MTL - Too Early-Chapter 6 Ziqi Donglai Jingxianjian

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"Uncle Huang Long, I found a scorpion grass in Lushan a while ago. Unfortunately, I know half about Dandao. If I take alchemy, it will be a violent thing!"

Gu Yunzi took out the white jade bottle, and the other few knew it. Xia Yunzi and others suddenly took out the intention of Gu Yunzi, and they were mad at heart: "Your sister! Your sister! Your whole family! Gu Yun this **** this It is to bribe the teacher!"

If it is something next to it, Huanglong real person may not be interested, but this millennium sage is just a very important medicine in the ancient Danfang. Huanglong real person has repeatedly suggested that he should replace the ancient Yunzi with the next thing. Lingcao, this has always been crazy to sell silly, did not expect to accept Zhang Yang as a disciple, even to be so bloody.

Sure enough, Huang Long’s eyes were bright, and his eyes fell on the grass, and he couldn’t open it anymore. It’s very difficult to cultivate it into his realm. If you have this grass, you can make the ancient Danfang. Within a hundred years, I can still cross a realm.

"How can this be done? This scorpion grass is your favorite thing. How can I collect such precious things from you?" Huang Long’s real face was a resignation, but his eyes still fell on the grass.

Huang Long’s real meaning is obvious. Although the grass is good, it is not enough to change a gray fairy disciple.

Gu Yunzi secretly complained of bitterness, and blamed himself for being too savage before, and he was trying to slaughter himself with a knife! However, in order to be a disciple of the gray, for the future of Gu Yuntang also a teacher, he decided to go out!

He had a fat hand in his arms and groped for a crystal clear cloud beast. The ancient Yunzi, who had a treasure in his hands, thought that he would send them out with blood, but his face was hanging. Smile: "Uncle Shi, I have nothing to plant some eucalyptus in the inner courtyard, can improve the temperature of the fire, is the best material for burning the fire, and send it back to you. And this cloud beast, can improve The success rate of alchemy. As long as you can accept these, refine the feathers and lead the early education to a more brilliant future, I will take such a thing out of the ancient Yunzi! Please also read your disciples in a heartfelt heart. Don't refuse."

The Huanglong real person still refused, and Gu Yunzi even pushed the cloud beast inside and the grass to his hand.

The coffin, the cloud beast, and the millennium sage, which are not the best materials for alchemy. Since the beginning of the first teaching of Dan Dao, the heart of Bizhuzi is like being scratched by countless cat claws. The dark pier is often crying in front of several elders. The family is so rich, it is really a savage tycoon.

The ancient Yunzi’s "difficult situation", Huanglong real people will also be "deprecated", Zhang Yang this rare seedlings naturally fell into the ancient Yuntang account.

Others did not expect that Gu Yunzi actually made such a despicable means, bribing and accepting the gray fairy disciples who had a rare encounter in the past hundred years. At the same time, they were lamented at the same time, and they even lamented that they had no more than their own hands. The more precious treasures of the beasts and the grasses! I had no choice but to watch Zhang Yang fall into the hands of Gu Yunzi!

This is a gray fairy! It is very likely that it will be the future.

Xia Yunzi sighed and sighed. If this Yang worshipped under his own door, he would have succeeded in smashing the six hexagrams of the past and the present. Maybe he could carry forward this scholasticity with this qualification.

However, Huang Long really nodded, and they only had a sigh. The decision to teach is not what they dare to refute.

Zhang Yang looked up at the battle of many elders, and his face was arrogant, it seems that this gray fairy is very rare! With so many big people coming to grab me, I am afraid that from this moment on, I will be pacing! Not only can you clean up Qin Haoxuan, even if it is crazy? After you have tested the genus, you may have to turn your head and call me boss!

it is good! Great! Zhang Yang couldn't help but want to laugh at the sky, and the proud eyes glanced at all the others waiting to be tested. The sight finally fell on Qin Haoxuan, waiting! In the past, in order to give people a head, I interrupted a few ribs, and when I made a spiritual method, I interrupted all your bones.

Qin Haoxuan felt that Zhang’s nasty sight was slightly frowning. This kind of person could have such a good qualification. Is it that God does not open his eyes? Or is his family grave buried well? Seeing his arrogant look is so unstable, and in the future, there are limited achievements.

Seeing Huanglong’s real person’s bribe of Gu Yunzi’s bribe, he placed Zhang Yang under his door, and others did not dare to have any objection. Qin Haoxuan suddenly realized.

These seemingly inhumane fireworks are more powerful and life-long, but after all, they are still human beings, with seven emotions and six desires, and more greedy and private thoughts. Here is a clear reflection of the secular world. Some inferiority of human beings is even more obvious than the secular world.

Huang Long, who is in charge of teaching the ear of the ear, can not be afraid of anyone's criticism. If he refines the ancient Danfang, his strength can be further improved and his voice will be even greater.

Strength! Your strength is tied to your right to speak! The stronger the strength, the greater the right to speak!

Zhang Yang walked off the test bench, and the emperor Li Jing immediately took the person up and took a hand: "Congratulations! Zhang Yangxiong is on the road to the future, but it is necessary to help us a few more."

"Zhang Yangxiong, good fairy lord..."

"When I saw Zhang Yangxiong yesterday, I felt that the instrument was imposing, and the dragon in the crowd was not universal! Later, the same brothers and brothers, please ask Zhang to learn more!"

"Zhang Shixiong, the younger brother just wanted to see you from last night, you want to be mixed with you, then you are my boss."

"Yes, Boss! The boss is a gray fairy. It is said that the Huanglong real person is also a gray fairy when he first started! The boss is also the big man who teaches the ear of the ear!"

"Tell me to say." Zhang Yang mouth biting a smug smile, the line of sight intentionally or unintentionally glanced at not far away, always unmoved, his face was gloomy and mad, what is this brother waiting for? Does he really think that he will become a gray species?

"Zhang mad, come on stage..."

On the stage, the real people screamed, and Zhang’s face was heavy and he went to the test bench. His heart was like a huge stone. If his test result was a colorless weak, then he could not lift his head in front of Zhang Yang.

However, Zhang madly thought about it. When I first tested, my performance was far better than that of Zhang Yang. How could my qualifications be worse than Zhang Yang? From small to large, you are no better than him!

Thinking of this, Zhang arrogantly stepped on the test bench, scorned and stunned in the various flattering, and said: "Kid, I used to be your boss, and will be in the future!"

There is already a gray fairy in this disciple, which has made Huanglong lively and so happy. Then these disciples don’t have much hope. It’s already a **** of gray, and it’s not too greedy.

Even if the next disciples are all weak, Huanglong real people can dream of laughing.

Who knows, just in the face of Zhang's mad hand contact [Ming Jian Xianyan], a strong and awkward purple light burst, illuminating half of the sky, straight to the heart of someone in the place.

This time, everyone thought that they had hallucinations, and wiped their eyes involuntarily, yes, [Ming Jian Xian Yan] burst out of the purple light.

"Purple species!"

Huang Long’s real eyes widened, and almost shouted, and his eyes burst into unbelievable ecstasy. The place that was cultivated in a hundred years was not shocked. The heart that collapsed in front of the eyes and did not change color completely collapsed at this moment.

Purple species... purple species! Nothing purple!

What is the supreme purple?

A fairy with Supreme Purple, if you let the purple grow up completely, you can even give the opportunity to be promoted to Supreme Master! That kind of great education is far from being a comparable existence in the early days.

Even if it is a great education, it will not be possible to find a purple traitor for thousands of years! This kind of succession is enough to cause the two sects to fight for it.

"Purple species... really purple..."

Huang Long really squinted his eyes, this is not an illusion, the purple species is in front of you! I thought that in my lifetime, I could see a green species, and I was able to die and watch, but I didn’t expect to see a lot of Supreme Masters, and I couldn’t see the purples in my life!

Choking, Huanglong real people have a feeling of suffocation, the rise of the early teaching, the true glory, has become the history of Supreme Master, is actually to be completed in my hands? Ancestors of all ages! Have you seen it? We are too early to teach, there are purple species!

Gu Yunxiao looked at the madness, just took so many resources in exchange for a gray species, in a blink of an eye, a purple species! My fairy ancestors are on! Are you kidding me? Gray is already rare, how can there be purple? I just invested in it...

Gu Yun looked at the publicity under the stage, and suddenly felt how to see how pleasing the disciples are so unsightly? I just want to slap my own two slaps. If I don’t use the scorpion grass to change my arrogance, I might use it to change this purple species as an apprentice.

Become a teacher of the purple disciples, this glory is enough to shine through the history of the book, even if you have nothing, the history of the early teachings must also be a heavy one for him!

With the purple species, the gray disciples who have come to pay for themselves have the hope of being in charge. No, say what else to fight for!

Gu Yunzi just wanted to open, and he always stood up with the open-minded Bizhuzi. The tremolo said: "Huang Long This madness must come to my Bizhutang, and Bizhutang attaches importance to the disciple's mood. As a repair, each of the Bizhutang disciples is extremely stable. The madman has a horn of the child. I will be able to leave the characteristics of his temper and teach him..."

"Short! You see your heart is stunned, how can you guarantee to teach madness! The madness of the madness is very good for my appetite, come to Guyuntang best!" Gu Yunzi was afraid that Huanglong real person was moved by Bizhuzi, and violently began to refute Where is the meaning of the fairy wind bones: "Gu Yuntang does not repair what the dog's mood, strength, strength can guarantee the smooth flow of Xiu Xian Road!"

Xia Yunzi smiled and retorted: "Gu Yun brother, you just received Zhang Yang, is it because you want to take a good look at the seedlings? Huang Long Shi Shu, my six 爻卦旷 爻卦旷 古 , 上 上 上 上 上 上 上 上 上 上 上 上 上 上 上 上 上 上Unpredictable magic, madness is excellent, it is the best heir of Liuyi!"

Xia Yunzi said, turning his head and looking at Zhang’s madness: "The Six Commandments are ancient schools, not only for the foreseeable fortunes, but also for the enemy, but for the most meticulous school."

"Xiao Yun, brother, your six hexagrams are only the skins of the ancient six hexagrams, and the incompleteness is incomplete. This kind of practice is passed on to the madness. Isn't it a spoiled purple?"

Dismissed by Su Baihua, this is very well maintained. Looking at the young and beautiful Baihuatangtang’s unexpected and inferior, it also proves that there is no such thing as a woman, especially an old woman who has lived for hundreds of years. .

"Yeah, Xia Yunzi, isn't your six hexagrams knowing the world, knowing the past? You just know where there are purple disciples, and then you can collect one, why bother with a few?"

Su Baihua’s death did not pay for his life. When he was on the road, Xia Yunzi was blocked from red and red, and a large sleeve was swept. Several six cymbals floated in front of him and he was going to perform on the spot.