MTL - Undead Farm-Chapter 450 Vampire's Voucher

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"Cut, it's seen through!"

Yan Yesan secretly defamated. He would have secretly sold some orcs to the orcs. Although the other party didn't have much gold coins, he was a big empire.

But now that it has been put on the table, it is naturally not good to do it again.

"That's natural, we are allies! How can I be an enemy?" Ye San smiled even more.

不过 "But in terms of price ..."

"The price is good. Now that the food is expensive, naturally I will not let you suffer, not to mention that the gold cannot be eaten, and it is useless to keep it."

"That's good, I'll go back and prepare ..." Ye San was relieved.

Gold is indeed inedible, and its strength is not suitable for casting weapons, but this thing is one of the important resources required by the system.

But more crucially, in the battle of Tian Jianfeng, among the loot he got from the dwarves, he faintly guessed why the system needed gold ...

Super ductility can allow a little bit of gold to be hammered into a thin and large plane. If it is superb, it can even be turned into an atomic slice!

And it is quite stable, with strong physical and chemical stability. Some elements made by dwarves rely heavily on gold, which is why so much gold is stored in their treasure house.

You know, the technology level of the dwarves has actually touched the threshold for the use of electrification. At any time, it may be under a certain brain hole, and they will be made electronic.

Of course, they are now following a combination of magic and technology, combining the combined products of magic theory, runes, mechanics and materials science: the magic cannon and the Titan cannon are the proof.

So gold is both a currency and a very useful mineral. The system needs gold coins, which should also be used to stimulate certain unnatural phenomena.

In essence, it should have the same effect as the corpse and soul energy.

"Anyway, now I have money again, and the seventh floor should be lit!"

The next night, after returning to the empty island, Kayuo explained that Kainuo was responsible for docking the food trade with the human side, and then plunged into the kingdom of bite.

Relying on the money from Huyou and extortion, plus the pile of gold in the dwarf's treasure house, now Ye Sangeng's gold coins are enough for him to raise all the buildings again.

But the most important thing is that the technology in the graveyard school can be lit!

The first point is the limit on the number of buildings to allow food production to run more efficiently, and the second is to improve building effects, such as eliminating training time, shortening crop maturity, and increasing the interval between livestock production.

After finishing this, Ye Sangeng still has enough money to allow him to build the seventh floor, because there is only one building on this floor:

[Capsule Coffin Hotel] Each undead wants to have his own coffin and grave, but most of them have no money. So a bankrupt nobleman had an idea and opened a capsule coffin hotel to house dead souls who had nowhere to rest for an hour. It was ... a fatal kiss!

Zan's corpse placed in the coffin will be affected by the vampire kiss one hour later. There is a 50% chance to alienate to a vampire minion, a 50% chance to produce an unconscious ghoul, and a vampire minion created by a creature has a 100% chance.

"It costs 100,000 gold coins ?! But I can still afford it!"

Ye Yesan gritted his teeth, and threw the gold coins in an air, and a familiar hunk was repaired by the undead builders.

The rafter house is about ten meters long and wide. A worn hotel signboard outside the house door is pushed open with a squeak. You can immediately see the three rows of coffins arranged neatly in the house.

大概 Each row is about five, three rows are exactly fifteen coffins, and then Ye San walks around the house.

没 "Gone? My vampire ?!"

100,000 gold coins are twenty times more expensive than the most expensive building before, and according to the system description, it is obvious that a vampire needs to kiss those corpses to transform the corpses, so it is so easy to pay more at night.

That's a vampire!

But now that he hasn't found the house after finding it, isn't he pitted?

等等 "Wait, what is this?"

Sui Yesan even suddenly found that a coffin in the center of the room was slightly different. The coffin was opened, so he took a closer look and suddenly found that there was a strange false tooth in the empty coffin.

假 This pair of dentures has two sharp fangs, and Ye San has a glance at it:

[Vampire's Voucher] With this object, a creature can be transformed into an immortal vampire, giving it the ability to hold it for the first time.


Yan Yesan cursed even more, and had to let him make the first vampire himself.

But ...

"I'm not old ... I don't know how many people are rushing to ask, if the Pope is facing this thing, I don't know if he can't bear it ..."

I shook my head and Ye San took care of the dentures more carefully.

He hasn't thought about the current candidate, but what he needs to do on the side of the undead soldiers is to continue to raise his puppets and get a group of sharp soldiers.

Thought of this, Ye San looked more behind him.

There, more than a hundred souls flashing undead were staring at him.

"Are you ready? The next alien world captured by me will soon be merged. Before that, you guys will give me a cool shot! Upgrade!"


Among the undead with flashing eyes, the one standing in front is a figure www ~ ~ The old man riding a bull with a sword box on his back, and beside him, there are two broken-arm skulls ...

While the food on the empty island continued to be transported outward, the orcs seemed to be unable to sit still.

"These dreadful dragons! Even if you eat the Yuzu, now you have driven the empty island to the human side, it will not be easy to beat!" The orangutan king patted his chest fiercely.

"Of course it's not good to fight with your head, we might as well ask the military division what method? Military division?"

The foxwoman Bai Anu raised her head and looked at the frosty beasts in the tent, her brows frowned slightly.

她 Since she devoured the main force of the human cavalry with a plan, these guys were willing to really obey the orders of Mantae, but this was limited to things that would not affect their fundamental interests.

If the order was given to the elite beast like commanding the gray-tailed rabbit as a cannon fodder, she might have to account for the order before a large account was issued.

This is exactly where she has a headache.

Regardless of the number of troops or the strength of the strong beasts, almost all of them can surpass human beings. If we maintain the unity of people, the war will be over.

But unfortunately, these guys are all born with their own ills.

"Old rules, keep pushing forward." Bai Anu looked coldly at the crowd.

"The troops on the other side's front line are almost out of support. The most urgent thing is probably them!"

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