MTL - Two-Faced Husband, Have Some Decency!-~ 010 Mu Mu, do you like me?

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"Captain, enough!" Zhao Yiyang stood up happily and dressed neatly. [Marshmallow novel network update fast, website page is refreshing, advertising is small, no pop-up window, most like this website, must be praised]

"Wang team invited, do not mind bring me one?" At the door, Bai Moqiao stood there, took off his white coat, dressed in her own dress, elegant and beautiful.

Jiang Yuecheng nodded politely, "I have been working hard for forensic doctors these days."

"With the addition of white forensic doctors, I really can't ask for it. I have more appetite for eating." Xing Jiadong laughed.

This person is usually lacking in the roots, and the longest is the strongest in their team. They usually speak straight, sometimes they don’t speak much, and they often offend people.

They are used to it in a team.

When Zhao Yiyang grabbed Xing Jiadong’s words, he followed the fun. “What do you mean? What do you think is that we are not looking good?”

To say that Wei Muran is long, it is actually much better than white foam.

It’s said that Wei’s parents, Wei Zi’s long enchanting face, even if he is now in middle age, looks like it’s less than thirty, and still looks good, but more stable. It’s almost impossible to be able to stand up when it’s younger.

Wei Ran is much smaller than Wei Zi. He is born with a long face. This is a feeling of not being a few years old. It’s just a pair of enchanting with Wei Zi. These two people don’t seem to be old.

Wei Muran inherited the white pure face of Wei Ran, the skin is delicate, the white is red, like a cooked egg with a shell. However, the pair of eyes followed the guardian, and gave birth to a pair of peach eyes. The original pure temperament added a little charm to life.

It is also that she is young now, so it is not very obvious. If the age is bigger, the charming temperament comes out. It is really a disaster for the people.

After all, the most shocking thing on Wei Zi's face is that the peach eyes are gone, and people will unconsciously ignore his other benefits.

The white foam can be popular, it wins and looks good, and the temperament is very in line with the taste of men. Unlike Wei Muran, now young, I haven’t grown up yet, and I don’t pay attention to dressing.

Always t-shirts, shirts, jeans and a pair of sneakers, help the horsetails sway. Even if you look good, you can look at it at a glance.

Usually I am exposed to some rough men. I am busy in the dark, and no one will take a closer look at Wei Muran. They all look at them. They naturally feel that the makeup is exquisite, and the temperament is the flower of the police. A beautiful woman.

"Oh, uh, we see each day from morning to night, every day in an office, looking up at her, seeing her face has long been used to it. Unlike white forensic doctors, this is not a rare person." Xing Jiadong said.

"Hey, you have a good time." Zhang Ming snorted. "May you make up tomorrow, let him see and see."

What is a real beauty. (no pop-up ads)

In the latter half of the sentence, he did not say, lest he should not let the foam under the table.

However, Zhang Ming also did not see the temperament of the white foam, and did not know whether the other men in the police station were blind.

It is said that he and Wei Muran are half a childhood friend. Although he was not close to Wei Muran since he was a child, but because of Qi Youxuan’s relationship, he also met with Wei Muran from time to time, but she knew that she was a pink sculpture from an early age. Jade-made beauty dolls, white foam can not be compared.

However, there are personal eyes.

Zhang Ming glanced at Jiang Yuecheng and found that he was watching Wei's gentle smile.

"Okay, don't make trouble, you can't use it without you." Jiang Yuecheng laughed jokingly.

The smile on the face of the white foam froze. Xing Jiadong just praised her for coming. At this time, Jiang Yuecheng said that Xing Jiadong didn't appreciate it, and even she even gave her a squad.

Even if he knows that he is joking, there are also serious ingredients.

When everyone went out together, Wei Muran saw Qi Youxuan, who had not seen him for a few days, at the police station.

He wore a knee-length black windbreaker, and the windbreaker's hem was slightly blown up with the autumn wind. He put his hands in his pocket. In the pocket of the windbreaker, the windbreaker was not blown by the wind. The front of the windbreaker was still there. Gently swing in the wind.

This makes his tall and straight posture not like sculpture, the swinging windbreaker adds a little popularity.

Wei Muran was still a little angry, and he had never contacted her in these two days.

After seeing Qi Youxuan, I didn’t think about whether or not to ignore her. I heard a shy voice in a surprise behind me, “Mr. Qi.”

Wei Muran looked back and she recognized that she was a dry-minded girl named Zhao Qiqi.

It seems that I was very fond of Jiang Yuecheng. I often came to their department and had a good relationship with Bai foam. But I didn’t know what happened. I never came again, and I didn’t see her approaching with foam.

However, she was also famous in the bureau, and she did not know who gave her a nickname for "little flowers." That seems to be inside the police station, she is only under the white foam.

"Mr. Qi, how come today, there are cases?" Zhao Qiqi went to Qi Youxuan, laughing extra sweet.

She is a sweet type of looks, and the natural baby face is not old enough. This type really appeals to men.

Zhao Qiqi had already noticed Qi Youxuan. He only heard that he was an expert invited by the director himself. He had broken the big case of Huaicheng before. This time, I even broke a serial killing case.

Many single girls in the bureau appreciate him. They are handsome and young, and the key is single.

But they didn't have the courage, and she had the courage to talk to her.

"Come and find someone." Qi Youxuan said sparsely.

"It is just noon, Mr. Qi have you eaten?" Zhao Qiqi asked again. "If you don't eat it, don't you know how to enjoy it?"

Zhao Yuqi blushes, so he actively feels good to men, although it is not the first time, but it is the first time so nervous, even when she was in junior high school, the first time with the first love confession is even more nervous.

Can't tell why, although it is very good to align with Youxuan, he still feels that he is under great pressure in front of him. It is not because he is in the face of his sweetheart, but he is afraid of him.

Zhao Qiqi thinks that this doesn't make sense. If you like someone, how can you be afraid of him?

Qi Youxuan saw Wei Muran coming out, but he still walked with Jiang Yuecheng, and suddenly ignored the Zhang Ming around them. The little World of Warcraft screamed and wanted to give Jiang Yuecheng a side.

Wei Muran looked at him, but he didn't seem to see him. If his face was cold, he wouldn't open his eyes.

Jiang Yuecheng did not know what to say to her, Wei Muran chuckled, and the scorpion was particularly bright.

"Mu Mu!" Qi Youxuan cried, did not look at Zhao Qiqi, and she left.

Wei Muran snorted softly, deliberately could not hear, and continued to follow Jiang Yuecheng.

Qi Youxuan chased after three or two steps, grabbed her arm and frowned slightly, "Mu Mu."

Wei Muran finally turned his head to look at him and saw Qi Youxuan’s grievances.

What is wrong with him?

When Zhang Ming saw it, he took Zhao Yiyang and Yang Shaozhan and said, "Let's talk, let's go first."

Wei Muran’s lips twitched slightly and did not speak.

Jiang Yuecheng looked at Qi Youxuan and said to Wei Muran: "Will you be with us?"

"Mu Mu..." Qi Youxuan’s voice is low, it sounds more pitiful.

Wei Muran looked up at him and saw that he had exposed his expression like a child. Every time he wanted meat, it was such a look. He saw that the hearts of the people were soft.

But he is now a big man, making such a look, not too shameful?

Zhang Ming, they can all watch it!

Wei Muran had to tell Jiang Yuecheng: "Captain, let's go first."

Jiang Yuecheng was reluctant, but he could only say: "I have something to call."

Qi Youxuan swears, what can be done with him, and why do you have to call Jiang Yuecheng?

After Jiang Yuecheng left, Qi Youxuan took Wei Muran and got on the bus. He left Zhao Qiqi behind.

Wei Moran sat in the car, and could still see Zhao Qiqi standing in the same place, staring at their car, his face was estimated to be red because of shame.

Wei Muran's mood is inexplicable, and the corner of his mouth can't help but scream, and there is something bad to say: "You will throw people there, isn't it?"

"Who?" Qi Youxuan urged the roots to forget the existence of Zhao Qiqi, and did not respond. The people who have always been smart, this time the expression is stupid.

"Install, reload! I don't believe, a beautiful woman takes the initiative to chase you, you will feel no more? She is still very famous in our bureau, like a lot of her, really not good?" Wei Muran The more you say, the more angry you are, without thinking about his unspoken days.

Wei Muran finished, but did not hear Qi Youxuan’s voice, and he thought it was a temper that made him unhappy.

In fact, she usually looks good in her temper, but in the end she is also grown up by Wei Zi, and sometimes she is very self-willed.

Since childhood, Qi Youxuan has let her, as long as she can make her happy, he will do whatever he wants. Fortunately, she did not have any excessive demands, even if it was occasional temper, Qi Youxuan would marry her.

Now that I’m finished, Wei Muran is a bit guilty and feels like she is a bit self-willed.

The imaginary look up, but it slammed into the smile of Qi Youxuan’s face.

"Jealous?" Qi Youxuan smiled and squinted at her. I said that I didn't know what it was to me. Now I will be jealous. Should I know?"

"Who... who said it!" Wei Muran’s face was embarrassed to admit, but the heart is getting more and more imaginary. The more I think, the more I feel that I am so jealous, so my guilty face is here. famous.

"I told you before, after the case is over, I will come to you to find the answer." Qi Youxuan is getting closer and closer to Wei Muran without knowing it.

Not to mention okay, when I talked about this, Wei Muran’s anger was picked up again. “Yeah, you said that the case is over, how many days have you been? I haven’t contacted me for a few days, now come Looking for me to answer? Late!"

Wei Muran hands around his chest and twisted his head to the side. "Expired!"

Qi Youxuan’s mouth can’t help but laugh. “I’m not contacting you. I’ve been back to the company by my dad in the past few days. I went to France. When I’m busy there, I’m already in the middle of the night. The plane that I just got off at four o'clock this morning, I haven't had a jet lag, I went back and changed my clothes and came over."

"Then you are rushing to do something, go back and have a good rest." Wei Muran immediately guilty.

"Isn't it anxious to ask for your answer?" Qi Youxuan's mouth was slightly hooked. I don't know when the elbow rested on the back of her chair.

"..." Wei Muran saw him getting closer and closer, and he subconsciously hid back, and kept hiding in the corner formed by the door and the back of the chair.

“Mu Mu, do you like me?” Qi Youxuan whispered, “You don’t want to be stupid, you know what I like.”

Not that he is in a hurry, he is really not assured, the enemy looks around!

Jiang Yuecheng was with her every day, looking up and not seeing him, but he could not report it every day. He thought that Jiang Yuecheng would slap him in the corner when he was absent. He couldn’t worry.

You must hurry and get people together in your arms!

Otherwise, he has been a girl who has been guarding for more than 20 years, and he has been borrowed by others. The depression in his heart is not solved by scratching the wall.

"..." Wei Muran's mouth moved, just said a "I" word, he was kissed by him.

The lips suddenly touched a soft, wet and moist, and the moment they touched, it was like a small caterpillar crawling on the lips, bringing a shudder, and the goose bumps were all up.

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