MTL - Tyrant Dragon Emperor-Chapter 7146 The gate of the void, the way of Qianlong

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Chapter 7146 The gate of the void, Qianlong Road

Long Cuiluan shook his head: "No, this is the elder of the real dragon family!"


Jiang Tian's eyes were slightly fixed, and he looked up into the sky.

I saw a huge dragon shadow suddenly appearing!

A huge aura swept across the void, overwhelming the audience!

Ho **** ho!


The giant dragon below let out low growls, revealing panic, uneasiness, and flattery!

"With a single breath, all the giant dragons bowed their heads, and made them flatter and flatter them one after another. You are worthy of being the elder of the real dragon family!"

Jiang Tian muttered to himself and couldn't help but sigh.

Dragon bloodlines are naturally noble and arrogant!

But in front of the extremely powerful elders of the real dragon family, it is still inevitable!

The iron rule that the strong are respected in the world of martial arts is vividly embodied at this moment!



A huge dragon shadow descended from the sky, and the berserk breath suppressed the audience!

An old man in a silver robe stood on top of the dragon shadow, with his hands behind his back, his eyes squinting, and he glanced down lightly!

"Have all the veins arrived?"

The voice seemed low, but it carried a huge coercion, and it blasted into the sea of ​​gods of everyone like a huge thunder!

Shock everyone!

"Great God-making Realm!"

The corners of Long Cuiluan's eyes twitched, and he whispered in horror!

"God-making realm!" Jiang Tian was secretly shocked!

This is the first time in his history that he has come into contact with the real power of the god-making realm!

How many such terrifying powers are there in the True Dragon Family?

He had no way of guessing this question, and Long Cuilan couldn't answer it either.

Because Long Cuilan didn't know much about his own clan!

She only knows that there are not a few great masters in the god-making realm on the side of the True Dragon Family!

Jiang Tian's thoughts rushed wildly for a while, and his heart was boiling with fighting spirit!

He is now in the late stage of the original **** state, and he is only one step away from reaching the half-step god-making state!

And after the half-step god-making state, it is the real god-making state!

Half-step god-making realm warriors want to advance to the god-making realm, they need to understand the god-making artistic conception!

There are roughly two sources of god-making artistic conception!

One is to find a real master of the god-making realm, and let the other party release the god-making artistic conception for oneself to comprehend and advance;

The second is to seek a breakthrough with the help of the attracting talisman that contains the artistic conception of god-making!

The former is not only extremely difficult, but also has great risks, not everyone can do it!

The latter is more convenient and feasible, but it is also hard to find a quote symbol!

And after Jiang Tian won the first place at the Supernova Conference, he has already obtained such a talisman!

Now, he only needs to take half a step into the god-making realm before he can use that attracting talisman to knock on the gate of the god-making realm!

"Report to the elders, except for Zhentong's lineage, everyone else has arrived!"

At this moment, a warrior from the True Dragon Family who had been present beforehand cupped his hands and said.

"True pupil!"

The elder of the real dragon family narrowed his eyes slightly and muttered to himself.

Everyone's hearts were dark, but they were also a little gloating!

Judging by the attitude of this elder, I am afraid that Zhentong's lineage will be reprimanded, or even suffer?

But his next attitude surprised everyone!

"The true pupil lineage will come, don't wait for now, everyone join the battle immediately!"

"Old man Longyou, host this Qianlong martial arts meeting, the rules remain the same, please!"

With a wave of Long You's hand, a silver light shot out suddenly.


A void gate appeared above the Julong Mountain Range, shining with silver light, exuding majestic coercion!

And under this void gate, there is a dazzling silver passage connecting it!

The audience then exclaimed!

"Dragon Path!"

"There are still two days before the agreed time, why did Qianlong Road open earlier?"

"Elder Long You, why did you want to start the Qianlong Martial Arts Association in advance this year?"

"Isn't the true pupil lineage still here?"

Hundreds of Egyptian warriors asked.

Long You said coldly: "Rules are dead, people are alive, stop talking nonsense and join the battle immediately!"

"Whether the true pupil comes or not, that's not your concern!"


The voice was mixed with majestic coercion, like a giant thunder bursting in the air!

The shock made everyone's minds turbulent, and they didn't dare to ask any more questions!

"Let's go!"

"Go to Qianlong Road and enter Julong Mountain!"



One by one, young evildoers plunder Qianlong Road and rush to the gate of the void!

"Jiang Daoyou must be careful, I wish you a safe return!"

Long Cuilan bowed his hands to Jiang Tian.

But he dared not say any more beautiful words such as creating good results, and his attitude was extremely cautious.

Obviously, she didn't have high expectations!

"Dragon Vein Lord, see you on the day of battle!"


Jiang Tian took a step forward, swept up the Qianlong Road, and rushed to the gate of the void!

At this time, he noticed that among the hundreds of branches of the True Dragon Family, only a small number of branches fought alone.

Most of them came out with several people, and some even had as many as a dozen people!

"I have to say that the Moju Mountain lineage is really shabby, and it's hard to be the master of the Long Cuilan lineage!"

Jiang Tian couldn't help the emotion in his heart.

Others are in groups, but he is the only one in the Moju Mountain lineage, and he is still an outsider.

This alone speaks for itself!

"The situation of the Moju Mountain lineage may be even more bleak than what Long Cuilan said!"

"Well, what does this have to do with me?"

Jiang Tian smiled!

It is a chance for him to participate in Qianlong Martial Arts!

As for the final record, he didn't really care.

And with the opening of Qianlong Dao and Void Gate, the essence of Qianlong Wuhui has also begun to emerge sharply!

This martial arts competition, on the surface, is a competition of hundreds of branches, but in fact, it is better to say that it is an opportunity for the top branches to practice and nourish themselves!

Because the warriors who rank low will be ruthlessly beheaded during the Qianlong Martial Arts Meeting, and their blood essence and all kinds of treasures they carry will also become the opponent's spoils of war.

So, in essence, this is a killing feast for bloodlines and opportunities!

This kind of feast is of great benefit to the top ranking veins.

And for the large number of offshoots ranked lower, it will undoubtedly be a painful journey!

But they can't refuse!

Firstly, the majesty of the True Dragon Family is irresistible, and secondly, they also want to gain some opportunities from it!

If the younger generation is lucky enough to find some opportunities and achieve unprecedented growth, the entire branch will enjoy huge benefits!

If you don't participate in this kind of competition, you will be squeezed out of hundreds of branches and gradually slip into a marginal force.

It is extremely detrimental to the development of the entire ethnic group!

Therefore, those branches with weaker strength, even if they bite the bullet, they have to come!

The more Jiang Tian realized the suffering of Long Cuilan, the more he sympathized with the situation of Moju Mountain.

He stepped on Qianlong Road, plundered quickly, and came to the bottom of the void gate!

A faint dragon's might descended and swept over his body.

The dragon blood in his body suddenly began to fluctuate!


The corners of Jiang Tian's eyes shrank sharply, his heart was dark!

But then calmed down!

That kind of change came and went quickly!

Obviously it is a means of blood detection, and its purpose should be to filter out warriors with non-dragon blood!

Prevent irrelevant bloodlines from mixing into it!