MTL - Transmigrating into the Prince Regent’s Beloved Runaway Wife-Chapter 3

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It took a long time to be pinched and played with the jaw.

The steam on Meng Huan's shoulders evaporated, bringing a cool feeling, and the atmosphere was beautiful. The scene was like a fragrant scene in a TV drama where a tyrant and a concubine take a bath together...flower petals, a rose bath, two naked people facing each other, scooping up water to wash each other, and then It's time to be sweet in the water.

Lin Bozhou stared at him intently, through the water mist, the entangled pus and ambiguity in his eyes made Meng Huan feel a little dizzy...

According to the routine, it's time to start turning upside down next?

Will he come for a kiss?

Meng Huan closed his eyes resignedly.


However, there was a low laugh in his ear.

Lin Bozhou rubbed his chin. His fingertips were clean and his hands were big, so he pinched his pointed chin with ease, and asked with a smile, "What are you thinking?"

In front of him, the young man obediently closed half of his eyes, with wet eyelashes, almost waiting for his blessing.

...So simple, Lin Bozhou narrowed his eyes, but remembered the things from the past few days to the present. The young son who scolded him for several days and nights in the yard, and wrote vigorously, is the son of Meng Xueming, who was clean and honest in the court. He was known as a child prodigy when he was young. OK, but now...

Lin Bozhou lowered his eyes.

Meng Huan was tickled by him, and blinked.

How could it be so simple?

Lin Bozhou tightened his fingers, and a low voice sounded from outside the door: "My lord, there are words from the palace."

"Well, good time." Lin Bozhou let go of his hand, glanced at Meng Huan, and waited for this moment, "Come in."

Meng Huan and Lin Bozhou were behind the screen, and they could vaguely see the figure walking behind the silk veil. The man stopped behind the screen and said politely, "Your Majesty, please pass on an order."

When outsiders came to discuss important matters, Meng Huan lowered his head to pull the water surface, pretending to be distracted and manually disappearing.

Lin Bozhou raised his eyes and said, "Huanhuan, listen too."

Meng Huan raised his head and asked blankly, "Huh?"

"The king will have something to ask you later."

Lin Bozhou raised his lips slightly with pleasure and malice, put his hands on the bank of the pool, and closed his eyes lazily.

Meng Huan pursed his lower lip, and turned his gaze away from the screen.

The person who proclaimed the decree read it sternly: "Brother Huang received the decree: Five days ago, Li Kezhi Shizhong, member of the Ministry of Industry, Wailang and others jointly impeached Brother Huang for embezzling ink and embezzling tax money. This is really a frame-up. Presumptuous etiquette is to stir up the brotherhood between you and me. Now I have ordered Dongchang to send these treacherous ministers Zhangji and Liuzhang into the army. I also ask the emperor not to leave the house because of illness, but to take care of the whole country and take office as soon as possible. , to work together with all the ministers in the cabinet to preserve the imperial court, so that I can comfort my heart. I admire you."

When the decree was over, the man stopped talking.

The atmosphere in the room was silent.

Lin Bozhou looked at Meng Huan and raised his eyebrows: "What did you hear?"

The young man in front of him, that is, Meng Huan, was sitting in the water with a blank expression on his face.

Perhaps it was because the temperature of the water became lower and the wind blew again. Meng Huan's face, which had been soaked in the water, became less hot and turned a lot whiter. Now it is even whiter.

He is tense.

very good.

Lin Bozhou almost saw what he wanted to see, and asked with great interest, "What?"

Meng Huan is the son of this etiquette, no matter how much he can pretend, he won't hear the news of his father's exile, and he still has no emotion...

Lin Bozhou lowered his eyes, his fingers were still beating on the bank of the pool.

Meng Huan's eyes finally turned to him.

If Lin Bozhou was born a few hundred years later, he would see a kind of panic and pretended calm appearing on Meng Huan's face, similar to that of poor students who didn't understand at all in class but were suddenly asked to answer questions by the teacher.

The boy's voice trembled a little, intermittently: "Ah, ah?"

Lin Bozhou: "?"

Then, he saw Meng Huan scratching his hair, turning his dark and wet eyes pitifully, and his voice was almost crying: "Sorry, I didn't hear clearly, can you read it again?"

Lin Bozhou: "..."

The minister who announced the decree: "..."

Imperial decree, can this be read again?

There was a dead silence.

Lin Bozhou's sloppy tapping fingers stopped completely, and he lowered his eyes, looking at him gloomyly.

The young man was obviously so nervous that he clenched his scalp, afraid of being scolded by him again if he couldn't answer, he looked up, his eyes were full of pity, which was very distressing.

Lin Bozhou closed his eyes, feeling quite dumb.

…never mind.

Maybe the initial guess was wrong.

Lin Bozhou stood up from the water, took the dry clothes hanging on the screen and put them on his shoulders, without saying anything, he strode away from the pool.

Straight away?

Meng Huan was a little surprised.

According to the original plot, shouldn't the regent be burning with **** at this moment, while enduring the urge to have **** immediately, while deliberately molesting and humiliating the original owner like a cat that only catches mice?

Meng Huan stayed in the water in a daze for a moment. In the original book, the fight between the two of them tonight can be described as exciting, one would rather die than give in, the other is crazy and criticizes the anti-social pleasure criminal, the more you struggle, the more excited I am, the more excited you are, the more struggling I am, the tugging full of tension makes Meng Huan thump the bed in the middle of the night. An unbearably excited cry.

At that time, the comment area was all in "Wuhu~Pants Feifei~", and if you click in at any time, you will be tripped by Kuchazi.

But now, he and the Prince Regent have taken off their clothes and pants, and they haven't gotten together yet?

Is the deviation of this plot a bit too big?

—Of course, Meng Huan didn't mean to expect him to **** himself.

Putting on his clothes and pants and walking back intact, Meng Huan felt the night wind blowing, a flash of light flashed in his mind, and he realized...

Lin Bozhou is so cold, maybe it's because he's not tempered enough?


Generally speaking, sexual fetishes have a great stimulating effect on sexual desire. Otherwise, why would there be cold shou, little crying bag shou, muscular man shou, **** shou and so on in the flower market?

A label is a fetish. Everyone prefers to look at labels that echo their own tastes, which is also an expression of sexual addiction.

Good guy, Meng Huan is directly setting up the original owner's cold and cold recipient to become an idiot.

"..." Swallowing her throat, Meng Huanxin said, I'm sorry.

However, if Lin Bozhou is not interested in him, does it mean that the plot of falling in love and killing each other in the original book can be avoided, and he no longer has to worry about being raped or killed?

Meng Huan: Yes!

It's good to be bad, long live bad.

Taibai Venus' life in another world begins today.

The night breeze was cool, Meng Huan rode the cool breeze all the way back to the house, his steps were brisk, and the spring breeze was triumphant.

Entering the door, I touched the shiny pear wood Taishi chair, Jingdezhen ceramics that are as delicate as jade, regular script ink brushes with beautiful handwriting, ceramic teapots, jade wine glasses, withered wood dragon chant guqin, silk gauze and bedding, and the temperature on the tabletop has not yet dissipated. pastry…

Looking up at the beams and pillars carved with dragons and painted phoenixes, I thought to myself that the Prince Regent's Mansion is really magnificent, regardless of the danger of life, this place is indeed very suitable for living.

The maid outside the door came in: "Ma'am, the washing water is ready."

"Ma'am, the dinner is getting cold, do you want the cook to make some more?"

"Ma'am, this is hot tea just poured."

The maids and sisters are also very gentle.

Meng Huan: ^v^

After a full meal, Meng Huan fell back on the soft mattress, feeling dizzy, and rubbed his head.

There was a faint scent of incense in the quilt, which made him think about the matter of wearing books lazily. In the original world, Meng Huan was an orphan since he was a child. He had no parents. The director of welfare was admitted to a university when he was 18 years old, and began to work and study to pay tuition and living expenses.

He learned how to draw, and desperately took orders every day. He read this article at the beginning to draw characters for novels, and never thought he would be able to wear books.

At that time, what Meng Huan envied the most while watching TV dramas was the luxurious and rich life of the nobles in the royal family. They could get whatever they wanted to eat and drink, and they were taken care of by others.

Unexpectedly, it was really my turn now.

I have to say, heaven has eyes.

Thinking about Meng Huan falling asleep, he woke up remembering his responsibilities as a concubine, and called the maid: "What do I need to do?"

Maid: "My lord doesn't have a regular wife, and my wife doesn't have to serve tea, so there's nothing I need to do."

so easy?

Meng Huan blinked: "Then do I need to eat and sleep with the prince for his entertainment?"

"The prince doesn't like to be disturbed. If the prince wants to see his wife, he will send someone to inform him. It's fine for his wife to wait in the yard, and there is no need to take the initiative to go."

It's so pitiful, the maid thought to herself, last night they both took off their trousers when they took a bath together, but the prince still walked away. The news of his failure to bridal chamber spread all over the palace. Leng Gong", probably no chance to be favored again, and I will not be able to live a good life.

That's great, Meng Huan thought, this is simply a standard start for a wealthy widow.

Lin Bozhou was not interested in him, and it was impossible to summon him, so he didn't have to rack his brains on how to please him. And Lin Bozhou is so rich and has a high status, he can eat his belly full by drinking behind his back.

Meng Huan looked pensive, as if he was thinking about something.

The maid was about to comfort him.

Meng Huan asked deeply: "As the prince's wife, how much money can I receive every month?"


"According to the usual practice, madam is a concubine, fifty taels of silver a month." The maid said with patience.

what happened? Don't you think about competing for favor at all?

Meng Huan wrung his fingers, scratched his hair, and carefully calculated the exchange rate of silver to RMB. One or two discount is 600 yuan, fifty taels, then he will have 30,000 yuan a month for living expenses.

Absolutely, 30,000 pocket money a month, what a concept.

The monthly salary is determined by the government, and it can actually go up. If you have a little trick, you can use the name of the Prince Regent's Mansion to make a fortune!

But Meng Huan, contented and happy, has no desire to be fat enough to be fat, and he is already very happy with 30,000 yuan a month. Thinking of the silver taels he is about to get, he can't help but smile.

"Then what shall I have for breakfast?"

Meng Huan's expectant eyes made the maid shudder.

The Prince Regent's Mansion has only one male master, Lin Bozhou. Both of his parents died, and he has no wife. Several side concubines of the former king were raised in the vassal state to worship Buddha and guard the tomb. So although Meng Huan is a concubine, she is the biggest "female" master in this powerful regent's mansion.

In terms of eating and drinking, he is the same as Lin Bozhou.

The maid had a premonition that the little lady would go crazy when she said this: "Stir-fried mutton, fried rotten goose, fried pork with yellow vegetables, steamed pig's trotters, double-cooked fried fresh fish, hearth meat, fragrant rice, bean soup, beef noodles, Barley porridge, pine nuts, water chestnut, and jujube porridge, tea soup*. There are twelve dishes in total.”


Are you performing the name of the dish?

Meng Huan took a deep breath and pressed his hands on his chest.

He suppressed his excitement.

God has eyes, it's not surprising that Xiao Ye's kindness throughout his life penetrates into this book.

He stood up, "serve the food."

His face became bright and **** again: "After breakfast, I will go to the treasury to collect my monthly salary of 30,000 yuan."


The treasury is in the east of the Wangfu, several pavilions away from the courtyard where Meng Huan lived, and when he walked out of the courtyard after eating and drinking, a servant sent a messenger to wait at the door.

"Madam, please."

The Prince Regent's Mansion is so big that you have to take a sedan chair when you travel.

When Meng Huan was lifted up, he lamented the decadent life of this feudal dynasty, really...


He took out the silver and gave it to the servant who carried the shoulder: "You have worked hard, you have worked hard."

"Madam is joking, this is what little people should do."

Hey, your notions are not very good either.

Watch them take the silver.


The ideological education class that Meng Huan was about to attend stopped again.

The shoulder car was swaying all the way, Meng Huan was drowsy, when he walked around a pavilion, there was a sound from the pavilion behind the bodhi tree.

There seemed to be a group of people standing there, shoulders moving forward, and the figures of many mountains bumped into Meng Huan's eyes.

Lin Bozhou lived more extravagantly than him, his tall figure was sitting in the pavilion with downcast eyes, playing chess with others. Behind him, the maid shook the fan for him, the Qing Ke held the chess pieces for him, the servant stood by with an umbrella to cover the sun, and a group of servants and attendants stood outside the pavilion.

Meng Huan's eyelids twitched: "...Go around."

The servants carried their shoulders and were urged like crazy, "Go around, go around! Go around him!" Before turning into another road, there was still a bad luck voice coming from behind.

"Who is so bold? Seeing the prince not getting out of the sedan chair?"

The servant put down Meng Huan and knelt down on the floor.

The ancient etiquette system was very strict. When they met each other, officials of several ranks had to kowtow, officials of several ranks had to avoid walking with their superiors, officials of several ranks were not allowed to walk on the same official road with princes, and if they crossed the border, there would be wind constitution officials who would be in charge of picketing and even enter the capital. The assessment scope of the inspection involves the promotion and promotion of official positions.

Running a step too late, Meng Huan had no choice but to raise his head, facing Lin Bozhou in the pavilion.


"Hiss... the little princess is living a good life, it seems that she has already enjoyed the life in the palace."

Shan Xing was amazed at tidying up the chess basket for Lin Bozhou.

When we met last night, he was still a young boy whose face was so pale that he trembled when he spoke. When Lin Bozhou glanced at him, his voice trembled with fright. He was extremely pitiful.

Now, he is full of energy, his handsome face is rosy, and his hair is neatly combed. It seems that he is not the same person as the messy man who went on hunger strike and scolded him a few days ago.

Not only the mountain trip, Lin Bozhou was also quite surprised.

He held the jade chess piece with two well-articulated fingers, tapped the chess scale lightly, played it repeatedly, and turned his eyebrows sideways.


Meng Huan's scalp began to tingle.

He could feel Lin Bozhou's somewhat cold gaze slowly sweeping along his skull to his toes, patrolling up and down, like a wild beast about to eat people, with the tip of his tongue in his lips rubbing gently.

Just waiting for Meng Huan to show a flaw, he took him into his mouth and ate him until there were no bones left.

Meng Huan took a deep breath against the pressure.

Then, he bowed forward with a charming voice.

"I have met my husband in person."