MTL - Transmigrating into a 90’s Cat, I Want to Work for My Home Country-Chapter 17 The seventeenth cat (1)

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Bai Xia Xia’s plan was perfect when she arrived, Lu Chi doesn’t need to think about reviewing the road map, and decisively turn left at the intersection, go straight on the main road, and abandon the small road.

Bai Xiaxia reluctantly left some impressions on some of the plaques, and was probably sure that she had walked this road by herself. Well, that's fine.

Liu Photography, who was with him, hesitated several times: Why did he take a detour to go back to the guest house?

Considering the cat's vigilance towards him, Liu Feng obediently followed. The more he walked, the more puzzled he became: ... this cat, doesn't he know the way?


A dog in a thousand miles, a cat in a thousand miles. I heard that pet cats are so expensive that they can't even catch mice. This cat... **** has lost its instincts?

Bai Xiaxia didn't know that she had seen through the lunatic nature, and ran happily.

Lightly and graceful, like a cloud of white snow falling, jumping dexterously on the high and low roof buildings, the streets seem to be her stage.

Bai Xiaxia has a strong jumping ability, and survived in the Green Lotus Mountain, running ability is the first. Her ability to jump and run was learned from Master Lynx.

Liu Feng followed behind Bai Xiaxia along the wall and almost lost it several times. Fortunately, he has good running feet all the year round, is physically strong, also knows Bai Xiaxia's destination, and obsessively observes Bai Xiaxia.

Bai Xiaxia wanted to get rid of him.

Considering Liu Feng's status as a mental patient, Bai Xiaxia hesitated.

A patient came out of a mental hospital. Not only was the doctor worried, but the mental patient was unable to control himself and would likely cause harm to others.

Maybe, his family will also wander around like headless flies. At this moment, they may be like ants on a hot pan, anxious and irritable.

Now Liu Feng is following her safely, not hurting others, and has no plans to harm himself. Bai Xiaxia doesn't mind taking him to the hospital, there is nothing else that can be done.

Today, I have to do something better than helping grandma cross the road.

"System, good people learn from Lei Feng, are there any rewards?"

The system actively self-checks and suspects that its performance has deteriorated and the camera is broken.

"I'll send the mentally ill to the hospital!" Bai Xiaxia answered cheerfully, "Doing a good deed by taking the initiative to do it, can it count as a task?"

"..." The system looked at the "poor mentally ill" and was speechless, "...nothing."

"Okay." It seems that the system task must be completed. There is no question mark on the head of the mentally ill person, so he cannot get the reward.

Bai Xiaxia was not disappointed, thinking: "My task object must be a person?"

"Not necessarily." system.

Liu Feng thought that Bai Xiaxia was going back to the guest house, the cat passed the military hospital and arched in through the crack of the door, turned back, and cast a glance at him. After stopping, continue towards the entrance of the building.

Liu Feng was stunned: ... This is, tell him to follow?

After hesitating for two or three seconds, he followed up.

At the end of the corridor on the second floor, ward 212.

Bai Xiaxia waited for a while and saw Liu Feng follow. Jumping up, the two fur claws hugged the handle lock tightly, and inertia and gravity brought the lock up and rotated.

Liu Feng, who was gasping for breath with both hands on his knees, was stunned, his jaw dropped in shock...Fuck, who raised this fairy cat? I will open the door by myself ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!

I have seen dogs open doors, but I have never heard of cats. Ever since Liu Feng was born, he has never heard of such a rare event!

This cat is definitely sperm... right?

"Meow!" The future **** shovel officer, I'm coming to see you!

Seven or eight people were standing or sitting in the ward, and their eyes were neatly looking at the Persian cat that was hanging on the doorknob danglingly and followed.

The cat is snow-white and snow-white, hanging out in a pile, shaking its small ears, and looking into the ward with a wet pink nose.

Bai Xiaxia: Who am I? where am I? Why don't I knock on the door and come in?

Before going out today, you should look through the perpetual calendar hanging at the door of the guest house! Bai Xiaxia is heartbroken and regrets the beginning!

In the ward, Qin Xiao was sitting by the bedside in a dark green coat, Li Aiguo led a few team members, and the young team members were writing with notebooks in their hands.

Song Beizheng chatted with middle-aged men with high military rank sitting beside the bed, and all of them were leaders. Young people like Guo Chaoming stood upright with relaxed expressions, and their backs were still as tall and straight as pines and cypresses.

Bai Xiaxia instantly became the focus, she shrank her head weakly, conditioned reflex, facing these leaders, there is always a kind of guilty conscience of students facing the dean.

In an instant, I fainted.

The discussion stopped abruptly, and several people looked at Bai Xiaxia.

Bai Xiaxia pulled her ears in embarrassment and greeted Song Bei's meowing.

Today is really not suitable for going out!

Her day!

At this time, Bai Xiaxia was so nervous that she ignored that she was a cat, in fact. The gestures and gestures she makes don't matter to anyone.

After returning to God and understanding, the shame in my heart cannot be suppressed.

Thinking about it, Bai Xiaxia felt that the skin under the hair was burning and the temperature was rising.

The claws were released, and the Persian cat An An was pressing the poor airplane ears, and slumped from the door to the ground like a cat cake.

With seven or eight pairs of piercing eyes, she tried to ignore them.

"This is..."

Is there a cat in the ward?

"Lao Zhao, she was the one who saved Xiao Qin."

"It doesn't look like much."

"Haha, people don't look good, so do cats." Song Bei quickly diverted the topic, and Bai Xiaxia quickly rolled himself behind the curtain.

Guo Chaoming sneaked and touched it quietly: "Are you still shy?"

In Guo Chaoming's eyes, the cat's claws with bright nails only stick out a little bit white, revealing the curtains.

The milk is fierce and soft, and the snow-white hair on the white claws is easy to touch. The claws that were delivered to the door were neither pinched nor pinched, he was rude, and squeezed and smashed.

Bai Xiaxia…Ahhh! This **** who took advantage of me. There is no need for tomorrow, just kill him today!

Outside the door, Liu Feng hesitated, wondering if he should follow up.

This cat is visiting the hospital? He wasn't sure, but he knew a little bit in his heart.

Liu Feng felt a sense of excitement when he saw magical animals.

He seemed to have glimpsed the secret and discovered the treasure that others could not see.

Blushing with excitement, he found a treasure, and he wanted to go in and meet the cat owner immediately.

Stopped in front of the ward next door, hesitated for a moment, and Liu Feng gave up.

He thought that the cat was leading him here, what was his plan. The cat didn't return, Liu Feng was embarrassed to go in empty-handed, and planned to ask at the nurse's station to find out the good news in advance.

He didn't know, Bai Xiaxia was going to ask Qin Xiao to send him to a mental hospital. After staring at a group of leaders and forgetting for a while, when Bai Xiaxia remembered this, Liu Feng was nowhere to be seen.

I don't know if he is lucky or unlucky.

Liu Feng turned around and went downstairs, rashly breaking into someone's ward, which was too impolite.

It is a patient after all.

Guo Chaoming had a fight with Bai Xiaxia for a while, Song Bei was discussing business affairs with these leaders, looking for cultural relics and saving hostages.

Lao Liao's words are more alarmist. The kidnapped child will be fine within three or four days. Li Aiguo is mainly worried that the traffickers will take the risk.

Take people out of the city directly and let go first. Or the dog jumped off the wall in a hurry, as Lao Liao said, leaving the person who was kidnapped and finding a place to hide from the limelight.

Discussions come and go, there are only two ways to go.

The real location of the traffickers was extracted from Lao Liao's mouth.

Secondly, use a dumb method to search the carpet, and search the past one by one.

The second method is very dynamic, and a little carelessness can easily cause people's hearts to float, and it will also startle the snake. Surprisingly, they are more likely to act aggressively.

Speaking of which, everyone has no good ideas.

According to Song Bei and Captain Li's consultation, find someone to disguise plain clothes, secretly inquire about the truth, and try to listen to the news as unobtrusively as possible.

Since Bai Xiaxia came in, they have almost discussed and arranged a team to go in and search.

Li Aiguo is inquiring with Qin Xiao, asking him to try his best to recall the mountain road he has traveled, and to minimize the scope of activities of Lao Liao and his group in Cuilian Mountain.

This group of people has long run out of the safety net defined by the base, and it is unlikely that they will find the cultural relics directly.

Saving people is important, and losing cultural relics is also important.

It contains precious items that they have collected from the countryside, as well as those who have been kidnapped through various channels.

Tongcheng Museum asks every day these days, and enthusiastic citizens are also concerned about the clues of cultural relics. The reporter squatted outside the bureau, wishing to run after Li Aiguo's ass.

The branch phone is about to blow up.

There are two particularly important collections in this group of lost cultural relics. The provincial bureau also called the General Administration. The General Administration pressed them to urge them to recover the cultural relics, and they had to minimize the loss of the cultural relics.

Fuck! All buried in the mountains! A bunch of **** do nothing!

Two mountains weighed on Li Aiguo's shoulders, one was the weight of human life, the other was the pressure of public opinion, and Li Aiguo was almost breathless.

Leader Song communicated well with the leaders of the team. They brought the soldiers down the mountain to cooperate with the police to find out about the kidnappers.

When the people in the room were all gone, Li Aiguo had a cigarette in his mouth. He rubbed the cigarette butts dry, his old face wrinkled into a bitter gourd.

Bai Xiaxia glanced at her secretly, her face sinking like water!

I always feel that I can squeeze out the bitter gourd juice soon.

A red question mark appeared on Li Aiguo's forehead, and Bai Xiaxia guessed that it was related to cultural relics.

[Li Aiguo's troubles: Important cultural relics were secretly hidden in caves by hateful smugglers, helping Li Aiguo find the whereabouts of the cultural relics. 】

[The task is successful, reward 20 achievement points. 】

Bai Xiaxia still doesn't know what achievement points can do, the system: "After accumulating achievement points, you can post tasks or make a wish."

"? Release the task?" Bai Xiaxia: "Who is the task for?"

System: "When the time comes, you will know."

"Make a wish..." Bai Xiaxia secreted adrenaline, her excited claws trembled, and the hair on the back of her neck stood up: "Can I become a human? Can I go home?"

"Theoretically yes, but I don't know how many achievement points it takes. It must be accumulated slowly, to a certain extent. I naturally know what achievement points can do."

Bai Xiaxia probably understood, but hesitantly and lost in excitement: "Can you guess how much it will take."

Hundreds and thousands are fine, but the number is too large.

"You do the task well, be diligent, and if the task is more difficult, there is hope."

Bai Xiaxia's previous tasks were optional, but now she can go home and become a human.

She became active and immediately took over Li Aiguo's second task.

The location of the cultural relics Bai Xiaxia can probably delineate the scope, she and Dahua have been following these guys for several days.

She smells the smell, and with the hunting skills of big flowers, she can basically delineate the scope of activities of Lao Liao and the three in Cuilian Mountain.

Bai Xiaxia told Song Bei the scope of activities, and I wonder if they could find it.

Bai Xiaxia frowned and tried to recall the overheard conversation that day, wondering if there were any clues about the cultural relics.

"...Sorry, Team Li, I don't have any clues on my side." Qin Xiao was overstretched and lost a lot of blood in the second half of Cui Lian Mountain, which was all supported by his extraordinary willpower.

In fact, his mind was dizzy and blurry, seeing people and things blurry, and could not find the trace of Lao Liao and the three.

He was unable to kill three people at that time, so he simply gave up. Find a suitable place to escape and leave clues to your comrades.

Qin Xiao: "Old Liao is cunning and ruthless, and he leaves everything behind. He is now fearless, holding the trace of kidnappers to play games with us, he has no role here. It is better to find Wang Peng and Bai Lao Two, try **** them, these two have been caught, and there is no hope. If they can turn the tables, they will not only know where the cultural relics are hidden, but they can also help us with Lao Liao's words."

Listening to Qin Xiao mentioning these two people, Li Aiguo sneered: "These three people are not easy to deal with. Let them hang for two days, if they can't find anything, it's not too late to talk."

Bai Xiaxia listened to Li Aiguo and the others discussing the case, all directions were very interesting.

In this era, there is no superb technical inspection, no cameras installed everywhere, and no complete household registration system. The police will rely more on their personal ability to solve cases using the most traditional methods.

Bai Xiaxia felt Li Aiguo's strong logical thinking and ability.

Unfortunately, the communication is not smooth, he can't use many skills at all, and the order is not smooth.

Irritability is not for nothing.

Li Aiguo was very busy and left in a hurry.

Only Song Bei and the others were left in the room.

Bai Xia Xia Gong ah Gong, trying to drill a small head from under the curtain. There seemed to be a wall in front of the curtain, the cat arched and arched against the immobile wall, but it was in vain: "Mi woo??"

"...Guo Chaoming, you naive!"

Bai Xia Xia was exhaling, and the snow-white cat immediately turned around. Lightning rushed out from behind the curtain, bared his teeth and scratched at Guo Chaoming.

Started Guo Chaoming, he subconsciously retracted his hand, Bai Xiaxia flew past Guo Chaoming, and in a staggered moment, Guo Chaoming clearly saw Maotong staring at him, his eyes arrogant and disdainful.

Meow, "You little bastard!"

Guo Chaoming left no mark on his hand, Bai Xiaxia just grabbed the back of his hand with his claws.

Actually, the nails didn't stick out, it was scary.

Guo Chaoming's eyes are fast, and the speed of the special forces is like lightning. The moment Bai Xiaxia passed her eyes, she made a decisive move and embraced her.

The cat is unhappy and struggling: woo woo woo, I'm not clean again!

Guo Chaoming squeezed the cat's two claws with his right hand, half pressed the big dumpling with his arm, and suppressed Meizizi with one hand, hugged him, and sat down.

"...I declare that you will be my cat from now on."


Guo Chaoming grabbed the cat's tail in anger.

One person and one cat, so noisy.

Song Bei covered his forehead with a headache, Guo is three years old, no more.

Qin Xiao spent the first day, the most dangerous time. Last night, Lu Jianhua didn't sleep, so he went back to the guest house to make up for his sleep. Tonight, Guo Chaoming's vigil will be replaced.

Bai Xiaxia broke free from the childish guy, ran to the small stool beside the bed and squatted.

She just super-smartly rubbed all the dust from the meat pad onto Guo Chaoming, and she jumped on the hospital bed.

Next to Qin Xiao's arm, who was sitting by the head of the bed, he said gently, "How is your injury?"

The kitten tilted her round head, and her eyes fell on Qin Xiao’s waist. Qin Xiao understood, and reached out to touch the back of Bai Xiaxia's neck. The hair on the palm of his hand was soft and fluffy. It's completely different from the mud boy yesterday.

The cat that appeared today is snow-white and beautiful, fluffy and fluffy, like floating cotton wool, very soft and beautiful.

It's the kind of feeling that people like when they see it.

Recalling Guo Chaoming's sour appearance when he came early in the Qing Dynasty, he looked like he had drunk two catties of vinegar, Qin Xiao couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth, patted the back of the cat's head, and said softly, "Thank you so much."

"Thank you for saving me." Song Tuan said it right. Lying beside the icy rock, he had already anticipated his end. Unexpectedly, the twists and turns turned, and the cat was rescued.

In fact, Qin Xiao's will to survive may not be that strong. When he forcibly dragged and chased Lao Liao and others, he expected that he would be more fortunate than lucky.

The weight of his own life, in Qin Xiao's heart, is actually not that important.

Just waiting for you!

Bai Xiaxia jumped over Qin Xiao lightly and rolled down the sheet.

Choose the two boxes of snacks that have been picked, and the snow white paws pat this and that.

Turn around and look at Qin Xiao expectantly.

Qin Xiao was seriously injured and was hospitalized. He was seriously injured yesterday, and everyone just got the news, so they all rushed to come today.

There are various gift boxes scattered on the bedside table and beside the hospital bed. Large and small, there are so many varieties that you can't finish eating all the fruits.

Qin Xiao was slightly stunned, and nodded: "Okay."

"Thank you!" Bai Xiaxia was delighted, thinking about it, and using it as advance payment for stray cats.

She felt that one box was enough. After two or three hours, Bai Xiaxia found the trio of stray cats. Maybe there were not many stray cats at this time.

One after another, someone came to the ward to visit Qin Xiao.

Bai Xiaxia was bored and hugged the magazine, so she nestled beside Qin Xiao.

The kitten sat sideways, staring at the magazine earnestly, occasionally turning the pages with its claws.

That posture, old school, like true literacy.

Those who came to visit the patient saw Bai Xiaxia. When they were curious, they would ask a question or two. When they found out that it was the cat that saved Qin Xiao, they all saw him, and some wanted to reach out and touch them. Come and hug, Bai Xiaxia can't be bothered.

These people see it as a western landscape, like watching animals in a zoo, looking up and down.

Bai Xiaxia: Look at the ghost, have you bought a ticket?

Some even asked Song Bei if he could take the cat away, saying that he just wanted to have a cat at home, and the children were curious about the cat that saved people.

Bai Xiaxia: Want to prostitute?

Song Bei speaks an official accent, this cat is smart and has his own will. Of course he didn't agree, he just dragged on. Some of them were quite unwilling, and stubbornly wanted to talk to Song Bei and talk about it, wouldn't it just be a cat?

Bai Xiaxia...does she look like a beggar?

The story of a cat saving people and tigers carrying people down the mountain has been widely reported.

Most people's first reaction is to hear rumors and not believe them. They believed that the little soldier followed the cat and found the person, which should be just a coincidence.

As for...the three of Lao Liao were scratched and bitten and admitted to the hospital, most people don't know.

Bai Xiaxia didn't want to be watched as an animal in the zoo, so she carried the magazine to a hidden corner and put the magazine upright, no one saw a cat reading the magazine with relish.

Bai Xiaxia took the initiative to hide from the calm, and Song Bei could save some energy.

These people just see that Bai Xiaxia is beautiful and a purebred Persian cat.

Bai Xiaxia was outside, and the guests were attracted by Bai Xiaxia as soon as they came.

Although Song Bei also thinks that the washed Persian cat is beautiful and aura, which is endearing. But today a lot of people came to visit, and they focused all their attention on the cat. Song Beitai realized later: This cat is very popular! No wonder Guo Chaoming, this little bastard, wanted to take him home with all his heart.

That's not stupid, it's the eye of wisdom.

Thinking about it, Song Bei became angry again, and glared at Guo Chaoming who was lying on the gun inexplicably: If you have this ability, why can't you find a good wife for yourself?

Captain Song suddenly looked like an eggplant hit by frost, with several question marks appearing above his head, Bai Xiaxia couldn't hold back for a while, and poked in the air.

Anxious to be bald. Why can't they learn my three-point chasing daughter-in-law skills? 】

[Task requirements: Please help to be a matchmaker, at least three couples. The lovers finally get married, contributing to Song's mother's matchmaking career. If the mission is successful, you will get 10 achievement points. 】

Head Song was very worried about him, and sooner or later he would die. 】

[Task requirements: Please help the depressed and world-weary Captain Qin regain his hope in life and help him discover the beauty in life. If the mission is successful, you will get 50 achievement points. 】

After completing the task, you will get 20 achievement points. 】

[Captain Song's little trouble four: The training process of the police dog reservists introduced by the base is slow, and there are always disobedience. The instructor was inexperienced, and Head Song was helpless and distracted. 】

[Task requirements: Help the trainers communicate with the police dog puppies to speed up the training progress. After completing the task, you will get 15 achievement points. 】

[Sixth Head of Song’s Little Troubles…]

[The Seventh Troubles of Head Song…]

[The Eighth Troubles of Head Song…]

Bai Xiaxia is stunned and slides the screen, little trouble 123456789... The screen can't hold the little trouble group of Head Song.

Bai Xiaxia's entire cat was stunned, wow, this sheep is fat and the wool is thick enough for her to lick.

However... Bai Xiaxia peeked at the amiable and a little serious head of Song.

Leader, you should be a political commissar, by the way, change your name to Song Mama!

Look, I can't wait to worry about the prenatal and postnatal care of sows and the breeding of police dogs.

That's it, the old almighty.

Bai Xiaxia swiped the screen and did not accept the task immediately.

The little troubles of Head Song are too many, one more is not much, and one less is not a lot.

There are two tasks in her hand, please finish them first.

While smacking his mouth, he secretly glanced at Song Bei in amazement. Captain Song held the freshly warmed milk and handed it to Qin Xiao: "You have lost a lot of blood, so you need to take care of yourself. The doctor said, drink more nutritional supplements."

Qin Xiao's face did not change color, he took the glass, the milky white milk temperature is moderate, Song Bei is very good at taking care of people.

He looked down at the milk casually. The calm and stern face did not change, and the expression was indifferent.

Bai Xiaxia silently stretched out her claws and poked the bubbles from Qin Xiao's head.

[Qin Xiao's little troubles: Captain Qin, who hated the smell of milk since childhood, didn't want to like drinking milk! ! However, he is embarrassed to say it! ! ! 】

Please help Captain Qin with the milk, he said, it's fine to drink only half of it. If the mission is successful, you will get 5 achievement points. 】

Mother Song, who was worried about the world, said with concern, "Fresh milk is rich in nutrients. I specially ordered it for you for half a month."

"No need?" Bai Xiaxia's extraordinary eyesight saw the young officer's finger holding the glass tremble twice, and calmly refused: "This is too expensive, regiment commander !"

Preserving things is not easy at this time, Bai Xiaxia does not know the price of fresh milk, but it is definitely not cheap.

"You are hurting for the people's country, just a little money, nothing!" Song Bei frowned, "You don't need to worry about the rest, it's serious to take good care of your body."

Guo Chaoming was bored and flipped through magazines, chomping on apples, and his long legs were not straight up: "That's it! Brother Qin, don't worry about the rest, it's true that you take good care of your body, let's The base cannot be separated from you."

"Look, now we're not at the base, those **** are definitely like dogs out of cages, and they're all over the place."

Bai Xiaxia observed Qin Xiao's side face, and the skin texture was very good. He has the type of skin that cannot be tanned, with a high nose bridge and full roots, but at this moment, his long eyelashes are trembling.

The young man's fingers holding the glass are slowly tightening, Bai Xiaxia can't help laughing.

At this moment, Captain Qin wrote all over his body: I ​​still want to struggle! Can you not drink it? half a month? ! forgive me!

"...Actually, the chicken soup is already very filling." Captain Qin politely refused.

Bai Xiaxia: Haha, hahaha!

Laughing and screaming.

The system can still be used in this way, big troubles and small troubles... "What are the conditions for triggering the task?"

"Is there any prohibition? For example, if I am particularly disgusted, the task cannot be triggered?"

"Of course not. Our purpose is to help people solve all kinds of big troubles, small troubles, and heal their body and mind. It is naturally good for the task object to like the host. If they hate the host, we must also Turn things around and try to solve their troubles, so that their favorability toward you gradually increases, from negative to positive."

"It's a good feeling!" Bai Xiaxia thought of the three old Liao in the ward, maybe she could take advantage of this.

"I'll get assignments from everyone, even strangers I don't know?"

System: "Yes, in essence. As long as they appear in the host's line of sight, all characters that can be touched can trigger the task. However, the system will automatically filter out high achievement points and host tasks that can be accomplished.”

"The troubles are big and small, and there are various solutions. For you, the troubles of strangers are more difficult to solve and will be automatically brushed off."

The system explained: "Of course, those tasks that do not require in-depth investigation, such as catching thieves, can be done directly, and the host can see them immediately."

Bai Xiaxia understands.

Bai Xiaxia took over the task, and Song Bei was just called away by the nurse. There was a phone call from the office, asking Head Song to come over.

Before leaving, Song Bei specially instructed Qin Xiao to take good care of him and don't worry about other things. Don't wait for him to eat at noon, I guess he's busy and won't be back in a short time.

Song Bei stayed in Tongcheng and asked more questions about the base.

After all, Mother Song worries about the world.

Qin Xiao stared at the milk, sure to watch.

It seems that the milk is gone.

Team Qin hated the unique taste of milk, it was strange, boring and disgusting.

"…" Just drink it.


A plush snow-white paw was cool, and the meat pad gently pressed Qin Xiao's wrist.

The snow-white cat stared at the milk expectantly and eagerly, with small eyes like a newborn deer.

The Persian cat took two steps forward, encircling the large glass with both claws.

Bai Xiaxia restrained her chest against the cold glass. Going forward, she worried that the hair would fall into the milk and be wasted.

The cute and soft little eyes stare at you like that.

The little pink nose was wet, Bai Xiaxia licked her nose with her tongue, "If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't drink it."

Bai Xiaxia's attitude towards milk is optional, she doesn't like it very much, it doesn't matter if she really wants to drink it.

When she was in junior high school, she had no money and desperately wanted to grow taller, especially for milk.

Unfortunately, there is no such opportunity. When I grow up, I can make my own money and drink milk. If my height is fixed, it is useless to drink milk.

It can only be used as psychological comfort.

The snow-white cat paw slapped Qin Xiao's arm in disgust: "How old are you, you still don't like to drink milk."

One person, one cat, chickens and ducks, Bai Xiaxia's appearance is very confusing.

Qin Xiao heard the meowing softly in his ears, with a coquettish eagerness.

The heart is softened into water.

Bai Xia Xia's long fluffy tail swayed back and forth, stretched straight and then bent into small circles.


Bai Xiaxia moved her head forward and pressed against the edge of the milk cup.

Two claws wrapped around the glass domineeringly, the whole cat slumped forward.

"Who wants to drink, I'm sacrificing myself for the **** shoveling officer! Duplicitous and arrogant guy, thin-skinned, he's not even willing to say he doesn't like milk, really!"

It seems to have loosened a little from the stiffness just now.

Bai Xiaxia suddenly remembered Qin Xiao in the mission introduction.

—He may not be thin-skinned, and he doesn't want to say. But being too harsh on himself. I like it, I hate it, I don't care about my feelings.

It's that simple.

Yeah, so indifferent to the point of disregarding his own life. But this is Qin Xiao, because he found the trace of Lao Liao, he rushed over regardless of his life, just to follow the clues and save the abducted women and children.

It hurts to think about it.

Bai Xiaxia didn't know why Qin Xiao became like this.

The cat seemed to be holding a huge treasure and hugged the milk glass even harder.

Deliberately moved her **** back, not asking Qin Xiao to take it away.

The green and blue eyes reflected the handsome, pale and sickly face of the young man.

For a moment. Qin Xiao seemed to see concern and distress in the eyes of this cat.

"Old Qin, don't be so used to it, what kind of milk do cats drink?" What a waste! It's not that Guo Chaoming is stingy, fresh milk is not easy to store, and their team leader has spent half a month giving it.

If Qin Xiao hadn't lost too much blood and his vitality was badly damaged, Head Song would be reluctant.

These people are reluctant to drink.

Give the cat a drink, Guo Chaoming is very distressed.

Qin Xiao pursed his lips slightly, the team cared for him, glanced at the glass of milk out of the corner of his eyes, and said in a low voice: "Well, you can find a paper cup and give it a little."

Qin Xiao did not want to let down the kindness of the head of the regiment, fresh milk was rare, he understood very well.

Guo Chaoming glanced at the little guy who hugged the big baby tightly without letting go of the milk, Bai Xiaxia stared at him eagerly for fear that Guo Chaoming would not be happy.

That little appearance is very pitiful: "Meow..."

The softest tone and the cutest expression. The white whiskers trembled slightly. In fact, what Bai Xiaxia said was: "You tortoise bastard! What's wrong with cats? Cats are also dignified! Talk about waste in front of me and look down on cats!"

"I don't care about milk, it's just..." That is, Qin Xiao suddenly felt pitiful.

Guo Chaoming: So cute that the blood tank is empty!

The kitten's tail is soft and fluffy, and the ears are flattened into airplane ears.

It's too soft. The meat claw claws tightly to the quilt, and the appearance of coveting the milk is both angry and funny.

Comrade Guo is a little soft-hearted...Poke his finger at the kitten's thin soft ears, pinch the ears and drag it back: "In the future, you are not allowed to be cute."

"Just this one time, you know?"

"Cats are not suitable for drinking milk. Too much is not good."

The paper cup was placed on the table, Bai Xia Xia Mao claws picked up the glass, and refused Guo Chaoming's help.

Stay on your feet and pour the milk.

If she wants to complete the task, she must pour half of it.

Guo Chaoming poured the milk, Bai Xiaxia didn't have to think about it, she took a pitiful sip.

Guo Chaoming stared at the cat who poured milk for him seriously.

Bai Xiaxia also looks at the glass from time to time, as if to measure how much to keep.

Rao has experienced cats saving people, cats scolding people, and cats are given breakfast. But at this moment, I watched the guy pour milk thiefly, like a man who wanted to secretly pour more for himself.

Guo Chaoming's three views have been impacted.

…This, TM is absolutely fine, right? !

Bai Xiaxia pours out half of the milk accurately and gains achievement points.

Happily, he returned the glass to Qin Xiao, holding up his furry little head, he shouted proudly and loudly: "Meow!"

"Remember my goodness, come back to me as a **** shovel officer, and serve me well, you know?"

"I lost my face for you!"

Qin Xiao was expressionless, but holding a half glass of milk, he didn't drink it for a long time.

Bai Xiaxia didn't drink it immediately, claw claw took it