MTL - Two-Faced Husband, Have Some Decency!-~ 053 hijacking

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Zou Chengwei stopped chatting with her, looked at the time and said: "You call him, find an excuse to call him back. [Millet novels update fast, the website page is refreshing, there are few advertisements, no pop-ups, I like this kind of website most, I must praise it]"

Now that you have identified such an individual, take it back and ask.

Cui Xiuya feels that he guessed it right, but the police are not always secret? So she guessed it, he didn't tell her.

Fortunately, her psychological quality is not bad. When I called Fan Yansong, it was no different. I only said that I came to a customer and said that it was introduced by a friend. I was looking for him and wanted to buy a second-hand house.

On the other side of the phone, Fan Yansong seems to be very happy.

Cui Xiuya hung up and said to Zou Chengwei: "He will be back soon. He just took the customer to see the house and is now on the road."

After a quarter of an hour, Zou Chengwei heard a light voice behind him. "Hello, are you looking for me? I am Fan Yansong."

Zou Chengwei immediately got up and first held Fan Yansong's wrist. This gave him a certificate. "I am a policeman. Now there is a case that requires you to go back and assist in the investigation."

Fan Yansong just squatted, it seemed quite surprised, nodded. "Okay, what is the case?"

Zou Chengwei looked at Cui Xiuya and said: "The murder case about the mountain community."

Fan Yansong nodded. "Although I don't know why it is related to me, I am very happy to assist in the investigation."

Zou Chengwei stared at Fan Yansong for a while, only grasping his hand, always guarding, and said to Cui Xiuya: "Miss Cui, trouble you to go back with me, there are still some things to ask."

Cui Xiuya nodded and went out with the bag.

Anyway, she did not commit crimes, and there would be no guilty feelings.

When the three men went out together and Cui Xiuya turned around and locked the door, Fan Yansong suddenly broke away Zou Chengwei's hand, and his hand went from the back to Cui Xiuya's throat, and then she took her back.

Cui Xiuya was caught off guard, and her feet were squatting. If she was not shackled by Fan Yansong, she would fall directly to the ground. But in this way, she became more uncomfortable, and the whole person seemed to be suspended and had difficulty breathing.

Cui Xiuya opened her mouth and her tongue stood out. Her hand grabbed Fan Yansong’s finger and wanted to open it. Because of difficulty breathing, she didn’t have much strength on her hand.

"Fan Yansong, you let go of her!" Zou Chengwei has taken out a pistol and pointed to Fan Yansong.

Fan Yansong didn't know when he had more spring knives in his hand, and the sharp knife tip was stabbing Cui Xiuya's neck.

"You let me go, I let her go! You can shoot, but even if you shoot directly into my heart, I believe I will stab her artery at the same time."

"Fan Yansong, if you go back to the police station to investigate with me, there is nothing wrong with it. You are just a suspect. But now that you have done this, you have already taken your crimes. Killing people and kidnapping hostages, you run. No," Zou Chengwei said coldly.

Cui Xiuya shivered nervously, did not dare to speak, the cold touch of the knife tip on the neck, scared her to cry directly.

"But I want you to let me go now! I don't want to see her dead, just throw the gun!" Fan Yansong was very excited. The knife tip stabbed Cui Xiuya's neck. The red blood was like a red line from her neck. Come down.

The feeling of warm and itchy itch makes Cui Xiuya know, crying even more.

"Fan Yansong, you let me go, beg you, let me go! Usually the relationship is good, I have not done anything sorry for you, let's be a colleague, you..."

"I haven’t done anything sorry for me?" Fan Yansong’s voice was a little crazy. "You just helped the police to swindle me back. I’m so embarrassed that I have never done sorry for me?"

Cui Xiuya cried so badly that she didn’t know what to say.

Zou Chengwei said calmly: "She doesn't know my identity. I did come in the name of the customer. I lied to her that a friend introduced me and said that you are good, she will call you, she does not. Lie to you."

But at this time, even if it is true, Fan Yansong will not listen. "I don't care if you say it is true. In short, it's because she will come back. You put the gun down!"

Zou Chengwei squinted, Fan Yansong said excitedly: "Let you let go! Don't play tricks! Otherwise I will kill her now! Because you let the innocent hostages die, can you?"

"You don't mess, I will put down the gun." Zou Chengwei looked up and stared at Fan Yansong, bending over and slowly putting the gun on the ground.

"Kick the gun!" said Fan Yansong.

Zou Chengwei glanced at him and kicked the gun to Cui Xiuya’s feet.

Fan Yansong was about to move, and the elbow was suddenly struck by a force from the back, so that his entire arm was numb, and the heart would like to grasp the spring knife is also powerless.

His first reaction was to turn back, but immediately the arm was kicked again, more fierce than the first, feeling that his arm was broken, and could not help release Cui Xiuya.

Cui Xiuya hurriedly yelled at Zou Chengwei, and Zou Chengwei let her avoid the advanced corridors and helped herself.

The original person who came over was Zhang Shanfei. There was no such store in the next-door community, so the investigation was faster than Zou Chengwei. There was nothing to gain from him, so he came over and planned to investigate with Zou Chengwei.

Before Zou Chengwei entered the Aijiaxi housing agency, he and Zhang Shanfei passed the phone, so Zhang Shanfei came over. Who knows that a young man is hijacking a woman and is confronting Zou Chengwei.

He quietly approached from Fan Yansong, and Zou Chengwei also saw him. The two men tacitly looked down and did not let Fan Yansong notice, and they cooperated with Fan Yansong.

Zou Chengwei first put the pistol on the ground, so as not to cause any accidents. Zhang Shanfei has already held Fan Yansong, and determined that Fan Yansong can't run honestly. Zou Chengwei went to determine the situation of Cui Xiuya.

Fortunately, Cui Xiuya is only a flesh wound, don't look at the blood, but in fact it just broke a little skin, no big problem.

He said to Zhang Shanfei, Zhang Shanfei first took Fan Yansong away. Zou Chengwei took Cui Xiuya to the community clinic in the community. The doctor gave her a disinfection bandage before returning to the police station.

"Fan Yansong just entered, but nothing will be said." In the team, I saw Zou Chengwei coming back with Cui Xiuya, Fang Zhitong said, "Yang and Shan Fei are examining him inside."

"Just rushing to his reaction, this thing is that he can't run." Zou Chengwei said nothing.

"Do not worry, Mr. Qi is there, what can't you say?" Fang Zhitong smiled, and Zou Chengwei took Cui Xiuya to record the confession.

Jiang Yuecheng did not look at the interrogation situation with Qi Youxuan in the interrogation room next door. He heard Zou Chengwei make a record for Cui Xiuya and he came over.

Listening and listening, Jiang Yuecheng saw Zou Chengwei and they didn't ask anything. They asked: "Fan Yansong usually takes customers to look at the house. Sometimes the homeowner is not at home. Does he have the key to the owner?"

Cui Xiuya nodded and said: "If it is a vacancy, he must have a key. But if there is still a person in the house, the owner will not give us the key. After all, there are valuables in the house, who can safely put the key. Handed over to outsiders?"

"What about the rented house? The keys are all in the landlord. Some landlords will leave the keys to you regardless of whether they still live in the house or not?" Jiang Yuecheng asked.

Cui Xiuya nodded a little, "it is generally about to expire, the tenant does not want to renew the house. The landlord will urge the tenant to pack things in advance and move away immediately on the day the lease expires. Before that." Will hang the house to us for rent. Because it is a rented house, some landlords will not care if the tenant has any loss, give us the key in advance, let us take the customer to see the house. But generally we will Contact the tenant in advance and make an appointment. Otherwise, what is lost, we can't afford that responsibility."

Zou Chengwei immediately understood, said: "The house where the dead Liu Peipei lived in the mountain district, the name is in the name of Yue Yifan, Yue Yifan's husband is Liu Peipei's *, Yu Chaosheng."

"In the early days, Liu Peipei arranged for Liu Peipei in the mountain area, which was the house that Liu Peipei rented in her own name. Then he paid the rent, which is equivalent to taking it out from the left pocket and putting it into the right pocket. I guess the same is true. If you are not willing to give money to others to earn, it is better not to earn money at home." Fang Zhitong said.

"I immediately contact Yue Yifan." Zou Chengwei said.

Yue Yifan is a very tall woman. She is even taller than the Korean students. She is very strong and looks like an athlete. According to the survey data, Yue Yifan, who used to be a volleyball player for a while, is still in the national team, but he has always been a substitute and has not been famous. Later, when I got married, I retired.

"You know the relationship between Chaosheng and Liu Peipei before?" Zou Chengwei asked.

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