MTL - Travel to a Primitive World to Build Infrastructure-Chapter 51

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Chapter 51

Yang Yi brought a large number of books, but now they are only a very small part.

In addition to proper screening, it is because they also have a shelf life. If you don't find a suitable inheritance method, the more you take it out, the more you will lose in the future.

Therefore, Yang Yi could only take out the necessary books and lay more quietly in the space.

The inheritance and spread of civilization cannot be separated from paper.

If you want to set up a school so that more people can learn quickly, paper is essential.

Paper is one of the four great inventions in ancient China. It is a great invention for human beings all over the world, and its significance is far-reaching.

In order for Yang Yi to inherit the civilization he brought, he must make paper.

Both bamboo slips and parchment paper are irreplaceable papers and will limit popular science.

After finishing the basic construction of material, Yang Yi started to make paper to realize a virtuous circle.

Sharpening the wood without accidentally cutting wood, although making paper and learning knowledge are very time-consuming, for those who are still struggling on the food and clothing line, it seems less urgent.

In fact, this is not the case. Training talent is always the most important.

Yang Yi decided that at the beginning, ancient papermaking, which was low in efficiency but easy to implement, was used.

Ancient papermaking mainly uses bark, which is easy to grow. After the bark is scraped off, new bark can grow next year.

If it is an old tree, just cut it down and bury it in the soil, and new branches will grow next year, and the bark will be better.

It can be seen in many parts of the earth and is very suitable for making paper.

Yang Yi had previously asked members of the gathering team, hunting team and logging team to pay attention to whether there were such trees.

Fortunately, there are also many trees in this world, and they are not much different from the regions.

The best season for stripping trees is in late spring and early summer. According to the descriptions of Jiao and Heihe, Yang Yi probably guessed that he should arrive here in early spring.

Now is the season of late spring and early summer, which is suitable for papermaking.

When Yang Yizheng went over the books and studied how to make paper manually, the members of the collection team brought Yang Yi a food that surprised him very much-bamboo shoots.

Yang Yi has been encouraging everyone to collect fresh plants, and also allowed Qing to lead a special research team to perceive each plant and understand their habits.

We should not just focus on the crops brought by Yang Yi, but also pay attention to the native plants.

He believes that there are many native plants that will never be worse than what he brings, but it will only take some thought to plant them artificially.

For example, the ground fruit that was picked before is a very good staple food, and it is now also grown in the tribe.

Qing's research over this period of time shows that the yield of this fruit is not worse than that of sweet potatoes and potatoes, and it also has a very good taste and a strong satiety.

Most importantly, it is also very rotten. Just like sweet potatoes, it can take root and sprout long fruits by inserting its branches into the soil.

It is the native crop of this world, and it is more stable than Yang Yi.

Therefore, the current task of the gathering team is not only to collect fruits and provide food to the tribe, but also to obtain more fresh plants for the tribe to conduct research.

Especially now that the vegetables of the tribe have begun to mature, the leafy vegetables are enough for the tribe to consume, and the task of the collection team is reduced a lot.

Now the collection team has less than half of the staff before, but most of them are excellent talents who know the plant better.

As soon as they find fresh plants, they will bring them back to the tribe, name them if they don't know them, and gradually improve their information.

And make a specimen for everyone to understand in the wild.

There will also be a very large room in the temple dedicated to exhibiting these specimens, so that more people can understand them more efficiently, instead of relying only on word of mouth.

Under this premise, bamboo shoots were brought back as soon as they were discovered, and handed over to the responsible youth.

As soon as Qing saw the bamboo shoots, he immediately found Yang Yi and placed the huge bamboo shoots in front of him.

"This is a bamboo shoot ?! Where was it found!"

Bamboo is widely used in life, such as the most common bamboo mats, bamboo baskets, etc. Bamboo shoots can still be eaten, and the taste is quite good.

And it grows much faster than ordinary trees and is a very good raw material.

The head of the collection team answered:

"Going east two days away, there is a body of water surrounded by these plants."

Collecting teams wanting to get food is just as difficult as hunting teams.

The food collected in the vicinity is almost the same, and it is necessary to go further, which means that it will face more danger.

The large number of tribes will also bring greater pressure. In two days, it is not too far away. In the words of the people here, it is just a walk away.

"Qing, look for the most talented plant-based talent. I am going to let him go there with the members of the collection team, dig out the bamboo shoots and roots, and plant them in the tribe!"

"Leave it to me. It's best for me to transplant."

Qing has the strongest talent and is a warrior. He knows what to do about this kind of thing better than those who just wake up.

Yang Yi nodded. Although bamboo is better for transplantation, it is safest to let the most professional people do these things.

"These bamboo shoots are really big. Are the bamboos so big?"

The bamboo shoots brought back by the collection team were as thick as buckets, and the skin inside was very tender. Yang Yi stung it and put it in his mouth.

Very good, not bitter.

Even the bitter bamboo shoots are okay, they are still delicious after processing.

"There are also small ones. I just took the largest one. Some bamboos are only as thick as a child's wrist, but many are as big as a bowl mouth. This kind of thickest bamboo is dark purple. It's green. We tried to cut it. It was very hard and much heavier than normal bamboo. "

"You brought it back?"

"Yes, it's just outside."

Yang Yi looked at the purple bamboo and said that purple was close to black.

Purple bamboo is sawn to be about two meters long, with only two bamboo knots, and one meter can be about one meter.

Yang Yi tried to lift the bamboo. Fortunately, although it was much heavier than ordinary bamboo, it was not particularly exaggerated.

"This kind of bamboo can still grow in water," Yue said.

Yang Yi recalled, it seems that the bamboo on the earth only grows by the water, but not in the water?

In any case, Yang Yi was very happy that this huge purple bamboo could grow into the water.

This means that it has good water resistance and is not easily corroded by water. And it's so stout, not so bulky, it's perfect for a bucket!

Yang Yi has been thinking about how to make buckets. At present, it is still too luxurious to make buckets with metal. Buckets made of wood are very draught. It is still difficult to achieve water-tight with the current process.

Now most of the tribe used metal buckets or plastic buckets he brought, and almost all of his inventory, leaving only a few in the space as a memorial.

Wooden buckets can also be made now, but to improve efficiency, use the lighter buckets he brought.

Now with this purple bamboo, the problem of excessive draught in wooden buckets can be solved very well, which is much easier than making metal buckets, wooden buckets, etc.

Just cut, pierce, and tether, and a bucket can do it.

And you can just open a small hole, fill it with water, and pick a few barrels at a time, which is convenient for Hercules to pick water.

You can also use it to hold a lot of things, which is very practical.

Planting large bamboo forests in the tribe is a must, which will bring huge convenience to life.

Moreover, bamboo can also be used to make paper!

Tree-building does not grow in pieces like bamboo, and the growth rate is not as fast as bamboo. Although it is also a very good papermaking material, the bark is relatively easy to obtain. It can also have bamboo papermaking and can also ensure the supply of raw materials.

Bamboo also has its own shortcomings in papermaking, that is, the first step of soaking, which is also called 'killing blue' in "Tiangong Kaiwu". It takes too long and basically requires a hundred days to open.

After drying the bark, it only needs to be soaked for seven or eight days.

Papermaking is a very tedious and skillful process. Especially if you want to make good paper, the requirements are higher.

Yang Yi called Jiao and asked her to arrange ten people to study first.

"Are we finally starting to make paper!"

Jiao is very excited and has great interest in papermaking.

She has been very anxious about how to inherit the books brought by God, and the way of drawing pictures in the cave before is obviously not in line with reality.

Not to mention that there are no caves in their tribe, so many books are too difficult to record.

As for papermaking, she also thought about it, but felt that this was definitely not a simple matter, and Jiao was not good at urging Yang Yi.

The tribe has too many things to do now, and she is convinced that the ambassador will remember them all, but it has not yet reached that stage.

Although Yang Yi inevitably made mistakes in the planning process, he was very rhythmic in the general direction and pushed forward step by step.

Therefore, Jiao and other people in the tribe all trusted Yang Yi.

Now that papermaking has begun, this finally makes Jiao's heart worried all the time.

"God assure you that I will arrange the smartest person in the tribe."

Jiao knew the importance of paper very well. They inherited wisdom and important items that would allow the tribe to develop for a long time.

For Jiao, he is equally worried that this God who knows where to come from may not know when he will leave again.

At that time, what he brought, as he said, disappeared piece by piece.

Especially now that the tribal items are starting to be damaged, making her even more worried about such things.

This anxiety actually exists in the entire tribe, and everyone has this cognition.

Therefore, the feelings for the things they make are different from those brought by God. The former makes them feel solid, and the latter makes them feel lucky.

Fortunately not often, they keep this in mind.

Having this consciousness is also the result of the joint efforts of Black Hunt and Jiao.

One guides with strength, and the other is mentally brainwashed.

"It doesn't need to be particularly intelligent. Papermaking is not difficult to say, as long as you are willing to use your brain."

The top smart people are still few, most of them are ordinary people.

Papermaking is very important, but there is no need to put top talent here.

In accordance with Yang Yi's instructions, Jiao found ten people with good hands and skills and sent them to him.

These ten people are very young, only one or two are older, they are very stable and careful, and like to study.

In the paper-making process, it is necessary to add paper medicinal juice made from plants such as fir roots and glutinous leaves, which is more convenient for paper forming and separation from other papers.

The specific formula varies according to different seasons, environments, etc. In some ancient paper-making villages, the formula ratio of each household is different, which is a secret guarantee that they do not pass on.

The books that Yang Yi bought in the mall, although they have detailed records, can be deployed according to specific conditions when they can be operated.

There are only recipes in the book, and there is no principle in them. Therefore, those who want to formulate more suitable can only be adjusted by these people in practice.

"What I teach you is the most basic knowledge. If you want to make better paper and improve efficiency, you need to study and ponder it yourself. Here are books for you to read, but like other skills, There is no standard answer. "

"God has made us, we will not let you down!"

Yang Yi smiled and shook his head: "Your goal is not to let me down, but to make the tribe and your children and grandchildren proud of you."

The papermaking team heard that the whole person became more excited, with a burning look and a high spirit of fighting.

They were chosen here, and they knew their mission very well.

Their job is to inherit the knowledge of God!

Now the people in the tribe are very aware of the great power brought by knowledge.

Every day the tribe changes, it is knowledge, and what is recorded in those books is also knowledge.

Hearing God ’s words now makes them more excited and proud of being selected.

"The outer layer of these bark is peeled off. A second layer is used."

Yang Yi directed ten people in the papermaking group to take the first step in making paper from bark.

To this end, the felling team sent a small team of people to peel the bark. Unless it is an old tree, it will not use wood for firewood in the future.

This is also to ensure a continuous flow of materials in the future.

The members of the papermaking team were also very attentive, and the two-layer bark was peeled off very quickly by them.

Yang Yi also tried it. At the beginning, it was at least twice as slow as these people. When they started to get familiar with it, Yang Yi was hit and gave up directly. He was still a teacher who could only talk with his mouth.

After the second layer of bark was dried, they threw the bark into a trench filled with water.

Papermaking requires a lot of water, and the soaking process takes place several times.

Therefore, the paper mill is also built near the current ditch of the moat to facilitate the use of water.

At present, the paper mill is still a humble thatched mud house, but the rammed earthen tile house is already under construction.

In addition to the bark being processed, large quantities of bamboo shipped from afar are thrown in and soaked every day.

The amount of mud used in the tribe is very large, and now there are enough ditches or ponds to soak.

Due to the high efficiency of the original digging group, some people were deliberately moved away, so as to prevent the speed of building houses from catching up with the speed of dredging.

After the bark is soaked, the lime syrup is used to stir and sizing.

"Lime slurry is corrosive and you must be careful not to let them in your eyes."

At this time, Yang Yi took out plastic gloves to protect the hands of these people from being eroded. As for what to do in the future, he had to think of other methods.

It may be considered to use tung oil for waterproofing. Of course, it would be better if rubber trees can be found. It is also an important cash crop to make life easier.

At present, I temporarily use shopping malls to buy things. These problems can always be solved, but they are not easy to use without rubber gloves.

When sizing, although everyone has been careful, it is still difficult to avoid the move.

Several people's eyes were red, but they still smiled and didn't care.

"What is it? I used to pick fruits in the jungle and accidentally got sap from some plants into my eyes. It tasted like peppers."

"My younger brother is from the collection team. I was arranged to pick peppers a few days ago, but I forgot to wash my hands and rub my eyes. Hahahaha, it was uncomfortable for several days, much worse than mine."

"Hahaha, it turned out to be your younger brother. I heard that a fool almost blinded his eyes with peppers."

"Yeah, yeah, my brother. He was scolded by the most beautiful sister-in-law. He also said that he wanted to have a baby with grandma. Now he sees grandma and detours."

"It's really terrible for me to start a fire! I'm not afraid of cutting, I'm afraid of getting a needle."


Yang Yi simply didn't know how to describe his inner feelings. Is this too optimistic or should he sympathize with that brother.

But think about these people who used to go out often and never come back. The death rate and injury rate are very high, but it makes the eyes uncomfortable for a while, which is really not a big deal.

As long as it is good now, all suffering can be used as the capital of chat.

The survivors of the Fangs of the Fangs have previously forgotten the dark days of those days.

In the beginning, Yang Yi was worried that they would leave psychological trauma, and he asked Jiao and Yu to pay more attention. However, they did not expect that after eating a few meals, all of them would be the same as those who were all right.

The heart can be described as very big, and there are no mental illnesses such as depression.

As long as everyone has a bite, they will be happy all day long. No matter how terrible things are, you can still sing dances without heart.

After soaking the bark sizing, put it into a pool that can be burned underneath, and cook for about eight days to thoroughly rot them.

Because of this, Yang Yi also considered whether to put the paper mill to the ceramics group to make it easier to get firewood.

Heihe believes that the meaning of papermaking is different, and it requires a lot of ponds to soak tree bark, bamboo, etc. It is more appropriate to stay in the tribe.

Now the woodworking team has built the first batch of wooden wheels. With them, more people can transport firewood, but it is enough to supply a paper mill.

After the bark is boiled, it must be rinsed in a pond, then soaked with firewood ash, put in a pot, settled with thick plant ash, and then transferred to another bucket , Rinse with plant gray water.

In this way, after the plant fibers are completely extracted, they are placed in a stone trough and mashed into a mud.

Yang Yi had people make stepped mules before, but they were originally used for rice.

Just like a seesaw, using the principle of lever to measure rice is relatively less labor-intensive than using a wooden stick.

"When you have mastered these steps, when the paper is really made, it will make stronger people to do this job." Yang Yi explained.

This can also be regarded as a kind of energy work. The people present are more mentally capable, but relatively physically weak, so they deliberately arranged here.

However, it is said that they are physically weak, and they can still bark the bark very fast.

"The next step is the most critical step of making a paper. I will only theoretically, and have not done it. You need to study it yourself."

After finding the bamboo, Yang Yi asked the person with the best craftsmanship to make rattan products to use it to make a paper curtain like a bamboo mat.

Paper-making curtains have high requirements on the craft, and need to be made of very finely-woven bamboo filaments. When unfolded, there are wooden frames dragging under them.

At present, the paper-making curtains are all the same size, which is just suitable for ordinary people to hold both ends with open arms.

It is a key item used to shape the pulp dissolved in water into paper. The light and heavy swing affects the thickness of the paper.

This step is critical to the quality of the paper.

Yang Yi also tried to start, and found that he could only make thick and rough paper, and it was very laborious to cut with a knife.

But anyway, this is the first time that he has made paper by himself. With every step involved, he still keeps it in his collection.

Others are different. At the beginning, it was worse. When the first batch of pulp was made into paper, it was obviously very thin and uniform.

When the paper was pressed to dry, the paper was pasted on a specially-built fire wall and dried, and you saw a lot of white and delicate thin paper.

"God made us do it!"

The people in the papermaking group were so excited, so many days of hard work finally saw results.

Each step has taken a lot of their time. Although there are books as a guide, they can still make mistakes in the actual wiping operation.

And because the materials are slightly different, the experience of some books is not suitable for them, and it needs to be researched and overcome.

But no matter how hard the process is, they finally made paper that represents civilization and progress!

Although the quality of the paper was not as good as that brought by God, they made it by themselves!

People in the papermaking group seem to have seen that in the future, people in the tribe will use the paper they make, and seeing these papers will record the valuable knowledge brought by the divine.

Although the feel is not as good as the paper brought by the god, it can be used for writing, and the effect is very good, and it is not easy to penetrate the ink.

And they are significantly more resilient than the paper brought by Yang Yi, and are not easily torn.

Even the thinnest piece is not easily soaked in water unless it is deliberately torn.

"You are great!" Yang Yi praised, "Soon, our tribe will have our own books!"

"God, we will continue to work hard. We have mastered the skills under your leadership and will work **** quality and speed in the future."

Although the people in the papermaking group are very excited, they can't wait to show off the paper they made in front of everyone.

But at the same time, they are also very sober, they are not doing enough.

"You can do it." Yang Yi is convinced, "We will need a lot of paper, and specific requirements will be provided to you in the future. Your current task is not only to master how to make paper, but also to teach more People. "


The author has something to say: I have n’t asked for a wave of nutrient solution for a long time. I ’m asking for nutrient solution irrigation.

Thanks to the little angel who cast [mine]: 1 in here;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the [nutrient solution]:

20 bottles of Yueruyu; 10 bottles of Yoyo; 3 bottles of Jingyan; 2 bottles of Gentleman You; so happy, greatly updated, simple 1 bottle;

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