MTL - Undead Farm-Chapter 431 Vortex torrent

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"Really? Then you can explain to me why the logistic unit of the Centaur who keeps the arrows behind has so much meals, and it is covered with a big robe every day, never face people?"

The Centaur chief's face changed: "Smelly girl, you ..."

"At this time you are still hiding privately ?!" White Fox waved his long claws and made a fierce stroke on the wooden table.

"I don't care if the hippopotamus is a horse or not, but the group of guys that are comparable to the city walls, but at present, apart from the elite races, the guys that are most suitable for blocking human cavalry. Now, I order you to immediately bring all hippos to the front line. I direct! Do you understand? "

The Centaur patriarch was trying to stiffen his mouth, but felt his shoulders sink, and saw a man with a black face and long ears standing behind him, pressing him firmly.

"It's so rude to the lady, but it's a bad habit! Since the pretty emperor let us listen to her, why don't you listen? Or ..."

杜 "Dubin? When did you come out ..." Everyone was shocked.

It was Dubin, the canine patriarch, who held down the centaur patriarch, but because he was a determined savage, he was suppressed after being in power and was put in a beast cell.

犬 Even the dogs have been reduced to the status of their vassal idyllic dogheads, so everyone would be so surprised to appear here.

即使 But even then, no one dares to despise this man with a black bat face.

According to rumors, he is a terrible guy who can fight alone with the three lion tiger bears without losing the wind. Only because the average strength of the ethnic group can not keep up, he is only rated as elite, after the Thai ranks. It was degraded into a conventional army.

Since then, there is an additional army in the conventional army that is not incompatible with everyone. Others have not provoked them too much. Before that, a soft egg guy called Golden Retriever came forward to command. I did not expect that Dubin actually appeared again today!

"The pretty emperor let me see everyone, have you listened to Ms. Bai well, I won't take care of the rest, everyone will continue."

宾 Dubin's words are soft, but his face is always rigid, so that everyone dare not pant loudly.

This guy, but the three handsome one-level guy!

"Since it means the imperial emperor and the Du patriarch, so let's do it! Durad, you quickly get those hippos to come up, let's do a big ticket!" The patriarch of the head of the bull head smiled round the road.

Centaur Patriarch Durard gave a deep glance at the white fox, snorted and stepped out.

还有 "There are still a few of you. Next, I will arrange your tasks, rest assured, you don't need you to manipulate as complicated as the other party, only this ..."

As the orcs started preparing, a woman in the camp on the human side watched the situation quietly.

"General Tang, this is the seventeenth piercing, and even the horses have changed ten batches. Can you let the brethren take a break, and I'll be surprised if I rush down!"

A man with a bandage on his shoulder snorted coldly: "Have a rest? Our cavalry regiment can take away more than 100,000 Orc trash. Can you defend the city be jealous?"

Tang Xiaowan's eyes stared: "San brother!"

The injured man grinned: "Okay, I don't talk, my sister said you can hit me if you hit me!"

It turned out that he was the third son of Nan Wang, Tang Laimei, and besides him, the other five princes of the Tang family also joined the war.

King Tang sits behind the town, but the coach is the army **** Tang Wujie, which is the father of King Tang.

The Great Prince, the Three Princes, the Four Princes, and the Five Princes joined the Cavalry Corps and cooperated with Tang Xiaowan to conduct battles under the city.

Prince Erji and Prince Liu were not good at horse battles, so they arranged other tasks. This is why the generals were able to obey Tang Xiaowan's orders so quickly:

One is the aura of Grandpa, and the other is that his brothers are killed in the front line. This little girl ca n’t make fun of her relatives, right? !!

Tang Xiaowan frowned slightly as she watched the situation on the battlefield.

Although magic war chess can intuitively obtain the layout of the enemy from the air due to the detective mage, this is one of the reasons why humans are strategically ahead of the orcs.

Although there haven't been any major changes on this chessboard, from the beginning, Tang Xiaowan has always felt a little uneasy in her heart, but she hasn't found anything wrong.

"It seems that the response of the orcs has not changed. This coordination completely cannot resist the circular torrent of our cavalry. Even if the cavalry can't wave their weapons, as long as the horse can run, the impact can let the orcs Stomp yourself, but what's going on in this anxiety? "

The so-called round array torrent is also a method of battle currently used by Tang Xiaowan.

Under her precise command, the half a million cavalry is like a whirlpool, which continuously cuts and separates the orc's troops, but she can't kill many people by slashing. Her most subtle part of the warfare is On the word torrent!

Each cavalry team that followed the charge will deviate slightly from the previous team's charge angle. This small difference will not make the front team's forward useless, and cause subsequent units to charge hard.

Even more subtle is that this allows those orcs who meet directly to unconsciously dodge in the direction she designed.

In the beginning, it may be just one step back to the left by one person, but later it will be chained so that everyone has to go left.

But the orc's body is not water or sand ~ ~ You said that the people behind you can retreat along with it, which led to the orcs who resisted as the cavalry charged. Come together

Tatars trample on people, beasts trample on beasts, and the number of orcs who have been trampled on these days is even more than that hacked by cavalry!

This is the power of this warfare in large wars! But that's not enough!

Tang Xiaowan glanced at the chessboard:

"Brother, what did the mage army say?"

Tang Laimei shrugged: "They said that they can launch an attack at any time, but if we can drill three more times, those little rabbits are expected to accumulate more densely and even affect the actions of other elite orcs.

"By then, the results of the large-scale spells of the Masters will be greater!"

The general on the side of his side dumbfounded his tongue while listening.

Is this the world of big brothers?

A cavalry piercing can actually play flowers, chain by chain, even more frightening is that this last link turned out to be the idea of ​​bringing together orc troops, and then annihilate in one fell swoop!

Is the granddaughter of the army **** so terrible? !!

Tang Xiaowan looked at the chessboard and calculated it silently.

If you are attacking now, you will probably only be able to hurt the orc's gray-tailed rabbits and some ordinary ethnic groups. There will be no damage to the elite's elite troops, that is to say ...

Hitting is also a hit!

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