MTL - Transmigrating into a Demon Spirit to Blow up the Entire World-Chapter 98 Killer's Little Koi 12

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The knowledge is quicker and more precise than any method of investigation. The positions of the remaining three killers are all exposed. However, when the last one is solved, the bomb hidden in the ceiling explodes again. The gravel and the beam fall with the deafening noise. Come down.

A thick thumb of the steel bar was blown off, and the wall was inserted across the wall, just to the back of the small koi.

Looking up and seeing this scene, the blood of the whole body has solidified, and I don’t want to rush to push the boy away.

Between the fire and the stone, the cockroach only came and saved and couldn’t hide. The steel stalked straight into his back in the next second. The corner where he was located was quickly filled with beams and gravel that had been smashed down. Fortunately, there was a half slope. The wall was not fully buried.

The cockroach's brain appeared a short gap in the process of collapse, and it took two seconds to slow down. Then, through a small gap, I saw Xiaojin's panicked eyes and pale face. Without the pain of the body, the first step is to give birth to a distressed heart. Some painstakingly panting and opening: "Hey, I am afraid that all of them will collapse, you are going!"

Koi also tasted the pain.

There was a strange but familiar mood that continually tumbling, and the flash of memory that had flashed before was once again on the mind. He can't think anything at the moment. There is only one thought, that is, he can't let the man in front of him die anyway. When he thinks that the other person will die, the whole heart is like being hollowed out.

Xiao Jinyu tried to calm down and quickly judged the situation. He immediately picked up the gun and shot all the bullets at the top of the beam that was pressed against the top of the raft. The cement was so loose that he was able to push it all out with infuriating, so that the upper part of the scorpion was exposed, and he gritted his teeth to the other side: "I said, go and go!"

The back of the skull was pierced by steel bars, and the blood almost completely stained the upper body. The man's breathing gradually became weak, and the eyes of Xiaojin's eyes were very bright, such as the burning fire in the dark night.

He is afraid that this scene will never be forgotten. The collapse around it continues. There are always gravel falling, but the young man is steadfastly half-squatting on the ground and digs him out of the ruins with his bare hands.

In the end, Sinking opened all obstacles at the fastest speed, sighed down and pressed his shoulders, and tried his best to pull himself out of the steel.

At the moment of jumping hand in hand from the window, both people felt the agitation of their heart.

The whole floor collapses completely as they jump, war and fire, death and killing, collapse and destruction. This kind of purgatory scene can best provoke a man's adrenaline, especially for this kind of bone. Men who fought and walked on the edge of the dark all year round had an indescribable fatal appeal. After experiencing the fight, the man is more likely to be emotional, and the wound on his body is constantly bleeding with the pulling out of the steel bar. His face is also distorted by pain, and he looks at the deep and deep eyes of the indulgence but is almost red. Naked love | desire, even the sense of death caused by serious injuries and blood loss has become a booster of love |

The next move of Xiao Jinyu made him stunned and surprised.

The young man actually kissed his wound, and the soft lips brought irresistible tremor to his body. What surprised him even happened. His wound was like a tide because of the teenager’s kiss. The inch fades and heals continuously at a rate visible to the naked eye until it disappears.

It is the healing skill of [Water Without Traces], the face of Xiaojin's face becomes paler due to the loss of mana, and the lips that are stained with blood are lining the incomparably bright red, the contrast of white and red is stunning and dazzling, let 裴冽Finally, I couldn't help but kiss the lips of Xiaojin. They fell by a parachute when they were 20 meters away from the ground. The hot and cold kisses entangled in the cold air, and the **** suffocation entangled with the soft sweetness. Both of them seemed to have a viscosity in their staggered breath.

There was a thrilling smell in the kiss, the heartbeat was magnified countless times, the brain was blank in the fall, the body trembled in the cold wind, and the shudder was excited by the kiss. The change of the lower body can no longer be concealed. It seems that only a sigh of the young boy can reach the peak without comforting.

However, all the tides faded at the moment when they landed. Xiao Jinyu did not even have the strength to stand firm. His feet just touched the ground and fell down. He blinked his eyes and firmly put people in his arms. Only then did he notice that he was wrong. Carefully help the teenager to take off his shoes.

The horrible feet were immediately exposed to his eyes.

The heart of the killer’s heart hurts, and the hand that has always been stable is actually trembled. [Water without traces] skills can only cure others but can not heal themselves. The body temperature of Xiaojinyu begins to heat up. A pair of eyes are covered with water because of the burning, just like the dew in the night wind. He let him hold him into the car, then looked at him and asked, "What is your name?"

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"I didn't remember anything when I woke up at noon," Xiao Jinyu said calmly and truthfully about his uneasiness at the time. "At the time, I was very confused and confused, thinking that you were the bad guy who kidnapped me..."

The white pompom ball made by the demon is also needed to be cultivated. This time, due to the delay of cultivation, it appeared later. On the road where Shen Yu and He took the bus, he ran to tell him again and again. . Xiao Jinyu finally knows his identity, but he doesn't know what he is, and he doesn't know whether the fragmentary pictures that flash in his mind are true. I don't know why the faces of the people in the paintings are faintly coincident, and they don't know those strangers. Where are the familiar emotions coming from...

However, Xiao Jinyu, who was informed of his identity, has regained his self-confidence and confidence. He raised his eyebrows and glanced at him. He said in a commanding voice: "From now on, what do I ask, you will give me honest. What to answer."

The bright eyes of the teenager flashed a strange light under the moonlight shining from the window, and it was a little cold. It was such a faint glimpse that the heart of the skull was like a claw or a fish tail. In general, love is layering in layers. Xiao Jinyu has begun to ask: "Who are you? What are you doing? What is the relationship with me?"

It turned out to be the case.

In the mind, only these four words are flashing, and all of them are understood. He finally linked things to the characteristics of fish. Juveniles are not ordinary amnesia, nor need to find a doctor to heal. But fish are born with memory defects and cannot remember long-term things for life.

But Xiao Jinyu just saved him in the case of another loss of memory.

Seeing that the man only decided to not answer himself, Koi Taisen felt unhappy, got up and grabbed the collar of the donkey, trying to change to a condescending posture. It is a pity that the space inside the car is too small, and the small koi can't make up the effort. So when I pull it down, I almost squat down and squat on the squat.

It was so painful and refreshing that I suddenly made a sigh.

- Little cockroaches, being crushed...

Xiao Jinyu is also estimated to be somewhat uncomfortable. He twisted and found a comfortable position, and then he solemnly pointed out: "Speak."

"My name is oh," the killer finally muted. "I am your husband."

As soon as this statement came out, one person and one fish were stiff and there was no sound.

Naturally, because of guilty conscience and nervousness, Xiaojinyu frowned. This answer 乍 乍 心 心 心 心 自然 自然 自然 自然 自然 自然 自然 自然 自然 自然 自然 自然 自然 自然 自然 自然 自然 自然 自然 自然 自然 自然

Xiao Jinyu then began to look carefully and carefully, and looked at him from head to toe very seriously. He has always seen that the psychological quality is so strong that no one can start to hair, and see Xiao Xiao More swaying, upright and erected, and shamelessly regarded himself as a guard at the castle.

Xiao Jinyu finally opened his mouth in the eyes of expecting nervousness and hidden love and desire: "...oh."

What does oh mean?

The adult killer who has always been thinking hard has not responded for a while, and after a few seconds, he will be able to understand the joy of incomparable.

Juvenile this is, accept this answer?

The killer's adult heart flutters into the sky and can't land, and tries to restrain his own excitement so that it is not obvious. Listening to Xiao Jinyu frowning and asking: "...we are married? But how can you have no ring in your hand? Or is it a proof of tattoo?"

Li Lima secretly put the ring on the agenda and said that he is willing to print the name of the boy.

The memory of Xiao Jinyu is not as clean as the computer format, and it is emptied every irregular period of time. Just like Alzheimer's disease patients will have memories of life and unforgettable things, and even if some feelings are forgotten, they can be slowly awakened again and again.

Maybe this is the magic and charm of love.

The juvenile's body temperature seems to be getting higher and higher, and he hurriedly drove the car to a hidden residence that Jones had loaned to him. He had medicines and food all year round, and he was quiet and retired. He took the small koi to the bed, tried the temperature on his forehead, and hurriedly took the antipyretic and wound medicine.

Xiaojin's face with an unusual thin red, his forehead also overflowed with small sweat beads, licking his lips and saying nothing to deal with the wounds on his feet, it looked a little fragile under the light.

His eyes were anxious and distressed. He gently held the young slender ankles. His tone was like the most loved child. "Baby, hold back, I won't hurt immediately..."

When people are sick, they see that there is a person around them who is worried about their own busyness. They can’t help but give birth to a few touchless feelings. Xiao Jinyu looked at the side face of the drug, and his heart twitched slightly. The toes then spread hot and crispy and itchy. The cockroaches who finished the medicine bowed his head and kissed his toes.

The embarrassing movement is completely unconscious. The juvenile's toes are white and lovely, and the small nails are covered with powder. Like the beautifully shaped petals, he can't help but feel pity and fascination. When he reacts, he has already included it in the entrance.

The author has something to say: This is the distress to see the truth 2333