MTL - Transmigrating into a Demon Spirit to Blow up the Entire World-Chapter 125 Xueba's small table pet 19

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The figure of the teenager appeared behind the door and walked out of the house with his head down.

Confucius, who thought that his younger brother had already slept, did not expect that he would suddenly open the door. He was inexplicably diminished. He did not speak or move for a while, but found his fault in the next second.

The young man is obviously in a state of erratic, his footsteps are also fluttering, and his eyes don't even look at the road. He always thinks that he will stumble or hit the wall at any time, and he will not step forward and gently grab his shoulder.

The sorrow was still thinking about the problem, the light in the corridor was very dim, and suddenly it was shaken by the big hand that suddenly came out. But the amount of jitter is very small, like a little sparrow that is only shocked, and whispering little wings.

However, he quickly recognized who the other person was, and calmed down because of the familiar atmosphere of the other person, and even took the initiative to squat on the broad chest. Confucius and Boss became more and more aware of his brother’s wrongness. He circled his entire body into his arms with his strong arms. He whispered: “Hey?”

After half a day, I didn't get a reply. Kong Bozhen couldn't help but worry, and once again shouted out that his younger brother didn't like the name of the person since he was in high school: "What happened to the baby, is it uncomfortable or unhappy? Tell me if you are good?"

"...Brother," Shen Yan finally whispered: "I am fine, just a nightmare."

Confucius kissed him and had some messy foreheads. He didn't feel that his brother was so big. As a boy, he was still afraid that there was something wrong with his nightmare. He just said blindly: "I am not afraid of being afraid, there is a brother. Nightmares are fake, I will drive it away for you, it will not come to you again."

From this small detail, it is enough to see that half of the squeaky and childishness of Shen Yu’s weekdays is the fault of Kong Bozhen. He was spoiled by Conger, and he had been used to it for so many years, and it was hard to eliminate. Perhaps it is easy to make people feel empty and fearful at night. Shen Yan not only feels uneasy, but also inexplicably thinks that everything around him is illusory, shrinking in Kong Bo's arms and asking: "Brother, you will always be right. ?"

The juvenile's tone was obviously fragile, and it looked like a small animal that was afraid of being left behind. Suddenly, Kong Bozhen felt distressed, and secretly thought about what the younger brother had dreamed of, and he was very sure. A: Of course I have been there and will always be with you."

The voice of the older brother, who is magnetically calm, sounds more stable in a quiet environment, with a sense of security that cannot be said. The emotion of indulging has already been settled before, but the brain is still unwilling to accept that it is just a fact of crossing the world. In the arms of Kong Bo's arms, he took a small half minute to retreat from his arms and smoked his nose: "...I am thirsty, I have to go downstairs to drink water."

Kong Bozhen took the younger brother's hand and led the person into his bedroom. "When I wait, I will help you."

When he was too late to stop, he saw that the other party had turned and walked in the direction of the stairs. He was obedient in the house and waited for a round.

When he was in elementary school, he often went to sleep in his brother's bedroom, but he never came back after entering junior high school. The furnishings here are exactly the same as in memory. The color is natural and comfortable, and the layout is simple. Because of the relatively large area, a large desk was placed near the floor-to-ceiling windows. I still remember that Kong Bojun had coached himself several times before this desk.

Just a few more photo frames on the table than before, Shen Shen walked over and looked at it, there is a family of four, a photo of him and Kong Bozhen, and his own photo. For example, the self-portrait with a skateboard not long ago, two and a half years ago, when I was in the military training for junior high school, I was wearing a military cap with a cheeky red cheek. Even the chubby arm that was smashed and smashed because of the fall was very shameful. The picture of Golden Peas...

In short, there are him in every photo.

It is still the same sentence. Fortunately, there is a face with a face value of Zhang Yan, and it is very good. No matter what age photo is taken, it is very beautiful. Even the photos are cute. However, Shen Yu said that he was very speechless about his brother who loved to collect his own anecdote. He immediately picked up the photo frame of the peas and tried to sneak out the photos inside.

Just halfway through, Kong Baiyu came back and approached with milk: "What are you doing?"

Shen Hao was inexplicably diminished, and turned around and hid the photo frame behind his back. "Nothing."

This turn, I used the bright light in the bedroom to see the scar on the other's face, immediately forgot the photo, and hurriedly went forward: "How is your brother injured!!"

Kong Bo paused for a moment, and his eyes were not blind. He said: "Today, the company has opened a small-scale celebration feast. Two directors who have contradictions have drunk up and hit the box. When they pulled the rack, they missed two punches."

Shen Yu knows that Kong Bozhen still works for Shen, but started his business three years ago and opened his own media company. Because its business direction and Shen's enterprise are completely out of line, Shen's in addition to funds can not help other things, and the entertainment circle has been chaotic, and encountered many difficulties in the early days of entrepreneurship.

As a stupid white sweet who can't help but haven't stepped into the society, Shen Yan only has an anxious look for a medicine box. Fortunately, the medicine box is still placed on the shelf next to the desk as before. Hey, ran to bring it over. "Brother doesn't hurt? I'll help you with the medicine."

"No pain." Kong Bozhen looked at his brother's worried expression, could not help but gently lift the lip, and then handed the glass in his hand, "first drink the milk. Drink too much water at night is not good, milk can help sleep."

Shen Yan insisted on applying the medicine first, "wait a little longer..." "Now the temperature is right," Kong Bozhen directly held his brother's hand. "If you don't drink, it will be cold."

Shen Yu can only listen to the milk and take it out, and the mouth is still too late to rub the milk paste to open the medicine box.

Looking at the long bloodstains on his brother's side that damaged the beauty, he suddenly missed the healing skills of Xiaojin's. He could let all the injuries disappear without a kiss. At this time, the skill of the table pet actually sent a reminder to him: "Hey - please pay attention to the table, the health index of the owner fell to four and a half stars."

As a table pet, the owner of the table is naturally Gu Qiange. The basic skill of the table pet 2 [mental induction] can sense the mood and health index, geographical location, and life safety of the owner. The full value of the mood and health index is five stars.

Master Shen Xiao is very dissatisfied with the title of the owner, but since this is not his real original world, since he wants to know who he is, he still has to work hard to cultivate to the highest level and continue the main task.

After the medicine is finished, Shen Yu will prepare to go back to his bedroom to find a mobile phone and call Gu Qiange. Kong Bozhen suddenly made a request to accompany him. "Is it good to sleep with my brother tonight? Our two brothers have not slept together for a long time."

Shen Yan looked up and looked at Kong Bozhen sitting on the edge of the bed. The other half of the body was buried in the shadow of the light. Perhaps it was the relationship between the location, and the deep loneliness and desertedness made him unable to bear some. The heart is soft, and he nodded subconsciously: "Good."

In fact, Shen Yan’s selfishness also wants to be accompanied by his family. It is really the impact of today that is beyond his bottom line. Time is already twelve o'clock. He thinks that the number of stars on Gu Qiange has only fallen by half. It should be just a small problem such as coughing or catching a cold. As an adult, he will definitely take care of himself. This point is too late. It will be better to interrupt the other party’s rest. It’s better to ask again tomorrow morning, and finally I’m worried, and I’m lying on his big bed with Kong Bozhen.

Perhaps it is the role of milk, or the peace of mind of the family, I thought that I would sleep insomnia and chatted and unknowingly slept.

However, I don’t know that Gu Qiange has been watching the mobile phone and has never closed his eyes.

Before I sent a message to Shen Wei, I couldn't get an echo. Gu Qiange couldn't help but dial directly. After playing, I could only get the unanswered beep. He refused to care about the pain that was still faintly painful. The whole heart was covered by irritability and gloomy emotions. He tried to set the way that Feng Wenlong taught the gods to check the friends circle. Xueba adults used science and technology to crack the permissions, and looked at them and found more potential rivals.

Nowadays, the students have already used the micro-letter. The number of friends in each circle of friends is very impressive. It is more than enough to add friends. Besides the classmates, there are senior teachers and sisters. The students from the outside school who have participated in the competition, even somehow, have come to take the initiative. This again has to return to the two words of Yan value. The beautiful young boy who looks extraordinary can't resist male or female. Indulge in an irrelevant circle of friends is a lot of praise, only a hungry at night. 'There are a lot of messages in the two words. They line up and say that they want to eat and send them. Even two girls are arguing about the taste of his love.

Although the students are mostly joking, Gu Qiange also knows that he can't be compared with these minors, and the gloom in his heart is getting deeper and deeper. At this time, the new circle of friends of Kong Bo's new friend was painted, which is a close-up photo of a pair of eyelashes that are closed and sleep.

The eyelashes are long and dense, and even the curved shadows cast are beautiful and beautiful. Only five words are attached to the photo: Dear child.

Although it is obliquely shot, and the light is very dark, the pixels are relatively blurred, Gu Qiange still recognizes the owner of the eyelashes at a glance. I thought about what kind of scene I was photographed in, and the fire in my heart suddenly burned. I couldn’t wait to rush to Shen’s house to drag Kong Boling out of the bed and smash it.

Kong Bo has rarely sent WeChat, and there are only a few alumni and subordinates in the circle of friends. The sudden release of this message in the middle of the night is obviously to announce possession to Gu Qiange. However, Kong Bozhen almost did not sleep tonight, because the little guy around him took all his attention, - he fell asleep and fell asleep, habitually warmth, and finally arched into Kong Bo's arms. The warm breath licked the neck and intentionally or unintentionally disturbed his mind, so that Kong Bo could not help but hold his breath, and the atmosphere did not dare to breathe.

Until the next morning, Gu Qiange finally got a call with Shen Yu, and asked him where he was.

"I am in my brother's office." Shen Wei detected that the health index of the owner is still four and a half stars, but the mood index is exaggerated to the five-star all-out, and some worried questions: "What about you? Where are you?"

Gu Qiange's slightly stunned eyes were cold, but the voice was filled with a pitiful grievance: "I am in the hospital."

Sinking is more urgent, "What disease? Strictly not serious? In which hospital?"

"The city's first hospital." Gu Qiange continued to use the accusation of the committee to say: "Hey, I am so uncomfortable, come see me, okay?"

The taste of a person in the hospital is definitely not good. Shen Yan immediately agreed: "Well, I will go right away."

As everyone knows, the old classmate who was newly promoted to the vice president next to Gu Qiange has been unable to spit on Gu Qiange. Obviously, it is only a trivial trauma, but it is a threat to him to go through the hospitalization procedure. It is not surgery, but neurology.

Shen Yu has already walked out of the president's office with his mobile phone and wallet. He originally wanted to say aloud to Kong Bo, but the other party went out for a meeting, fearing to disturb his work, he decided to let the secretary outside to convey it.

Because Shen Wei was the first time to go to the company with Kong Bojun, the secretary Miss initially thought that he was a new artist signed by his own boss. He also secretly thought that although the teenager looks particularly good, how to look like a minor. When he heard that he called Kong Boling's brother, he suddenly realized that the other party turned out to be the boss's baby brother. He immediately corrected his attitude and treated Shen Shen more respectfully than Confucius. At this moment, when I heard the sorrowful thing, Miss Secretary immediately shook her head: "No, the general confession before leaving, let you wait for him to come back. If you want to go out, you should talk to Kong."

The author has something to say: Write and write, want to play a small black house play, what kind of disease orz