MTL - Ultimate Intelligence-v4 Chapter 1175 Money

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Chapter 1175

"Uncle, can you collect the exact information about the Shawn consortium?"

Du Cheng’s murder for Vito was only a smile, and he did not interfere with the decision of Vito, but only asked about other things.

"It takes at least half a day or so." Vitto's answer is very simple. The big families like them are undoubtedly very focused on collecting intelligence. For any family that is competing and threatening, it will be very Fine inspection.

Naturally, the Shawn consortium is no exception.

This Shawn consortium is not only the second largest consortium in France, but also a competitor of the Clarkel family.

“Well, I need a complete piece of information, the more detailed the better.”

Du Cheng said a simple one, and Vitto took the phone and directly told the matter.

Seeing this matter settled down, Du Cheng suddenly smiled mysteriously and said: "Uncle, are you interested in going out with me, I think that Burke and Max should be happy to see you."

Now the blood river killer organization must have sent people to closely observe the movements of Vitto. As long as Vitu goes out, they will definitely know.

Vitto was a glimpse first, and then he would have come over and asked directly: "Du Cheng, where are we going?"

"The boss behind the Shihao Club should be Burke?" Du Cheng is still a mysterious smile, and the tone is very dull.

"Yes, that guy."

Vito's answer directly confirmed Du Cheng's guess, and this thing he definitely knows is more clear than Du Cheng.

Du Cheng said directly: "Then we will go to the Shihao Club. I heard that the underground casinos in the area are very good. Let's play a few."

"Well, I heard that Ai Qier said that your gambling skills are very clever. This time, I have also seen and learned."

Vital Da Le, apparently very happy to watch Du Cheng go to the casino to make a lot of money.

As for his own safety, he will not be more concerned about it.

He is very confident in the strength of Du Cheng. Now Du Cheng said that to take him out, naturally he can protect his safety.

At this point, Vito has always been very trusting Du Cheng.

After Du Cheng and Vito made the decision, the two first enjoyed a delicious dinner, and then they left the castle of the Clarkel family.

They were still riding the Cadillac armored car, and this time it was replaced by Conan.

As for the rest of the people, they are driving around and driving around.

Du Cheng did not transfer Conan to them. He didn't want to attract the attention of those people because of this unnecessary action.

After about twenty minutes, the car slowly entered a luxurious castle.

This castle looks more like a private castle. If it is not the word "Shi Hao" carved above the gate of the castle, there are definitely not many people who can guess that it is where the first club in France is.

With the name of Vitu, it is a breeze for Du Cheng and his party to enter this place.

After getting out of the car, Du Cheng just let Conan follow him and Vitu, and the rest stayed inside and outside the club.

This time, Du Chenglai’s purpose here is very simple. It is to circle money. Of course, after the money is circled, it will naturally cause some conflicts. However, these conflicts are what Du Cheng wants, and the stronger the better.

When I got off the bus, Du Cheng’s eyes looked like an unintentional glance, and the smile on the corner of his mouth faintly raised a slight curvature.

Just a glance, Du Cheng can directly find the people and cameras that are observed in the dark.

In the next moment, he has directly controlled the network host system of this Shihao club.

At his current computer level, it usually takes only a few seconds to invade this kind of network system. It can even be said with certainty that only the place where there is a network, that is, the world he is dull, no network can escape. Out of his control.

Of course, these are just preparations. In the meantime, Du Cheng has stepped into the hall of the castle together with Vito.

Vito is obviously very familiar with this place. The boss behind the club is Burk Shawn, but in it, Burke is not afraid to come. If Vitu has something to do here, ghost All know that he is a black hand behind Burke.

Under this circumstance, Burk is better to protect the security of Vitto, and Vitru itself likes this feeling. At least in this respect, he proves that he wants to firmly press on the head of Burke. on.

A group of three people entered the hall, and the manager of the hall immediately went to the three people. After asking for the consent of Vito, he was very respectful and led the three directly into the casino on the second floor of the city.

At this time, it is only around 8:00 pm in Paris time. This time is the most lively time of the Shihao Club. Basically, it can become a member of the Shihao Club. All of them are French tycoons. These people often like to come here to gamble. For example, Vitru will come at least a few times a month.

The decoration of the casino can only be described by the extravagant extravagance. The space is very large, all kinds of gambling styles are also available, and various compartments are also distinguished.

Here, whether it is the so-called hundreds of thousands of famous wines or a tens of thousands of euros of cigars are free, in addition to the strong actresses waiting, as long as you want, what do you want? All right.

In one sentence, you are the emperor here, you can enjoy everything as long as you are a member here.

Even if you like, you can freely ask your club for your requirements. You can let the hottest star be under your body, let the purest actress dance for you and so on.

All this is the purpose of the Shihao Club, and the members are the real God.

And the true most God's point is that as long as you have enough status, you don't have to pay any membership fees here, and you don't want to pay for it at all. This is not something that can be compared with other clubs.

Of course, that Burke would not do the sale of such a loss. All he had to do was to give members a privileged enjoyment like the emperor. At the same time, he had a few good gambling in the casino, but it was only this one. Success and profit are already a very scary asset.

At the moment, there are at least a hundred people in the casino. Of course, at least half of them are affiliated with members. For example, Du Cheng and Conan are counted as such affiliates.

These people are all famous figures in Paris, France, but here, the base can be described in two words, that is, gamblers.

Like such rich people, there is no concept about money. What they like more is the kind of gambling pleasure, the feeling of success or failure of hundreds of millions of euros.

And many of them like to be in the hall, a group of people get together to make big bets. It is said that the most horrible record of the Shihao Club is a bet of 60 billion euros. In the eyes of anyone, this is all It is an absolute astronomical number.

"Du Cheng, I will see you at night, see if you have any way to take all the money here, and leave it alone."

Vito said that he handed Du Cheng a box of chips.

There are a hundred different chips in different colors and numbers in the whole box, and if such a box of chips is replaced by the euro, it is basically equivalent to one billion euros.

Vito is obviously full of confidence in Du Cheng, and he has an extra box of chips in his hands, and naturally he is planning to join in the fun.

Du Cheng took over the box of chips, and for Vito, he simply smiled and said nothing.

Because at this time, he does not need to say anything at all, what he needs to do is action.

Therefore, the gaze is only a sweep, Du Cheng has already taken the box of chips to the nearest gambling table at 21 o'clock.

Vito is naturally followed. He just wants to join in the fun, and more want to see if Du Cheng’s gambling skills are really as described by Ai Qier.

In a room on the third floor of the Shihao Club, two middle-aged men are lying comfortably on their respective white sands, holding red wine in their hands, and at their lower body, two women with full body are not Stopping and swallowing, there was a burst of buzz.

These two are the most prosperous actresses, but here they are only a tool for these people to vent their baths.

The man on the left is slightly bald and his body shape is slightly blessed. However, the eagle's nose is like a knife, but his round face is somewhat gloomy.

The middle-aged man on the right is a tall and sturdy body. Although he is over 50 years old, his muscles are very solid. The lower body is also very large, and the mouth of the actress is full.

If Vitto is here at the moment, the identity of the two people can be recognized at a glance.

The bald one is the Shaw Shawn of the Shawn consortium, and the big man is Max from the American consortium.

At this moment, the faces of these two people are obviously ugly, and the original insidious face of Burke is full of gloom.

But more, it is still incredible and shocking.

Their eyes are now on the huge LCD screen in front of them, and there is a picture of a gamble playing there.

In the picture, a young man with a few evil smiles on his face is pushing all the chips in front of him. The mountain-like chips make everyone's heartbeat seem to stop at this moment.

Among these people are Burke and Max, especially Burke. His look is even more painful, because the stack of chips into euros should have already exceeded 20 billion euros.

And the most important point is that it is the second person of the Shihao Club, Kreza, who is the second person of the Shihao Club.

Kreza was added halfway, and before that, Du Cheng had already swept all the tables in the entire casino. The other rich people who won the game could only do the blink of an eye. In the end, Du Cheng directly targeted the target. Locked the casino side.

As Du Cheng's chips for each bet's chips increased, the original dealer had already been unable to withstand the heavy pressure, and Kreiza was on the top of the quake.

However, in front of Du Cheng, Kreza, who is known as the gambling god, can only lose even in Lien Chan.

In the twinkling of an eye, Du Cheng’s chips in front of him have reached an astonishing 20 billion euros. At the moment, Du Cheng did not want to push out the two billion euros of chips. Even if Reza is known as a gambling god, he has experienced countless storms in his life. At this moment, he still feels a lot of heavy pressure, and his heartbeat is uncontrollable.

"Bulke, who is this oriental?"

The face of Max was also a little tight. After carefully scrutinizing Du Chen in the picture, some dignified and asked Boer.

From the moment Vititu and Du Cheng’s group entered the casino, they have been paying attention to them.

At first, their energy was on the figure of Vito, and when Du Cheng swept the entire casino with unbeaten record, their attention turned to Du Cheng's body uncontrollably.

"do not know...'

Burke's face was gloomy. He really didn't know Du Cheng's identity, but these seem to be no longer important.

Because Du Cheng’s side is sitting next to him, it’s a smiling figure.

Just looking at this scene, Burk knew that this oriental person must have brought Vital to the market.

In other words, Vitru should have guessed that this assassination was related to his Bourke, otherwise it would not be so recklessly revenge here, and it was still clear that he did not dare to start here. Under the circumstances.

In the dialogue between the two, Du Cheng and Kreza in the picture opened, and Du Cheng defeated Kreiza's 19 points by 20 points. The 20 billion euro chips were directly turned over. Times.

At this time, the Kreza was already a little bloodless, and his gaze was subconsciously looking at the direction of the monitoring probe, apparently asking for help from his Bourke.

"damn it..."

Looking at the mountain directly doubled in front of Du Cheng, Bulke couldn't help but sigh.

Obviously, even if he is a Burke, he can't look at the 40 billion euros and he is won by others. Although the Shawn consortium has a strong capital, it can't afford to make such a toss.

Magnus also took a sigh of relief. After a slight thought, he said directly to Burke: "Bulke, you don't have a master of blood roses in your casino. Let her go to the oriental." ."


Burke nodded slightly, and waved his hand, and waved the two actresses who had been swallowing for a long time. Then they picked up the phone next to them and dialed a number.

After the LCD screen, Kreza seems to have heard what he told, indicating that the Du Cheng gambling will be suspended first.

It can be seen very clearly. After receiving this call, Kreza's look was obviously relaxed, but it was pale because of the heavy pressure.

"Du Cheng, it seems that Buicker wants to use the last move..." inside the casino, Vito said to Du Cheng with some excitement.

He didn't really care about the money. His excitement was just for that feeling, no one could feel the enemy.

Although he knew from Aiqier that Du Cheng’s gambling skills were amazing, this kind of thing only felt real shock when he saw it. However, Vitu was very clear, and all this was just the beginning.

He knows that there is a trump card under Burke, a trump card that is also considered to have the basic gambling skills of God. Only by defeating the other side, this action is truly completed.

"Oh, what is the move?"

Du Cheng smiled slightly. He knew the answer from the eyes of Vitus, but he still asked.

"Blood Rose, a woman who has not lost since she debuted, her gambling skills may not be under you..."

Vito said very positively, although he is very respectful of Du Cheng's gambling skills, but his degree of admiration for the blood rose gambling skills is also inferior.

Du Cheng just smiled and said, "Yes, then I can really see it."

If you switch to someone else, it may be affected, but Du Cheng is different.

How good is the gambling skill, who can imagine the ability to have perspective, and who can be like him can directly calculate all the changes from Xiner.

It can be said that he is almost gambling with a cracker. If he can lose it, then he is not as good as suicide.

Between the two talking, the elevator door of the casino suddenly opened, and then a woman slowly came out from the elevator.

This is a woman who is definitely not over twenty-five years old, and is still a woman with a long-lasting European complexion and black hair. However, Du Cheng can see it at a glance. This woman should be a Chinese-French mixed-race.

Moreover, this method is very beautiful, that is, it has the exquisite facial features and temperament of the East, and has the unique three-dimensional sense of a French woman. It is very beautiful and very beautiful.

The appearance of this woman is undoubtedly like a bright light in the night, suddenly attracting the attention of everyone in the field.

"It seems that she should be the blood rose..."

Du Cheng mouth's smile is more intense, but with the first feeling, he can confirm the identity of this woman.