MTL - Two-Faced Husband, Have Some Decency!-~ 165 I don't want to be tired of those few

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The little guy is particularly embarrassed by the second old man. This is the rhythm of choosing another one to offend another!

"You are almost a little bit!" Mo Yinxin brought Chang Zhi back. "How do you let the children choose? Is this not a child? Do you want to say which visa to go first, which one to go to, Japan It’s better to go to Japan first!”

Chang Zhi is anxious, how can his wife and children go to outsiders?

Suddenly, Chang Zhiyuan had a chance to turn around and said to Yan Keshan: "My family, you are from the Chinese Academy of Sciences. This is a national person. Is it not good to go abroad?"

Yan Keshan licked his mouth and raised his chest. "We can apply as long as we can apply in advance. <> Marshmallow novel network"

"Hey, I don't have to apply in advance. I want to go when I want to go. My visa is still valid for seven years! Waiting for the promotion of the mission, I am sure that I am faster." Chang Zhiyuan stood up and thought This game won by myself.

Mt. Keshan: "..."

Mo Yinxin was helpless, and quickly gave the eyes of the family a big eye, and then called everyone to go to dinner together, hoping to block Chang Zhiyuan's mouth when eating.

However, the two men were still fighting when they were eating, but they did not dare to let Qi Youxuan eat more meat, because not only Qi Chenglin, even Dan Danchen did not let.

They are not afraid of Qi Chenglin, but they are afraid that Dan Chen is not happy.


The people ended their lunch in the mouth of Yan Keshan and Chang Zhiyuan. As a result, no one could care about the things of Qi Keyu and Chang Yuehuan.

Mo Yuxin and Chen Minxia chatted at the side, but it was quite speculative.

At first, the two men would still manage the two men. Later, they couldn’t help but they were too lazy to take care of them.

After eating the meal, everyone talked for a while, including Qi Danchen, all of them tacitly ignored the bickering of Chang Zhiyuan and Yan Keshan.

Zhai Zell is used to it. After all, there is a father in the family. No matter how good he is, he is not unusual.

However, it is often a surprise to be surprised. I don’t know that my father, who has always been strict, still has such an old child.

The family is getting up and ready to leave. Qi Chenglin and Yan Danchen will also take the little guy to go. Chang Zhiyuan also beckoned to the little guy, "You Xuan, come."

The little guy came over with a big bag of toys.

There are also four bags in Qi Chenglin, Qi Danchen, Chen Minxia, ​​and Zizil. In view of the exclusion of these toys, the little guy did not give him a jealousy. The little guy felt that he was particularly understanding, but he didn't know that Mt. Keshan had a special sadness at this time.

Yan Keshan feels that this is the embodiment of the little guy who trusts and is close to them. The little guy doesn't give him a jealousy. Is this because he said what he said before, was he angry with him?

So throughout the trip, Mt. Keshan looked at the little guy with a particularly sad expression.

The little guy didn't know, at this time, he was twisting his little fart. The drum stood in front of Chang Zhiyuan.

"Grandpa." The little guy called it very sweet, which made Chang Zhiyuan think that giving him anything is willing.

"Come, this is the pocket money that my grandfather gave you, ah!" Chang Zhiyuan pulled out a stack of red bills from his pocket, and he couldn’t count how much.

"When you want to buy something, buy it, ah!" Chang Zhiyuan put the money into the hands of the little guy.

The little guy’s eyes are bright, and the little fat hand is holding his face and blushing. He is embarrassed to say, “This... this is a lot embarrassing!”

I often looked at the little guy’s mouth and said that while holding the money, I took the bag off my shoulder and took out a wallet from the inside. I still came from Qiongji last year. At that time, he was particularly "indecent" in the suggestion that the contractor should change the wallet. So Qi Chengji was especially smart and gave him the "old wallet" that he had bought for less than a week.

Looking at the little guy while politely collecting the money, it is often far away to find reasons for the grandson and grandchildren. At this time, there is little to bear.

"Grandpa, don't waste it for the next time, give me a little more, and don't give it a few more times, isn't it?" The little guy said it in a negotiating tone, always giving people a feeling of itching. .

"Nothing, don't save money for my grandfather, the next time my grandfather gives back!" Chang Zhiyuan smiled.

Mo Yinxin feels that often, at the moment, there is a kind of radiance of people who are stupid and rich.

"Grandpa, you are like this... This is really like a grandson and grandson!" After the little guy put the money, he plunged into the arms of the farthest, and twisted and twisted. [Look at the latest chapter of the book, please go to the Marshmallow novel network]

"You must be the best grandfather in the world. I will go to school tomorrow, and I will tell my friends that they will envy them. Their grandfathers are definitely not as good as me!" The little guy is very small. Hey, Crisp channel.

Before, he also showed off his grandfather and grandfather as a scientist with his classmates. Now, there are a lot of family members who can show off. It’s really embarrassing!

I often laughed and opened the flowers, I think the little guy is really listening!

Yankeshan snorted and felt that he was not willing to be compared.

Zhai Zeer secretly scraped it into the ear of Mt. Keshan and whispered, "You see, actually giving him money is more useful than anything else."

Mt. Keshan snorted again. "How can I be as shameless as he is! I... I have a scientist, an unyielding pride!"

"..." Chang Jingyi listened to their words clearly and felt that their worldviews were subverted.

Are scientists like this?

Is the scientist's pride used in this place?

The mathematic genius boy who had been in the newspaper before, how to give a big 阮 尔 尔 尔 尔 尔 尔 尔 尔 尔 尔 尔 尔 尔 尔 尔 尔 尔 尔 尔

"Grandfather must give you more opportunities to show off." There is still a long way to go.

Chang Jingyi also thinks that this person is definitely not her father. Her father can't be so nervous.

I still have to continue to brush my own feelings in Qi Youxuan's heart, but I was interrupted by the ringing of mobile phones.

I often look at it, it’s the phone of Lao Liang.

Chang Zhiyuan got up, picked up the phone, listened to Lao Liang, and hung up the phone. He said to Yan Danchen: "Chang Jingqiu and her parents' appraisal report have come out. Laoliang is afraid of accidents and personally holds it. The parents with Chang Jingqiu went to the old lady, and when we passed, he would go."

In this matter, Lao Liang really did his best, and the matter was handed over to him. It was really not safe.

This is the family affairs of Changjia. They are not good at picking up the mountain. They go first. They let them bring the little guy back first. She and Qi Chenglin used to be home. Mrs. Chang’s wife must be in a mess today. The old lady and Chang Jingqiu are not necessarily crazy, or let the little guys go.

However, Chang Zhiyuan let Chang Jingyi go with her. She is now big, and her family has such a big thing. It is not good to leave her outside.


Everyone came to the old lady, and Lao Liang waited directly at the door of the villa where the old lady lived, holding a document in her hand.

The Chang family, in addition to Chang Zhiyuan, he did not touch other people, but in the past few days, he really did not want to see, and he did not want to have more contacts. Chang Jiayuan also traveled with Chang Zhiyuan.

Chang Zhiyuan got out of the car. When Lao Liang came over, he gave him the appraisal report. "Your family affairs, I will not participate."

Chang Zhiyuan patted the shoulders of Lao Liang. "Thank you very much this time."

Lao Liang’s heroic smile, “What kind of polite!”

The old Liang did not wait much, and he left.

Before entering the door, Chang Zhiyuan said to Yan Danchen: "If the old lady said something bad, you don't care. This family person, if you are not willing to recognize it, you will not recognize it. Just remember not to deny us."

Chang Zhiyuan is also helpless. Even the person who has been born to his regular parents at home is tired of the gang. If it is not connected with blood, he does not want to recognize it, let alone the family. There is no feeling, but it is still being provoked by the old lady.

Qi Danchen was joked by him. "Do not worry, or you will come to visit you with You Xuan and Dabo."

"Hey!" Chang Zhiyuan finally showed his smile with a smile, nodded, and added a sentence at the end. "I will definitely be very good with you and you will not recognize me." I don't want to be tired of those few."

Mo Yinxin: "..."

He said that he really hates to be separated from his regular family.

I got the guarantee that Xiao Dan was crying and laughing, and Chang Zhiyuan just pressed the doorbell. Not long after, the big cockroaches inside came to open the door and let them in.

In the living room, Chang Jingqiu was just discharged yesterday. She was sitting in a wheelchair and wearing a long skirt and ankles to cover her legs.

In fact, Chang Jingqiu was hurt on the waist, causing sputum, but the legs were not injured, even if it was not covered.

The old lady and the Chang Zhixing couple sat on the sofa. The opposite side of the sofa looked at the two chairs that were temporarily moved. It was the two people who met in the hospital on the morning of the day, Huang Pinggui and Wang Lixia.

There are still many places in the sofa, but the two people are not allowed to sit. The prisoners seem to let them sit in the chairs. Is it because they are not dirty?

When Dan Dan looked cold, he couldn’t make a small impression on this family.

Goodbye Huang Pinggui and Wang Lixia were sitting in the chair, and they were cramped. Although Wang Lixia was nervous, she couldn’t control her eyes and looked at the living room. Huang Pinggui has been hanging a pleasing smile. Seeing that Chang Jingqiu does not seem to be rejected by the regular family, he began to talk about her. Chang Jingqiu was tired of licking her lips and never ignored him.

Until Huang Pinggui had a lot of boring, this was a slap in the face, but the face was not flat, I feel that this daughter really has no conscience.

When I saw Chang Zhiyuan and others came, the old lady saw the documents in the hands of Chang Zhiyuan, the one that Lao Liang had just held.

"Hey!" said the elder lady, roaring. "He was finally willing to hand over the report? It is against us. What do you mean! Instead, we should guard against him."

Chang’s wife’s ignorance is good. Chang Zhiyuan is already used to it, and she does not refute her words. She only put the documents in front of them. “This is the appraisal report of Huang Pinggui and Chang Jingqiu. You see for yourself. Let me go."

In fact, it doesn't matter if I can't see it. Even Chang Jingqiu admits that she is the daughter of Huang Pinggui and Wang Lixia, but the old lady still took the report out and saw the result.

The old lady was sullen and threw her face on the table. Chang Zhixing also took it and looked at it. Next to Liu Xiangwen’s special gossip, she watched the past and joined the crowd. After seeing the results, she looked at Huang Pinggui and Wang Lixia.

I did not expect that these two ordinary people, can actually give birth to the daughter of Chang Jingqiu so watery.

"This thing, what are you going to do?" Mrs. Chang asked the couple of Huang Pinggui coldly.

Huang Pinggui’s “嘿嘿” smiled twice and began to habitually squatting. The movements and expressions were all over the place, making the old lady more bored.

Liu Xiangwen is even more disdainful, and thinks that they are so acquainted with their family that they are in a relationship with such people.

Liu Xiangwen rubbed his arm as if something was dirty on his arm.

Chang Jingqiu looked in his eyes, and thoughts in his mind passed a little. His eyes said that red was red. "What do you want to do? When I sold it, then we will have a knife and a knife. What is the relationship? Now I want to come over again. Take advantage of it, you have never treated me as a daughter! In your eyes, what else is there besides money? You just don’t want me, okay?"

"Don't say this, you must be unwilling to suffer with us. You see that you have been used to such a wealthy family since childhood, and you are used to it. Now let you come to suffer with us, live in the broken cottage, are you happy?" You snorted with disdain. "You said that we have no affection in our eyes. Are you not willing to recognize us? You are really our kind, even if we are not raised by us from a young age, we can be like us."

This means that she is as selfish as they are, just for the money?

Chang Jingqiu’s blushing face, but I did not expect Huang Pinggui’s mouth to be so powerful.

Huang Pinggui stopped paying attention to her and squatted to the old lady. "You have a lot of money, and I know that you are particularly concerned about the reputation. You certainly don't want outsiders to know that you have raised the wrong for 27 years. Child. I have read a lot and have never seen the world, but I can still think of it."

Huang Pinggui’s sneer, “I know that you despise us, I don’t want to be related to us, and I don’t want people to know about our existence. Looking at today’s situation, you want to continue to raise Chang Jingqiu. I don't know, you are very kind, able to raise children for others, knowing that you have been willing to raise a wrong one."

The expression of the old lady is getting more and more gloomy, and the heart of Chang Jingqiu’s side is raised.

Huang Pinggui extended three fingers. "We don't want much. We give us 3 million. We guarantee that we don't say a word, we don't have anything, we don't know each other."

The old lady is showing fierce light.

Chang Jingqiu suddenly cried: "I can't let you threaten the home like this! You have said it yourself. Changjia has raised me for so many years. You sold me and you have already made the money. Changjia has been raising for these years. I, the energy and financial resources I spend, are not what you can imagine. If you really want to say it, you are not accustomed to your home. It’s not bad for your family to ask for money. Changjia raises your daughter for you, but also falls down. There is no such reason for giving you money!"

"Then we can't control it." Huang Pinggui said. "Anyway, I am afraid that you are not us. If you don't want us to talk nonsense, then take money to block our mouths. Do you have money to say a word? Can you solve problems with money? Question. We don't want anything else, we need money!"

"Then take me away!" Chang Jingqiu shouted sternly. "I am a waste man anyway. I don't have a permanent home. I am nothing. I am a crippled person. I can't do anything. I lost my previous job. I am going back to live with you in the broken cottage, you raise me!"

"Why!" Huang Pinggui was not happy when he heard it. "You can't do anything for a waste person. I want to let us raise you? We don't have the money, we won't raise you!"

"Then why do you ask for money? Why do you give money to your family? Huang Pinggui, I tell you, I am leaving my hometown, never coming back, and I will not give you the opportunity to extort a home!"

Chang Jingqiu's eyes were red and tears flowed out. "Grandma has raised me up with hardships. It is better for me than anyone else. I can never be tired of her again, let her old man be wronged for me, bow to people like you." Give you money. I, you, all owe you a home!"

"They have raised my irrelevant person for so many years, I will not let them suffer any more!" Chang Jingqiu pointed to Huang Pinggui, "I tell you, Huang Pinggui, in my eyes, regular home It’s my home, it’s my family. As long as you sold me, we have nothing to do with it. I can’t recognize you two!”

"I just dragged my crippled body to go to the streets to beg, I am not at home! I will not be a regular family from now on, you will figure out to talk, I will not admit it! In this way, What other reasons do you have to threaten the home?"

"You..." Huang Pinggui stood up and his eyes were red, but he was angry. At this time, the expression can't wait to eat Chang Jingqiu, and she must always be ready to her.

"What are you doing, this is our home, you dare to scatter here!" The old lady angered the sofa.

At this time, Chang Jingqiu held the wheelchair armrests with both hands and propped himself up. The man slammed and rushed to the ground.

She is now unaware of the waist, and she just can't help but can't help herself.

"Quiet autumn!" The old lady exclaimed, "What are you doing?!"

Chang Jingqiu moved forward and moved, and the old lady was always on the road. "What are you doing, and quickly get Jingqiu up!"

"No, no one is allowed to touch me!" Chang Jingqiu cried, and hugged the old lady's legs and looked up at her feet. "Grandma, let me do this! I don't know my legs now." It’s impossible to kneel down to you. What I can do now is the only way, you don’t want to stop me.”

"Child, what are you doing again? You are not good yet!" said Mrs. Chang, distressed.

Chang Jingqiu shook his head. "Grandma, I just want to give you a gimmick. It is a quiet autumn. You raise me. I am a waste person now, but I want to repay you. I hate myself for the first time. It’s useless. The only thing I can do now is not to make you feel embarrassed, not to ask you to be wronged."

"Child, what do you say?" The old lady was distressed.

"You listen to me." Chang Jingqiu cried, the feelings are particularly real. "I can't bear you, but I can't let the rogue use your kindness to extort money. 3 million people can't get it, why? Cheap, he wants to be threatened by him? I can't let him be so jealous of you! There are two things like this. Today, he said that he took 3 million and didn't say it. He tasted the sweetness tomorrow, repented, and came over to 500. Wan, or you have to say it, when is this a head?"

"Grandma, you are getting older, you should be happy and happy, no one can add to you. I can't let them stand your cheap. I was not a regular family, even if I left, it should be." Chang Jingqiu cried Said, looking up, but full of coquetry, "grandmother, is quiet autumn is not filial, can not filial you again in the future. From today, you can not be your granddaughter. You can rest assured, even if I am leaving, I will not go with them. I can do it alone. Even if I can no longer filial you, I will ask the Buddha to bless every day, to make you healthy, happy, and long-lived. It’s just... just after the autumn can’t be under your knees, it’s quiet autumn.”

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