MTL - Too Early-v2 Chapter 1615 The 9th Palace is extraordinary

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  In the early days, the land was constantly cracking, and the river rushed out of the river, impacting the buildings, rushing down the trees, the temple, and the boulders rolling along with the terrible mudslides.

   Gu Yunzi looked at the turbulent beginning, and suddenly flew into the air, with a loud voice spreading throughout the beginning: "Natural Hall, stay in the beginning, guard the beginning. The rest of the disciples quickly went to the secular world to rescue mortals."

   They were blessed in the beginning, they were still so shaken, that the outside world of mortals would only be affected more, and mortals could not resist such natural disasters.

   An early disciple flew out quickly and went to the mortal world.

   Behind Qin Haoxuan, in the just-condensed ninth fairy palace, a group of black shadows poured out, rushing out to the surroundings, flying out of the mountain where he was, flying out of the beginning, and flying into the mortal world.

   He has a feeling that these shadows are to lead those who died due to accidents.

   This immortal palace is the reincarnation immortal palace, and life and death are part of the reincarnation.

At the moment when the Immortal Palace was condensed, he even more clearly felt that the Yaochi where he was at the beginning had a resonance with the Immortal Palace. Even the two huge coffins of the first Yinyang Immortal King in ancient and modern times were because of his ninth Immortal Palace , And the crazy change, he could not notice what kind of change for a while, but could only feel the change of the two huge coffins.

In the celestial palace, after the black shadow flew out, it seemed to cover the whole world. As the black shadow continued to fly out, more and more black shadows flew back and flew back into the fairy palace.

   And the ninth immortal palace, which had already begun to solidify, flew back with the shadow and became extremely unstable.

   This reincarnation is still too much.

Qin Haoxuan sighed in his heart that his ninth immortal palace was the reincarnation immortal palace, but it was not complete. His insights these days and his strength for his cultivation were enough for him to condense into this ninth immortal palace. However, this fairy palace is only half finished, and it is not stable.

But he had to complete this fairy palace. Without this ninth reincarnation fairy palace, he couldn't figure out too many things. Only by relying on the reincarnation fairy palace can he think about those things that still can't figure out now. local.

   At the beginning of the turmoil, all the masters appeared in the beginning, but they couldn't even approach Qin Haoxuan, and the brilliant Huaguang was filled with endless coercion.

   Suddenly, two figures appeared, broke through Huaguang, and flew to Qin Haoxuan's side.

   Zhang Kuang, Xu Yu!

   Today, only the two of them can break into Qin Haoxuan's side throughout the early days.

Zhang Kuang looked at the tumultuous Taoist palace behind Qin Haoxuan, frowning tightly, screaming: "Non-chaos, you haven't figured out your way of reincarnation, and condensed out the reincarnation of the palace, do you want to find death? Hurry, Show me all your reincarnation perceptions!"

  Qin Haoxuan made no secrets, and completely opened up his own way of reincarnation to Zhang Kuang and Xu Yu, and at the same time stated his current state.

   "You first try your best to stabilize your fairy palace, Xu Yu and I will help you find a way."

  Zhang Kuang and Xu Yu quickly entered the sentiment.

   Now, they must let go of everything, help Qin Haoxuan stable and perfect, and deduce his way of reincarnation.

  Behind Zhang Kuang, nine immortal palaces emerged. Among them, six immortal palaces that congregate six immortals were rapidly rotating, and five immortal palaces surrounded a fairy palace.

   That deduction palace.

   This fairy palace, not only calculates various positions, calculates everything, but also calculates perception!

   Zhang Kuang's breath surging in his body urged this deduction fairy palace with all his strength.

   On weekdays, he used this fairy palace to develop his own way. This is the first time he has helped others to perform.

  Under Zhang Kuang's deduction, he even revealed his consciousness and exposed everything to Qin Haoxuan without reservation.

  Qin Haoxuan stabilized his own fairy palace, and at the same time felt everything about Zhang Kuang.

  He found that although he was extremely strong, he could not compare with Zhang Kuang in many ways.

   Especially Zhang Kuang Six Arts Fairy Palace is six different roads, six different abilities.

   Six arts, that is, those who are immortal practitioners will be able to practice. They also have six arts, can they sublimate their own fairy palace to have six arts?

  Qin Haoxuan's thoughts moved, while trying to stabilize his ninth fairy palace, so that it will not collapse, at the same time, he realized the use of Zhang Kuang's consciousness, and use it for more use in the God City.

  If it is only his own research, he realizes that, I am afraid to give him a hundred years of time, he will not be able to study Liuyi Xiangong. After all, he is not a genius purple species waiting for Zhang Kuang.

   But now, Zhang Kuang has researched Liuyi Xiangong, he can directly study Zhang Kuang's Liuyi Xiangong, and has Zhang Kuang's open mind.

  With his current foundation, cultivation is extremely fast.

  In three years, he has upgraded his six fairy palaces to the Six Arts Fairy Palace.

Not only him, but in the past three years, Xu Yu also promoted her to the six Taoist palaces, and upgraded to the Six Arts Taoist Palace. Although it is a Taoist palace, it has not been transformed into an immortal palace, but among the six Taoist palaces, it is already hidden. Some fairy air appeared, as long as Xu Yu continued to give time, she could certainly transform these six Taoist palaces into fairy palaces.

  The speed of Xu Yu's palace transformation is far faster than he thought.

   In three months, Xu Yu's six Taoist palaces were transformed into fairy palaces, and the other three Taoist palaces were also transformed into fairy palaces.

  Three people, 18 immortals and six art palaces, jointly performed.

   For a time, the speed of deductions skyrocketed.

   This side of the world, because of the deduction of the three people, was covered with a layer of mist, and the surrounding sky swayed, that is, the glory of the sun, moon and stars, can not shine into this side of space.

"Imperfect, your celestial palace is too different. You just researched that someone can enter this world after death, but you did not research how to transform the breath of this person after death. Did not research how to make It is transformed into a mortal child.

  I understand that your theory is to directly drop the dead people and cast them into the earthly world. But because your fairy palace is incomplete, the bridge of the drop is also incomplete. "

   Zhang Kuang was thinking wildly while thinking,

   Suddenly, a strange light appeared in his eyes, and behind him, a fairy palace suddenly changed.

  Under the deduction of the fairy palace, in this fairy palace, there are silhouettes and rays of light, and in this fairy palace, the secular world slowly emerges.

  Qin Haoxuan's eyes widened suddenly: "You... You are in your fairy palace, condensing the world of the world!"

"Nonsense, your immortal palace, the secular world is not complete, only so... Besides, in this way, it is also helpful to me." Zhang Kuang said, his secular world in this immortal palace is already The gathering is complete.

   The moment when the secular world was formed, it instantly matched with Qin Haoxuan's ninth fairy palace.

The light of this world is bright again, and within the Yaochi where they are, the two huge coffins of the first Yin Yang fairy king in ancient and modern times are shaking wildly. The shaking is so big that it makes people feel that their world seems to be at any time. To collapse.

   On top of the two coffins, the huge coffin seemed to be unable to hold back, as if it would be opened at any time, and it kept shaking, and every time it shook, the other side of the world shook.

   "This..." Zhang Kuang felt the crazy changes in the tomb of the first Yin Yang fairy king in ancient and modern times, and felt the flow of Yin and Yang qi between the day and the earth, and suddenly understood it.

"The first yin and yang fairy king in ancient and modern times, they are doing something similar to ours, they have already done this before us. They are two, one yin and one yang, and you and me, yours is called Difu The palace, and the world of me, are actually yin and yang.

  Although the two gadgets we condensed are not all yin and yang, they also represent a certain amount of yin and yang, and there are also life and death reincarnations. We do even more than they do. "

  Qin Haoxuan did not reply, he felt the yin and yang qi between heaven and earth, faintly, and felt a special breath.

  The first Yin Yang fairy king in ancient and modern times, they are reincarnating from death!

   It is because of yourself, because of your reincarnation fairy palace, because of the yin and yang condensed by yourself and Zhang Kuang...

  Although they don’t know whether they will eventually succeed, they are really changing this!

  The first king of Yin and Yang in ancient and modern times, did they leave the sword formation and stay in the coffin, leaving all this, is it waiting for this day?

  Qin Haoxuan's mind, all kinds of thoughts appeared for a time.

   Suddenly, under the change of the atmosphere of the first Yinyang fairy king in ancient and modern times, the shaking between the surrounding heaven and earth began to slowly weaken, not just the surrounding heaven and earth, the entire Taichu, the vibration of this side of the Yaochi world slowly weakened.

  As the vibration weakened, he suddenly discovered that there was a connection between him and the Yaochi where he was.

   This connection is becoming clearer and closer.

   is not just connected with him, this Yaochi is closely connected with his mansion and Zhang Kuang's human world!

  Qin Haoxuan and Zhang Kuang completely froze.

  Zhang Kuang once saw Qin Haoxuan's consciousness. He knew the existence of Yaochi and knew that he was in Yaochi in the beginning.

   But in the current situation, he was completely ashamed.

  Either he or Qin Haoxuan was a bit at a loss. They calculated everything and calculated the reincarnation, but they never estimated that they could make such changes with Yaochi.

   They don't even know what will happen to Yaochi after they have contact with them.

   "Old Qin! You, how did you do it!" Suddenly, a cry of excitement filled with surprise came out.

The little snake drilled out. It looked at Qin Haoxuan and Zhang Kuang. They seemed to be completely mad. They shouted, "Do you know what you have done? Yaochi, in theory, is the earliest produced by itself. The creator of Yaochi may resonate!

   You, both of you are humans, how could it resonate with the two guys you acquired? How far did you guys walk on your road! "

  Snake is not like a human being, it is difficult to see various expressions on his face, but at this time, anyone can feel its indifference.

  Qin Haoxuan finally showed a smile on his face and asked: "So, this is a good thing."

   "Yes, it's a good thing. But the two of you are better to stop the calculation now! Because the calculation continues, you can get more recognition from Yaochi, and then in the end, you may never leave Yaochi.

   For many people, it is never a good idea to leave Yaochi, and it is good to be in control of Yaochi, but you, you don’t want to go back and take revenge! "


   Qin Haoxuan and Zhang Kuang stopped the calculation in an instant.

   They want to avenge the Taichu and rebuild the Taichu, how can they stay in this Yaochi!

   Qin Haoxuan and Zhang Kuang stopped instantly, but the moment they stopped, they were surprised to find that they had a very special connection.

   It seems that each of them has an immortal palace, and there is an unusually strange connection between the immortal palace of the other person.

  I contact him?


   Qin Haoxuan and Zhang Kuang stared at each other and looked at each other, but the more they looked, the more awkward it was!

   In this space, a strange atmosphere rose.

   Suddenly, at the next moment, the whole Yaochi shook wildly again.

   "What's going on?" Qin Haoxuan was puzzled: "We are already stopped. Why does Yaochi shake... Xu Yu?"

   Qin Haoxuan and Zhang Kuang soon discovered the root of the change in Yaochi, but a fairy palace in Xu Yu was changing rapidly.

   This fairy palace is ethereal and boundless...

   Xu Yu felt the gaze of the two of them, and a smile appeared on his face: "The two of you seem to be stable, but in fact they only seem to be stable. There are only three people in the world, and you still lack a heavenly palace."

  Xu Yu gathered one of her fairy palaces into Tiangong.

   The moment when the Tiangong was formed, Qin Haoxuan and Zhang Kuangli immediately felt that the two of them also had Xu Yu, and the three worlds of the heavens, earth and people between them formed a special connection.

   This clearly belongs to the Immortal Palace of three different people, but indistinctly, the Heaven, Earth, Man and Sannomiya seem to be one, they do not seem to belong to any one person!

  The three palaces of heaven, earth, and man are all completed. At this moment, all the visions within the entire Yaochi Lake are dissipated, the river flows slowly, the mountains no longer move, and the cracked ground slowly closes...

   Everything is back to its original state.

   Qin Haoxuan looked at Zhang Kuang and Xu Yu: "You should feel the connection between your special fairy palace and our three fairy palaces. We need to find a quiet place to continue our discussion."

  The two nodded, and the three quickly found a place and began to argue.

  After half a month, on this day, the three of them suddenly stopped at the same time.

   They felt the breath of Qin Yilan.

   On the same day, Qin Yilan did not return to Taichu with the Seventh Son of Taichu. Now, he has finally returned to Taichu!

Qin Haoxuan noticed sensitively that one of Zhang Kuang’s fingers shook a little for the unsearchable. Although he had always been a strict father, he also said that the child could not be beaten, but it was his flesh after all, how could he possibly Don't care!

   What's more, he even noticed that there are these six breaths beside Qin Yilan.

   Six breaths?

When    left, but at the beginning of the seventh son, seven people left, only six returned?

   Could it be...

  Qin Haoxuan sighed in his heart and whispered: "Yi Lan is back, they are back, let's go and see."

  His voice fell, and the figure of Zhang Kuang was flying away.

   Qin Haoxuan and Xu Yu glanced at each other, and quickly flew out.

   Entrance of Taichu Mountain Gate.

  Qin Yilan and the six talents behind him have just entered the early days.

   Zhang Kuang's figure appeared first in their sight.

Although he realized that there was only the breath of six sons, deep in his heart, he still expected him to feel wrong, but when he really returned here, he could clearly see the six figures standing beside Qin Yilan. Grief rose from the bottom of his heart.

   really one less.

   went out seven people, but only six people returned.

   That's his child!

  He was very sad in his heart, but he couldn't see any change in expression on his face. His eyes swept over the six sons. Looking at the six sons, he nodded slightly and said, "Yes."

"It's not just good and simple. The six of them are now like a reborn." Qin Haoxuan flew down in front of the six people, looking at either calm, wild or heroic. The six of them are the same as the previous six people.

   is not just a change in breath. Although their cultivation behavior is still a fairy tale fruit realm as when they left on the same day, he can perceive that the six are much stronger than when they left.

   Any one of these six people is enough to overcome all the seven sons of the beginning of the day when they left.

   "To be honest, I really don't have a certain amount of confidence to let you go that day, and even I am not sure whether one of the six of you can stand behind.

   Breaking through and standing up, it's really too difficult. It's really too difficult. The six of you are strong-willed people. Naturally, you have good luck, otherwise you can't repair your cultivation behavior. "

"We are able to practice our own cultivation practices, to break through and stand up, but also thanks to your father's skills." Zhang Yihui thought about these years of experience and sighed: "After we abolished cultivation practice on the same day, again Cultivation, but how can you not come back to practice, even to get started.

  To tell the truth, on that day I even gave up on the exercises you taught my righteous father for a short time, and instead practiced the exercises I once practiced. But after practicing, I found that I still couldn't get in. At that time, we felt that we didn't seem to have any qualifications to cultivate immortals.

   At that time, we were all confused. We thought a lot... Finally, we started to carry wood... Because we were hungry, we had to live and fill our stomachs. We don’t do anything else, we can only do our best. "

Zhang Yi paused for a moment, then Zhang Liu said: "We were thinking about cultivation at the beginning, and then cultivated back to the original cultivation behavior, but then we started running around for life, and even forgot our identity, we completely Into the world of the world.

   We are running around for life every day. We have also seen all kinds of conspiracies and tricks, we have also seen human suffering, learned how to grow food, learned how to feed pigs, and saw the growth of a grass and a tree...

I don’t know how many brothers and brothers felt. I was watching a pig I gave birth to a piglet on a certain day, and suddenly I understood what life is, and then I naturally cultivated the righteousness. The exercises taught. "

   "I felt when I was farming..."

   "I fell into the turbulent flowing water, and I have a feeling..."

   "I had a night of unconscious sleep that was quarreled by insects, and then I realized..."

   "After I chatted with an old man, I realized that it was a very ordinary old man, an old gentleman who taught children in a private school in the village, but I feel that he is a man of great wisdom."

   "I... I don't even know how to feel it. On that day, I usually get up on weekdays. After getting up, I looked at the rising sun and suddenly realized."

  The six sons who came back, everyone said how they felt and began to practice.

"Although we started to practice, each of us has a different path of cultivation. Although in the end we walked back to the fairy babies, our journey to the fairy babies was different. After my seeds condensed, it seemed like a huge plant The fruit tree is full of fruit. After the fruit is ripe, it falls to the ground, but a new fruit tree has grown..."

   "My celestial species have always looked ordinary, but my celestial species will be like a snake's molting, molting nine times..."

   "When my fairy seed grows, it is like a dandelion seed..."


  Six people talked about their growth path, and finally, they showed their fairy tree forest to Qin Haoxuan.

  The six of them all condensed into a fairy tree into a forest.

  Although their fairy tree forest was taught by Qin Haoxuan, the forest of fairy trees of the six of them is different from that of Qin Haoxuan, and the forest of fairy trees between the six people is also different.

   Some fairy tree forests seem to form a huge sword array. In some fairy tree forests, all the fairy trees seem to converge into a fairy tree. In some fairy tree forests, the fairy trees are different...

   "Well, you did better than I thought, you are not following the rules, you are all walking your own way..."

  Qin Haoxuan was very pleased to see the fairy tree Chenglin of six people, but in his speech, there was a flash of pain in his eyes. When he left, there were seven people, but when he came back, there were only six people. How could he not find out?

Although the broken path was chosen by the Seventh Son of the First Talent, but when he said this path, the Seventh Son would make a choice. If he did not say this path, there would not be such a moment. Seven The situation of people leaving and six people returning.

Zhang Kuang felt the breath from Liuzi. He looked completely different from when he left. He matured and grew too many Liuzi. While he was relieved, he looked at the missing figure, although his face could still be stretched. Exposed, but he seemed to casually ask: "How come six come back? The third?

  Even if he didn’t come back from his cultivation, he still needs a whereabouts. There should be corpses even if it is dead, if it is not dead, it cannot be left outside. "

"What are you talking nonsense? Who told you that you didn't come back, it was an accident? Is it gone? Besides, how long has it passed, I didn't expect that they could practice back to their previous state so quickly. Zhang San, he still Qin Haoxuan stared at Zhang Kuang angrily. He seemed to be mad at Zhang Kuang, but actually he was comforting Zhang Kuang. People did not come back, but they were not necessarily dead.

"Well, even if he is not dead, he is still alive, and he has to find someone to look at him. After all, he is an early man. If he doesn’t really practice, the early masters can’t live outside. Looking at his People..." Zhang Kuang said, but he was silent for a moment, his lips moved twice, and then he squeezed out a few words: "The person who looks at him wants to seal his memory. Yi Lan... …This matter is still up to you.”

  After finishing the last sentence, he turned away and left, he really could not control himself.

   That is his child. If it is possible, how could he want to seal the memory?

   But he had to do it. He was the teacher of the early days, and the rules of the early days cannot be abolished!

   He had already turned around, and he had to step away in the next moment, and behind him, Qin Yilan's voice passed.

   "Right Father, Zhang Sanke did not abolish or seal his memory."

Zhang Kuang’s already-stretched leg stopped in midair, his back turned to everyone’s face, the one that always had a serious face, the corners of his mouth split uncontrollably, but soon, he forcibly closed his mouth, When he turned around, his face became serious again and asked, "What do you mean?"

Qin Yilan looked a little weird and said: "I have followed them all, Zhang San has not died, and he can actually practice, and the practice is also the skills given by his father. However, he... he practiced to a certain degree every time. After the degree, he will abandon his own practice, and then practice back, then abandon the practice, and then practice... so repeatedly, he has already abolished his own practice for three times."

  Qin Haoxuan froze.

   Zhang Kuang and Xu Yu were also dumbfounded, all staring blankly at Qin Yilan. They don't understand it at all. What is Zhang San doing?

  Break and stand up, one break is enough, what are they doing so many times?

The Book of Heaven and Earth flew out of Qin Haoxuan’s arms, full of surprise and said: "He has nothing to do with his own play? What is the cultivation method? I stayed with Jushui for so long, and I saw countless masters. No one has heard of such cultivation.

   I said, Master, is there any problem with the exercises you created, which made him break his brain? In other words, that kid has a demon? In fact, when I trained seven of them, I discovered that Zhang San’s talent may be the best among them, but it is also among the seven of them, who are most affected by the demon. "

   "He was not influenced by the demon." Qin Yilan directly denied it, and then explained: "This is because of his father."

   Zhang Kuangwang's eyes changed to Qin Haoxuan's eyes, this king of bastards, did he teach the son of Lao Tzu to abandon his practice?

  Qin Haoxuan noticed Zhang Kuang's gaze and immediately waved his hand: "Don't look at me like this, I didn't teach that way."

  Qin Yilan repeatedly said: "The father showed them his father's consciousness on the same day, and they knew many of his father's experiences. Seven of them also worshipped their father very much, and Zhang San was the most worshipped father among them.

  He wanted to follow the same path as his father and walked exactly again. His father's original practice was canceled more than once, so he also had to cancel his practice again and again. "

  Qin Haoxuan was silent for a moment, imitating nothing wrong.

  His cultivation practice has reached the current level, and he has imitated others countless times. In this world, the way of cultivation is that I imitate you, and you imitate me.

   Otherwise, he would not have communicated with the free devil, the reincarnation fairy king and the Yinian fairy ancestor.

   is just imitating, not just following the path of others, following one step at a time, either following the path of others completely, or imitating, but in the end, it can still walk out of the road of a thousand-faced fairy king.

   It's just that Zhang San imitated even his way of experience, imitating him abandoning cultivation...

He walked along the way, and indeed abolished several cultivation practices. He was able to walk down step by step. The difficulties and ups and downs in it could not be described in words at all, but he could not think of it. Abolish to repair.

   He didn't take the initiative to abandon cultivation.

It’s extremely difficult to repair it and then want to repair it again, but it’s even more difficult to repair it for the second time. He has experienced it, so he is the most among them. It's much harder to go back than before.

   Not to mention, there will be countless changes.

   The previous abolition to be able to cultivate back does not mean that the next time it is abolished to be cultivated, it can still be cultivated back.

Maybe you did not practice before, and when you practiced it, you did not encounter much danger. But this time when you abolished cultivation and became a mortal, you happened to be in chaos in the world, and you are in a state of chaos. You may be pulled to become a strong soldier, or you may be killed directly by the bandits and rebels.

   is that there is no accident, how do you feel?

Once before, you watched the growth of plants and trees, and then you realized, cultivated from then on, and then abolished yourself. When you want to see plants and trees to realize, it is a thousand times harder. There are already those feelings, and the feeling towards the world must reach a certain level.

  I want to feel again and then stand up, unless the perception of heaven and earth is raised to another level, unless UU reads the book unless, there can be a new perception.

   Therefore, every time a waste is repaired, it will be much harder to break it and then stand. It will be much harder than before. The more it is scrapped, the more difficult it will be to repair again!

  Zhang Yi listened to Qin Yilan's words and sighed: "Father, righteous father, the six of us have been persuading the third son, but he is really too paranoid, no matter how we persuade him, it is useless."

Zhang Liutan sighed: "The talent of the third brother should be the most outstanding among our seven brothers. In fact, the six of us once thought of being like the third brother, and constantly abandoning our self-cultivation, like the third brother, imitating the righteous father. The road traveled in those years.

   But we really can't do it. Only when the real abandonment is done once and then repaired, will we know how difficult the road is. "

   "Yeah." Zhang Jiuman sighed: "My brother and I, the two of us almost did not rebuild. We almost completely abolished it.

  Actually, we can rehabilitate and practice again, we can break through and stand up, still thanks to the practice given by our righteous father, it refers directly to the practice of origin. Otherwise, we brothers are afraid that no one will be able to rebuild. "

"No, you can come back to repair, mainly because of your own heart." Qin Haoxuan looked at the six people and said: "Break and stand, not relying on anyone, but yourself. You will settle for two days, and after a few days, I will Tell you about your Taoist palace."


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