MTL - Transmigrated into a Parvenu’s Ex-wife in the ‘90s-Chapter 6 Startle

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The ugly daughter-in-law always wants to see the in-laws. This is a native responsibility. She inherited the original body, and also inherited the responsibility she should have assumed.

Seeing the mother of Shu Yan, the reactions of the two children were not particularly great. Ye Jingjing lowered her head timidly, looking up at Shu Yan from time to time, with a longing and a hint of fear in her eyes. The younger brother on the other side was completely the opposite. He was not so happy when he saw Shu Yan. There were no children who were happy and intimate to see his mother.

Among the two children, the eldest daughter was brought by her own body, and the younger son was taken away by Mrs. Ye shortly after her birth. Except for feeding, the rest of the time, she rarely touched the original body. It was normal for the mother and child to be weak.

It is said that the original body was born in a son-in-law's family, and he was treated unfairly from an early age. After giving birth to a daughter, he was rejected by his in-laws' family. As a result, the original body felt that her daughter was a loser, so that her daughter could have enough food and warm clothes. Anyway, she would marry at the age of seventeen or eight and become someone else.

From the victim to the perpetrator, Shu Yan couldn't understand their thoughts, and she suffered from the patriarchal preference of the native family. Shouldn't she double her daughter?

The two children grew up in neglect from an early age and have a low self-esteem and cowardice. A grandfather spoiled by his grandparents and grown up, what he wants is what he wants, and he speaks very aggressively, as if he were the little emperor at home. Perhaps due to the attitude of grandparents, Ye Tianbao even slightly disliked the original body.

Is this the attitude that a three-year-old son should have towards his mother? Even if Shu Yan had never had a child, she knew that the two children had been raised. Fortunately, the children are still young and can come over.

Her own world has entered the information age. She has not gone out to know the world, has no children, and has been bombarded with half of the 'experts' by parenting knowledge on the Internet.

Education matters can't be rushed now. The important thing is Ye Zhiqiang's side. He certainly didn't want to go out of the house, so he didn't know what he could do.

"Tired for a day, let's go back to rest first. I'll send you to your room for dinner. I will let someone stare at Ye Zhiqiang." Sending Shu Yan to the door, Shu Jianyang explained a few words and left.

When he arrived in the room, Ye Tianbao was there. "I want to go home, I want grandparents."

Suddenly leaving the familiar environment and familiar people to a strange place, the relationship between the mother and the child is not particularly good, Ye Tianbao will make trouble and can understand.

"You've been in this car for so long, you're all smelling. Come over and take a shower." Especially Ye Jingjing, her body was dirty, her forehead slipped and she rushed out of the road.

Ye Jingjing obediently came to Shu Yan, Ye Tianbao fell down and rolled directly, "No bath, I don't take a bath, I want grandparents, I want grandma."

Shu Yan was stunned. For the first time, she saw that the child was so rolling on the ground. What did the childcare experts say? By the way, children don't care about him, the more he talks about it, the more hell.

Leading her sister to the bathroom to take a bath, and Ye Tianbao rolled outside.

I found that the mother who was tumbling didn't care, Ye Tianbao cried a lot, crying more and more, and finally became dry.

"Mom, my brother is crying." Ye Jingjing said carefully.

She was most afraid of her brother crying. Every time she cried, grandparents scolded her.

"Ignore him. I'll be fine in a while." When washing Ye Jingjing's hair, she found that her hair was a bit dry and knotted, and there were many small white spots on it. Shu Ya patted it, not dandruff. It can be / 撸 / down along the hair, a closer look, turned out to be the eggs of lice, "How long have you not washed your hair?"

Initial observations are found on almost every hair, several on several. Shu Yan had goosebumps all over, her hair was numb and itchy, and she always felt countless lice crawling on her head.

"I don't know." Ye Jingjing thought about it and shook her head.

If you do n’t know, you do n’t know. No matter what, wash your child ’s hair first. When you wash it, Shu Yan finds several lice and scratches it. The sound is crunchy. Then she took a bath and rubbed a layer of mud as soon as she rubbed it. It was said that she had n’t taken a bath for ten and a half months. Now it ’s summer, so hot, it ’s uncomfortable not to take a bath all day. Not at all dedicated.

After half-washing, Ye Tianbao outside was finally stunned. It was estimated that he was tired. Shu Yan looked at the probe and saw Shu Yan's face. Sobbing Ye Tianbao opened his mouth and continued to choke.

I took back my head for a moment, and I didn't have enough experience, so I couldn't peek next time.

"My brother cried again." Ye Jingjing looked at Shu Yan anxiously.

"Ignore him. You sit and I'll get clothes for you." Ye Jingjing was washed clean after three times of soap.

Seeing Shu Yan, Ye Tianbao paused, thinking that Shu Yan had finally come to take care of him. But when he thought that Shu Yan bypassed him to find a dress for his sister in the chair behind him, Ye Tianbao plopped and lay back, and continued to roll back and forth.

This kid is quite clever. He deliberately found an open place to cast a splash, and Shu Yan lifted his foot and kicked him. "Don't be in this place, go roll over there and save me from sweeping the floor."

Ye Tianbao froze. What happened to mom today? Wow's cry, this time I really cried and said, "I want to go home, I want to tell grandma ... Mommy bullied me."

You are used to bullying you, and you will be bullied more in the future.

How embarrassing is the Ye family to Ye Jingjing? It is said that Ye Zhiqiang has made a lot of money. Just these two children, no matter how important they are, do not take them seriously? There are three sets of clothes, one of which was bought last summer, and the other two were the cheapest ones bought by the original body.

After searching the memory, the old lady of the pot leaf family really couldn't remember it. The problem lies with the original body.

Ye Zhiqiang is quite generous in terms of money. He gives 500 yuan to his original body each month. The 500 yuan in 1992 is quite a lot. It is not bad to grow 500 yuan a year in the countryside. As a result, the original body was better, and various savings were made, and then the money saved from the teeth was given to the maiden's family.

The more you know, the less sympathy Shu Yan has for her original body, and the poor must have hatred. This is true.

I chose a suit for Ye Jingjing. "Okay, let's go out."

Shu Yan herself likes her daughter very much, always thinking of waiting for her daughter, she must dress her up beautifully, now it can be regarded as a dream come true, and she will divorce when she returns, and she must bring Ye Jingjing to buy all kinds of clothes.

Ye Tianbao finally stopped crying this time. The child is actually very smart. The more you talk to him, the more he knows that you care about him, the more you ignore him, he knows that he is useless, and next time he wo n’t. So noisy.

"Get up." Shu Yan kicked him.

"I can't." Ye Tianbao muttered a temper with Shu Yan.

Shu Yan didn't make sense to him, and he walked up to the bathroom.

Ye Tianbao's legs were kicking wildly, and his strength was quite strong. Shu Yan almost didn't hug him. He stepped into the bathroom, quickly put the mud-like Ye Tianbao on the ground, and opened the tap to directly pour on him.

"Look? It's so dirty, people will laugh at you without going out of the bath." Shu Yan cleaned Ye Tianbao a few times.

The action is the same as she used to help her mother wash the puppy. Ye Tianbao, who was holding the light / fart / fart, went out and threw it on the bed. She explained that Ye Jingjing looked at her brother and went to take a fighting bath by herself.

"Mom, someone knocked on the door." Ye Jingjing stood in the bathroom door and whispered.

Just when Shu Yan went in, she said that someone should knock on the door and don't open it, wait for her to open it.

Shu Yan responded, put on her clothes, and stood behind the door and asked, "Who?"

Opening the door and looking out, only the clothes were blurred.

"I'm a waiter at the hotel. Downstairs said there was a leak in the bathroom. I'll come and see why."

Unfamiliar voice, Shu Yan's vigilance rose instantly, "We haven't used the bathroom just now, how could it leak?" Shu Yan asked deliberately.

"But the guest downstairs said there was a leak. I'll come in to determine the problem and it won't disturb you for too long." The waiter explained patiently.

Shu Yan hesitated a little, "I'm inconvenient now, you can check again later."

"But the guests downstairs are waiting. Can you do something convenient? I'm a part-time job. If the downstairs complains, my salary for this month will be gone." The waiter said especially pitifully.

"Then change the room for him, and keep the money on my account." This is a coincidence. Be careful not to be wrong. Shu Yan would rather spend more money.

After a while, Shu Yan didn't hear anything. She didn't open the door to make sure people were gone. How many people in movies and TV were out of curiosity, and she was timid and not curious.

About ten minutes later, Shu Yan heard Xiaofei's voice sound, "Who are you? Why are you standing here? You stand still ..."

Su Yan suddenly had scalp numbness and a sudden heart beat, which was really a problem.

"Mom?" Ye Jingjing grabbed Shu Yan's hand and looked at Shu Yan with pale complexion, terrified.

"It's okay, mother is okay." Shu Yan calmed a moment, and heard the knock again, her heart tightened unconsciously.

"Sister Yan, I'm Xiaofei, and the third brother asked me to come over for dinner."

Shu Yan opened the eye of the door. This time, she clearly saw the person. It was definitely Xiao Fei. Shu Yan dared to open the door.

"Did someone get stuck in my door just now?" Shu Yan looked outside with no one in the corridor.

"I was run away by that grandson." Xiaofei didn't expect anyone to dare to break ground on the third brother's ground. "I have asked A Biao to report to the third brother. I'll stay here. Don't be afraid."

Shu Yan nodded in fear. After dinner, absentmindedly, the two children took a half-day ride in the car and fell asleep shortly after. They covered them with blankets. Shu Yan followed Xiaofei to the opposite room, and Shu Jianyang was waiting for her.

"The thing Xiaofei has told me, it seems that Ye Zhiqiang is a dog jumping over the wall. I ca n’t use it for three days. I will go to him tomorrow. This matter must be settled as soon as possible to avoid night long dreams." Shu Jianyang narrowed his eyes, it seems that Ye Zhiqiang didn't ask carefully , Dare to start at his third brother Shu's place.

On the other side, Ye Zhiqiang knew that not only was he unable to catch Shu Yan, he was also playing grass and scaring the snake, and his face was even more ugly.

"Hey brother hasn't answered the phone yet?" They do engineering and can't avoid dealing with some local forces. He is a big brother he knows. He usually eats and drinks together.

They shook their heads. They had made more than a dozen phone calls and they had not answered them.

"Damn, I usually call my brother and my brother, and there will be no one at the critical moment." Ye Zhiqiang's voice just fell, the phone rang, his eyes lighted up, and he immediately picked up the phone.

"Ye Zhiqiang, I changed my mind. The three days are too long. At nine o'clock tomorrow morning, you come to the tea house next to Huayue Gate. We will see you in court when the time is up." Shu Yanpa hung up the phone, Your aunt has no time to play with you, so she must make a quick decision. 2k novel reading network