MTL - Top Savvy: Starting From Basic Boxing-Chapter 18 The Nanyang Zheng family is too useless!

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  Chapter 18 The Nanyang Zheng family is too useless!


  Zheng Renxin made a decisive decision and retreated immediately.

  However, Li Ji let out a smirk, leaped forward, and swung his big knife like a door panel, sweeping towards Zheng Renxin and the others.

  Zheng Renxin's four visceral refining warriors all erupted with energy and blood, and raised their long swords horizontally to block in front of their chests.

   "Bang bang bang bang".

  Four muffled sounds made Zheng Renxin tremble. As if he had been hit hard, he felt a strong force crushing towards him.

  Even though he had exploded with all his energy and blood, even exercising his bones and viscera, his whole body's strength increased greatly. However, in the face of this force, it is still unable to resist.

  The next moment, Zheng Renxin was swept away with a knife, and took a few steps back abruptly.


  Zheng Renxin covered his chest, and a mouthful of blood spewed out of his mouth.

  A smell of rust filled the mouth.

he got hurt.

   Injured with just one hit.

   Moreover, Zheng Renxin was not the only one who was injured, but the other three master viscera refiners in Miaoshouyuan were also injured more or less.

   All of a sudden, the hearts of the four master viscera refining masters were all turbulent.

   With just one blow, Li Ji injured them abruptly.

  Although both are in the realm of viscera refining, the strengths of the two sides are vastly different.

   "It's no wonder that Li Ji, the king of dragging swords, was able to gather a crowd to block the trade route, and even escaped from the encirclement and suppression of the imperial army. With such strength, how many people can defeat him under the realm of divine power?"

   "Patriarch, run away, you can't die here, the three of us will buy time for the Patriarch!"

   "Patriarch, we are defeated, let's go!"

  Miaoshouyuan's other three viscera refiners all roared at the top of their lungs.

   This time, all the masters from the garden of masters came out. Once all the viscera refining masters were lost, the consequences would be disastrous.

  Especially if Zheng Renxin dies here, the century-old foundation of Miaoshou Garden may be destroyed.

   "Want to go?"

   "I said, you all don't leave, let's stay together!"

  Li Ji, carrying a big knife like a door panel, walked step by step with a grin on his face.

  Zheng Renxin is not a pedantic person.

  Even though his eyes were red and his veins were bulging, it was obvious that he was extremely angry.

  However, under such circumstances, he cannot die.

   Once he dies, Miaoshou Garden will most likely fall apart and fall into chaos.

  When Zheng Renxin was about to retreat.


  From outside the deserted temple, a dozen thieves unexpectedly appeared at some point.

  The leader is a visceral refiner.

  He led the people and held crossbow arrows to block the back of everyone in Miaoshou Garden.

  For a while, the Miaoshouyuan warriors who were still fighting in the deserted temple were all terrified and demoralized.

   "Slow down."

  At this time, Zheng Renxin immediately shouted.

  He stared at Li Ji, and said coldly: "Li Ji, stop, this time I admit defeat in Miaoshouyuan."

   "You came south to Nanyang City, and you took such a big risk to ask for gold and silver."

   "Tell me the number."

   Zheng Renxin's words made everyone slightly startled.

   Even Li Ji stopped.

   "Admit it?"

   "Aren't you going to fight to the death?"

  Zheng Renxin shook his head: "It's meaningless to fight to the death in this situation, but it will only increase casualties."

   After finishing speaking, Zheng Renxin simply threw away the weapon.

  This "candid" approach also brought a smile to Li Ji's face.

   "Hahaha, that's right, she's very knowledgeable about current affairs."

   "Let your men throw their weapons on the ground."

  Zheng Renxin took a look at the deserted temple. There were seventy or eighty experts in Miaoshou Garden, and now they have almost lost half, leaving only thirty or forty players.

  He let out a long sigh and said, "Let's put down your weapons."


  So, everyone in Miaoshouyuan threw their weapons to the ground.

   Li Ji gave a wink, and his subordinates quickly stepped forward, and surrounded everyone in Miaoshou Garden.

   "Li Ji, tell me the number."

   Zheng Renxin said again.

  Although a little aggrieved, the Nanyang Zheng family is not a family of martial arts. The prestige of Miaoshouyuan is not obtained by fighting in the rivers and lakes.

   Instead, it depends on the practice of medicine for generations, and the accumulation of hundreds of years has the foundation it is today.

   Now facing such gangsters as the king of dragging swords, Li Ji, they are really incapable, so they can only spend money to buy peace in order to survive this catastrophe.

  Although Li Ji is tall and tall, he is tall and thick, but he is very shrewd.

  He rolled his eyes, and suddenly sneered and said: "Zheng Renxin, you Nanyang Zheng family established the Miaoshou Garden, practiced medicine for generations, and accumulated a hundred years of accumulation. The gold and silver accumulated by the past generations may be innumerable."

   "Don't say any counts, you send someone back and move everything you can."

   "If I am satisfied, I will naturally let you go. After all, you are right. These old brothers and I ventured south, asking for some gold and silver. Your lives are of no use to us."

  Zheng Renxin's face changed slightly.

  He thought that Li Ji was greedy, but he didn't expect the other party to be so greedy.

  Li Ji didn't say the specific figures at all, but wanted to send someone to evacuate the Miaoshou Garden.

  That is the Nanyang Zheng family's century-old accumulation!

  But, can he object?

  Now people are swords and others are fish. If you don't agree, you will die.

   Zheng Ren's chest heaved violently, and he thought of the legacy left by the ancestors of the Zheng family in Nanyang.

  No matter when, people are the most important.

  In addition to this, everything else can be discarded.

  Because of such ancestral precepts, the Zheng family in Nanyang was able to avoid several catastrophes of genocide in more than a hundred years, and it has continued to this day.

  Thinking of this, Zheng Renxin gritted his teeth, and said in a deep voice, "Li Ji, I'll let my son Zheng Yifeng go back. You can send someone to move things. How much you can move depends on your means."

  Li Ji laughed heartily and said: "Haha, good. Erhu, take your men and **** Zheng Yifeng back. Remember, remove everything that can be moved."

   "If Zheng Yifeng dares to play tricks, kill him directly."

   "Yes, Uranus."

  Afterwards, Li Erhu led more than ten people and escorted Zheng Yifeng away from the deserted temple.

  There were still many corpses in the barren temple, but the atmosphere suddenly relaxed.

  Zheng Renxin and others squatted on the ground, guarded by Li Ji's men.

  Li Ji touched his head and said with a smile: "Zheng Renxin, you can bend and stretch, but you are a character."

  A thief next to him shook his head, and said coldly: "Heavenly King, the Zheng family of Nanyang has lasted for hundreds of years, so naturally they have their own ways of dealing with the world."

   "They are not from a family of martial arts, so naturally they will not fight and kill like us people in the rivers and lakes, fighting with their lives."

   "It's just that I thought they would fight for a while. After all, there are four masters of viscera refining. I didn't expect it to be like this. It's not even as good as a court eagle dog. Tsk tsk..."

   "It seems that Miaoshouyuan is making money every day, rich and powerful, so how can there be any blood of a warrior?"

  For a moment, many thieves burst into laughter, and there was a hint of sarcasm in the eyes of everyone looking at Miaoshouyuan.

  Everyone in Miaoshouyuan glared, but most of them lowered their heads.

  Because these thieves are telling the truth.

  Nanyang Zheng's has long lost his blood, and he is not even considered a member of the Jianghu.

   Kong has four master viscera refiners, but the actual combat power is very weak.

  Zheng Renxin's eyes were cold, and he clenched his fists.

  But he didn't dare to attack, so he could only let Li Ji and others ridicule him.


   Just then, the sky changed drastically, and there were bursts of thunder.

   Soon, it began to rain heavily.

  However, the heavy rain had no effect on the people in the deserted temple.

  Many thieves still eat meat and drink heavily, just waiting for the gold and silver from Miaoshouyuan to get their hands, so they are naturally very happy.

   "Papa Papa".

   At some point, a figure appeared in the rain.

  The other party was wearing a bamboo hat, dressed in black, and covered his face with a black scarf. His whole body was tightly wrapped, and he was walking towards the deserted temple step by step.

   "Stop! Who?"

  The thief guarding the gate of the deserted temple immediately yelled loudly.

  The person who came was naturally Lu Changsheng.

  He raised his head, and he could already see the situation inside the deserted temple.

  There are so many people in Miaoshou Garden squatting in the deserted temple, obviously they have been reduced to prisoners of thieves.

  Lu Changsheng shook his head, the Nanyang Zheng family is really useless!

  After that, Lu Changsheng continued to approach step by step, as if he didn't hear the scolding.

   went all the way to the gate of the deserted temple.


  The thief guarding the door immediately drew the knife in his hand.

  Lu Changsheng stopped.

  He glanced at the two thieves, and then shouted loudly into the deserted temple: "Passers-by who are traveling in the starry night. It's raining heavily. May I enter the temple to rest?"

   PS: Let me report the results. I just participated in the first round of PK promotion yesterday, and the results are much better than the previous ones. Lao Yue has also regained his previous state, so this book will no longer be a eunuch, please rest assured to read!



  (end of this chapter)