MTL - True Marvel World-Chapter 426 New order

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Despite having the Great Sword as the vanguard to guide, the abomination of this big man as a deterrent, and even the horror scene that just crushed the Japanese chin, some people still stood up to oppose it.

This is not because people are not afraid of Ron. On the contrary, they are all afraid of this guy who seems harmless to humans and animals, but there are always people who are not afraid of death in the world, and people who ignore their lives for their rights!

They knew that if Ron really succeeded and became the chairman of this so-called World Commission, it would indicate that the earth has entered a new order.

The new order will have new power leaders, and the old order will be dismantled. They want to obtain significant rights under the new order.

So, someone asked, why?

Someone asked.

"After the World Commission was established, where was our old government organizations?"

Of course, Ron would not really not answer this very acquainted question, saying:

"As long as the country that came to meet here has the same position on the committee as the original United Nations, you still have the right to manage your country, and the role of the World Commission and the original United Nations have only one more right, that is, to have the original United Nations No command! "

"That is to say, the World Commission is equivalent to increasing the power of the United Nations, rather than a new organization that really subverts the planet?"

Many people are relieved, and the result is actually quite good for them.

Regarding this response, we can first talk about what kind of existence of the original United Nations.

The purpose of the establishment of the United Nations is, of course, the same as the old-fashioned topic.

What should we do to maintain world peace, ease international tensions, resolve regional conflicts, coordinate international economic relations, and promote economic, scientific, and cultural cooperation and exchanges among countries around the world?

The five largest permanent members of the United Nations are also the five most powerful groups in the world.

They are the United States of America, the Russian Federation, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the French Republic, and the People's Republic of China. ?

The people in charge of the United Nations are also mostly those from these countries, and they handle some national affairs in accordance with the instructions of the five permanent members.

Whenever there is such a thing as war, the United Nations does not actually have the ability to prevent such things from happening. They can only coordinate and then coordinate.

Now Ron's World Commission has only added some commanding power to the United Nations, and it is still within their acceptance.

After all, they do need someone who can help them solve Ultron.

Those who originally wanted to gain a good position under the new rights organization did not stop there. If this cannot be prevented, then some more benefits must be obtained in the future!

By this time, the meeting that was supposed to have many waves in Ron's expectation was almost over.

After that, the New World Committee he proposed soon entered the establishment stage. In addition to his direct chairmanship, other members also directly called the original members of the United Nations.

Of course, Iron Man Tony Stark and Jewel Girl Jessica also of course entered the committee directly.

Everything seems very good.

But Ron knows that this is just the first good thing. After that, many things will happen to the committee. Some people will fight for power, some people will want to disrupt this organization, and some people will want to take his place.

But it doesn't matter, Ron will naturally solve these things in a special way.

After all, he really doesn't have much time!

After the meeting, all 136 members, including Ron, who had been initially established, stayed and started a combat meeting to discuss how to deal with Ultron.

It's just discussion, in fact, Ron's words.

Because at the beginning, he directly pointed out that he would assume the greatest responsibility for destroying Ultron. The responsibility of these committee members is only to assist in handling, and then after the end, the rights of the World Commission are officially issued, so that this organization can truly Management to every corner of the earth.

"After the dissolution, the Great Sword will send you all back to your original country to protect you from the attack of Ultron. After returning, I hope you can really put the committee together. If you are found to be in violation of Yang Fengyin, I will Sure, the next time Dajian is coming, it's not just about picking you up! "


The brief battle session ended with Ron's threatening words, and according to him, Quicksilver drove the Great Swords back again.

When he left, the man promised, but under Ron's mental scan, he soon found that most people turned black after turning around and leaving, apparently not really doing what he said.

Tony noticed this too, and frowned and asked, "Surely someone will rebel after the committee is set up. Ron, how would you deal with these people ... or the country?"

Ron replied, "I said before that if the committee really couldn't be managed, then the merger would be their only option!"

"Is this ..." Tony's smile was a bit ugly: "If it wasn't for the long time I've been in contact with you, knowing what kind of person you are, maybe I would really trust the US team and think that all this is actually your plan Ok……"

Ron smiled. If he already knew the creator of this Ultron event, he would think it was actually caused by himself!

"Don't worry, if I really want to take control of the earth, I don't need so many dazzling things, I can just do it directly ..."

After Ron said it, he pointed mysteriously at the sky, and said, "Besides, if I really want rights, then the whole universe is my goal. A single earth is not enough to look at!"

Tony couldn't help laughing when he heard this: "Oh, the cows are almost flying to the sky, haha ​​..."

Although it still feels a bit strange, Tony still feels that he has read the right person. If Ron really wants to take control of the earth, as he said, there is no need to have such trouble!

After bidding farewell to Tony, Ron is finally ready to deal with Ultron's plan.

Although he said it was simple, in fact this matter was really not simple.

In the past five hours, he has been deeply understanding how much Ultron has changed the earth.

With his ability, he soon got more information than Tony knew.

After Ultron took control of the network and formally launched a nuclear bomb to destroy humans in charge of the earth, he actually actively destroyed most of the network and gave himself to hidden dark nets that some ordinary people did not know, as well as the special he built himself. inside.

This is why Ultron still has the Internet until now, but people have already lost the Internet. As soon as the clues appear, they will be discovered and responded to Ultron immediately.

Before Ron returned to Earth, Ultron knew it, and that's why.

No one knows where Aochuang will hide his true self. After all, he has mastered the spacecraft and can completely hide himself in space outside the region.

Even if it wasn't, he just hid on the earth, and Ron wouldn't find the real Ultron.

Because his mental ability to cover tens of thousands of miles has nothing to do with such things as the Internet.

Sometimes Ron really doubts whether technology can actually replace ‘God’. After all, compared to ‘God’, he thinks technology is more difficult to understand.

"Hey, the president of the world council that controls the world, what are you thinking?"

At this time, Ron suddenly heard a crisp girl voice in his ear. Even if he hadn't heard it for a long time, Ron knew the first person who came.

Horsewoman King of this world, Arthur!

Except for her, few people dare to talk to him like that.

Ron responded with a smile: "Arthur, are you back? By the way, Jasmine, where is she?"

Arthur shrugged and said, "She is still in London to help deal with those iron pieces of Ultron. She can't come to see you yet ... don't ask me so many questions, I'll ask you, saber?"

Arthur's tone became colder, his eyes stared at Ron, his golden light flashing.

Yes, there is nothing wrong here, it's really golden light!

Arthur was releasing some kind of magic similar to mind reading, and wanted to see something she wanted to know directly from Ron's eyes.

"It doesn't work for me!"

However, this is not useful to Ron. Although Arthur's ability is not weak, but the ability is relative.

Ron can ignore almost all of this magical superpower of probing his thoughts, without worrying!

This is his innate talent as a universe. Because of this, he can resist the mental ability of Professor X, who is already the pinnacle of Level 4 mutants, even when he is very weak!

"You're stronger ..." Arthur frowned, not seen for a few years, and Ron's change was bigger than she imagined.

Until the magic of reading thoughts didn't exist, Arthur could only hold his temper and asked, "Where the **** has Saber gone?"

"I don't know. She ventured into the universe. I haven't seen him twice before, and I haven't heard anything about her ..."

Ron chose to tell the truth. Regarding the whereabouts of saber, in fact, not only was Arthur worried that he had the same identity as Saber in another world, he was also in a mixed mood.

Because of the original incident, he never went to find Saber, nor did he want to let Yongdu and Guardians of the Galaxy look for him, but he went to the galaxy twice, and he actually kept secretly following news about her.

Just as he said, he did not hear anything about saber.

This is weird!

I remember when he sent Saber away was in the middle of the galaxy. Although Saber's strength was good, she did not have the ability to leave the galaxy alone.

Even if it does, it shouldn't be that fast!

Hearing Ron's words, Arthur was clearly upset, saying:

"So big, you just let her run away?"

Ron smiled bitterly: "This is her own will, after all, she is really sad ..."

"Did she know the truth?" Arthur frowned even deeper and seemed to understand something.

I remember when I first saw Saber, Arthur felt that she was a little different from those in the different worlds she had met. Later, she kept guessing that she would know the truth.

But at that time she had a good relationship with saber, so Arthur couldn't bear to tell saber the truth.

Unexpectedly, the truth was found in the end ...

Ron didn't know how to say it, after all, making the same person as another person came out and was known by that person, which was strange in itself!

After a brief silence, he and Arthur both decided to turn the topic over.

Then Ron asked, "How about you, have you found a way through the parallel universe in the past few years since you left Earth?"

Arthur replied, "There are some discoveries, but if you really want to go to the parallel universe, it will be difficult ..."

"When the matter of Ultron is over, take me to take a look ..."

Ron also knew that the matter of traveling through the parallel universe was not so simple, and after Arthur had agreed on this matter, they were also separated.

After leaving, Ron quickly found the magical Mr. Reed Richards in the Fantastic Four ~ ~ ready to borrow the little virus he had previously studied for a use.

After Ultron destroyed most of the network, Mr. Wonder, Hank Pim, and Iron Man set up a small network based on this virus, allowing them to communicate and monitor internally.

Although this little virus looks really good, Ron doesn't believe that with the ability of Ultron, he can't solve such a gadget!

Ron wouldn't believe it if it wasn't fussy!

At the beginning of Ultron's rebellion, Mr. Wonder had been staying in the Stark Building, but then he returned to the building he rented and focused on the Internet.

This guy known as the first genius of the Marvel world does have the ability to serve this title.

After seeing that Ultron created by Tony Stark and Hank Pimm had such a destructive power, he became very interested in intelligent technology. Just researching this can also solve Ultron's problems. With some help, he naturally fell on it with all his strength.

When he arrived in the Baxter building where the Four Wonder Heroes lived, someone would greet Ron immediately and send him to the top floor of Mr. Wonder's laboratory.

After the Fantastic Four is famous, this building has also been leased by more investors. Even the property has been enriched and the front desk has been set up.

When he arrived at the laboratory, Ron went directly inside and saw the magical man frowning in front of several computers.

There is only Mr. Reed in the laboratory. The stone human and the hidden woman Susan are not there. As for the thunderbolt ...

Ron also heard about this. On the first day of the creation of a nuclear bomb, Johnny had been bombed by more than 20 nuclear bombs and had nothing left ...