MTL - Under the Tutelage of the Golden Lion: The Beginning of the Overlord-Chapter 19

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"Yes, didn't I say that I have been studying with an old man for the past two years. Kendo and domineering are all taught by him."

Shane said casually.

It is true that after the golden lion's teaching, and then with his efforts, and systematic check-in, he has grown to this point.

"If you want to learn, we can teach you. After all, it is the captain's responsibility to increase the strength of the crew!"

"Damn, then teach me!"

Ace gritted his teeth, wanting to resist.

But looking back on the scene just now, I finally gave in.

Shane smiled lightly, then looked at Nami.

"Armed and domineering, it has the effect of touching the body of the natural system, but it will not invalidate the fruit ability. As long as you can dodge in advance, you can avoid domineering attacks!"

After receiving Shane's prompt, Nami sharpened her knife and walked towards Ace.

She raised her small fist and asked fiercely, "Did you see the domineering cover on my fist?"

"Look, it looks like a gas!"

Ace looked over in surprise, a look of surprise on his freckled cheeks.

Just when he wanted to take a closer look, his fist suddenly dropped.

dong dong dong —

Every punch fell firmly, and Ace grinned in pain and jumped immediately.

"You're revenge!" he shouted, clutching his bulging head.

"Of course I'm taking revenge. If we didn't find out in time, you'd be ready to be captured by the Navy."

Nami's anger still remained, and she taught a motherly lesson.

You must know that in the original straw hat group, Nami, who went to sea at a young age, does have the ability to coordinate a ship's affairs.

Noisy for a while.

Shane explained domineering theoretical knowledge and training methods to Ace, and Ace started self-study while taking the helm.

Nami, on the other hand, returned to the cabin and began to draw a nautical chart during this period.

Although I took the nautical chart of this world from the Flying Sky Pirates, because the golden lions are high and high, the detailed information of many islands is not marked, and Nami has to fill in the blank of this point.

Xia En sat back on the bow of the boat, seeing that it would take some time before he entered the Upside Down Mountain, so he first used the 'washing marrow and cutting hair' pill to enhance his physique.

This kind of medicinal pill is several times stronger than the body refining pill.

Shane is also taking it for the first time.

However, he was very confident in his physique, so he meditated directly in his heart.

"System, give me three 'washing marrow and cutting hair' pills to try out!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host, the use is successful!"

Accompanied by the system's beep.

Xia En's face changed drastically, and a boundless force was instantly released from his body and charged towards his limbs and bones.

"This medicine is too powerful!"

Leaving this sentence, he closed his eyes and fell directly from the bow to the deck, making a muffled sound.

Ace who alerted the direction of the rudder.

And Nami, who painted the cabin, immediately came out.

"Aha, it's alright, he'll just sleep!" Nami glanced at it, and then returned to the cabin carelessly.

If the drug is too powerful, the body cannot digest it for a while, and it will cause severe pain. In order to protect the body, the brain will carry out a coma self-protection mechanism.

Shane is like that now.

After all, Nami had tried it before, so she was very familiar with it.

Only Ace was left dumbfounded, completely unaware of what was going on.

"That's the lighthouse, the entrance to the great route has arrived!"

However, Ace didn't have time to digest, and then the ship swayed violently, the white mist in front of him filled the air, and the sea water that was flowing upstream was faintly visible, continuing to run towards the mountain.

The next moment, the whole ship flew away like an arrow, driven by the countercurrent seawater.


And the town of Rogue at this time.

As the navy suffered a major blow, the entire town and residents were in a panic.

It was not until the arrival of a dog-headed warship that the confusion subsided a little.

"Mr. Karp, that Shane, how much do you know about him?"

Under the doctor's bandage, Smog, who had already treated the wound, sat in a wooden box and looked at the burly Garp with a lonely expression, and said with a wry smile: "That guy doesn't look like a rookie pirate!"

"Even if it's a famous pirate for a long time, I won't doubt it!"

"Ahahaha, I don't know him at all, but I can see from the evil dragon's territory that this guy has a terrible domineering power!"

Garp said with a grin as he ate senbei.

"Domineering? Is it domineering?"


"Actually, it's not just the domineering tyrant, he also has a strong armed arrogance!"

Having said that, Smog lowered his head slightly, looking at the chest that was almost split open, his eyes still had lingering fears.

"Oh, that's really a little monster!" Karp nodded casually as he ate snacks.

"Also, he's using a double-knife flow!"

"What else does this kid do?"

"No, it's just that I can't imagine that the monster Fire Fist Ace will actually become his gang!"

"Ace? Hahaha, this kid is also a monster!"

"Yeah, that's why I don't understand how he got on Shane's boat!"

"Oh, it's Ace..."

The voice stopped abruptly.

(Fiction sharing group: 822476505)

The senbei that Karp handed to his mouth didn't put it in his mouth, and the whole person's expression gradually turned into shock and astonishment.

After three seconds.

"What did you say, Ace and that Shane walked together?"

Garp jumped up violently, like a volcano erupting, spewing out a fierce breath.

"Yeah, they also destroyed the execution platform where One Piece was executed!"

Smoker frowned.

This sentence suddenly made the furious Garp calm down in an instant, and complex colors flowed in his eyes.

Then, without saying a word, he turned and walked towards the pier.

It seems calm, but everyone present can see that Lieutenant General Garp seems to have a volcano brewing in his body that will erupt at any time.

"The old man left first, Smog, if you want to go back to the headquarters, I can help you and tell the Warring States period!"

Going to the pier, Karp stopped and asked without looking back.

"Thank you in advance, Mr. Karp!"

Smoker, who was smoking a cigar, laughed.

He failed to prevent the pirates from entering the great route, and was completely defeated. He was shameless and continued to vacation here in the East China Sea.


Only by becoming stronger can you execute the justice in your heart.

"Mr. Smallg, please let me go too!"

Dasqi, who was holding a long sword beside him, said with a firm face.

She wants to become stronger.

Strong enough to make that man draw his sword! !


PS: Thank you for the reward of [The Catastrophe], and thank you for your support of flowers and tickets, thank you all! .

Chapter 25: The Recruitment Plan of the World Government (3 more)


The hull swayed and jolted and almost threw Shane out several times. Fortunately, Ace caught him and pulled him back.

After experiencing the ocean current up the mountain, it finally swooped from the height of the clouds towards the sea entrance below.

The whole ship almost flew up against the galloping current.

"Hey! Is this the great route?"

The gust of wind was blowing, and Ace firmly held the direction of the rudder with both hands. He didn't dare to relax for a moment, and his eyes were full of shock as he looked at the natural wonder in front of him.

"Where is this going? The chaotic magnetic field in the second half is the most terrifying!"

Nami pulled the tucked canvas rope, although she tried her best to look like she had seen the world.

But the fear in her eyes betrayed her heart early.

Going down from the peak of the clouds, this world is also an adventure that only very few people can experience.

"The surrounding clouds are starting to thin!"

At this time, Ace noticed the changes in the surroundings and couldn't help but scream.

"Is it going into the sea?"

"Yes, there are seven islands at the entrance of the great route. No matter which island you start from, you will eventually reach the end!"

Nami scoured her mind and quickly explained the navigational knowledge she had gained from the Air Pirates.

Pirates who can enter the great route are all players with a combination of luck and strength.

You must know that Creek, the overlord of the East China Sea in the original novel, lost half of his troops before he even set foot on the Great Route, and finally encountered Hawkeye who came to the East China Sea for vacation, and it was not over until he reached the restaurant on the sea.

"Hey, hey, Nami, is that thing in front normal?"

At this time, Ace, who was at the helm, changed his expression drastically, and shouted while pointing to the sea outlet ahead.

"What ah ah ah... is that a whale?"

Nami, who had come to her senses, followed the voice and looked over, and her frightened soul went out of her body.

Passing through the mist-filled waterway, what came into view was a black whale that was huge enough to block the waterway. It stood upright and exposed half of its body, as if a mountain suddenly stood up from the sea, full of shocking sight. .

Even if she had seen the large beasts on the floating island, Nami was deeply shocked by the sight in front of her.

Not to mention, Ace opened his mouth wide and his face turned green.


The gust of wind came, and the speed of the ship was under the action of gravity, like an arrow, and could not stop at all.

100 meters!

Half the body of the huge whale blocked the way.

Seeing that, it is about to collide, and it will end in a shipwreck.