MTL - Transmigrated To Ancient Times To Farm And Build A Kingdom-Chapter 1217 Land reclamation

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Long clothes and trousers, and a straw hat.

Chang Xia walked out of the cave courtyard slowly with his stomach straight.

In the morning, the morning sun shines on the face, which is quite comfortable.

Chang Xia walked down the hillside with a smile on her face, just in time to meet the orcs heading towards Xiaohechuan wilderness, she waved her hand and said with a smile, "Master Lu Qi, good morning!"

"Chang Xia, you are early too!" Lu Qi was slightly startled, and said in amazement: "Chang Xia, did you go to Xiaohechuan Wilderness today?"

"Yes, I'll go and have a look." Chang Xia replied.

The two walked side by side, one asked and the other answered, and the atmosphere was extremely harmonious. Along the way, more and more orcs gathered, and everyone headed towards the small river and wilderness.

Some people held pancakes in their hands, while others gnawed on steamed buns.

The rich breakfast aroma dyed the morning breeze into the smell of food.

"Patriarch Luqi, how much wasteland has been reclaimed in the Xiaohechuan Wilderness?" Chang Xia looked at the Xiaohechuan Wilderness in the early morning, the green hills shrouded in morning mist, hazy, like a girl who got up early, exuding a hazy beauty .

Fresh and natural.

In the warm season, morning dew is always the first to dissipate.

Lu Qi said: "Eight hundred mu. I expect to reclaim 1,500 mu before winter, of which 1,000 mu will be used to plant rice and the rest to grow melons, fruits and vegetables. The three tribes brought many wild fruit and saplings. These The saplings have a lot to offer…”

Talking about his job, the patriarch Luqi seemed extraordinarily energetic.

With the Heluo tribe as his backer, he doesn't have to worry about food every day, and he doesn't have to worry about the tribe not being able to wear clothes. Now, we only need to consider how to open up wasteland, and then use the reclaimed land.

It can be said that the entire orc is radiant.


The orcs of the deer tribe and the orcs of the three tribes are full of energy and smile every day.

Even the Heluo tribe said that there is no rush to open up wasteland, they can take their time. The patriarch Luqi led everyone to work hard, even if the sky changes when the sun rises and the day goes in, he doesn't dare to delay for a moment.

Of course, with the body of an orc.

Even weak people are very healthy and sturdy.

However, the purpose of land reclamation is not just to overturn the wilderness.

It is also necessary to weed, pick up gravel, burn grass stalks and grass roots, etc., and special attention should be paid to burning in warm seasons to avoid causing wildfires.

Here it comes.

Naturally, it takes more time.

However, Patriarch Luqi is very satisfied with the current speed.

"Eight hundred mu." Chang Xia was overjoyed.

It's no wonder that the root patriarch has been walking with wind recently, and his feeling is that Xiaohechuan wilderness is very smooth! According to Lu Qi's calculations, the Heluo Tribe's arable land will be doubled in the coming year? At the same time, it may double.

Three to five years later.

The arable land of the Heluo Tribe has a hundred slopes, a thousand slopes, and even ten thousand slopes.

Thinking about it, Chang Xia only felt shortness of breath.

At that time, why did the leopard clan worry about not having enough food?

After all, in addition to food, the orcs also have ginkgo. At present, Chang Xia has not started to develop the ginkgo fruit, because the ginkgo fruit is enough for the orcs to eat.

When other resources are used, the orcs will gradually lose their dependence on ginkgo.

However, this does not mean that Chang Xia does not pay attention to ginkgo.

On the contrary, Changxia attaches great importance to ginkgo.

Because of the importance, it needs to be put into the final study.

"Hey!" Patriarch Lu Qi was very happy when he saw Chang Xia's shocked expression. This means that their recent busyness is worthwhile. The orcs in the Twilight Forest are all eager to get the approval and closeness of Chang Xia.

This kind of recognition and closeness is different from the attitude towards Su Ye.

It's more like a child craving approval from an adult.

Chang Xia gave too many things to the Orcs, and the Beasts couldn't wait to give back.


The Luqi patriarch shouted into the distance.

Chang Xia looked up, and saw a familiar face, suddenly it was the patriarch Kaku of the cat tribe of the three tribes. Beside him, there were two chiefs of the rabbit tribe and the fox tribe, chief Babaza and chief Skarner.

Chang Xia had met these two before.

However, after they joined the Heluo tribe.

Chang Xia never saw it.

Today is the first time we meet.

"Long summer."

"Long summer—"

The three grinned and walked towards Chang Xia waving.

The climate of the Horubad Basin is different from that of the Baihe Basin, and the orcs of the three tribes are darker than the Leopards. Of course, health is fine too.

Obviously weak orcs, all of them have wheat-colored or bronze-colored skin.

Looking at it, it looks more like the orcs of the strong tribe than the orcs of the Heluo tribe.

Weak orcs are generally thinner and thinner.

It is not very obvious in the three tribes, except of course some females. Like the three patriarchs of Kaku and Luqi standing together, it is difficult to recognize the three of them from the weak and weak cats, rabbits and foxes purely from their appearance.

Orcs are mostly rectal.

It didn't take long for the few people to exchange pleasantries, and the Kaku patriarch and the others got busy.

Let the Luqi patriarch lead Chang Xia to wander in the Xiaohechuan wilderness.

The Heluo tribe also had orcs who came to help open up the wasteland. Like other orcs, they did not bother Chang Xia and Lu Qi patriarch.

All the orcs quietly opened up wasteland and built their own homes.

There are small rivers and wilderness rice fields as a template, and the Luqi patriarch and the others will basically divide the fields according to the pattern of rice fields in subsequent land reclamation. Needless to say, with such a division, the wilderness becomes a field, and the sense of satisfaction makes everyone feel very comfortable.

Tribal resin is not enough.

UU reading canals have not been completed in the fields that have just been reclaimed.

Simple ditches, not tamped with stones, look rather crude. However, when Elder Senda and the others returned from the outer forest, they brought back the resin. This newly opened field will soon be organized.

"Changxia, these lands are relatively high-lying, and it will not be easy to irrigate in the future. Everyone may need to fetch water for irrigation. I am considering whether to change it into a vegetable field?" Lu Qi squatted halfway, holding a handful of black soil, full of regret.

They are all very fertile land, used to grow rice, and the yield is definitely not low.

However, the terrain is relatively high, and it is difficult for the water in the canal to flow back to irrigate the land here.

Chang Xia cut his head and said: "Patriarch Lu Qi, don't worry, wait for me to figure out a way. Left and right, the tribe is not in a hurry to plant land this year."

Waterwheels can pump water from low-lying areas to high-lying areas.

However, Chang Xia knew a little about how to make this waterwheel.

She remembered first, waiting for Su Ye to come to the tribe.

You can talk to Su Ye to see if the apes have passed on this knowledge. If not, find the root patriarch and try to build a waterwheel.

The Yuanhu tribe can extract soybean oil.

Chang Xia didn't believe that the Heluo Tribe couldn't build a waterwheel.

Knowing the principle, with the abilities of Su Ye and Gen Patriarch, the waterwheel can definitely be built.

Water removal trucks, like harvesters/threshers or something.

By the way, you can also ask Gorey to study it.

Thinking about it, Chang Xia quickly took out a pen and paper to record it. Seeing this, the patriarch next to him raised his eyes, nose, mouth and heart, and didn't look much.

However, expectations arose from the bottom of my heart.

Miracle Chang Xia, God's Messenger Chang Xia.

Long Xia was given various names by the orcs of the Twilight Forest.

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