MTL - Too Early-Chapter 1589 Hope this life will never be seen again

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In the dark hole, Qin Haoxuan gradually recovered his hearing, vision, smell...the five senses were restored, and his body, blood and blood, gradually stirred.

Behind him, there are four immortal palaces, and five immortal palaces lined up. The immortal palace is like flowing water, and it has shown a liquid immortal surging.

The creator of Yaochi preached to the snake: "You are lying to him. Why don't you tell him the truth."

"If he tells him something, he will be lucky. If he knows, this is the benefit I asked you, he will think in his heart that he will not die, naturally he will not devote himself to it, and he will not get the most from it. Good honing effect." There was something in the voice of the little snake that the creator of Yaochi could not understand.

"What's more, I have been scolded so much by you in his words, can't I retaliate him?"

The creator of the Yaochi was silent for a while, and then he said: "You are indeed a defective and inferior creator of the creator of the Yaochi, and your character is incomplete."

Snake immediately despised: "What do you know, you are a sentimental stuff."

The creator of Yaochi no longer paid attention to the little snake. It controlled the power of the encroachment in the Yaochi and flew towards Qin Haoxuan.

In the space, layers of looting clouds emerge, condensing one side.

Qin Haoxuan has been in the world for many years, and all kinds of Heavenly Tribulation are more familiar and can no longer be familiar. Even in this Yaochi, where there is no light at all and nothing can be seen, it feels that the terrible equivalent of Heavenly Tribulation is gathering around.

The looting clouds gathered, and the endless appalling coercive pressure instantly fell down. This coercion seemed to be substantive. Qin Haoxuan heard the burst of sound from the surrounding air for the first time in the Yaochi pool, which seemed to be horrified by the horrible prestige The pressure is bursting.

Invisible lightning fell from the sky.

Qin Haoxuan's face was dignified, the golden light around him, his body's breath rising continuously, he wanted to disperse the darkness around him, but found that darkness was always dark, no matter how hard he tried, he could not illuminate any space beside his body.

Swallow upside down! Even the fairy king can devour destruction!

Qin Haoxuan fully understood the horror of Yaochi this time!

Suddenly, a loud noise came out.

A huge invisible thunder flew down.

Where the Thunder passed, the space continued to explode, making a clear sonic boom. Arcs raged in the air, as if they were thunder dragons, full of endless power!

Thunder is terrifying, it seems to destroy the whole world. For a time, the world shook and the space collapsed.

Qin Haoxuan didn’t know how many days he had been in contact with. In the past, many days he was beaten and robbed by him, but today’s power has brought him back to the feeling of teaching the robbery in the early days. So small.

Qin Haoxuan tried his best to open the Immortal Palace, and a Immortal Palace even included the original collection of Heavenly Tribulation, and the fish ponds that were built by the Thunder Force flew out.

On the same day, he once subdued the horrific sword wind in the remains of Feixian and turned it into a wind fish.

One wind fish flew out and hit the terrifying thunder. In an instant, above the thunder, the purple light was full, and all the wind fish seemed to disappear into nothingness in an instant.

In Qin Haoxuan's eyes, the expression became more and more dignified. This wind fish was condensed by the wind of the sword he collected. At the beginning, he swallowed the sea demon among the relics of the flying fairy. Many days of catastrophe were destroyed by this knife wind.

Now, with the enhancement of his cultivation, this wind fish is also more terrifying than the sword style of the day, but under this thunder, it is destroyed by all.

Teach robbery!

This is the catastrophe that the ancient religion once experienced!

His hands waved again, and above the five Tao palaces, the power of reincarnation poured into the dragon scale sword, slashing towards the sky with a sword, wanting to complete the time reversal, so that the robbery reversal disappeared.

The golden sword light exploded, crossing the void, and the surrounding space suddenly split.

The sword, with its unparalleled edge, cuts down towards the thunder of the sky. Under a sword, the thunder of Skyrim was suddenly split in two!

Reincarnation! Everything in the world!

Qin Haoxuan cut his confidence with a sword, and the next countless thunder fell in the sky. Every thunder could easily tear the space, and the surrounding space seemed to be torn apart again.

The space around was constantly shaking, and this space seemed to flip over.

In a trance, Qin Haoxuan found that he was not in the mysterious Yaochi at this time. He was standing in the ancient teachings of Yaochi at this time. Between heaven and earth, heaven and earth fell down.

Teach robbery!

He is really facing a catastrophe!

This... is it time to go back? The power of reincarnation is not just reincarnation? Even affected the entire Yaochi? Let it return to the state of the past.

The darkness around disappeared, replaced by a solitary peak in the ancient pond of Yaochi, and thousands of miles above the ground gave birth to the power of Thunder Sky Tribulation, ready to pour down at any time.

Is this an assessment? Murder?

Qin Haoxuan wanted to have a good chat with the "founder" in Yaochi.

Thunder gathers in the sky, no longer falls like before, countless thunders, at the same time, madly poured down, the entire sky turned purple.

Every thunder is powerful and can break mountains and destroy rivers.

This is a real mission!

The sect confronted by a sect now wants him to stand alone!

Thunder destroys the void, this side of the space is already cracked everywhere, revealing a series of space cracks, among the space cracks, a force of thunder condenses!

It seems to be in the sky, and the power of the thunder is terrifying, driving out the chaotic flow of space cracks.

In this world, apart from Qin Haoxuan, all that remains is Thunder, which destroys all the power of Thunder!

Qin Haoxuan's own breath, constant fluctuations, and faintness, he seems to be integrated into this world.

In his hand, the dragon scale sword burst out of the bright golden awn, in a purple world, the golden light shines, and traverses a golden road.

This is his avenue!

Countless thunders converged to form a huge beam of thunder, and fell down to Qin Haoxuan. The mighty thunder force fell wildly and collided with the sword he cut out again and again.

The golden brilliance with the power of reincarnation retreated back at a speed visible to the naked eye.

This is the confrontation between his power of reincarnation and the thunder of heaven and earth, his avenue, and the collision of the way of heaven and earth!

Qin Haoxuan clearly felt the heaven and earth avenue contained in the thunder.

At this moment, he suddenly realized that after experiencing some unknown days of disaster, he suddenly realized.

What is Heaven Tribulation.

Heavenly Tribulation is the transformation of the will of heaven and earth.

All monks in the world have their own way.

And the way of heaven and earth, it only allows one avenue between heaven and earth. That is its heaven and earth avenue.

Heavenly Tribulation, in fact, is to use its avenue to destroy all the way of the robbers, so that only the Heaven and Earth Avenue will remain in this world!

This heaven and earth are indeed what it has transformed, but the creatures of heaven and earth are not their private possessions. All creatures in heaven and earth, with their own parents, their brothers and brothers, their relatives, all creatures, do not live for the way of heaven and earth!

Why, dominate the heaven and earth!

All creatures, with their joys and sorrows and joys, with their emotions, will conceive their own way, why, only the way of heaven and earth is allowed in the world!

Qin Haoxuan was not upset, unconvinced and unwilling.

Today, I will fight the way of this world!

His body was filled with great pride, the power of qi and blood rose, the power of reincarnation gathered, and the golden light soared again, pushing the purple thunder of the sky back toward the sky.

Above him, the falling beams of purple light continued to split and scattered towards the surroundings. Purple arcs spread all over this space, in the void, on the earth, and madly abused.

The ground beneath his feet was constantly exploding, but the entire space was darkened.

In the dark Yaochi, the little snake suddenly heard the voice of the creator of Yaochi.

"His power suddenly increased, that should not be the power he possessed, why is it so." It should have been a voice full of doubt, but the creator in Yaochi said it was abnormally flat, without any ups and downs , Meaningless emotions.

The little snake didn't respond, but it was a sneer in her heart, and you didn't understand it, because it belongs to the power of emotion. People cultivate, why there is a breakthrough after the epiphany is because of emotion.

And you are a creator of Yaochi without emotion!

Under the raging purple thunder, above the sky, the dark robbery clouds are constantly converging and surging. Pieces of robbery clouds are constantly changing. Some robbery clouds converge into the rumored dragon, some solidify into a unicorn, and some seem poor Strange, some seem to be lazy...

They spread their teeth and claws, colliding with each other on the sky, and each time they collide, they gather a very thick beam of thunder light, which keeps flying down and bombarding Qin Haoxuan, bombarding this space.

In the space, the scattered thunder arcs converged and turned into a huge purple dragon. Its whole body shone with thunder and filled with a tyrannical atmosphere.

Above the sky, a thunder fell, hitting its immense body, and every time it hit it, its breath was strong.

It opened a roar all day long, a sound wave visible to the naked eye, like the ripples in the water, rushed toward Qin Haoxuan, the sound wave was full of unmatched thunder.

Under the thunder attack, the body of the thunder dragon flew out and flew towards Qin Haoxuan. With a flutter, the might was extremely powerful.

The incomparably huge faucet opened, and it seemed that he was about to swallow Qin Haoxuan's whole body at once.

The thunder is turbulent.

Above the head of Qin Haoxuan, five immortal palaces stretched out. In front of him, the town demon bell that had been reshaped by it emerged, deterring the space above his head.

The dragon-scale sword in his hand was retracted, and he fell towards the purple dragon-shaped thunder that flew.

Jianmang is sharp and unparalleled, and the power of reincarnation comes back and forth.

One sword fell, and the power of the Thunder, which could easily destroy the towering giant mountain, was dissipated in many rounds. The sharp sword light cut through the faucet and instantly cut the faucet.

But at the next moment, a thunder fell on the dragon body, and the broken Thunder Dragon closed again.

Behind Qin Haoxuan, splattered thunder arcs converged to form an incomparably huge unicorn beast, which swept down the thunder tail.

Qin Haoxuan wanted to turn around and dodge, but the speed of the thunder tail falling was too amazing.

His body had just turned halfway, and the Thunder's tail had fallen on him.

The mighty thunder came violently, the clothes on his body exploded in an instant, an arc, like a thunder snake, madly biting on his body, his body down the mountain was instantly bombarded The blackness of the scorching, the power of the thunder rushed into his body and madly raged. Even his mind was shocked by the thunder, and it seemed to be bombarded.

His body was hurt and his breath was weak.

In the sky, the falling column of thunder light suddenly blasted the town demon bell above his head. Endless thunder poured down and rushed into his fairy palace, bombarding the whole forest of fairy trees.

The fairy trees were bombarded with black, some fairy trees were even split apart, a thunder call, jumping in the forest of fairy trees, bombarding the fairy trees.

In an instant, he was hit hard!


It is just the Thunder Sky Tribulation, but it is more horrible than any other Sky Tribulation he has experienced in the past, and it is more horrible than the Tribulation Array that gathers all kinds of Sky Tribulation!

The creator of the Yaochi, clearly wants to kill him!

Over the top of Qin Haoxuan’s head, among the five immortal palaces that were bombarded by thunder, a force of reincarnation quickly rushed out, his body, the figure of the reincarnation of the five bodies appeared, and the power of reincarnation appeared in him and the five The body circulated rapidly, repairing his damaged body and Tao Palace.

Under his feet, the power of reincarnation circulated. In the dragon-scale sword in his hand, the golden light was shining, and above the five bodies, the divine light was condensed, and he was slashed towards the falling thunder.

Qin Haoxuan, how could he die under the sky-tribulation in this area!

Qin Haoxuan's war intentions are constantly soaring, his momentum is like a rainbow, but his heart is like a pool of water in a secluded place at night, very clear.

His whole body, an ancient thunder beast, is constantly appearing, brave, gluttonous, sorrowful...

Each thunder beast exudes endless power.

Qin Haoxuan's whole body was already entangled by the force of the tyrannical thunder. His fairy tree forest was almost completely destroyed, and he could not see a complete fairy tree.

The power of reincarnation circulates, constantly repairing his damaged body, repairing the forest of fairy trees, and waiting for the power of reincarnation to be repaired.

The river flows slowly over time.

Qin Haoxuan didn't know how many years he had spent against this Thunder Sky Tribulation.

Under the ravages of the power of the Thunder, he is already familiar with the power of the Thunder, as if the power of the Thunder is part of his body.

What thunder dragon, thunder brave, thunder gluttonous...

All this is illusory.

In essence, they are all Thunder, and they are all a Thunder Power!

Now, I don't know how many years, he has fully realized the power of thunder!

He cut out a sword, and in an instant, it seemed that he had cut out thirty-six swords. These thirty-six swords converged into a huge reincarnation sword plate. The power of thunder gathers.

A sword fell, the purple Thunder World, as if it were a blank page, was cut open from the middle by a sharp long sword.

The purple thunder force and the dark robbery were all cut open, and the sky returned to clear.

But at the next moment, in the sky, the robbery clouds gathered again, and in the void, the wind was loud.

A gentle breeze blew, but it seemed to be the sharpest blade across, easily cutting his skin, bones were visible in the wound, and Yinhong blood dripped down.

Wind robbery!

Among the Phoenix Tribulation, Thunder's Tribulation is gathering again.

Double robbery!

Qin Haoxuan's internal warfare seems to be overflowing in substance, and he is full of pride, but what about double robbery? He has fully comprehended the thunder robbery. In the endless years, his power of reincarnation has always been against the power of thunder. Now his power of reincarnation is more condensed, and he has a deeper understanding of the power of reincarnation.

It is a double robbery, and what can he do!

The wind screamed, and the world he was in turned into a huge tornado, and he was at the center of the storm.

Unlike the previous Thunder Tribulation, which is simply full of tyrannical gas, this Wind Tribulation is changeable, or sharp and unparalleled, or full of endless power, or smart and elegant, or softly brushing the face can not be eliminated.

The wind is everywhere.

Even the calmest side of the room still has wind.

Time goes by.

In the center of the storm, Qin Haoxuan's black hair flew up against the wind. On the dragon-scale sword, the divine light was shining, and the wind was chopped down. It was the most erratic wind. Under his sword, all were cut!

The wind breaks!

At the time, when he killed the Patriarch Patriarch, he had the opportunity to kill the Xiaofeng Patriarch. However, because the Xiaofeng Patriarch turned into a wind, so that he could not lock it, he let the Xiaofeng Patriarch escape.

Now, if you encounter the ancestor of Xiaofeng again, kill it with one sword!

After the wind robbery, the surrounding temperature suddenly increased. The hot high temperature completely ignited this mountain peak and ignited the air. It was just a breathing effort. This world was surrounded by the sea of ​​fire.

Flames that are invisible to the naked eye are burning wildly in the void, and the hot temperature seems to completely ignite the entire space, heavy water, gusty wind... All kinds of heavenly disasters fall down instantly.

Every time Qin Haoxuan broke a robbery, new disasters will come, and the broken sky robbery has not disappeared.

Heavy disasters came first.

In this side of the world, the thunder is turbulent, majestic, ice and fire coexist, space is reversed, time is changing...

Behind Qin Haoxuan, three fairy palaces float! Like the sun, moon and formation in the sky, it exudes endless power.

Three fairy palaces!

Heavenly Tribulation is the gathering of the way of heaven and earth, and he wants to destroy his way.

This is destruction, but it can also be felt.

Facing the endless years of all kinds of Heavenly Tribulation, he realized the Heavenly Tribulation, the world, and everything. He superimposed six fairy palaces!

The six immortal palaces are superimposed, and the immortal palaces are subtly resonating and shaking, and the power is doubled!

Not only that, he mixed the three disasters and six disasters in the robbery!

Three disasters and six disasters is also a catastrophe.

Under the fairy palace, the forest of fairy trees is more connotation of yin and yang sun and moon, four elephants, five elements, gossip... full of all kinds of sky-tribulation.

His fairy tree forest was broken and shaped again and again under this catastrophe, but I don't know how many times it was reshaped. The fairy tree forest now has the power of heavenly disaster.

Teaching robbery, how can I help me!

Qin Haoxuan was surrounded by divine light, and he was full of war, and the power of reincarnation circled around his body.

The tyrannical thunder, the hot flame that can burn all things in time, and the ice that can freeze the world...

All kinds of sky-tribulation fell and fell on the glory formed by the power of this reincarnation. Everything was reincarnate and dissipated!

Among the endless years of contending against robbery, his greatest gain was not that the wind fish he had taken away was more condensed to achieve the power of destroying the thunder of robbery, not his four elephants and five elements of earth, water, wind, fire... The gossip perception is deeper, not even the six Taoist palaces are superimposed, but his perception of the power of reincarnation.

Now he only really understands what is reincarnation and what can be done in the world.

He had seen the reincarnation of the second body of the Immortal King at that time.

But now, he firmly believes that his perception of the way of reincarnation is better than the body of the reincarnation fairy king II!

Suddenly, the next moment, an invisible pressure came. A horrendous force came down.

It is not wind, fire and thunder, nor space and time. It is an invisible force that is invisible.

What power is this?

Qin Haoxuan was amazed in his heart, and the power of reincarnation continued to converge around his body, becoming more cohesive.

However, the invisible power has not been affected by the slightest impact. It can reincarnate all the power of reincarnation, and it can't capture this invisible power at all.

He could feel that this power passed through his samsara barrier, through his skin, his flesh, and rushed straight into his body.

But his body was not affected in any way, and it seemed that there was no power to invade it, as if everything was just an illusion.

The next moment, he had a headache!

Divine consciousness!

His consciousness was attacked!

The mass of his consciousness has always been that he attacks others with his consciousness!

This is the first time his consciousness has been attacked!

It seems that there is a giant beast that can devour everything in the world. From his sea of ​​consciousness, madly devouring and biting its consciousness, the indescribable pain came, and it was almost impossible for him to maintain clarity.

What kind of attack is this?

Attack can't really be invisible!

The power of your own reincarnation can reincarnate everything, reincarnate everything, and it is impossible to stop it!

Qin Haoxuan insisted on his consciousness, and a force of reincarnation flowed back, capturing the seemingly invisible breath.

But the attack on the consciousness seems to be really invisible, and no matter how he catches it, he can't catch the attack.

Only a short time, his consciousness has been destroyed by most.

Unable to capture?

This is an attack against the consciousness, then the consciousness is released...

Qin Haoxuan's thoughts moved, while holding on to the sea of ​​knowledge, while condensing his consciousness and releasing it, he gathered with the power of samsara.

Suddenly, a robbery force totally different from thunder robbery, ice robbery and wind robbery was captured by him.

This is the attack against the consciousness.

The power of reincarnation surged up, swiftly reincarnate the mysterious, seemingly invisible robbery of the mind.

But the power of this reincarnation robbery seems to be endless, and it is more terrifying than the previous days of robbery.

The power of reincarnation can only reincarnate part of the consciousness, and it cannot dispel all of it.

Qin Haoxuan's consciousness of the sea still continues to bear the impact of the robbery of consciousness.

Now, he has realized the pain of those who were attacked by his consciousness.

His consciousness of the sea seems to be exploding, and the whole person's breath is weakening and weakening.

The knowledge of the sea is damaged, and the rotation of his reincarnation around the body becomes slower.

All kinds of Heaven Tribulation broke through the power of reincarnation and bombarded him.

In an instant, Qin Haoxuan was almost knocked to the ground.

Hold on!

Lao Tzu has not found the beginning, and Lao Tzu has not gone out yet. How can he find the extremely celestial king II to settle accounts? How can he die here!

Behind Qin Haoxuan, the three immortal palaces are madly oscillating, the power of blood and blood in the body is boiling like boiled water, and the perseverance of the consciousness is blocking this horrible teaching and robbery!

Under the impact of the robbery of consciousness, his knowledge of the sea continued to condense and then to condense.

In his heart, a sense of confusion rose.

Teach robbery!

How can there be attacks against God's consciousness while teaching?

The invisible power can only be captured if he attaches his consciousness to the power of reincarnation.

The power of consciousness and reincarnation are clearly two different forces. Why is this so?

Qin Haoxuan continued to ponder and perceive while he was under the attack of teaching robbery.


The consciousness is your own power, and your own way is also your own power.

What is a fairy king?

The fairy king took his own way to the extreme.

No matter whether there is a mistake or a problem in his way, they all put their own way to the end!

Without combining the consciousness with your own way, your own way can never reach the ultimate extreme!

Only by merging one's own way with divine consciousness can one become a fairy king.

The way of fairy king!

I finally understood what a fairy king is!

Qin Haoxuan understood the truth.

The divine light of his whole body skyrocketed, and the dazzling light accompanied him by the mighty power of samsara.

Between the heavens and the earth, all the teachings will be dissipated!

Qin Haoxuan's breath is still unabated, and he is still climbing wildly.

He already understood the direction of his ninth fairy palace.

Immortal Palace!

Behind him, after six superimposed immortal palaces, and two other immortal palaces, the air of 氤氲 gathered, and the emptiness trembled, faintly, and the phantom of a fairy palace emerged.


Suddenly, a muffled noise came from the void. The faintly appearing shadow of the fairy palace has disappeared.

Qin Haoxuan opened a mouthful of blood.


He just condensed the ninth fairy palace and failed!

When he condensed all the immortal palaces before, he had always been smooth sailing, and never had such an experience. What's more, he is now in the time of enlightenment!

But he failed!

The ninth fairy palace is so difficult to condense!

No wonder, Lord Sea Swallower has always condensed the eight Taoist palaces. After she condensed the ninth Taoist palace, those Taoist ancestors would be so surprised. Zuo Dao Palace has never been able to condense the ninth Dao Palace!

Condensing the ninth Dao Palace, they themselves are challenging the world!

And the free devil, he actually condensed ten magic palaces, a fairy palace, you condensed eleven palaces!

How did he do it!

Qin Haoxuan sighed in his heart. Before his eyes, all the glory disappeared again, and he returned to the darkness.

The holocaust is over.

Facing the darkness, Qin Haoxuan arched his hand at the center of Yaochi and made a Tao Yi, sincerely saying: "Thank you for your training. When I finish dealing with other things, I will definitely come back when I come here Repay your experience with me."

When he was faced with the scourge of divine consciousness, he understood that the other party had not given up.

If the other party wants to kill him from the beginning, then he can perform the tragedy of the consciousness and any kind of heavenly disaster from the beginning, and he will never stop it.

The other party is training him.

Whether it is because of the existence of the little snake, or because of other reasons, he has received great benefits from the experience of the creators of Yaochi, he must thank each other.

Even if the other party has no emotion.

Qin Haoxuan's words just fell, and the little snake immediately shouted: "Old Qin, who do you thank? You should thank me Snake Lord. If it weren't for me, how could it consume so much of it? The robbery trains you. Besides, you thank it, he doesn't understand that guy."

"Who said I don't understand." The creator of Yaochi retorted: "I know what is grateful. I also know what is reward. But you still don't want to come again, never come again, it is best for me. Return.

Otherwise, if you come a few more times, it is hard to say whether my Yaochi can take shape. This time, I consumed too many missions. "

"Sorry, it cost you so much teaching." Qin Haoxuan asked curiously: "I don't know when you can form? Form a real world?"

"I don't know." The founder of Yaochi's emotionless voice came out, and even if he was concerned about himself, he still could not hear any fluctuations in his voice: "Maybe millions of years, maybe tens of millions of years. , Or maybe billions of years.

So, you don't have to worry, I will find trouble in your world and devour your world. I'm far from being in shape. You can ask the little snake, I didn't lie to you. "

Snake waits for Qin Haoxuan to has already said: "It didn't lie to you, it wanted to take shape, and I don't know how long it will take. In its current state, without external stimulation, it can't devour you. In the world."

Qin Haoxuan was slightly relieved, but he was thinking about it. After leaving Yaochi, he must remind the immortal ancestor of Yaochi. To protect the Yaochi, don’t let outsiders or people with ulterior motives come into contact with the Yaochi, and stimulate the food to be eaten. For example, like the fairy king II, secretly release the formation to affect the Yaochi and allow the Yaochi to find a bridge to contact the outside world.

"By the way, I don't know what you look like, can I know what you look like?" Qin Haoxuan asked curiously. He was really curious. What does the so-called "Creator" look like?

The creator of Yaochi replied: "I now... use your words to describe it, it's just a point. It's still a long time before I grow up to what you said."

"It's just a point? No look?" Qin Haoxuan was surprised: "But it... why does it look like it? Or is it like a snake?"


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