MTL - Ultimate Martial Divine King-Chapter 9 Revenge of the day is doubled

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"Bang!" The sound of the smashing of power continued to circulate from the central high platform. Looking at the fierce confrontation between the two young figures on the platform, everyone's faces changed.

Even though it is Liu family owner Liu Xuan, Ye family owner Ye Qing, Liang family owner Liang Hui, Shao's dean Qingshi, etc., it is difficult to maintain the original calmness.

Ye Yexiu, the young lady of the Ye family, has a calm eye, and her eyes are particularly complex. She looks at the marks of the battle between Liu Xiao and Liu Xiao.

She clearly remembers that three months ago, she saw Chu marks shattered by nine martial arts veins and cut off the tendons and hamstrings.

At that time, Chu marks crawled in the snow and could not even stand up.

It stands to reason that you can no longer practice martial arts in your life.

However, I did not expect that after three months, Chuchen not only reappeared in front of everyone in an unscathed state, but was stronger than ever.

"Brother Chuchen ..." Ye Yaoyin's teeth under the field bit his red lips lightly, and her mind was mixed.

She not only has the joy after Chu Hen's return, but also worrys that the other party will be hurt by Liu Xiao again ... but more is that she can no longer face the relationship between Chu Hen and her sister Ye You as before.

Although Chu Hen came to Ye's house today, he never looked at Ye You from beginning to end.

From the previous performances of Ye You, Ye Yao seems to understand that for whatever reason, her sister and Chu Hen can never return to the previous state.

"Boom!" "嗵!" ... Chu Chen and Liu Xiao's confrontation can be described as the sparks of Mars, both of whom are the four geniuses of Shao Zong Academy.

如今 Now, they are just enemies.

"咻!" Chu Hen walking the Beidou Qixingbu downstream, each offensive was very effective.

If the opponent is not Liu Xiao, I am afraid that he has already lost to Chu Hen.

Even so, under the continuous offensive of Chu Hen, Liu Xiao gradually showed his defeat.

"Is that the Beidou body method?" Li Gu, a teacher of Emperor Fengfu's house sitting on the wide chair, narrowed his eyes and murmured to himself.

After a brief thought, Xu shook his head again, "No, this kid's body is more flexible than the Beidou body.

How could such a talent be expelled from the Shaw Academy? "Li Ligu glanced briefly at the Qingshi Dean beside him, then he just stared at the countertop and didn't notice the former.

... "Hmm, I didn't expect you to be stronger. It seems that General's Mansion has not wasted elixir on you in the past three months!" Liu Xiao sarcastically greeted Chu Chu's offensive.

"I said, the accident is still behind.

Chu Chen's eyes spewed two cold lights, and the power of Zhenyuan, which was not inferior to Liu Xiao, suddenly burst out.

The faces of the people below him changed, and a voice of astonishment came from the crowd.

"The seventh level of Kaimai, he even broke through!" Everyone around him came to understand, no wonder Chu marks can push Liu Xiao to such a degree, no wonder he was able to hit Weitong, a sixfold Weikai with one punch ... Chu Chen has opened up the seventh martial arts.

Suddenly, Chu Hen's attack was under the rain, and he continuously attacked Liu Xiao's body.

"Bang!" Liu Xiao, who was caught by surprise, was backed up again and again by the shock.

"I said, today I'm going to strip your skin off.

"The air flow on the countertop became particularly chaotic following Chu Chen's offensive.

Tamarix raged in anger and was angry.

Suddenly the great intention of killing suddenly startled. Suddenly, the power of the true element in Liu Xiao's body became surging and turbulent, and the cold eyes flashed with vicious intention.

"Disabled things, you can't win me, today I will teach you no place to die.

"" Boom! "The next moment, Liu Xiao rushed out immediately, and the surging power of the true Yuan was continuously gathered in his right palm, but everyone in the field could clearly see the surging power of the palm.

"Brother Liu Xiao is about to end the battle.

"" Chu marks will certainly die.

"Yeah ... Tao Liu Xiao came fiercely, and the fierce palm strength caused a wave of chaos on the table.

"Go to death!" "Open the palm of the mountain!" 在 At the same time as this horrible blow fell, Chu Chen's body was also shocked by a strong force turbulence, a steady stream of true power gathered On the right fist.

The restless power wave is like the dark tide in the deep water.

"Seven Kills Dark 罡 Fist!" "Boom!" Fist palms intersect, a mess of true elemental power bursts on the table, and a severe aftershock impact makes the table crack.

With the spread of an invisible air wave spreading out, everyone's expected scene of Chu Chen's defeat did not appear. I saw that both of them went backwards.

Wu Chuhen took five steps to stop, but Liu Xiao took seven steps to stabilize her figure.

The people around Luan were more and more frightened. Obviously, this time, Chu Chen had the upper hand again.

"Fuck the crippled thing ..." Liu Xiao clenched his fists, his eyes spitting fire.

As the genius of Shao Zong Academy, he failed to take any advantage from beginning to end, which made him intolerable.

"Master Ben is going to let you die today.

"Chu Chuchen looked at the other person coldly, and there was a disdain in the corners of his mouth." Did the dog jump over the wall? " " "shut up! "Liu Xiao screamed angrily.

"Buzz ..." The next moment, a fierce and powerful violent gas suddenly rose from Liu Xiao's body, a strong air flow permeated the table, and a layer of bright golden luster suddenly covered Liu Xiao. In vitro.

"Roar ..." Yan Liuxiao made a low roaring sound similar to a lion in his throat. In a pair of eyes full of wonder, his limbs and arms became thick-a circle, even the clothes on his body were supported. Break it open.

I felt the anger of the radon exuding from Liu Xiao's body, and everyone in the field was discolored.

"Lion force body, Brother Liu Xiao is really angry.

"" Released the lion force body, Brother Liu Xiao can open up the eighth stage of the battle, Chu mark is now dead.

"" The first day of Shao Zong was not in vain.

"Yeah ... East Liu Xiaohun's body exudes a fierce beast-like atmosphere, and the eyes staring at the bloodthirsty light stare at the Chu mark in front of him.

"It's over, the disability!" "Roar!" Together with a mighty roar of a lion, Liu Xiao flashed away from the spot instantly, and rushed towards Chu mark more than twice as fast as usual.

In this short movement time, the rich golden light quickly gathered in front of Liu Xiao's body, and in an instant, a ghostly lion head stunned into the sight of everyone.

The cold blast of slaying swept the audience.

The mule lion head was violently threatening.

柳 This Liu Xiaoda has the momentum to kill Chu marks on the spot.

"Huh!" When everyone thought that the Chu mark was bound to die, there was a scorn of contempt on the other's face, and the dark eyes became deep and sharp.

Suddenly, Chu Chen's figure moved forward, and he dared to confront him without fear.

"Buzz ..." A violent wave of power surged from Chu Chen's body, and a dark, dark light quickly climbed into Chu Chen's right fist.

The restless black light is like the magic flame extracted from Jiuyou Difu.

"That's it?" Everyone around him was surprised, and Li Gu, Qingshi, Ye Qing, Liu Xuan, etc. who were on the stands frowned.

Everyone can clearly observe that Chu Chen's power is not weaker than Liu Xiao.

"Boom!" Without any extra thinking time, under the countless double-stricken eyes of the audience, Chu Hen ’s fist wrapped with black light was sturdy and shocked with the golden lion head shadow.

The fierce force burst on the table, and the table in the middle of the two immediately cracked a dozen gaps. More amazing scenes followed.

"Bang!" In an unbelievable pair of eyes, the ghost of the lion that Liu Xiao condensed suddenly burst into pieces.

The golden shards splashed wantonly, and Chu Hen's boxing strength was like breaking bamboo, setting off a powerful impact on Liu Xiao's chest.

what? Tadpoles' pupils shrank to the size of a pinpoint, and the endless panic suddenly covered the entire face.

"Boom!" With a particularly heavy explosion, Liu Quan's fist broke down, Liu Xiao's body shook violently, the sternum was cracked, the internal organs were shifted, and the blood flow of the whole body became rapid.

Tamarix spit blood and planted his body backwards.

On the countertop, the Liu family head, Ye family head, and Shao Zong could not help but stand up from their positions.

"How can this **** become so powerful?" Dean Shaozong could not help but yelled.

悠 Ye Youxiu, the young lady of the Ye family, frowned, her eyes full of complexity.

Ye Yao off the field was pleasantly surprised, a pair of big eyes full of bright light.

... "咻!" Do not wait for everyone in the audience to calm down from shock, Chu marks instantly disappeared in place, leaping in shape, flashing directly to the upper area of ​​Liu Xiao.

骁 Liu Xiao, who had no time to react at all, was full of confusion.

"Hey, do you know how scared?" Chu Hen sneered.

"Bang!" Chu Hen turned over and struck a heavy leg on the opponent's chest.

"嗵!" Tadpole Liu smashed on the table sturdyly, the dust was flying, the rocks were splattered, and the large and small stones were like a group of moths that were startled.

After a series of heavy blows, Liu Xiao directly lost the power to fight back, and the scarlet blood continued to spray from his mouth.

The whole Ye family was dead and silent, and everyone's face was full of horror.

Yan Liuxiao lost! The heads of the four geniuses of Wu Shaozong College lost.

Tong Mingming Three months ago, Chu Hen and Liu Xiao were not in the same grade.

If it weren't for your own eyes, no one here would believe what happened.

"Cough ..." Liu Xiao kept coughing and bleeding in his mouth.

Chu Chuchen looked at the other person coldly, and she cried, "Why frame me?" Why did you frame me?一 As soon as this remark was made, all the people present were all embarrassed.

what's the situation? Why did Chu Chuhen ask such a question? "Oh, ha ha ..." Liu Xiao's face had a fierce smile, and even though he was hit hard, he still looked down on Chu marks.

"You, what? I listen, I can't ..." "Boom!" Liu Xiao hasn't finished speaking yet, but Chu Hen is holding the other person's throat and stiffly pitting it from the ground. It was raised.

Liu Xiao's feet broke off from the ground, Chu marks around the other person's throat, his eyes became colder, "Ask me again, why do you frame me?" 住 "Stop!" Liu Liu, the owner of Liu, was angry and himself His son was so humiliated in person, it was intolerable.

Chu Chuhen sneered and shouted, "Master Liu, your son just said that when you went to this high platform, life and death depend on the sky. No one should interfere.

Are you-mom-deaf? I don't have any feelings about Chu Chen for these two fathers and sons, and he doesn't humiliate his face at all.

I was so insulted, Liu Xuan's complexion was iron-blue.

Ye Ye Qing frowned and said in a deep voice, "Chu Hen, you have won the game, let go of Liu Xiao.

"However, Chu Chen was unmoved, staring at Liu Xiao in front of him like a sharp blade," Lao Tzu asked you again at last, why did you frame me? Say! "I said! My sharp words are irresistible.

Qiu Liuxiao was startled, and while struggling, she said hard, "Hey, hey, why are you framed, you, then you have to ask the woman you like ..." The woman you like? Everyone here is doing nothing 怔, countless eyes were involuntarily swept towards Miss Ye's Ye You.

Many people in the Shao Zong Academy know that Chu Chen and Ye You walked very close before. It is no secret that Chu Chen likes each other ~ ~ Women like?楚 For Chu Hen, she should be a woman she once liked.

I received everyone's different eyes, Ye You's expression was a little uncomfortable, but she soon recovered calmness.

"Why?" Chu Hen asked coldly.

"I don't know what you're talking about?" Ye You's eyes were completely indifferent, the same eyes that looked at Chu marks in the snow-covered snow three months ago.

"Hey, hey ..." Liu Xiao laughed, and the laughter was full of ridicule. Although he was choked by Chu mark's throat at this moment, on this occasion, he thought that Chu mark was afraid to take him.

"Being, crippled by a woman, hahaha ..." "Buzz!" Liu Xiao's laughter was still in his throat, and two sharp lights were abruptly pulled out of Chu Chen's eyes.

The next moment, Chu Hen's arm was a force, and Liu Xiao was directly referred to the air, and the endless killings rose, "I asked you to close your dog's mouth.

"Well, stink boy, dare you?" "The head of the Liu family, Liu Xuan, changed his face suddenly, yelling loudly, said.

Suddenly, Chu Chen was as if he hadn't heard it. The black light surged into the boxer again. When Liu Xiao reached the highest point in the air and started to fall, Chu Chen punched him in the opponent's belly.

"Revenge of the day, double repayment!" Powerful boxing power poured into Liu Xiao's body like an undercurrent, directly attacking each other's major meridians.

"Bang!" The dull explosion exploded in Liu Xiao's body, and the pupils of the latter were about to crack, and the scream of scream echoed from his mouth.

The next moment, under the eyes of countless double shocks, Liu Xiao's wrists and ankles suddenly burst.

The warm blood splatters like a fountain.

This punch directly shattered the major meridians in the body of Liu Xiao and the tendons and hamstrings.

Ruthless, really ruthless!仇 Revenge of the day!