MTL - Ultimate Martial Divine King-Chapter 1732 Strongest heaven

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It can be said that the sky is sinking and the sky is overshadowed.

The killing bloom, like the flowers blooming at dawn, is stunning and dazzling, striking and shocking.

The smoke rose, and the flames changed.

Feng Yun was angry, and Cang was crying.

Plunder, mourn!

Blood irrigates the soil and infiltrates the earth, as if the whole world was dyed red.

The claws of the Demon Clan's claws tore open the chests of the human race's strong men, gnawing at their viscera, and the red blood poured out dazzling greed between the sharp teeth.

The sharp blade of the human race cuts off the heads of many strange demons and splits their bodies, and the stench is like poisonous splash.


The hearts and beasts of all races, such as the Nine Heavens Void from all sides, the star-making dragon bats, eight wild snakes, and the fierce star nine-winged puppets, are still locked in the seal created by the evil god.

Although the evil **** has hardly participated in the war among the ten races from beginning to end, its existence, like a mountain, is overwhelming.

Especially for the forces on the side of the holy tribe such as Jiuyou, Stars, God's Eyes, Demon Pupils, Dahuang, Devouring, Heavenly Palace, etc., the pressure on the body is magnified infinitely.

Even if they said that they had crossed the mountain of the reincarnation emperor, the giant peak of the evil **** was standing in front of them.

Of course, that's it.

There is no turning back to open the bow.

At this step, all the members of the Holy Alliance can only fight desperately.





The number of God's blood-banning army of evil spirits is overwhelming, and the vast black demon shadows fly over the sky and the world.

The sheer number of advantages and the inferiority of bloodthirsty greed make them inhumane.

The death of a companion not only will not bring them the slightest emotional change, even some strangers will devour the companion's body.

As the fierce melee gradually heated up and broke out, the alien monster army obviously occupied a certain advantage.

Not just a strong human race.

Even the army of monsters became more and more furious when faced with these cruel creatures.



Suddenly, at this moment, a roaring fierce ape roared in all directions.

Long Qingyang, Long Xuanshuang, Qiao Xiaowan and others who were fighting in the blood were startled, and looked at each other, and saw hundreds of strange demons facing the fierce ape of a golden fur.

The giant ape screamed angrily.

The devil's claws were embedded in its flesh like barbs and hung firmly on it.

Even if the giant apes shrugged them off, those fiends would quickly jump up and down like flying flea.

The sharp minions marked a narrow, blood-stained blood mark on the golden giant ape.

Pieces of flesh were torn from the great ape.

Can be described as ants bite more.

Under the bite of many evil spirits, the giant ape became more and more angry, but it seemed helpless.


"little monkey?"

Ye Yao and others were furious.

"The shadowy worms."

Long Qingyang, Qiao Xiaowan and others all had red eyes.

"Go and help it ..." Long Xuanshuang whispered coldly, and wanted to rush towards the direction of the golden giant ape, but the enemies surrounded him like a locust swarm, with their ability It is already very reluctant to hold on to one's own position, and it is impossible to come out to help other battlefields.

Of course, at this moment, the "Ice Emperor" Qingxue, who came with her monkey, was hanging above the void calmly, and she looked calmly at the giant ape besieged by the demons.

In response, everyone frowned.

When everyone was puzzled, I saw Qingxue's body was a very cold ice swirling wind. Then, the thumb fingernail of her left hand was gently passed by the index finger, and then, a drop swayed. Blood dripping from the fingers of Qingxue's blood.

In that drop of blood, there was a strange frost and cold breath.

Slowly like Hong Yu, drifting through the dense group of monsters, finally dripped into the brows of the golden giant ape.

Suddenly, the eyes of the golden great ape suddenly burst into a dazzling light, accompanied by an extremely violent surging gas, a blast of "嗵 ......", I saw the golden great ape as the center, Large strata collapsed.

The wind rises and the clouds change, and Jiuxiao changes color.


The roaring and domineering roar shocked the world, the golden giant ape's arms angered the ground, and a circle of stormy light waves flared in all directions. All the evil spirits hanging on the giant ape were crushed by this terrifying impact. dross.

The ground fissures extended like deep spider webs.

Looking at it from a distance, the giant anger standing between the heavens and the earth multiplied the monstrous anger. Under many trembling eyes, the shoulders of the golden giant ape actually moved their muscles, and then grew stiffly. Two other fierce heads came out.

And under the two heads, two pairs of powerful arms that seemed to contain great strength were born.

"Dangdang ..."

The sound of thunder shook the sky, and the golden ape exhaled an unparalleled sense of destruction as if it were a god.


"Three heads and six arms? Asia, Asiatic Ape."

"How could that be? There are such ancient beasts in the world?"

"Not surprising, after all, even 'evil gods' have come out."


After all, even the "evil god" came out. In comparison, it is not surprising that the little monkey's body is an "agu monkey".

For all the people who gather in the heaven world today, successive changes have made their hearts a little numb.

All that can be done is to kill the sword.


A ancient ape demon, a powerful monster with very ancient blood.

When the little monkey was next to Chu Hen, everyone had suspected the identity of the other person. Although they had not reached a conclusion, they were not too surprised.

After all, from the beginning, the little monkey once showed a very amazing explosive power.



The incarnation of the ancient ape is very fierce, and it looks like another "heart beast", venting a mighty momentum.

Three heads and six arms, eyes in all directions.

Whenever the fiend fell into its hands, it was broken into two pieces, or his head was unscrewed.

The dark green magic blood is like a wanton splashing venom, looking at the golden giant ape with great power, countless people are still shocked.


"It seems that the 'Emperor's Blood of the Emperor's Emperor's blood has helped it achieve a complete physical state!" Mu Fei, the master of the Heavenly Palace, standing on a floating boat, murmured softly.

Of course, Mo Fei's mood has not changed much.

He still had a dignified look at the main battlefield over Tiandao City.

"Why does it feel so bad?"



Sky road over the city.

The reincarnation of the emperor, the four emperors of World War I.

The reincarnation emperor who holds the sky robbery sword has no half-point disadvantage under the joint offensive of facing, stars, Jiuyou, devouring and wasteland.

No matter how fast the four emperors' offensive is and how fast the pace is, it is difficult to prevail.

On the other hand, the battle between the demon Emperor Ji Kang and the reincarnation saint heart beast "corpse god" has also been delayed. Although the Ji Kang demon emperor has obvious suppression, it can be used as the "boss" of the Shifang heart beast The horror of the corpse **** is beyond doubt.

The flames of Emperor Tiantian and Emperor Honghuang were still fighting.

But Emperor Tiantian suffered a certain injury under the combined attack of Emperor Honghuang and Xinshou the Thunder Beast, so that Bai Qianyu and Mo Qingli had to help each other.


"Huh, you all have to die!" At the same time, in a rocky ruin that collapsed on the ridge, the Dragon Blood Emperor, who had been shot down by the wasteland, suddenly opened the pair of erect pupils.

The huge ancient dragon's body moved slowly, his wings shaking off the rubble pressed on his body, and the burning dragon's breath spewed out like lava.


But seeing that the situation is becoming more and more difficult to control, the situation on the part of the Holy Alliance is becoming more and more serious.

"It can't be dragged any longer," the devouring emperor frowned.

The Star Emperor, the Waste Emperor, and the Nine You Emperor are also looking slightly different. Everyone knows that the more they drag on, the more disadvantageous they will be, but there is no chance at all.

"Are you in a hurry?" The indifferent voice of Emperor Reincarnation passed into everyone's ears. He raised his eyes slightly and said very calmly, "But I haven't started seriously ..."

Not serious yet!

Listening to this sentence, everyone was angry.

"Wow ..."

As the words fell, the frosty roar suddenly struck the world.

"It's made of ice, and it's shaped of snow ... It's frozen, earth!"

The hearts of everyone were startled.

I saw the ice emperor Qingxue, who was still on the side of the ancient ape demon one second ago, at this moment actually entered the main battlefield area above Tiandao City.

The overwhelming frost quickly eroded the world.

The lower Tiandao City quickly covered with a thick layer of ice crystals inside and outside.

What is even more amazing is that an unreal banshee like a snow and witch spirit has emerged quietly from the reincarnation emperor.

Snow and ice banshees embraced with arms spreading, and hundreds of millions of snow drifted.

The sky was full of ice and snowflakes, and the space where the reincarnation emperor was frozen seemed to be frozen, and the air flow around it completely sank.

Looking from a distance, the reincarnation emperor looks like a layer of almost transparent ice cage.


"The space is frozen!"

"good chance!"

Seeing this, the four emperors were all in front of them.

"The time is short, hurry up!" Bingdi said coldly.

As the words passed, the Emperor and the Devouring Emperor looked at each other, and they both understood each other's meaning.

"call out!"



The wasteland and the devouring emperor swept left and right, like Yan Fei double roads, flashing on both sides of the reincarnation emperor.




Both screamed loudly.






Along with the tsunami-like storm and tide, the Emperor and the Devouring Emperor are both palms together, and the power of the bloodline bounds the sky into the sky.

A gray mad sand wind column and a black tornado column resemble the reincarnation emperor, just like the two tearing dragons at the end of the sky.

The sky and the earth changed sharply.

For example, thousands of winds and thunder swept the air.

The turbulent whirlwind interwoven by the power of the Great Wild and the power of devouring is like two huge nebula grinding disks that press the sky toward the center.

The space around the reincarnation emperor was crushed directly.

The power of the Wilderness drastically weakened the opponent's defense.

The devouring force plunders the true strength of the opponent.

Under the impact of this double powerful Eucharist, the momentum of the reincarnation emperor was obviously suppressed.


At the same time, the charged offensives of Star Emperor and Jiuyou Emperor came along.

"Star Soul Blade!"


For nine days, thousands of gorgeous meteor beams plummeted like rain.

With the sharp momentum of the air wave being split, the center of the endless beam of light is directly blasting out a sharp shocking blade.

It is like the essence of billions of star souls in the vast universe.

Wherever the giant blade went, the broken space collapsed like a chip.


"Senra's Demon Eye!"


Emperor Jiuyou also shone like a bright moon, and a **** demon's eye exuding a deep icy atmosphere suddenly appeared above her.

Together with the strong rhythm of power, a cold moon-like white frost bloomed in the eyes of the opened Sen Luo Demon.

"嗖 ......" A trembling tremble, a beam of cold white solid beams shot sharply in the eyes of the demon.

The horrible beam of light contains a particularly cold and destructive killing potential, such as the light of death traveling through the vast sky.

Wherever it is, the void is split.


Originating from, the joint offensive of the five peerless powers of the Ice Emperor, the Devouring Emperor, the Waste Emperor, the Star Emperor, and the Jiuyou Emperor is enough to melt everything.

The devastating storm stream injected the reincarnation where the reincarnation emperor was.

The sky is fission.

Qiankun overshadowed.

At this moment, everyone in the room narrowed their eyes, and the tight faces were shaking.





The unprecedented force of terror destruction burst instantly in the sky above Tiandao City. All the strongest offensives from the five emperors were released in one place, all blending in one place, and the heaven and earth seemed to bloom like a bloom. Eye-catching giant lotus.

The ring-shaped winds that swept the sky swept longitudinally, horizontally, and diagonally.

Bafang Nether seemed to be torn and severed by a sharp giant blade.



The bottom of the Tiandao City sinks, and the fierce aftershocks sweep and spread all the way, and the countless building towers in the city instantly turn into dust and dust.


"What a terrible power!"

Everyone opened their eyes.

"Is this the reincarnation emperor able to resist? I can't believe it."

"Absolutely impossible, unless he has really reached the level of the emperor."



Without giving people any time to calm down, the sudden middle of the horrendous force of destruction destroys a burst of majestic waves.

Each of the pupils in this room shrank with faintness.

"Well ..."

The next moment, black shadow wings like giant screens flew out of it.

"Heaven, the return of the war spirit!"

The reincarnation of the reincarnation emperor shook everyone's soul with an overlapping echo.

At this moment, even the black ink-like pupils of the evil **** appeared a few waves.


The giant shadow-like black shadow wings resemble staggered waterfalls, circling the sky, wandering in all directions, and rolling up a mighty mighty attack on the ice emperor, the waste emperor and others.

The faces of the five emperors changed.

Before they could react, the shadows rushed forward.

"Bang bang ..."

A series of dull explosions overlapped with each other, and each shadow exploded with an astonishing shock of terror. The solid halo was empty, and the huge impact was comparable to the power of a meteorite.

The five people who were caught by surprise were directly flew by Juli.

Immediately, the five emperors all landed one after another, the blood in their bodies rose, and the corners of their mouths were overflowing with red blood to varying degrees.

"this is?"

The faces of the five were pale.

On the other hand, the eyes of the Emperor Tiantian, the Emperor Ji Kang, as well as Mu Fei, Yan Fushu, and others were also full of shock.

"that is?"


Qilang frost and dust, all over the world.

The cold frost chilled into the bone marrow.

Everyone's eyes were extremely solemnly staring at the series of black shadow wings.

Immediately, those black shadow wings returned towards the original road, and then fell on the sides behind the reincarnation emperor.

"Om ..."

There were still no obvious injuries.

Still the restless face.

However, the momentum of the reincarnation emperor has been reduced a lot. Obviously, the joint offensive of the five emperors has not failed to make any impact.

The black shadow wings that fell on both sides of the reincarnation emperor gradually transformed into an adult form in the eyes of everyone.

However, looking at those slightly illusive figures, the figures of the emperors shook a bit.

"Here, these fighting spirits are ..." The Emperor Xingchen clenched his hands into fists, his brows frowned tightly.

The features of the illusory figure slowly appear.

Although a bit hazy, the general appearance can still be clearly seen.

One of them had golden eyes, handsomeness and gentleness.

"Bai, Baidi ..." The devouring emperor's voice was shaking.

There is another person, with the purple awns flowing deep in the pupils, the eyebrows swollen, and the domineering extraordinary.

"Immortal pupil Emperor ..."

Another person, burly in shape, three-dimensional features, highlights the magnificent vigor.

"That, isn't it, good fortune, emperor?"



Countless trembling sounds are like the ebb tide that hits everyone's soul.

At this moment, everyone's eyes on the reincarnation emperor were full of deep anger and endless hatred.

"You, you turned them all into‘ War Souls ’?” The Emperor's eyes widened, his knuckles rattled.

Looking at several illusory figures Ling stood beside the reincarnation emperor.

Everyone's heart has an indescribable feeling of suffocation.

Fighting spirit!


The power of reincarnation can keep the remnant soul after the fall of the strong, and retain most of the opponent's power.

As the saying goes, the person in charge of the Tao of Heaven breaks out of the Six Paths and controls reincarnation.

The reincarnation emperor ignores the world like the king who came to the world.

"I have gone through nine rounds of robberies, and heaven is under my control!"

Heaven, I control!

Everyone's heart is like being hit by a heavy hammer.

"Unforgivable, you really are, unforgivable ... Yu God is lonely, you really **** ..." The voice of Emperor Jiuyou was trembling.

She looked sadly at the battle spirit of Baidi.

Of course, the latter's eyes were only empty and without a slight expression.

Bai Qianyu on the other side also had a complex face. After many years, she finally saw her father again, but it was in this suffocating scene.


The people on the demon pupil's holy tribe were also blood-stained in both eyes, biting their teeth.

"Ujin is lonely, you are nothing."

"you are not human."

"What's the difference between you and Mo."


Facing the outrage of everyone, the reincarnation emperor didn't care.

"The wrath of the weak lives only between the tongues ... Today, no one can stop me from taking over the heavens ..."


When the words fell, the Jiuxiao Storm gathered, and I saw the sky above the reincarnation emperor. In addition to the white emperor, the demon pupil, the good fortune and several other black shadows, there was a shadow emitting black light.

When everyone saw the figure, a sense of surrender surrendered to their hearts.

"That's ... God, God's War Soul?"


In everyone's mind, it was like the thunderous thunderbolt that blew the loudest.

Once the war spirit appeared, it was like a star in the night, shining brightly.

Even after ten thousand years of separation, the emperor's persistence is still like a mountain.


Difficult to shock!

Never thought that even the fighting spirit of the Emperor was controlled by the reincarnation emperor.

However, immediately, with countless pairs of trembling eyes, the emperor's war spirit slowly fell to the reincarnation emperor.

Like overlapping images, the emperor's war spirit gradually merged into the body of the reincarnation emperor.

"Heavenly, revive!"


The moment when the two are merged ~ ~ The rising star "suddenly burst into a bright light like the sun, and billions of light pierced the sky between heaven and earth.

A domineering arrogance in charge of the heavenly sky was fully vented on the reincarnation emperor, and the momentum of the other party recovered and surged again, and it directly broke the original limit and reached a higher level.

"I am lonely and the strongest ..."

The golden and purple eyes coexisted with sacred and evil charms, power and strength co-existed, and the lonely eyes of Yushen pierced the sky directly, facing the Lord, the **** of blood banning, evil god.

"I reincarnate the emperor, that is heaven ..."

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