MTL - Too Early-v2 Chapter 1661 Netherworld is not peaceful

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   Qin Haoxuan saw Cha Duo again, not compared to what he saw in the Fei Xian Ruins that day, but now Cha Duo looks very anxious, even a little haggard.

   just met, and before Qin Haoxuan could speak, she was the first to ask: "Where is punishment?"

   "The punishment is not there." Qin Haoxuan just said three words, and Shaduo asked anxiously again: "Where did the punishment go? Where should I find him?"

"You are afraid you can't find him anymore, and you can't pass it, because the punishment is not in the human world, but in the immortal world." Qin Haoxuan said, while looking at Shaduo's belly, the female demon hurriedly came to seek punishment. , It must be a romantic debt.

"Xianjie?" Shiduo was stunned when she heard the sound, and then her face showed a lost color, but soon, her beautiful face without any flaws showed a happy color: "He is there. Well, at least, he is safe over there."

"Security? The immortal world today is not safe." Qin Haoxuan sighed: "Now the immortal world is turbulent and has been attacked by the monsters outside the territory. The monsters outside the territory appeared long, long ago with the advent of the age of absolute immortality. They attacked the fairyland, and Getting stronger and stronger, even the fairy world can't stop the monsters outside the territory.

  Many people from the fairy world have even entered our human world and want to survive in the human world. I have heard that some immortals in the fairy world have even opened up the channel of the Nether Demon Realm and entered the Nether Demon Realm. I remember that you have a very high status in the Nether Demon Race, you should know something about it. "

   "They... they entered the Nether Demon Realm because of danger in the immortal world? Sure enough, they have been deceiving us!" Saiduo angrily said: "We also know that they have bad intentions, but I didn't expect that this was the reason."

   "What do you mean?" Qin Haoxuan was confused, and asked: "Is there a fairy from the fairy world has entered your Nether Demon Realm?"

   "Yes, and there are not a lot of them." Chatuo angrily said: "Before, if some of our Nether Demon Race, very old ancient demons, suddenly appeared, they were all ancient demons that had soared a long time ago.

   They are extremely powerful, they have several masters in the nine Taoist palaces, and some of them are not even the Taoist palaces, but turned into magic palaces and fairy palaces. After they appeared, they quickly united and formed an organization called Xinhuojiao.

After we discovered them, it was very strange, because in the records of our various tribes, there were indeed them. They were all Ascended Demons. I don’t know why they suddenly returned to our Nether Demon Realm. No Ascended Demon returned to the Nether before. Magic domain.

   First, the Mingtu clan first contacted them, because among those ancient demons, there were two ancestors of the Mingtu demons. Soon, it was rumored that the Underworld Demon Clan invited the strongest golden clan among us, and found my ancestor. "

   "Wait first..." Qin Haoxuan looked at Shi Duo with surprise and asked, "Aren't you the princess of the Shura clan? How did your ancestor become a member of the golden demon clan again?"

   Shaduo explained: "My grandmother is the patriarch of the Golden Demon Race."

   Qin Haoxuan suddenly understood. That's why it seems that among the Nether Demons, it seems that they are like human beings. The strong and the strong clans will bind each other through marriage.

   When he was in the remains of the Immortal King, he also wondered why Mingsha Duo was only a princess of the Shura clan, and how he felt that other demons also gave her face.

   At that time, he had always thought that the Shura clan was one of the ten kings among the Nether demons, and it was strong enough, so other Nether demons gave face.

   Now he knows the reason. The patriarch of the strongest Golden Clan is her grandmother. With this background, who dares not give face to the Nether Demon Clan.

   Shaduo continued: "They found grandma and told grandma a piece of news that now the Human World and the Nether Demon Race will suffer catastrophe, and the Human World and the Nether Demon Territory may even be destroyed.

As the Nether Clan, it is naturally impossible for them to see the Nether Demon Race extinct, but the catastrophe is too terrifying, and they cannot stop it. The only thing they can do is to come to the Nether Demon Realm and take away a part of the Nether Demon Race and keep it. The fire of our ghost demons.

   At first, Grandma did not fully believe them, and the rest of the Nether Demon Race did not fully believe them, but what they did in our Nether Demon Realm made us feel that everything they said was true.

   They have been searching for the geniuses of various groups, and then pointed out those geniuses, saying that they are the geniuses of the Nether Demon Race, and they must first take them away in the future. They even pointed to the masters of our various races without hiding their own selfishness. They said that if we improve our strength, maybe we will have a chance when we face the catastrophe in the future.

   They even took out many ancient classics and shared them, and they didn't have any opinion of the door.

   Slowly, over time, everyone believes in them. However, just when the races had completely trusted them, relaxed their vigilance, and even sent most of the geniuses in the race to them, they suddenly asked their grandmother to hand over the scepter, hand over the status of the overlord, and admit that they are Netherworld Overlord of the Demon Realm.

   The supremacy of the golden clan is also the splendor created by the pioneers of the past dynasties, and the grandmother will naturally not agree. After the grandmother refused, they immediately controlled the grandmother, even holding a group of geniuses from all races, threatening all the races, letting all the races and the entire Nether Demon Realm follow their orders.

  At this time, we finally know that their purpose is not pure, but we don’t know what their purpose is. "

   Aside, the ancestor Mengzhong who saw Shaduo with Qin Haoxuan analyzed and said: "These are obviously deserters from the fairy world. They probably want to unify the Nether Demon Realm, perhaps to find other worlds.

   After all, only relying on them to find other worlds can't be done. What's more, finding other worlds is so dangerous. They want to let the people of the Nether Demon Race to explore with their lives. "

"No matter what their purpose is, they are our entire Nether enemy." Chatuo said murderously: "Now they have captured the geniuses of our races and even controlled grandmothers, but our races also believe that this is also a Opportunity, an opportunity to kill them all.

  Because, all the ancient demons who have come down from the immortal realm are all gathered in their sect. Our various tribes negotiated, dispatched masters, pretended to be the people of our various tribes, talked to them in detail, and then attacked and killed them.

   is just their strength, it is too strong, even if we all join together, we still worry that it is not their opponent. So I thought of asking Xing for help.

   I know the talent of Xing. Before, Xing even told me that he is very strong now. I have also heard the news that he madly killed the Nether Demons.

   But it's good now, the punishment is gone, so he won't take risks. I came to him and hesitated. I knew the power of punishment, but that was the ancient demon of the fairy world after all. "

   Qin Haoxuan heard the sound and said with disdain: "Just some guys from the nine palaces? If so, the punishment is enough to kill them."

   "Punishing him?" Chaduo looked at Qin Haoxuan with surprise.

   Aside, several Dao Gong ancestors who came with Qin Haoxuan said one after another: "Xing Da...Xing is already a half-step fairy king."

   "Ten years ago, I was already a half-step fairy king."

   "We have seen the power of Half Step Immortal King, it is beyond the Dao Palace Realm ancestor."

"Half-step fairy king? You have a half-step fairy king in the human world." Chaduo looked at everyone in surprise. Suddenly, she laughed again with pride and pride in her smile. This is the man she chose. Demon, half-step fairy king!

   She believes that one day Xing will become a fairy king, she has always believed!

   "More than half a step to the fairy king." The ancestor of Nine Bottles smiled and said: "In our human world, there is already a fairy king now."

   "What? The immortal king was born in the human world?" Shaduo was even more surprised. Over the years, because of those ancient demons, their Nether Demon Race had not attacked the human world again.

   And the human world, there is very little contact with the Nether Demon Race, but they don't know that the human world has a fairy king!

   "Yes, our human world has an immortal king, and we will have more immortal kings in the future." When everyone talked, they looked at the Yi Nian Immortal Ancestor who had returned and the ancestor of the child.

   One Nian Xian Ancestor, the two reincarnations, and the Sea-Swallowing Demon Lord are already half-steps of the existence of the Immortal King, they are all attacking the Immortal King!

   Qin Haoxuan looked at Chaduo, and after thinking for a moment, he said: "Since the punishment is not there, then I will go to the Nether Demon Realm. I will eradicate those deserters from the fairy world!"

   Now that Puguang Pavilion is gone, what he hates most is the deserters from the fairy world at that time.

   As soon as Qin Haoxuan's voice fell, opposition sounded immediately.

   "Friends of Daoist Qin are not allowed!"

   "Old Hall Master, it may be the conspiracy of their Nether Demons."

   "She has always said that she is a woman of punishment, no, she is a devil of punishment, but we have never heard of her."

   "Friend Qin, don't take risks."

   Qin Haoxuan gently waved his hand and said: "I believe her. Moreover, Xing also told me about her. Besides, we also need to unite with all the major forces, not only the forces of our human world, but also the forces of the Nether Demon Realm, we can also unite."

   There must be many masters in the Nether Demon Realm.

  If the immortal realm really can't hold on, then their human realm unites with the forces of the Nether Demon Realm, and then unites with the masters of the fairy realm, and there is still a battle.

   Everyone also understood what Qin Haoxuan meant, but he still didn't worry that Qin Haoxuan went to the Nether Demon Realm alone.

   A thought of the immortal ancestor, he pondered for a moment and then said: "Since Daoist Qin is going, then let the old man accompany Daoist Qin with him."

   The ancestor of Huan Tong nodded and said, "I will also go there."

   "Wait, when I think of you, this fellow wants to leave the four of us, and the four of us will go together."

   "Foster father, I am waiting to follow you." Zhang San and others spoke.

Qin Haoxuan looked at the people dumbfoundedly and said: "Just go to the Nether Demon Realm and kill a few deserters, why bother to move the crowd? I will be enough to go alone. You, should attack the immortal king's attack, should attack the half-step immortal king, Then hit the Immortal King for half a step, and it is the key to quickly improve the cultivation base."

   "You have also become a half-step immortal king?" Cha Duo suddenly spoke. She was in contact with Qin Haoxuan for a long time in the remains of the flying immortal, knowing Qin Haoxuan's talent is terrifying.

   "Not yet, today I am still the ancestor of the Nine Palaces." Qin Haoxuan gently shook his head, he, Xu Yu and arrogant, I am afraid that they will not be able to achieve half a step of the fairy king, their path is to directly become the fairy king.

"You are only the Nine Palaces. It is too dangerous to go alone." Chatuo looked at Qin Haoxuan and said, "I know you are a genius, and I know that your fellow practitioners are invincible in the realm, but after all, those are ancient demons and have survived countless. The ancient magic of the years.

   Their Nine Palaces and our Nine Palaces are even more different. The strong among them, because of being in the fairy world all the year round, their Dao Palaces have been transformed into Immortal Palaces and Demon Palaces.

   And, do you know how many strong they have come this time?

   There are only six powerhouses in the Nine Palace Realm. Those are only the powerhouses I know. Maybe there are among them that have not been exposed. That's why we will gather the masters of all races. "

"It's just the Nine Palaces, and six are okay. What's the fear of deserters?" Qin Haoxuan's eyes showed a look of disdain. He really disdains these people. The real powerhouses of the immortal world are all staying in the immortal world, and the outer demons. Insect warriors, deserters, what a strong one!

   "If you go alone, you are still too thin after all." Xu Yu said, "I will go with you."

   After hearing the sound, everyone agreed, "It is true."

   "With Taoist Xu together, then there is nothing wrong."

   Qin Haoxuan thought for a while, nodded and said: "If this is the case, then our husband and wife will go to the Nether Demon Realm together. It just so happens that our husband and wife may not have seen the world together for a long time."

   Shaduo was speechless for a moment, you are going to the Nether Demons, to kill the ancient demons in the immortal world. How can the extremely powerful ancient demons in Qin Haoxuan's mouth be as simple as traveling in the mountains and water?


She knows Qin Haoxuan well, knowing that Qin Haoxuan is not the kind of blind and arrogant person. What's more, so many Dao Gong ancestors here, after hearing her say that the ancient demon is powerful, still don’t worry about Qin Haoxuan’s going there, obviously It is because of the great confidence in Qin Haoxuan.

  Since everyone believed the two, she was also in the same position.

   After all, Qin Haoxuan is Xing's friend, and she believes in Xing's friend.

   Qin Haoxuan and Xu Yu are now no longer concerned about the beginning of the matter, and there is nothing to explain, and soon the two of them will follow Shi Duo and head towards the Nether Demon Realm.

   Compared to the human world, the Netherworld Demon Realm is much desolate, at least what Qin Haoxuan sees now is a desolation.

   Around, a strong magical energy surged.

   Shaduo introduced Qin Haoxuan and a few others while flying, "Actually, the way of heaven and earth has changed over the years, and our Nether Demon Realm has also changed a lot. Otherwise, we would not believe those ancient demons so quickly."

Qin Haoxuan was feeling the breath of the surroundings and the difference between the Nether Demon Realm and the Human Realm, and asked curiously: "Sado, I remember that all those subordinates I had seen you died tragically, I even thought you were too An unexpected encounter. Who did you meet that day?"

"I don't know. He is too strong, so strong that I didn't even see him clearly, so he was seriously injured. And I, under their desperate guardianship, mobilized my grandmother to leave it to me to save my life. , And then escaped."

Shaduo didn’t know the reason. She seemed unwilling to mention or recall the events of the day. She quickly changed the subject and said: “This time, we are going to the Gu La Mozu, nine of our top ten royal families. The place where the great royal family discusses matters is in the clan land of the Gu La Mozu. Because the Gu La Mozu is the closest to the Xinhuo Sect."

   "Nine royal families, what about the other royal family?" Qin Haoxuan sensitively noticed that the numbers Dao Shaduo said were different.

"The Underworld Demon Race did not participate. Among those ancient demons, there are two ancestors of their Underworld Demon Race. Therefore, they Xuancheng said that the ancient demons wanted to help us Nether. It's a group.

   Not only the Nether Demon Clan, but several other clan also took refuge in the Ancient Demon’s Fire Cult. Among them, there are two families worth noting, namely the snake pupil family and the phantom heart family.

   Snake pupils are actually very similar to humans. It can be said that they are one of the races closest to human beings. The only difference is that their eyes are like snake pupils.

   Although this family is not the top ten royal family, it is second only to the ten royal family. Especially the patriarch of their Snake Eye Clan, that is the existence of the top nine palaces, nine Taoist palaces, of which four Taoist palaces have been refined into a magic palace, and one has become a fairy palace.

   He is a very strong presence among the ancestors of the Nine Palaces of our Nether Demon Race. Even grandma and father said that among the ten great royal families, three of them could not find a master who could beat the patriarch of Snake Eye. "

After speaking, she paused for a while, and continued: "We Nether Demon Race, there used to be a very strong clan called the War Snake Demon Clan, which is second only to the Great Royal Clan. What is even more terrifying is them. The reproduction ability.

   Later, because they challenged the ten great royal clans to be destroyed, there were rumors that the Snake Eye Clan, and the Snake Demon Clan, were unified as ancestors.

   In addition to the Snake Eyes clan, there is also the Illusion Heart clan, who also joined the Fire Fire Sect. It is a powerful clan second only to the top ten royal clans. What they are best at is creating various illusions and inducing the heart and soul. "

"Illusory Heart Clan, I have encountered them in the Fei Xian Ruins. They shouldn't worry about it." Qin Haoxuan said coldly: "It seems that Nether Demon Realm, like the Human Realm, also has traitors, but this is fine. Through this matter , You can also know that those are soft eggs without a backbone, and they are wiped out exactly once."

   He can be regarded as the nemesis of the phantom heart clan. The phantom heart demon clan is best at heart demon, and he has a kind of heart demon Dafa. He can be said to be the nemesis of all demons.

   The two of them moved forward as one demon, but the surrounding land was no longer so desolate.

   Gradually, in front of everyone, a big mountain appeared.

   This mountain occupies an extremely large area, and it is so vast that you can't see the edge at a glance. It seems infinite, but it's a mountain, but it's not high.

   At the foot of the mountain, ugly-looking Nether demons, armed with strange-shaped weapons, patrolled back and forth.

   Qin Haoxuan had fought against this race before, and at a glance, he recognized that it was one of the ten great royal families, the Gu Lao Demon Race.

   One by one, the solid demons noticed creatures approaching, and turned their heads to look around.


   "It's human!"

   After they saw the appearance of Qin Haoxuan and Xu Yu, the fierce and ugly faces suddenly showed disgust and hostility.

  They haven't attacked the human world for various reasons in these years, but they all hate human beings!

   But, they didn't do it.

  Because, the princess of the Shura clan who walked with these two humans can even be said to be the princess of their entire Nether demons, Shaduo!

   "Princess Shaduo."

   "I have seen a princess."

   After seeing Shiduo, the Demon Races saluted one after another, but their hostility towards the two humans was never weakened by the salute.

   Shaduo nodded slightly, leading Qin Haoxuan and Xu Yu, and walked towards a huge building in the mountain that looked equally ugly.

   One by one, the Demon Race had hatred for humans again, but there were people who led the way, but they did not stop them.

Until Chaduo walked to the main hall, a huge head, which looked more ugly than the ordinary solid and ugly solid demons, stopped in front of them, and said coldly: "Chaduo, why did you lead the human race in front of them? Come? Do you want these two human beings to enter the temple of my Guluo clan?"

   "Hey, I have a lot of times, and it's not your turn to teach me what to do, get out." A look of disgust appeared on Cheduo's face.

   "Shaduo, this belongs to my Guluo clan, and you are no longer the entire nether princess." Chi-la stood in front of the hall without any concession.

   Qin Haoxuan sighed. Sure enough, as the patriarch of the golden clan was controlled by the ancient demon, the status of Chatuo plummeted.

   When is this, the side of the Nether Demon Realm is still fighting.

   "Hey, do you want to rebel?" Suddenly, a cold voice came from the hall, and the stone door of the hall suddenly opened with this voice.

   In the main hall, there are scattered chairs, these chairs even have wooden chairs and stone chairs, and their styles are also different.

   At this time, on a stone chair, a figure suddenly stood up. He was naked, showing bronze-colored, rock-like muscles, and his face was as cold as ice that had not melted for more than ten thousand years. He stared coldly at the door and said: "This nether, when will you be solid?" For respect?"

"Netherworld is naturally respected by the Golden Clan, and the ancestor of Tutu has no intention of scoffing." On a huge seat covered with tiger skin, a small and thin middle-aged demon clan spoke slowly and said. , He looked at Chi La at the door and said, "What is Chi La still blocking here? Why don't you let it go?"

   Hearing the sound, even though he was unwilling, he still gave way to the door.

   Qin Haoxuan walked towards the hall with Chaduo, while looking at the demons who had just spoken.

   This is a family of earth demons, although they are short in stature, they are the best at assassin.

   In the main hall, in addition to the Mingtu family, the nine kings of the ten kings of the Nether demons, and the golden demons are gathered.

   The stone gate of the hall did not close as they entered, and the Nether demons in the hall, at this time, all their eyes fell on the two humans who came.

   These Nether Demon Races are obviously high-levels among the races, even the patriarchs. Although they did not show strong hostility like sneer, they could see that they did not welcome the two human beings.

On a chair made by Teng bamboo, a whole body is red, as if blood is flowing on the surface, and the dark-blooded demons said in a dark voice: "Sado, why brought these two humans here? You? I also know that we are here to discuss what is going on. Is it possible that you still want to rely on these two humans to help us defeat the ancient demons from the fairy world?"

   "The patriarch of Hellblood, why not?" Even though the patriarch of the opposite clan, Cha Duo still didn't have any timidity.

"Human race? It's really funny, why do we need little humans to help me in matters of the netherworld? Besides, humans are all cunning people, how can they help us." The blood-red eyes of Patriarch Mingxue seemed to be a fierce choice and devoured people. Like a beast, staring at Qin Haoxuan and Xu Yu, he said coldly: "Humans, this patriarch is for the sake of you and others who were brought by Shaduo. Forgive you both of your lives and quickly get out of my ghost. "

"Patriarch Netherblood, wait a moment, and listen to my Yuan don’t say a word." A dark Nether demons suddenly said: "Princess Setuo wants these two humans to help us, so these two people Class, know our plan!

   If these two human beings inform the Xinhuo Cult of our, the geniuses of our races, many Dao Gong ancestors, are now in the hands of the Xinhuo Cult. As he spoke, he quickly transmitted a voice message to a dwarf Earth Demon Clan's Dao Palace ancestor: "Huang Thorn, don't let this human being affect Master Ancient Demon's plan, do it!" "

   As his voice transmission fell, on a small stone chair, a thin figure suddenly jumped up, shouting: "Don't let him divulge my waiting plan and stop talking!"

With a violent cry, nine Taoist palaces appeared behind him, turning into a group of pictures in an instant, and flew towards Qin Haoxuan. Above his hands, a palm of both hands changed rapidly at this moment, turning into two sharp spikes. Exuding endless sharpness, it makes people feel that these two spikes can pierce the sun and the moon.

  He and Yuanwu are the deputy chiefs of the Earth Demons and the Abyss.

   And the ancient demons had already promised them that if the two of them could help the ancient demons unify the netherworld, afterwards, the two of them would be the patriarchs of the earth demons and the abyss.

   will even give them the elixir of immortality.

   They know that the unification of the ancient Mokou Nether is to unify without too much loss, and they don't want to fight with the masters of Nether.

   But they have always been on the side of the Nether, and they know even more that the few great royal clans of the Nether Demons will not let each other rule.

   If you want to unify the Netherworld, the best way is to make the Netherworld demons infight.

   There is a great opportunity right now, these two human beings are brought by Shiduo.

Chatuo is the princess of the Golden Race and the Shura Race. Killing these two people will definitely cause dissatisfaction between the Golden Race and the Shura Race, but they know better that they killed these two humans, except for the Golden Race and the Shura Race. , The other races will not have any opinions. When the time comes, they will instigate a little bit. They are confident that the heavy race will be dissatisfied with the golden race and the Shura race.

   As long as the seeds of dissatisfaction are planted, internal strife will happen sooner or later.

   A cruel killing intent appeared on Qin Haoxuan's face. Although the other party was transmitting the sound, he still heard the transmission clearly.

   The opponent's cultivation base is a lot lower than his. With his current cultivation base, the sound is transmitted around him, unless his cultivation base is similar to him, he can clearly hear the other party's sound transmission.

   It's not just him, many people can do this.

   At the beginning, they fought against the Second World Immortal King in Puguang Pavilion, and their voice transmission also did not hide the Second World Immortal King.

   Behind Qin Haoxuan, a huge gate appeared. On the gate, eight immortal palaces and magic palaces were superimposed. Above the huge gate, the underground palace was hanging high, and an endless force of terror dissipated towards the whole hall with him as the center.

  He came this time because he wanted to unite with Netherworld.

   He knows better that Nether is hostile to the human race, and if he wants to unite, he must first subdue a group of Nether demons.

   The terrifying pressure swept across, and in the hall, a violent wind roared, and the jugs and other utensils placed on the table and on the ground instantly became a piece of dust.

   In the hall, the faces of the Nether demons changed drastically.

   The top ancestor of Jiugong!

   Nine fairy palaces, magic palaces!

  The fairy palace and the magic palace, why are they on the door?

   This breath is that they, as some of the strongest in Netherworld, feel fear!


   How long have they not felt the word fear?

  The thorn has just been pierced, and a stream of light suddenly flashed in front of his eyes, and he did not even react, a mighty and incomparable sword aura had already struck.

   Sword Qi is unparalleled, just like countless stars in the starry sky above the head, turning into a sword, the vast and boundless contains unparalleled power.

   This sword is even reaching its extreme.

   He just felt that a sword light flashed before his eyes, and his entire head had already flew down from his neck.

   The next moment, the sword light flashed.

   Yuanwu, who also owns nine Taoist palaces in the distance, suddenly exploded and turned into countless powders, floating in the hall.


   The whole hall fell into deathly silence in an instant.

   That... that were the masters of the two Nine Dao Palaces, and they belonged to the Demon Clan and the Abyss Clan from the top ten royal families.

   Generally speaking, UU Reading is in the Nether Demon Clan. Under the realm of fellow practitioners, the more powerful the disciple of the race, the more powerful.

  Because the ethnic group they belong to is stronger, the more inheritance they have, the geniuses of those small races, the exercises and Taoisms they practice are far inferior to the ten kings and the golden race.

   But now, Yuanwu and Huangqi were beheaded by this human in a short moment.

   Kill two demons with only two swords, one sword and one demons!

   The masters of the nine Taoist palaces are so easy to be beheaded. How powerful is this human being?

   Everyone looked at the human beings who had reclaimed the long sword, and each took a breath.

   In the silence, suddenly, a voice sounded: "Who is your Excellency?"

   Such a strong human being, it is impossible that they have never heard of the name.

Qin Haoxuan looked at the person who asked, and he could see that this person is somewhat similar to Shaduo. This person, if you want to come, is Shaduo’s father, the Nether Demon Clan, and the patriarch of the Shura clan, one of the top ten royal clans. Up.

   Qin Haoxuan did not restrain his aura, letting the overwhelming overwhelming power to all around him, coldly said: "Taichu, Qin Haoxuan."

   "Qin Haoxuan, it's him!"

   "That human murderer?"

   Even though the demons are Netherworld, they have heard the name Qin Haoxuan several times, and they have even heard of it before! That was the sect whose name appeared the most in the past ten years!

  Ps: I've written a lot of the outer part of Taichu. Those who are interested can add WeChat public account. High-rise building for web writers. Search for this and add it to find out the extras. Huanglong, arrogant, and criminal