MTL - Transmigrated into a Parvenu’s Ex-wife in the ‘90s-Chapter 116 Suitors

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"Where did the flowers come from?" Shu Yan asked the front desk.

The front desk glanced inside and whispered, "Someone gave it to President Hu."

To Hu Ruixue? She only left for a few days, and some people even pursued Hu Ruixue. Shu Yan curiously entered Hu Ruixue's office and saw her look sad.

"Some people's pursuits are not good, so many roses, I can't receive them in my life." Speaking of, Fang Zeyu never gave flowers after the last apology, and it was not without gifts. More practical.

"If you like to take it away, I'm almost sick of it." Hu Ruixue said anxiously.

The Hu family has several friendships, and the juniors often play together. There are three with Hu Ruixue in the same year. Relatively speaking, the three of them have a better relationship. They are three men, one man and two women, Hu Ruixue, Sun Qian and one. Ji Fansheng.

The blood of the dog is that Sun Qian likes Ji Fansheng, and Ji Fansheng likes Hu Ruixue. Because of this, the relationship between the three is slowly alienating. After the college entrance examination, Hu Ruixue went to Beijing, Sun Qian stayed in Nancheng, and Ji Fansheng went abroad directly Did not return until this year.

Knowing that he was back, in addition to receiving a feast, Hu Ruixue avoided him as much as possible, and unexpectedly pursued her in a variety of ways these days.

"So, are you still a childhood friend?" Shu Yan held her chin. "If he likes you for so long, he still hasn't changed his mind, but he can give him a chance."

Hu Ruixue shook his head, "You do n’t know, Sun Qian has also gone abroad after graduating from university, which is where Ji Fansheng is. It goes without saying that although they are abroad, I also know something about Sun Qian. You live together now, do you think he really likes me? "

This ... Shu Yan has nothing to say.

However, there are also some men who are physically and mentally separated. They always like a person in their hearts, but do not delay looking for a woman. In his eyes, this is not a betrayal.

Let Shu Yan say that such a man is the most disgusting. When he is a duck, he has to set up an archway. If he really likes it, he will like it to the end. If he wants a woman, do n’t pretend to be affectionate. .

Tucao is the same as Hu Ruixue's playmate who grew up together. He said that none of his feelings were false. Shu Yan didn't say it directly, but he suggested that Hu Ruixue should consider it carefully.

"I didn't want to promise him. Not to mention that I don't have a love affair at all now. Even if there is, I can't find him. I want to have feelings for him, I already have it, will I marry someone else?" Hu Rui Xue felt that she was living a good life, but he wanted to disturb her peaceful life.

There is also a Sun Qian in the middle. Hu Ruixue was really a very good friend with her, just like her sisters. As a result, because of Ji Fansheng, they had not seen each other for many years, and did not even call.

Every day next day, a large bouquet of flowers was sent to the company's front desk, and Hu Ruixue asked the front desk to open it directly to the company's female employees, 999, each of whom could get a large bunch of flowers.

Shu Yan finally met Ji Fansheng's true face of Lushan. He was very tall, more than 1.8 meters in length, with a clean and elegant look, with a literary temperament, a little literary youth feeling.

I must have done my homework before coming here, knowing that Shu Yan is Hu Ruixue's best friend now, and she is very passionate about her.

"Miss Shu, I have heard Xiaoxue praise you all the time. I saw today that it wasn't praise, but people like me." Ji Fansheng smiled kindly, spoke softly, and looked at you with all kinds of eyes. feel.

Shu Yan really doesn't like this kind of man who is always showing charm.

"Really? I thought Xiaoxue would speak bad words about me outside." Shu Yan smiled and glanced at Hu Ruixue, "I still have something over there, go first."

"Wait a moment, are you free at noon? Have a meal together. You and Xiaoxue are friends and partners. I haven't invited you to dinner for so long. I have always wanted to thank you for taking care of Xiaoxue."

What this said is basically a self-proclaimed boyfriend. Unfortunately, Hu Ruixue didn't have that thought at all. As a friend, Shu Yan certainly couldn't hold back. Sorry, he smiled, "I'm sorry, the company has been too busy lately. I can't walk away. I have the opportunity to eat again next time."

After a few days, Hu Ruixue came to the company with a tired face and lay down on the sofa with weakness. "Ji Fansheng went to my brother and my parents. He knows that my parents like him very much, except me now Brother, my parents and some relatives told me to remarry inside and out. I ’ve been boasting about him, how bad am I? I ’m so scared that I ca n’t marry? No, I ’m confused by them, I ’m fine, I do n’t want to Marry. "

Ji Fansheng's conditions are really good. The two family affairs are the same, the people are good, the knowledge is also high, and he is unwilling to change Hu Ruixue. Every time he arrives at the Hu family, he is an uncle and aunt. He is very patient and careful about the performance. No wonder Hu and Hu are satisfied.

"Will you sit down and talk to them?"

"It's been talked, and it doesn't make sense. Instead of letting me get along with him again, I said that it might feel different if I haven't seen it for so many years. Do you like it? I don't know? I happen to have an expert abroad who is very researched on autism , I plan to take a look at it, the company's affairs may bother you. "Hu Ruixue felt that parents need to calm down.

"You can rest assured. Blossoming matters matter." Shu Yan felt that Hu Ruixue's parents were too anxious.

Hu Ruixue went abroad with flowers, the company ’s roses were gone, and the company ’s young girls were a little disappointed. After all, these flowers were indeed beautiful. Shu Yan joked with Fang Zeyu after work and said, “Dragging Hu Ruixue ’s blessing, In recent days, I also took home a bunch of roses every day. People in the community thought you gave them. Those women can envy me. "

She just joked with Fang Zeyu, and the next day she saw a large bunch of flowers. Although there were not 999 such a shock, there were also 99. The front desk smiled ambiguously: "This is not President Hu, it is President Shu."

Shu Yan opened the card and looked at it helplessly. She really just had a joke with Fang Zeyu. He didn't expect him to send flowers.

Different from Hu Ruixue, she and Fang Zeyu are open couples. He sent flowers differently. The people in the office all said blessings. Shu Yan held the flowers back to the office, and Jiang Yan took the vase to arrange the flowers. She went downstairs Go to Fang Zeyu.

"Hurry up, it seems like the boss came over."

The people who originally turned upside down and stood upright for a moment, and several people stood on both sides of the door, waiting for Shu Yan to enter the door, handsome salute.

Shu Yan was surprised for a moment. Shu Yan smiled and asked, "What about your boss?"

"The boss is in the office."

As soon as the words fell, Fang Zeyu had already come out of it. It was the first time she had come to his company when she saw Shu Yan coming.

"How did you come?"

"I haven't come to your company to see it, come here and there." Shu Yanjing walked to Fang Zeyu, the onlooking man frowned, his face gossip.

"Everyone is standing and doing nothing, right?" Fang Ze and looked around, his eyes glared, and the people who watched the crowd turned away. "Our people don't have much time in the company, so the company is small. There is nothing to look at. Why don't you go and sit in my office? "

Fang Zeyu's office was as simple as Shu Yan thought, and he glanced casually and asked, "I was just joking with you yesterday. Today is okay. Do n’t send it next time and waste money."

"No waste, how can I say it to you is waste, it's my stupid mind, I don't understand these, I will definitely improve next time." Fang Zeyu was annoyed, and before seeing Shu Yan holding flowers home, said that Hu Ruixue gave it, He didn't think much, or he was too stupid.

"I really don't need it. It's fine as you used to be." As a woman, Shu Yan certainly likes to receive roses, but a bouquet a day is really unnecessary, and Fang Zeyu used to be fine, no matter where he went on a business trip I will forget her and her children, and choose gifts very carefully. Not a bunch of flowers can match.

After a few chats in his office, Shu Yan returned to his company.

Hu Ruixue's office door was open, and Shu Yan frowned slightly. She and Hu Ruixue had a lot of confidential documents in their office, so they would close the door when they were away, even if they would not open the door of each other's office, they asked Jiang Yan = and it was Hu Ruiyang who came over.

Hu Ruixue is not here. Why is he running over here?

Shu Yan knocked on the door, walked in with a smile, "General Manager Hu, why are you free today?"

"There's something wrong here, come by and take a look here." Hu Ruiyang sat on the sofa, staring straight at Shu Yan, "listening to Xiaoxue that you had a boyfriend, congratulations."

"Thank you!" Shu Yan raised an eyebrow, so what? What happened to the company? "If President Hu is all right, I'll go back to the office first, there will be a while."

"Shu Yan." Hu Ruiyang called Shu Yan.


"It's nothing, just to tell you, Jing Jing and Tianbao's transfer to school is done. Take the account book to register tomorrow, don't forget."

During the summer vacation, Shu Yan thought carefully and asked the opinions of the two children, and finally decided to transfer.

A good school can make children useful throughout their lives. Now that you have this opportunity, why not grasp it.

"Rui Xue didn't tell me, thank you very much." Shu Yan asked Hu Ruixue for help, so Hu Ruiyang didn't know it was strange, or Hu Ruixue asked Hu Ruiyang to do it? No, Hu Ruixue will not find Hu Ruiyang.

"that's it?"

Shu Yan froze, looking at him for unknown reasons.

"Don't you buy me a meal?"

"When Ruixue comes back, I will invite you to dinner," she joked, and went out to eat with him alone, she was afraid that she would not be full.

The author has something to say: Hahaha, you guessed wrong, Hu Ruiyang and Zhou Xiaomei are still different.

Recommend a cool text by a friend: Article name: "I am a gourmet system with no emotions" by: Qianduo Yunmian


Gourmet system 74748 encountered its own host:

An 108-line star with a set of facelifts, split legs, digging a corner, and cultivating a series of black dots on one body, with only one hundred and eighty under his body.

So desperate ...

74748 Don't Be Afraid: Say your wish, we will counterattack together!

Host: Too tired, my aging mother will die. I will give you the body.

74748: Don't bother, just say your wish ... lie, what is this? Hand?

I am so hungry. Do I need to recharge or eat now?

Rich second-generation and top-level traffic Lu Yansheng: Why is that snake girl who asks for a boogie eyeball in my Weibo still?

Later ... It ’s so fragrant, he said, the cooking is so fragrant!

But he also solemnly told the system: I can allow you to crush me at best!

74748:? ? ? I actually think your kitchen is so good ...

Later ... Paparazzi made a video of 74748 that often went in and out of Lu Yansheng Villa,

74748 With a firm face: Don't be afraid, leave it to me!

Lu Yansheng is secretly pleased that I am finally going to be famous,

Finally, 74748 was arrived in the villa's elevator by Lu Yansheng.

He smiled and smiled: You told the reporter that you are my nanny?

74748:? ? ? Isn't it?

Lu Yansheng kissed for a long time: We are in a relationship, do you know?

74748: Fall in love? But I'm just a culinary system with no emotion!

The heroine who cooks wholeheartedly and does not want to fall in love x dreams of becoming a film actress but has no acting skills and is picky about food