake swims will leave a special taste. No matter how far you go, you can follow this breath to find the way to come, which means he can Take this to find the way home.

In the search for the way home, Qin Haoxuan also discovered the various advantages of the snake body, such as the intoxication of the poison, such as the sensitivity of some elixir drugs, some leopards hungry wolf, see the snake scared to turn around and run .

Since then, Qin Haoxuan has been attached to the snake in the evening, went to the depths of the Xiaoyu Mountain to find rare medicinal materials, and then sold the drug-trafficking old man to earn far more money than hunting. His family’s days have also passed. Well, he himself has become a model of this group of teenagers in Datian Town.

The treasure hunt around the snake is magical, but it will leave behind after each possession - the next day exhausted, can not afford the spirit, just want to sleep.

After changing clothes, Qin Haoxuan walked out of the house with Huang Jing, and with two dark circles, he looked tired and barely greeted the acquaintances he met on the road.

On the way to Qin Haoxuan's trip to the drugstore, a scream came into his ear.

"Oh... Zhang, I don’t really have money, Zhang boss is forgiving... Oh..."

A few teenagers are kicking the two teenagers who are rolling on the ground. A teenager in a brocade suit seems to enjoy the screams of others and sneer from time to time. He is the same madman as Qin Haoxuan.

There were a lot of juveniles on the scene, angry, sympathetic, and righteous indignation, but there was no dare in front of the Jinyi teenager.

"I am optimistic about Laozi, this is the end of the payment of insurance premiums!" Zhang's younger brother stepped on the face of a teenager on the ground, proudly declared.

At this time, another teenager finally couldn’t bear it. He shouted loudly: "Robber, mad, you robber can't die!"

The mad face that had never been touched flashed a sigh of relief. I saw him go up quickly and was about to kick in the mouth of the boy. I can imagine that once he was kicked, the teenager would have a few teeth. It is.

"The surname Zhang, did you not see me?" Qin Haoxuan’s eyelids here did not lift up and said: "If you dare to kick, I will tie you to the Xiaoyushan to feed the wolf!"

In this group of teenagers in Datian Town, Qin Haoxuan is a different kind. When he was eight years old, he took over the burden of family hunting. He rarely mixed with this group of peers. The madness of his name became the boss of the boy.

The mad father is the best hunter in Datian Town, and Zhang mad himself is also gifted. At the age of twelve, he killed two hungry wolves by hand.

However, such a sly character can be called the king in the group of children in Datian Town. He is only afraid of Qin Haoxuan. Last year, he was beaten by Qin Haoxuan, broke four ribs and lay in bed for three months. Only after he recovered, he did not dare to offend Qin Haoxuan.

Qin Haoxuan’s voice is like an invisible shackle, forcing Zhang’s madness to recover the foot he wants to kick out. He looks to Qin Haoxuan, although he can’t wait to smash his corpse, but he doesn’t dare to reveal it.

He knows that Qin Haoxuan has said that he can do it. If he kicks himself, he will do it by tying himself to the mountain and feeding the wolf!

The mad face of the heart is full of madness, and there are some frosts on the eyebrows: "The surname Qin, these two people are bad for me, how can we teach lessons?"

Qin Haoxuan’s heart is just a sneer. When did this happen to be a rule? He was too lazy to say anything more than Zhang Fan, and he squeezed out a word ‘roll’.

Zhang arrogant face is ugly, but he also knows that turning his face can only suffer, and Qin Haoxuan swears thousands of times in his heart. He can't understand how Qin Haoxuan thinks in the end. A person who grew up from a young age should deeply understand the 'sense'. Words, with your own hands can be rampant in the township, how to do everything to do with yourself.

Qin Haoxuan saw a stinking face of Zhang I also know what the other party is thinking. My heart is just sighing and secretly chanting myself: Qin Haoxuan, Qin Haoxuan, you have learned from a small age, you should know the word 'sense' It is better to know that you are far from this kind of evil person. How can you not endure this kind of thing?

Thinking of this, Qin Haoxuan is also a bitter smile. Although he read and read it, although he has a good understanding, he has also developed some stinking temper of the readers. He knows that sometimes he can avoid many evil things when he hangs high, but he can’t stand it. This 'rational' word in the heart.

With a sharp eye, I saw that there seemed to be something in Qin Haoxuan’s clenched fist. It also gave off a faint and fragrant medicinal fragrance. He said: “Hey... good fragrance! Qin Ge, what good things have you got today? This is Going to Chenjia Pharmacy to sell it?"

"Crap, when is the thing that Qin Ge took out is not a good thing?" Qin Haoxuan had not spoken yet, and a teenager took over the words and responded with a good response, and soon won an echo.

"Qin Ge, it is said that today, two foreign visitors have bought all the precious medicinal materials of Chenjia Pharmacy, and they have also released their words. Others, as long as they cherish the medicinal materials, can take out a lot of prices higher than the Chenjia pharmacy!"

"Yeah, I also heard that Qin Ge has always had a lot of good things. If they can see it, maybe they can make a fortune!"

Qin Haoxuan’s heart was moving, and he felt lucky. The hearty promise was: “Look, if the selling price is good, I invite you to drink.”

In the cheers, Qin Haoxuan was surrounded by many teenagers and went to the Chenjia drugstore.

Qin Haoxuan, who took all the eyeballs as soon as he appeared, was left with a few **** younger brothers. He was gnashing his teeth: "I will soon be chosen by the gods in the mountains to choose the apprentices. I must be chosen by the gods, and this evil!"

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