MTL - Under the Tutelage of the Golden Lion: The Beginning of the Overlord-Chapter 215

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I saw that the surface of Sengoku's body at this time was filled with a lot of scars, one of Akainu's arms had disappeared, and one of the legs of Admiral Aokiji had also disappeared.

On the other side, Admiral Kizaru looked dazed as a whole, as if he would fall directly on the ground at any time.

Under the siege of the navy's top combat power, Shane's body was also covered with a lot of scars.

Even the blood inside Xia En's body had already flowed out.

Under this circumstance, relying on Shane's strong physical quality, the blood in the body rapidly regenerates B.

Chapter 289: Purple sun, ultimate power

4563 [Lan Tian] 48770

If someone has the ability to make the corresponding statistics, then a very surprising result can be obtained.

That is if all the blood in Shane's body is collected.

The total amount of blood can directly reach more than three times the existing blood in Shane's body.

Under such circumstances, the hearts of the three generals of the Warring States Period and the Navy actually had a little despair.

They also gained many opportunities to attack Shane after paying a huge price, even giving up part of their body.

However, even so, they couldn't completely kill Shane at all.

They simply didn't understand why Shane was like an unbeatable little guy who could stand on the battlefield forever.

Admiral Warring States and the three major admirals of the navy did not know that if the four of them began to surround "Three Seven Zero" and attack Shane, then the arrival of many navies on the entire battlefield would not be able to resist the offensive pace of the Pirates of God. .

However, they had no choice.

Because if Shane suddenly joins the battlefield, he can also use his powerful combat power to form an extremely terrifying raging effect on the battlefield.

Originally, the four of them wanted to concentrate all their strength, completely kill Shane, and then completely end the battle.

However, the strength shown by Shane made them completely desperate.

When they found that the four together could not kill or even defeat Shane, they understood that there was no suspense in this battle.

Under such circumstances, a bright smile appeared on Shane's face.

Although the Warring States period and the three admirals of the navy remained silent, this just proved that their hearts were not as firm as they had always been to the idea they had always adhered to.

Perhaps there is a reason why the world government completely abandoned their navy, but more because? The Warring States and others also extremely disapprove of the so-called concept of the supreme and noble descendants of the so-called Tianlong people.

"After all, the four of you are the characters who lead the entire era. At the last moment of this battle, let's show you what true power is!"

hum! !

Under the extremely numb eyes of several people, Xia En's body began to slowly vacate, and came directly under the purple sun in the upper half of the sky.

Then, Xia En's right hand slowly opened, and the rich purple light frantically gathered towards Xia En's right hand.

In the end, this group of rays of light seemed to completely gather a lot of sunlight emitted by the sun, but the sunlight was completely purple.

At this time, a look of horror flashed across Zhan Guo's face, and he couldn't help but said, "What does this guy want to do?"

The corners of the mouths of the three naval admirals on the side couldn't help twitching, and they had gradually guessed what Xia En was thinking.

And the faces of everyone watching the live broadcast also showed a look of extreme horror.

At this time, Shane's right hand slowly moved forward.

Then, in the sight of everyone, I saw the huge sun hanging above the sky and falling towards the bottom at a fast speed.

At this moment, the extreme purple light completely filled the entire island.

On the island, the sporadic battles that were still going on, the two sides also deliberately shut down.

Everyone on the battlefield turned their attention to the huge purple sun.

"Has the sun gone down?"

The faces of the people watching the live broadcast were full of shock.

"What the **** is going on? Am I dazzled?"

"Is this also an attack from this guy? How on earth did he do it?"

"It's light, this guy gathered a lot of sunlight, and combined with the powerful energy inside his own body, he directly created a terrifying energy group that was as dazzling as the sun's rays."

The well-informed people quickly judged the operation mode of Xia En's energy, but this mode of operation only exists in the concept.

If anyone wants to try it, I'm afraid it's a fool's dream.

"Warring States, Akainu, Aokiji, Kizaru, you don't understand how weak you are!"

hum! !

The ultimate purple light completely filled the entire battlefield.

Then, I saw the four people in the Warring States below burst out with a roar of rage at the edge of life and death.

A golden ray of light began to rush towards the upper mid-air frantically...  

This is the Buddha's Warring States that broke out all the power in his body at the last moment, and made a corresponding counterattack.

On the other side, the extreme cold aura and the rich magma also began to charge towards the top crazily.

On the other side, a golden beam of light also shot into the sky.

At the real edge of life and death, the four top existences in the navy have completely put aside all scruples, the explosion of power, and all the energy in the body.

Soon, purple light bullets like the sun completely covered the bodies of the four.

In an instant, all kinds of energies were completely filled with purple, and in the sight of everyone, only purple light groups could be seen.


A huge ray of light appeared, and quickly swept away towards the surrounding by the rich shock wave.

At this moment, under the action of the shock wave, I do not know that many video calls on the entire hive island, and even under the sea, disappeared completely in an instant.

This live broadcast to the world has also come to an end.

No one knows how this battle will end.

But everyone understands that under the last blow, the hope that the four top combat powers of the Navy can continue to survive is extremely small.

And the Pirates of God also completely ended this battle 1.1 with a gorgeous way and a gorgeous ending.

At this time, Morgans, who was hiding on a desert island in the distance, also had thick sweat on his face.

"I have set up a lot of protection around the phone bug, but I still can't get the phone to be saved again."

"Xia En, he's really an extremely scary guy!"

"Fortunately, our news said that it is now barely counted as an affiliate of the God Pirates!"

"That's right, I'll announce it to the public later!"

After the direct interruption of the world live broadcast, everyone all over the world was completely in a state of boiling.

Numerous pirates from all over the world were madly rejoicing, and all the taverns were full.

The Pirates of the Gods have completely accomplished the corresponding goals that no one pirate group can accomplish in history.

Chapter 290: The Defeat of the Revolutionary Army

The world government and the navy were completely defeated by the attack of the God Pirates.

The navy headquarters is probably also in this battle, and it has completely disappeared.

"There is no one on this sea who can stop the Pirates of God."

"Under the leadership of the worst generation, Shane, everything is developing in an unknown direction, but the whole world belongs to the Pirates of God after all."

"The brilliance of the Shenzhen Pirates will shine on every corner of the world."

Beehive Island.

After Xia En and others regained a little strength, they quickly started finishing the finishing work.

In the entire island, a large number of admirals were all arrested, even the dead admirals' bodies were collected directly.

With the help of Man Shirley, the princess of the Dong Tata clan, the injuries of the members of the Pirates of the Gods basically began to recover by half.

When this level was reached, with Shane's order, the members of the Pirates of God quickly prepared to leave this huge island.

At the same time, the three generals of the navy, as well as the many generals who were even tended to by the marshal of the navy, were all escorted to several large ships.

Following Shane's order, everyone officially left the hive island, and then quickly headed to Wano Country.

Under the circumstance that Shane's current injury has not completely recovered, it is naturally impossible to spend his physical strength to transport the huge island.

Therefore, the ability of the fluttering fruit on Shane's body has also temporarily entered a state of shelving.

Moreover, after everyone set sail quickly, Princess Manxeli stayed by Xia En's side all the time, helping Xia En to quickly recover the strength in her body.

Because the people of the world government have not directly joined the battlefield, in order to prevent the occurrence of unexpected situations at any time, Xia En must quickly restore his strength to be able to resist the sudden attack of the powerful standing.


At the same time, on the other side of the battlefield.

The revolutionary army leader Long had an ugly face, and began to evacuate with many cadres of the revolutionary army.

The revolutionary soldier demon king Ivankov had already made the corresponding preparations ahead of the crowd's retreat route.

Therefore, after the revolutionary army leader Long and others were directly defeated during the offensive process, they were able to quickly evacuate.

Although everyone successfully evacuated, the faces of many revolutionary army cadres present were also very ugly.


This is not just because they have achieved an unprecedented defeat in this huge battle, the most important thing is that the second-in-command of the revolutionary army, Sabo, has completely fallen into the hands of the world government at this moment.

I saw Betty, the commander of the Eastern Army of the Revolutionary Army at this time, and said with great frustration: "If I had known that the World Government's combat power was so strong, I should have stopped Sabo quickly when he decided to continue the attack."

"In this way, he probably won't fall directly into the hands of the people of the World Government."

The rest of the army commanders on the side were also full of regrets on their faces.

The four army commanders of the Revolutionary Army evacuated smoothly, but the second-in-command was directly left in the Holy Land Mary Joa.

Of course, the main reason for all of this was that Sabo was too aggressive at the time, and without a clear understanding of the strength of the World Government, he directly and forcibly wanted to bring everyone into it.

In the end, Sabo was directly arrested by the people of the World Government because he was at the forefront of the battlefield, and he didn't even have time to retreat.

According to normal circumstances, the four army commanders of the Revolutionary Army would also fall directly into the hands of the World Government.

But because Sabo saw that he had no hope of escaping, he broke out all his strength, and finally forcibly blocked some of the world government's combat power, and also brought enough time for the revolutionary army to retreat.

I saw Long, the leader of the revolutionary army at this time, said with a heavy voice: "Now is not the time to clarify the responsibility. I first proposed this battle, and I should be the most responsible person."

"So you don't need to take this to heart."

"And as long as our revolutionary army is still developing, it is impossible for the world government to kill Sabo."

"When we return to the base, we need to make a more prudent plan again. This time, we have to rescue Sabo no matter what."

At this time, the **** king Ivankov said with a heavy face: "But this time it is estimated that this goal will be difficult to achieve. The people of the world government will definitely regard Sabo as a breakthrough for our revolutionary army."

Because almost people all over the world know that the revolutionary friendship among the members of the revolutionary army is very deep.

Since Sabo, the second-in-command of the Revolutionary Army, can sacrifice his life to delay enough time for many members of the Revolutionary Army, then the people of the Revolutionary Army can naturally sacrifice their lives to rescue Sabo.

Based on this fact, the world government can completely control Sabo's life and destroy the revolutionary army step by step.

The revolutionary army, even if they knew the situation, was very unfavorable to them, and it was impossible to give up on rescuing Sabo.

However, the dragon who heard this said without hesitation: "There will always be a way, and I think the breakthrough in this matter can be directly placed on the Pirates of God."

When they heard this, the eyes of many cadres present instantly lit up.

370 They have received the latest news from the front line, and the Pirates of the Gods have successfully achieved unprecedented success in the battle with the Navy Headquarters.

Since the navy has been evacuated and destroyed, the world government naturally cannot let go of the Pirates of God.

As soon as they come, the Pirates of God and the Revolutionary Army will have the opportunity and possibility to continue their cooperation.