MTL - Top Student: Experience Infinite Occupations-Chapter 240 Final preparations (4k)

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   Chapter 240 final preparations (4 thousand)

   "I'm going to Tianyi Normal University too!" Jian Qingli said firmly.

   "Huh?" Wang Jianjia almost thought she heard it wrong, she stared at Jian Qingli with round eyes in disbelief.

  The surrounding students couldn't believe it after hearing Jian Qingli's words.

   "Wait, Li Chengqian chose to go to Tianyi Normal University, and Jian Qingli also chose to go to this school... Is Jian Qingli chasing after Li Chengqian?" Someone thought of a possibility.

   "Jian Qingli is really willing to give up the opportunity to study in a prestigious school for Li Chengqian."

"Men are not reliable at all. It is the most unwise way to give up your own future to pursue Li Chengqian. Education, knowledge, school, these are always yours, but men are not necessarily." A girl in the class shook her head .

   "Damn, I'm so envious! Jian Qingli obviously chose Tianyi Normal University for Li Chengqian." The boys were so envious.

   "Do you think Jian Qingli and Li Chengqian are secretly dating?"

  After hearing the low voices of the students discussing, Wang Jianjia finally came to her senses. She glanced at Li Chengqian and called Jian Qingli out of the classroom.

   "Jian Qingli, I still suggest you choose Shenlong University."

   "In addition to being beautiful, a girl must also have knowledge, career, and ability. Only such a woman can be beautiful and attractive for a long time."

   "If you really like someone, you should work hard to make yourself better! Helping the other person in their career is the long-term solution."

   "Jian Qingli, it's true that you are young and beautiful now, but you will grow old one day, when the beauty is gone, why do others like you?"

  "If you are a capable person, in terms of career, the person you like needs you, and he will not leave you easily."

  Seeing Jian Qingli, Wang Jianjia smiled and said, "You are a smart child, you don't need to say too much, you understand what I mean."

   "I suggest you choose the Management Studies of Shenlong University!"

   "It takes two days to fill out the volunteer application. Don't rush to fill it out today. You should think about it carefully, go home and listen to your parents' opinions before making a decision."

   "Teacher, I'm really sorry, I still want to go to Tianyi Normal University." Jian Qingli said firmly.

  She has already made the wrong choice once, and this time she will never make the wrong choice again!

  Wang Jianjia was helpless when he heard this.

  Two students who were able to go to top prestigious schools, both were geniuses in the top five of the college entrance examination in Jinshan Province, and they both chose Tianyi Normal University in the end.

   After filling out the application form, Jian Qingli and Li Chengqian walked out together.

   "Jian Qingli, didn't you always want to study at Shenlong University? Why did you choose Tianyi Normal University?" Li Chengqian asked.

   "Because you are here! That's why I chose this place! I can't do without you anymore." Jian Qingli said generously.

"Besides, I know my usual grades very well. My real grades are around 520 points. This time the grades can be so good. You are helping me. I can't count. It's not at the pace of other people's learning." Jian Qingli said with a smile.

   "Are you worried that my going to Tianyi Normal University will affect your relationship with Ding Ling?"

   "Don't worry, I won't be intimate with you outside! I won't affect you and Ding Ling."


  Sunset, in the assistant's office.

   "Mr. Leif, how is your ROM system prepared?" The assistant's voice was cold and venomous.

   "Mr. Assistant, the preparation work is faster than planned. We have completed 95% of the preparation work! The production of ROM has been completed! It is urgently shipped to other countries." Leif's voice was full of vigor.

  This time there are 300 million ROM systems, computers and server systems. With the help of Mr. Assistant, all of them are Windows systems.

   This is also Windows' last-ditch effort.

   After this plan is successfully implemented, the market share of the Windows system will immediately return to the number one operating system.

  Of course, there must be a prerequisite for returning to the number one throne, that is, the plan can be implemented smoothly.

  If the plan cannot be implemented smoothly, Window Company will go bankrupt directly because of this!

  Because, the ROM of the branch domain name resolution server was purchased by Xiyang, but the other versions of the ROM system were all ordered and produced by Windows Company.

  300 million sets of computer ROM systems, the hardware alone cost Windows 60 billion!

   If this part of the ROM system cannot be sold, it will basically be a fatal blow to the current Windows company.

  However, Leif is very confident about selling it. According to their understanding of Shenlong System, Shenlong System is a network operating system, which has achieved the ultimate in preventing cracking and piracy.

  But because of this, Shenlong system relies more on the network than all operating systems.

   Moreover, Shenlong system also has a fatal flaw, that is, it is not compatible with IP allocation and analysis.

   As long as the system of the branch domain name resolution server is replaced, the IP protocol originally formulated by Xiyang will be adopted.

  In the area served by the branch domain name resolution server,

  Dragon system will not be able to connect to the server because it is not compatible with the IP protocol.


  The Shenlong system cannot be used normally!

   Even the system desktop cannot be accessed.

  When the Shenlong system cannot be used normally, users have only one choice, and that is the Windows ROM system.

   "Mr. Assistant, in three days, all ROM systems will arrive at their destination."

   "Do you think we need to advance the plan?" Rafe said excitedly.

   "Everything is going according to the original plan! I must make sure that all of Shenlong's layout on the world Internet will be smashed at once. We must not give Shenlong a chance to come back." The assistant shook his head, his voice was extremely cold.

   "Leif, although we conducted experiments in the Northern Han Dynasty, it was not safe enough..."

   "To be on the safe side, we need to conduct at least one experiment! Only after the experiment is successful, can we launch the plan!"

   "This time, we must ensure that the layout of the Shenlong Internet can be killed with one blow, so that Shenlong will not be able to climb up in the Internet field for fifty years, and dare not challenge us."

   "The next experimental country is the Kangaroo Plains! I remember that all relevant equipment has been shipped there, right?" the assistant asked.

   "Yes, Mr. Assistant." Rafe nodded.

   "You go to Kangaroo Plains today and host this experiment! I will let Kangaroo Plains fully cooperate with you." The assistant gave the order directly.

  After Lefe left, the assistant looked at the world map across the desk, and a smile slowly formed on the corner of his mouth.

   "This time, one hit kills!"

   "To completely cut off your delusion of mastering the Internet."

  “The Internet was invented by the sunset, it will always belong to the sunset, and no one can take it away.”

   "Anyone who tries to take away control will be dealt a fatal blow."

   "After the experiment in the Kangaroo Plains is over and the plan is confirmed to be correct, it will be the moment when your dreams will be shattered."

   "And, do you think that our warships sailing on the ocean are showing off their might? A show of force?"

   "Do you think that the means of sunset is just to replace the branch domain name resolution server?"


  Rafe knew that the matter was very urgent, and he didn't dare to delay, so his speed was very fast. By the afternoon of that day, he had already reached the Kangaroo Plain.

  Kangaroo Plains Canberra, branch domain name resolution server, accompanied by Reagan, an executive from the Information Department, Leif walked in.

   "Mr. Leif, we are ready, the ROM system has been installed to the backup server."

  "If you want to switch the system of the branch domain name resolution server, you only need to restart the branch domain name resolution server and set the backup server as the main server!"

   "Then what are you waiting for! Restart the server!" Leif said with a smile on his face.

   At the moment when the staff restarts the server.

  Bai Ze's reminder sounded almost at the same time.

   "It is detected that the domain name resolution server of the Kangaroo Plain branch is switching systems, and the Shenlong system is shutting down..."

   "Do you want to start the Kangaroo Plain MAC automatic networking?"

  All Shenlong system equipment and network modules in the world have been silently updated.

  It has been possible to start the regional automatic networking technology to counteract the practice of replacing branch domain name resolution servers in the sunset.

   During this period of time, Li Chengqian has actually been waiting for the action of the sunset.

  After hearing Bai Ze's report, he suddenly raised his head, thought for a while and then gave an order,

   "Wait, don't activate the automatic networking technology for now!"

   "Let's wait for a while. If there is a large-scale replacement of branch domain name resolution servers around the world, it is time for us to start the automatic networking technology."

  "Xiyang wants to compete for the share of the operating system and the control of the root domain name service by replacing the branch domain name resolution server."

   "Then I'll just wait until they do everything!"

   "At their happiest moment, give them the fatal blow."

  After the update of the network module is completed, even if the branch domain name resolution server is replaced by the ROM system, Bai Ze can still communicate and transmit with the computer installed with the Shenlong system.

   At that time, only Li Chengqian gives an order, and Bai Ze only needs to send a line of code to the computer on the Kangaroo Plains where the Shenlong system is installed.

  When the Shenlong system equipment is installed on the Kangaroo Plain, the automatic networking can be started.

   It’s just that, if the computer cannot be used normally during this period of time, many people will change the computer system, from the Shenlong system to the ROM window system.

   Losing some users has become inevitable.


   With the restart of Kangaroo Plains server, switch to ROM system.

   On the screen in the command hall of the Iceman Project of the Academy of Sciences, the area representing the Kangaroo Plain suddenly changed from green to red.

   "Warning, the domain name resolution server of the Kangaroo Plain branch is closed!"

  In the speaker, a piercing electronic alarm sounded.

  Academician Lingqu's walking steps stopped suddenly. His eyes were full of sorrow, and he turned to look at the big screen in the command center.

  Tian Zhi, who was walking out with Academician Lingqu, also turned around with a solemn face, looked at the big screen, and had a very bad premonition in his heart.

   "Check with the people in Kangaroo Plains to see if their server is down."

   Not long after, Xiao Zhang, who was in charge of contacting Kangaroo Plains, put down the phone and reported in a dignified voice, "Academician Zero, Director Tian, ​​communicated with Kangaroo Plains just now, they said..."

   "They have deprecated the Project Iceman root nameservers,"

   "Abandon the branch domain name resolution server system provided by Shenlong Software!"

   "They have replaced the domain name resolution server system with a ROM window system."

   "And, they merged again into the sunset root domain name server system."

  After hearing Xiao Zhang's report, the atmosphere in the command hall of the Iceman Project suddenly became depressed. Everyone didn't speak, but looked unwillingly at the huge kangaroo plain that had turned red on the big screen.

   "They have already started to act!" Academician Lingqu's eyes became more and more anxious. The Kangaroo Plain is just the beginning. It is unknown how many countries will break away from the Iceman plan in the later period.

"Although I expected it a long time ago, when I actually face it, I still feel reluctant and unwilling! With the help of the right time, place and people, the share that was won was just taken away by the sunset." Tian Zhi stared at the big screen. Full of dissatisfaction.

  Academician Lingqu was silent for a while before speaking, "This is just the beginning! It will be more uncomfortable later!"

   "Yes! What else can we do besides being calm?" Tian Zhi had a wry smile on his face.

   "It's a bad thing to be taken away from the Iceman Project, but it's also good. At least it will let me see who our friends are!" Academician Lingqu said with a wry smile.

   "Only this time, Li Chengqian suffers because of the issue of us competing with Xiyang for control of the Internet, and suffers with us."

   "In order to make it difficult to replace the Iceman Project after deployment, he specially set up the Shenlong system. The Shenlong system only supports the ip analysis service of the Iceman Project, which is not compatible with Xiyang's IP analysis at all."

   "Now Xiyang is desperate to kill the Iceman Project and take back control of the Internet, regardless of everything and cost. They will definitely replace all branch domain name resolution servers!"

   "After the branch domain name resolution servers in each country and region are replaced, the Iceman Project will fail, and the Shenlong system will also have problems and cannot be used normally."

   "In the end, users can only replace the Shenlong system."

   "In this way, the Shenlong system will lose most of the market." Academician Lingqu's eyes were full of guilt.

   Tian Zhi frowned and thought for a while, then gave a solution suggestion, "Academician Zero, I think Xiyang is determined to kill the Iceman Project... The branch domain name resolution server system will inevitably be replaced!"

   "In order to reduce losses, ask Li Chengqian to change the code so that the Shenlong system and Xiyang's IP analysis can be compatible!"

   "In this way, even if the Iceman project is finally killed, at least the Shenlong system is still there!"

"What do you think?"

  Academician Lingqu shook his head, "Tian Zhi, I've already told Li Chengqian!"

   "But he didn't say yes!"

   "He said that at this difficult time, if the Shenlong system is compatible with the sunset IP protocol, some countries that were originally vacillating will immediately fall to the sunset and abandon the Iceman project."

   "He will stand with us!"

   "Okay, you continue to watch here, if there is any trouble, call me as soon as possible."

   "I'll give Li Chengqian another call to persuade him!"

   "The current situation is very clear, and the Iceman plan is probably untenable."

   "We failed in the Iceman project, and we can no longer fail in the operating system." Academician Lingqu said with deep regret on his face.


   Ask for tickets, all kinds of requests.

  (end of this chapter)