MTL - Transmigrating into the Prince Regent’s Beloved Runaway Wife-Chapter 45

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"Did you win?" Meng Huan turned around.

Lin Bozhou: "I won."


Qing Ke's voice stopped abruptly in the middle of the sentence, and his expression was strange. He looked at Lin Bozhou, and then at their talented chess player.

The young man put his fingers together and gently grabbed his knees, as if he couldn't believe that he would lose, but after a while, he clasped his hands heavily, showing a relieved and cheerful smile: "I'm not good at chess, I'm willing to bow down, the bow seat is reserved for the two A young man."

After speaking, he stood up and looked at Lin Bozhou again under the light.

Meng Huan: "We will pay the money, thank you."

There was gratitude in the tone, and it was also very friendly. After listening, Lin Bozhou turned his eyes slightly to him, and the corners of his lips slightly curved.

The young master opened his lips, and inexplicably added another sentence: "This blind son is very good at chess, I admire him very much, and I am yearning for it. I don't know if I can make friends with you, or can I ask you to give me some advice?"

What does it mean?

Meng Huan was dumbfounded, did he want to hook up with Lin Bozhou?

According to Lin Bozhou's personality, he just shook his head and refused, but he kept quiet and said, "I heard your Excellency turning the pages of the book just now?"

The young master quickly said: "Yes, what I just read is "Mr. Gan's Collected Works."

This is a well-known great Confucianist with great knowledge and prose. Scholars compete to read his books and talk about his poems and proses.

Lin Bozhou lowered his eyes: "Your Excellency, turn to the thirty-seventh page, the second line, the poem quoted after the sixth word."


Meng Huan was full of surprise.

Did Lin Bozhou memorize the entire book?

Do you even remember the specific location and word count?

The young man was puzzled, he quickly flipped through the scroll, and saw that line of poem—

Blow and wrinkle a pool of spring water.

He looked a bit dull, clasped his fists, and backed away: "Let me take my leave."

After speaking, he turned around and left.

His back disappeared into the cabin. Before Meng Huan could figure it out, he asked in a daze, "What is that poem?"

"It's nothing." Lin Bozhou led him to sit down, "Just let him mind his own business."


Meng Huan thought to himself, is this the trick of the educated people?

He blinked his almond eyes, and finally sat down in the chair, and the little Er came running jolly: "Both, what do you want to eat and drink?"

There were some kinds of wine hanging on the bow of the painting boat. Meng Huan looked at it for a long time. He hadn't drunk too much, so he lowered his head and asked Lin Bozhou: "What are we drinking?"

"The light yellow old wine with a milder taste is too strong for you to drink."

Meng Huan: "Oh."

Xiaoer recommended: "Then Jinhua wine, sweet and pure."

Meng Huan listened, and slowly raised his hand: "Slow."

Although it is true that he is not very good at drinking, and he will get drunk after not drinking much, but he is enjoying himself when he goes out, and it doesn't matter if he gets drunk. Besides, he always prefers to pursue excitement, "Can I have something more intense?"

Meng Huan had an expectant expression on his face.

Xiao Er: "Shochu? How about green bamboo leaves? It is produced in Shaoxing, soaked in bad roast, and has an extremely strong taste. Or Beijing wine with knives? We have everything we need."

Meng Huan thought: "Then, let's have some."

Lin Bozhou just listened quietly without speaking.

—If he was born a few hundred years later, he could think of a word to describe Meng Huan, "vegetable and playful".

They also ordered food, a stewed goose, two plates of peanuts, two plates of pastrami, a roasted rabbit, salted bamboo shoots and fennel beans. The table was set up. Meng Huan's mood cannot be described as excited, very happy .

This is the life of a normal person wearing a book, sitting on a painting boat to enjoy the night view, drinking some wine, eating some snacks, having a drink with friends, and feeling the fireworks in the market with your boyfriend.

Meng Huan tasted the dishes on the table. The stewed goose was rich in taste, salty and sweet. He ate a chopstick and kept yelling, "This is good, this is good, this is good, I'll give you a piece—"

After finishing speaking, he picked up a thin slice and brought it to Lin Bozhou's lips: "Open your mouth."

I couldn't hide the excitement in my voice.

Lin Bozhou opened his lips, and the stewed goose was put into his mouth. He chewed slowly, and Meng Huan's expectant voice came to his ears: "Is it delicious?"

Lin Bozhou thought it was funny, and nodded.

Meng Huan immediately showed a happy smile: "Okay!"

Just, I really want to share the happiness with him.

Meng Huan was also very average. He ate a mouthful and fed Lin Bozhou a mouthful. He ate quickly, but Lin Bozhou ate slowly. The fed Lin Bozhou raised his hand lightly: "Okay, Huanhuan eats by himself."

"Oh." Meng Huan nodded.

Before the wine arrived, he was a little tipsy.

After a while, the wine also came up. These food guards have all checked in advance, and after confirming that they are safe, they stand aside again.

Meng Huan picked up the Jinhua wine, took a sip, and poured a glass for Lin Bozhou: "My lord, try it?"

Lin Bozhou drank it all in one gulp.

Meng Huan picked up the shochu again, and before he drank it, the acrid feeling rushed into the tip of his nose. He held the cup and took a small sip, making a "sizzling" sound, but when he took it, he still frowned.

"so spicy."

Meng Huan felt that the wine was not suitable for him, so he handed the glass to Lin Bozhou.

Lin Bozhou still drank it all in one gulp, his expression unchanged.

Compared with his distorted face, Lin Bozhou was much calmer, Meng Huan was surprised: "Can you drink such strong wine?"

In his impression, Lin Bozhou didn't touch alcohol at all, so he was a very well-behaved person.

"In Guzhou, it was freezing cold in winter, and I often drank strong wine to warm my stomach and body."

Meng Huan is from the south, and he also studied in the south, and he has never seen snow before. When he heard this sentence, he looked forward to it: "Is it Guzhou in the north, where you grew up?"

The vassal state of Lin Bozhou's father, the country that the vassal king must have when he is an adult. Lin Bozhou replied: "Well, until the age of twenty."

"And then at the age of twenty, he came to the capital to be the regent, right?" Meng Huan seemed to be gossiping.

Lin Bozhou hummed again.

Meng Huan's voice was sometimes far away, sometimes near, with a raised tone, as if he was thinking about something: "Then do you want to go home?"


Lin Bozhou laughed, "Occasionally."

His mother and concubine passed away early, and left after falling ill in winter. The father was too diligent, and had a conflict with the commander of the guard in Guzhou, and was killed after drinking. That was the year when Lin Bozhou had just inherited the throne, he was transferred to the capital.

For him, the memory of his hometown ends here.

Meng Huan nodded, poured a cup of Shaodao, tasted the spicy taste, and tried to recall the scene of Lin Bozhou drinking to keep warm.

At that time, he must have been a young man, dressed in fox fur, tainted with the blood of foreigners, drinking heavily, and eating large pieces of meat.

Meng Huan was inexplicably looking forward to it, "You will take me to Guzhou when you have time in the future, okay? Take me to hunt and play around."

The boy's voice was mixed with alcohol, blowing in his ears.

So cute, no one will reject him.

Lin Bozhou nodded: "Okay, when His Majesty matures and starts to govern, I will take you back to Guzhou."

"How long will it take?" Meng Huan asked.

Lin Bozhou said, "I'm not sure. But when His Majesty grows up, he no longer needs the regent to assist him. Even if I just started thinking about old love, I will stay in the capital, but one day I will get tired of it."

This is the heart of an emperor.

Lin Bozhou tilted his head, although he couldn't see it, he was looking in Meng Huan's direction, "At that time, I will return to Guzhou and bring everyone in the palace with me. From then on, we will live in Guzhou forever."

Meng Huan's tone was surprised: "Huh? Can't you stay in the capital?"

Lin Bozhou didn't answer, but asked instead, "Huanhuan likes the capital?"

"No." Meng Huan supported his head.

The evening wind of summer night blows over, a little dry and hot, and it seems to be rubbed by a soft veil on the face, a little seductive.

The boat was noisy, Meng Huan's voice was low but clear.

"Where are you going, where am I going?"

Lin Bozhou could feel the direction of the breath, this sentence was said by Meng Huan to himself.

The corners of Lin Bozhou's lips were raised, his knuckles were gently gathered, and his heart was extremely quiet.

Even though His Majesty is extremely dependent on him now, in the future when he is full-fledged and mature and sensible, he will be afraid of him and will not let him stay in the capital, but expel him from afar. Therefore, Lin Bozhou wanted to help the court as much as possible while he was still in power. But all of this will end sooner or later, as the vassal king, he will return to his vassal country.

"Okay, I'll take you away then."

Meng Huan nodded, picked up the wine and sipped it.

He always felt unhappy just drinking, so he turned to look at Lin Bozhou: "How much can you drink this kind of shochu?"

Lin Bozhou: "I was drunk once and drank maybe five or six wine bags."

It was when he was hunting in the wilderness, and he seemed to have caught a rare male beast. At that time, he pitched a tent in the snowy field late at night, drank happily with the accompanying soldiers, and the hangover was still there.

Meng Huan's dark eyes rolled, and his tone was novel: "It means it's very drinkable? Then you give me one?"

Lin Bozhou: "...?"

"Drink, drink, let's see how much you can drink." Meng Huan's eyes were shining brightly, as if playing a joke. .

This proposal is also naive.

The guards behind Lin Bozhou and Meng Huan were dressed as servants, standing about four or five steps away, in addition to paying attention to the surrounding movements, the other ear was inevitably listening to their princess talking to the prince.

The bodyguard is Lin Bozhou's confidant brought from Guzhou. He knows Lin Bozhou's roots and his youthful heroism. He is happy to hear Wang Hao's words.

— Isn't this asking the prince to perform a unique skill for him to make him happy?

Impossible, their prince is definitely not this kind of man who plays with the princes.

definitely not...

The attendant was still thinking about it, and Lin Bozhou's steady voice sounded: "Okay, then I'll drink, Huan Huan counts how much I've drunk."


Lin Bozhou picked up the drinking container, which was a chicken cup.

Meng Huan opened his eyes wide. He licked the edge of his back and it became too hot, but Lin Bozhou drank a few cups in a row, his expression remained the same, and he didn't show his face at all.

"Wow, the alcohol capacity is really good."

Meng Huan's eyes were bright.

For a moment, Meng Huan seemed inspired by him, and said, "I'll try too." After speaking, he took the cup in his hand, and took a big gulp—


Then Meng Huan covered his throat and let out an earth-shattering cough, his face flushed hot, his eyes were bloodshot, and he slammed into Lin Bozhou's arms.


Lin Bozhou swayed from being bumped by him, but stabilized in an instant, his expression didn't change much, he groped his back with his hand, and gently stroked him: "Are you in a hurry?"

Meng Huan lay in his arms, coughing frantically, and felt that the wine was burning his throat like a raging fire, and it was so hot that he couldn't die.

In the ears, there seemed to be a soft laughter.

— Lin Bozhou laughed at him again.

Meng Huan snorted and bumped into his arms.

Lin Bozhou's body felt an inexplicable coolness, because in summer, it would feel very comfortable to lean against him.

"Okay, Huanhuan, be good." Sensing Meng Huan's small movements of resistance, Lin Bozhou slowly moved forward and stroked his ears and the back of his neck.

He didn't seem to realize it, and began to play with it unconsciously.


Lin Bozhou's fingers were long and the bones were well-proportioned. This kind of touching made Meng Huan feel a rush of heat all over his body, his skin was a little hot, and he quickly avoided the movement of his hands.

Meng Huan changed the subject and said, "I still drink yellow bars, I really can't get used to soju."

Lin Bozhou paused with his fingers, and retracted his hands into his sleeves.


Wine is such a thing that you can't understand its meaning at first, but you will become addicted after drinking it. Meng Huan was so drunk that when his head started to faint, someone stepped on the dock and sank suddenly, and shouts rang in his ears.

"Fireworks off!"

Meng Huan: "Fireworks?"

He turned to the source of the sound. The fireworks had been prepared a long time ago, and it seemed that the time was approaching. A group of shirtless people approached with torches.

The atmosphere became more restless. I don't know when the bridge was full of people, and the shore was also full of people. Their clothes were shaking in the lights.

After hearing the sound of "chirp!", the sound of gunpowder flying into the sky, a firework suddenly exploded in the sky, scattered, and the ashes gradually changed from bright to dark, and gradually fell down.

Meng Huan: "This firework is orange!"

He knew that Lin Bozhou couldn't see it, but he still wanted to tell him: "This one is blue!"




Lin Bozhou lowered his eyes halfway, and didn't look at the place where the fireworks made the sound, and he smiled faintly at the corner of his lips.

He seemed to have seen the beautiful scenery Meng Huan described, and nodded slightly: "Well, it's very beautiful."

Encouraged, Meng Huan tried harder to describe: "This time, a lot of fireworks go up to the sky together. There are all kinds of colors. Here is a red flower, here is a blue flower, and there are also colorful ones, but orange is the most, and the brightest people's eyes are bright." pain."

Lin Bozhou laughed, "It's so pretty."

"Yes, yes, it looks good."

He could tell that Meng Huan was speaking a little slurring, speaking very fast, obviously drunk and confused in his head.

Meng Huan raised his head and looked at the fireworks again. He didn't know whether it was the alcohol problem or the fireworks were too gorgeous. He started to feel dizzy, but he seemed to be awake again. The people and voices around him gradually became distant, as if they were separated from him.

Lin Bozhou in front of him, sitting upright, is the closest person to him.

Meng Huan raised his hand, feeling that the heat all over his body was slowly extinguished, and he stopped watching the fireworks. Put your chin lightly on his shoulder, supporting yourself.

"a bit sleepy."

Lin Bozhou: "Sleepy?"

Meng Huan felt very dizzy, and lightly rubbed his face: "It doesn't seem to be sleepy, but dizzy."

Lin Bozhou understood: "Huanhuan is drunk."

Meng Huan shook his head, "Uuuuuuu maybe drunk."

He was quite honest when he was drunk, unlike other people who were very stubborn and said that he was not drunk even after making a scene.

Lin Bozhou couldn't see, his hand was lightly on Meng Huan's shoulder, and he didn't know how drunk he was, he could only judge from the smell of alcohol and his voice, "Are you still watching the fireworks?"

"Why do you ask?"

"If you don't look at it, we will go home."

The young man who was lazily paralyzed in his arms shook his head when he heard about "returning home", "No, no, no, no, just sit down for a while and go back when the curfew is on. It's hard to come out..."

Lin Bozhou put his fingers together and paused for a while.

He had kept Meng Huan in the palace for a while, and knew that if he was released, he would most likely go to Fengxiang to find his father, so at first Lin Bozhou didn't want him to leave, but now he is reluctant to let him go.

I have kept people in the palace all the time, so when I go out occasionally, I will be so happy that I don't even want to go back to the palace.

A thought came to Lin Bozhou's mind. He vaguely knew it was inappropriate, but he still couldn't help thinking about it.

...Perhaps, Meng Huan should be allowed in and out of the palace and set free.

But as for whether Meng Huan chose to go or stay, he knew very well that Meng Huan would go, but now...he felt that there was another possibility.

Lin Bozhou's voice was very soft: "Come out tomorrow, okay?"

Meng Huan was reeking of alcohol, and got to the point: "Are you coming out tomorrow?"

"Out." Lin Bozhou said.

Meng Huan is not a person who is not easy to talk, he nodded his chin when he heard this sentence, and stood up again after losing his strength: "Okay, then we will go back."

When he stepped on the pedal, he almost jumped off, startling the guards next to him, and almost reaching out to grab him by the back collar to drag him back.

Meng Huan got into the carriage and sat lazily, feeling that there were still gorgeous painted boats and fireworks in front of him, but he hadn't walked away from the bustle. But he was really dizzy, and he rested his head on Lin Bozhou's neck.

"I'm going back home again." The tone was a little unhappy.

Lin Bozhou bent his lips inexplicably, thinking that he was like a little boy who didn't have enough fun.

All the way back home, Meng Huan sighed almost a hundred times, his mood was always switching between "I'm so happy!" and "Why are you going home...", but he kept holding Lin Bozhou firmly .

Entering the gate of the mansion, it is rare for the masters to return to the mansion at this time, and the servants quickly poured hot water for the two to take a bath.

Meng Huan remembered this, half-closed his eyes and said, "Go back to sleep, I'll take care of Lin Bozhou to take a bath."

He directly said the word "Lin Bozhou".

This is a first-name taboo, extremely disrespectful.

The servants were so frightened that their backs went numb, but Lin Bozhou lowered his eyes and smiled, still looking like a really cute "wife".

The bathing place is a rather large pool, which is now filled with warm water and smoke is slowly coming out.

There was darkness in front of Lin Bozhou, and when he heard the voice of undressing, it seemed that Meng Huan was taking off his clothes.

His jaw drooped slightly, and his knuckles moved unconsciously.

"I want to take a bath too, so let's take a bath together?" Meng Huan said, "It's more time-saving, go to bed early after taking a bath."

Lin Bozhou said "OK", and the news came to him. Rubbing the fabric, Meng Huan was unbuttoning the buttons around his body, and could even feel his fingers tugging at the laces, but he couldn't see anything.

The lines of his lips and the bridge of his nose were indifferent, and he stood there quietly.

The clothes fell to the ground.

The cool wind blew over the shoulders, and it was obvious that the clothes had been taken off.

Meng Huan led him into the pool.

Normally, Meng Huan would be very embarrassed, but now Lin Bozhou can't see, and Meng Huan's mind is dull and fuzzy after drinking too much, and he suddenly feels much more comfortable getting along with each other.

Meng Huan picked up the handkerchief: "Rub your back."

After getting wet, he poured water on Lin Bozhou's shoulders, and thought while dripping, "I haven't washed my face yet."

He rubbed the handkerchief again, his hands softened, and he flung himself wetly onto Lin Bozhou's face.


When the veil was removed again, Lin Bozhou's lacquered eyebrows were covered with water droplets, his cheeks were covered with a layer of water mist, and his lips were slightly reddish from the hot water.

His white gauze hadn't been taken off yet, and it was wet on the bridge of his nose, and the transparent tulle was hanging down, showing a gloomy and morbid feeling.

Meng Huan said, "Shall I take off your eyes first?"

Lin Bozhou moved his fingers, unable to hide his nervousness.

Covering his eyes with white gauze is not only the cause of photophobia, Lin Bozhou has psychological comfort when his eyes are blinded, but once the thing covering his eyes is removed, there is no cover, and the eyes are still endless darkness, and he will fall into a kind of darkness. In a daze with nothing to rely on.

Meng Huan slowly pulled and pulled, "Wow—"

The coolness slipped past the eyes, the white gauze was pulled down, Lin Bozhou's handsome eyebrows were exposed, the eyelashes were slender and thick, and the eyelids suddenly trembled as if they were not used to it.


Meng Huan knew how he felt, and quickly said, "It's okay, I'm here, don't be afraid."

After speaking, she tapped his eyelids lightly.

Meng Huan knelt in the water, leaned forward and hugged him: "Don't be afraid."

When they got closer, both of them were naked, their arms were hot and close to each other, bringing a feeling of heat from skin caressing.

Hugged, Meng Huan immediately reacted and stepped back: "Huh?"

His hands were wet, and he gently stroked Lin Bozhou's face: "Okay, it's okay, it will get wet in the shower, so take it off first, and then cover your eyes again after washing, okay?"

Lin Bozhou's throat was hoarse: "Okay."

This sound made Meng Huan feel inexplicably blocked. He was about to let go of his palms, but he couldn't help it. He gently stroked his cheek again, letting the water rub against his smooth skin.

Lin Bozhou's lips were slightly red, even after taking off the white gauze, he still closed his eyelids, his lips were noble and indifferent, but when he felt Meng Huan's touch, he turned his head slightly.

The thin lips rubbed against his palm, causing a ripple-like itching, and the wet eyelashes drooped.

Something seemed to move in Meng Huan's heart.

He licked his lips uncomfortably.

Unable to hold back, I took another look.

...there is a feeling of wanting to kiss.

But Meng Huan controlled this thought, picked up the handkerchief slowly, wet it, and poured it on his shoulders, his eyes slipped down unconsciously.

Lin Bozhou's shoulders were strong and broad, his muscles were sharp, and his body was well-built, not too brutal, but he was tall and strong at first glance, with a strong waist and abdomen, and his strength was much greater than Meng Huan imagined.

...and further down.

Meng Huan shook his head and quickly looked away.

My mind is in a daze, as long as I look at it, the scene of **** will flash in my mind.

Seriously speaking, Meng Huan didn't know what that place looked like.

At that time, Meng Huan was so ashamed that he couldn't see it, and besides, he was usually in the dark, and Lin Bozhou was busy using it, so Meng Huan only had a vague impression.

But now, Lin Bozhou is blind and doesn't know that he is looking at him.

Meng Huan's heart was beating wildly, and the voice echoed in her ears.

I don't know why I am so curious...

He couldn't help it, and moved his eyes down, as if uncontrollably, staring at the undulating water surface.