MTL - Unique Legend-~ Extra: Akatsuki

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The flame was lit.

After the flames of the silver blue se burned, a circle was made in the oil to make a howling sound, and then the silver blue flames rose into a phoenix-like cold flame shape and flew to the other end of the sky.

\ "The flames of the kingdom of water were lit. \"

After flying through the sky, the silver Se flying bird with a cold atmosphere exploded a high flame, flying out the same golden red bird, and left in the other direction. !!

Soon, the far side heard different bells, and many spots of light appeared among the various races.

\ "Ghosts are attacking the world. \"

The chess piece with the wooden se quietly landed on the stable chessboard, and the white fingers slid over the square board with the strange squares drawn back, and then rolled up the black se long hair with a slight luster, and then ran on After those soft hairs were scattered in the air, "" Yangyang Academy is located at the intersection of space and will be the first to be attacked. \ "

\ "We choose to go to war. \"

With a little gurgling, the other **** is settled.

\ "Oh, is it finally about to break the ring after the secluded world of the long-time bitter camp of the demon masters? \" Smiling, the female in the house looked at the silver se bird flying away, and then threw a second pawn.

\ "Oh, the ancestors have become ghost kings, aren't they going to war? \" Supporting the lower jaw, the people in the seat pulled out a similar smile: \ "But Yang Yang, I haven't found out what you and me are Is it a bit like it? \ "

\ "That kid is inherently dull, so I won't notice it." "Leng snorted, and she picked up the water glass next to her:" "Entering the college is just like a rookie. Now the ghost clan comes in, The only guy in my family doesn't know if he will die like this. \ "

\ "In the name of the leader of the demon division, before the war ends, no one of the demon division will be killed." "He sincerely promised the words that will be realized in his heart. He looked up and looked at the same. Heir's female: \ "Now the trouble is that most of Yang Yang's abilities have been taken away. Although he has temporarily made a second eye-opening for him, there is still an absolute problem with the ghost king; I cannot let the monster division Ability is being drained. \ "

She picked up the new chess lightly, and she sighed: \ "Yangyang ... I was squeezed by my mother and my mother from a young age to a big one, and my dad was not at home with extreme decline, so it seems that my subconscious will be afraid of others, my personality is still Unlike a man, he entered the academy better, and said that he did not expect that the arrogant kid would be the descendant of the elven three princes, and such a thing happened. \ "

\ "In the beginning I thought he was only a descendant of Yana who did n’t know how many generations, maybe it was only protected by the Elven clan so well that he did n’t know that he was the only son of Yana ... \" Squinting his eyes, he clenched I got my palm: \ "It seems that Andy should have known for a long time, it is really unpleasant. \"

\ "Since people have fallen on the side of the glacier, I can only plan in the worst direction. \"

A small footstep came from behind, interrupting the conversation between the two.

\ "You two are smiling, but they exude a terrible atmosphere. \" The elves with a beautifully carved silver plate sit down next to the chessboard: \ "It ’s coming first It ’s serious that the investigative news is here. The elves are most afraid of such a serious atmosphere, especially during war. \ "

\ "The elves are suitable for singing songs in the beautiful woods, and I haven't heard Cynthia's singing for a long time. \" I reached out to the beautiful woman in front of me, and the soft palm that Bai Lingran at the end of the checkerboard made, now, The interacting female elf sat beside her.

\ "After the war, I will present a song of blessings to the earth that is okay. \" With a beautiful smile, Cynthia took back the palm and poured tea for the two: \ "Before the war, the elves of Firefly Forest would All martial arts sent a sound of protection, wishing that all things in the world will not let the ghosts break. \ "

Staring at the two intimate men and women in front of me, they looked at him for a while, tossed the chess piece aside, Chu Mingyu stood up and stretched while yawning: \ "It's really dazzling, don't be so intimate in front of a single person, I will go out Damn you kicked by the horse. \ "

\ "Does n’t it usually hinder others from being kicked by a horse? \" Bailing arrogantly teased on the shoulder of Cynthia with a smile: \ "Also, many people want to chase you."

\ "The incompetent people are counted as flies no matter how many come." "Coldly licking her lips, she walked to the window, and the outside scene was reflected in a new layer of se. The flying dragon of Jin se was cut off. Above Cynthia's residence, a steady and loud noise was roared like a warning sound to all places, and then quickly entered the cloud and proceeded to the next place. \ "I almost report to the guild. This time, the manpower Insufficient, even the patrol division must support it. \ "

\ "Xiaoyu. \" Bailing looked at the woman who has a blood relationship with her, \ "Be careful. \"

\ "Ha, who do you think I am? \"

With a smile, Chu Ming drew a transfer array under his feet: \ "I'm the inspector who even fears the black robe! \"

The next second, people quickly disappeared into the room.

\ "It's terrible, I don't know how Xiaoyan's personality comes. \" Looking at the open ground after leaving, Bai Ling sighed helplessly.

Obviously he was very gentle.

\ "Isn't it just like you. \"

Cynthia gave a pleasant laugh.

\ "... \"

The cold flame phoenix of the silver blue se flew across the vast ice and snow.

Several black se's shadows shook outside the borders of the snow country, and were suddenly penetrated by flying snowballs, and then turned into black ash and disappeared above the cold air.

\ "Hit it! \"

Wearing a furry snow coat, Fischer clapped his palms, then bent over and rolled a second snowball from the ground, aiming at the shadow of the black se that was hiding at the other end, and threw it vigorously, but this time the other party was smart, and soon Disappeared in the corner of the air, letting the snowball fall into the snow.

Leaning against a broken wall full of frost, Deng Li, who was preparing to report back to the fairy snow country, looked at things that had sneaked into the fairy family. The other party was not too much. She should just come to explore the road. I think we need to report to the guild soon after we finish this thing. It seems that time is running out. \ "

\ "Are you going to help that High School of Bingyan?"

Giving up the snowball on his hand, Fischer bent slightly and began to roll a big snowball.

\ "Don't you like it over there? \" Watching my partner roll the snowball to the height of one story, Deng Li took out of his pocket the last time the task partner bought in the original world called Sour Plum. s things.

Throwing an entrance, she immediately frowned.

Sure enough, it may not be sour after a long time. What is the place where humans think this thing is delicious?

\ "I like it very much, they are nice, the air is great, the sun is different from the outside, very comfortable, and the food is delicious ... Hey!" Stopped the large snowball on almost two floors in my hand, Fischer Continue to roll up the second one, and stop until it is a little smaller than the first one, and then stack the small snowball on top of it: \ "If you don't see it, there will be many people in Dengli's mind. \"

\ "Almost, there is one less place to go. \" Watching the partner began to help snowballs insert branches and put eyes, Deng Li drew a small spell in the air, and breathed softly.

A little silver se's light passed through the big snowman.

\ "So let's start declaring war too. \" Looking at the silver blue se cold flames flying above, Fischer drew a smile, and then drew the French array scattered in the snow.

In a matter of seconds, there were many snow-white birds in the French array in the snow. They flew up into the sky and fluttered with small wings that fluttered with silver birds.

\ "The fairy of the Snow Country will join the ranks of support, just because we can't allow the ghosts to set foot on this land again. \" Straightening the body, Deng Li looked at the dark shadow that suddenly doubled, and a clearer image emerged. The gray eyes and twisted figure quickly surrounded the borders of the snow country.

He jumped high and stood on the shoulder of the snowman. Fischer took off his hair ornaments and decorated it in front of Bai Se's chest, and then he jumped off the high place: \ "So let's go back and report as soon as possible. To the college. \ "


The two figures disappeared one after the other in the snow.

It may not have been expected that the other party would directly leave them alone, and the ghosts that appeared appeared a little stunned, but still accelerated the invasion of the snow country border according to the original plan.

Almost at the same time as the first step into the boundary line, a large white thing directly waved over, smashing the foreign objects that you want to break into pieces.

Snowflakes began to fall from the sky.

The huge white se head turned slightly, and then the huge body began to move. A large snowman with almost two stories pulled his foot out of the snow. The hands made of branches quickly surrounded the frost and grabbed the image from the ground. It was a big mace popsicle, and began to wave and hit the black shadow group.

The snow became heavier.

After the big snowman stepped, the snow began to throb.

A small group of small snowmen with black eyes blinked out of the snow, flew off the snowflakes, and jumped to the ground.

When the snow turned into a blizzard, the border line was covered with a large group of little snowmen, and a large number of popsicles were snatched from the snow, and they began to knock on the snow.

Black se's round eyes narrowed into a line, and the black shadow was under the mighty resistance.

\ "Yes, Dengli, that little snowman is so cute, can you get one in the dormitory? \"

\ "No! \"


\ "That is the aboriginal people in the snow, and will actively attack strangers. \"

\ "... \"

Behind the cold flames of the silver se, the birds flying across the sunny day with a large string of snowballs.

The green se bricks were stacked on the green grass, and after a period of time, half collapsed, the slender vines rolled the broken bricks and spread around.

A little bit past is wilderness.

It is said that there are hunters in the wilderness. The hunters are born from the earth, protect the travellers from the invasion of evil, and return from the east to the west. There are not many, many, and they smoothly pass through the vast wilderness to return home.

\ "Has a flame! \"

\ "The fire is flying over! \"

One or two little dolls covered with mud are running in the wilderness, holding Miscanthus in their hands, the fine hair of white se shakes with their movements, and occasionally detaches a piece or two flying out in the air and draws several beautiful The arc of the wind was taken away by the wind in the wilderness.

\ "There is Xiaoxue! \" One of them pointed at a group of little snowbirds next to Leng Yan, raised her hands and jumped up and down happy.

\ "鸟 ~~ \"

Laughing happily, the little baby turned around and followed the cold flames flying to the other side of the sky until he stepped on the wilderness exit and stopped.

Large groups of dark shadows emerged from the ground, slowly enveloping the borders of the wilderness.

\ "There are ghosts. \" The doll's face wrinkled, and the miscanthus in her hand drooped slightly.

\ "Ghosts ... wow-\"

Suddenly, two dolls burst into tears and fled in the direction of the wilderness.

I noticed the movement in the wilderness, and some of the black shadows that seemed to be planning to do something came out, chasing the back of the doll, and the dark claws came out quietly from the ambiguous figure, directly to the two A little baby grabbed her head--

\ "Storm is coming! \"

The sharp blade of wind cut through the filthy air in the wilderness, and the air flow drove the shadows out of the wilderness.

Upon seeing someone appear, the two little babies rushed to the savior.

\ "Do n’t you say that these two days are dangerous, ca n’t you run out casually? \” Bent over and gently hugged the two little babies caught up, Aslian resignedly retreated the saber and laid a simple cloth around. After enchanting, walk to the Hunter Village.

\ "I don't understand. The wilderness is everyone's. Why can't you come out? \" Blinking his eyes, one of the little boys was still crying with a tear of dissatisfaction: \ "What should the traveller do? \"

\ "After a few days of patience, the patriarch will let everyone out. The wilderness is not safe now, and there will be no travellers." "A smile arose, and Athlean tensed his fingers to wipe the tears of the two dolls: \" Good guys, we'll recover the space soon. \ "

Seems to understand, the two little girls nodded.

\ "Ah, Ali is not good. \" After wiping away the tears, one of them suddenly caught the purple cloth in front of him like a major event: \ "The patriarch said that Ali would stay in the medical class for a long time, and Ali returned? "

\ "Soon to go out. \" Helplessly bent his lip corner, before approaching the village mouth, Azlian put the baby in his hand on the ground: \ "To go back to school, go to the clan first See if there ’s anything, do n’t run away anymore, listen to the patriarch. \ "

Two small faces pursed their lips, then nodded strongly, holding hands and rushing back to the Hunter village with the urging of the purple robe.

Looking away from the tribe's village entrance, Azlian patted his cheek.

Actually the medical class did its best ...

Just when I wanted to turn back to the college, a whistling came from the Hunter tribe, and then a rapid air flow rushed out from the inside.

A slightly transparent bird-shaped rushed out of the tribe, with the tribal totem of the hunter's tribe printed on it. You can see the familiar figure reflecting the light of the sky in the distance. After hovering a few times above the wilderness, follow the cold flame of silver se Leave in the other direction.

\ "Feng Hua ... \"

Looking at the sky, Azlian narrowed his eyes slightly.

The wind was moving, blowing the purple sequins that symbolized the guild, and then slowly stopped.

\ "I hope the Hunter can protect everything and everything outside the wilderness. \"

A small amount of dirt was lifted from the ground and thrown into the air. The dirt quickly gathered together, and then became the shape of a young bird, catching up with the small group of snow-white birds, and flew away.

The meeting of time began to burn.

Beacon after beacon began to ignite in different ways.

Soon, time will arrive.

Humming the slayer's ballad, Azlian turned and disappeared into the wilderness.

Distant, the red flames flew above the sky.

Several loud sounds came from deep in the ground.

Not belonging to this side or to that side, a group of killers who are isolated but firmly connected to the world is silent.

\ "Fuck you guys attacking from behind! Smelly old man dead boss! There is a way to let this uncle out, let's fight it out! \" Hitting thickening and thickening, maybe the laser gun is still the one said In the history of the invincible high school black robes, the special wall that the seniors could not wear, after being conspired, Cirrus, who was dragged back from the college stiffly, turned around, turned over and picked up the oversized TV set that the other helped him to set up Fall on the wall.

After the explosion, the large television set, which had just been put in for less than half a day, was officially declared a pile of rubbish, lying sadly in the corner.

After hitting hard for a long time, I couldn't see a half gap between the **** wall and the door. Xirui kicked the wall with a fire, and sat down against the cold wall.

The room here is very large, almost four times the size of their classroom, with a bed, a refrigerator, and a lot of uneatable food. There are three broken TVs, and the LCD screen on the ceiling is said to be He lay down and watched it; after being smashed for the first time, he was replenished with several units. There were different pictures on the top, but he didn't want to watch it at all.

It does not make sense!

What is the monster master can not get along with!

The more he thought about the fire, the more Siri jumped up from the floor, blasting everywhere against the solid wall with no windows.

He knew there were many guards on the other side of the door, and he knew where it was.

The **** underground 30th floor is used to shut down those important people. There is no chance to escape here. The old man sent several elites in the family to guard him.

Flailing the wall several times, Xirui continued to yell at the wall: \ "There is a kind of uncle Ben ---"

Those dead guys must have a surveillance spell here!

\ "Gunny! That idiot Yang ~ went to the ghost king's grave on his own! Where can I go without Master Ben? Uncle Ben's servants are not those ghosts can touch! Open the door for me-\"

In the end, he was really rushed and turned into a monster directly and slammed into the wall, but he didn't even have a missing corner.

After a whole day of trouble, there was no progress at all. Even the physically vigorous Si Rui could not stand the long toss, and tired to find a place with a carpet and lay down.

Is there any way to go out from here?

My head turned several times, and I turned it several times. I thought about it hundreds of times and tried hundreds of times.

When he was about to fall asleep, he seemed to hear a panic sound from outside.

Wait, he shouldn't hear the sound outside!

Folding up quickly, Desiree immediately opened his eyes.

The sturdy door that had just been doomed for a long time but could not be opened did not know when a small gap appeared quietly, as if someone had pushed it open from the outside.

Without much thought, he rushed to open the door.

There were several elites lying outside the door who were supposed to monitor him, and each rolled his eyes and passed out. It is estimated that they should have heard the panic sound just now.

Who came?

Looking at the eyes of the ground, Sirui walked out a little distance in doubt, and finally kicked someone on the ground who didn't seem to pass out.

\ "Hey! Tell the uncle what's going on! \" Sirui snatched the person who was going to faint and was in a state of high confusion, and questioned fiercely.

The dragged person moved a bit, then immediately retracted in panic: \ "Sorry, I'm sorry, we shouldn't resist you ... please give me back the stomach ... \" Speaking of which, the person started crying.

\ "Say something inexplicable! \" Disgustingly put people away, Xirui looked around.

Now when he goes out, he must be caught by the dead old man and the big brother.

He had to think hard about how to get out from the 30th floor underground.

\ "Ha ha ha, it's time for Uncle Ben to escape. \"

In short, let's do it first!

The flames of various races and races passed across the sky.

\ "It is spectacular. If there is no ghost clan, it looks like a grand happy party is going to be said." "Looking up at the sky, the wing tribe's black robe happily looked at the colleagues next to it.

\ "The other day I think of a way to get the flames of all ethnic groups a little bit, and I will light it up next time when the college is going to do something. \" A gorgeous smile was raised, and a demon was watching the sky flying in a good mood. thing.

\ "There is one in the original world, which is to say that an emperor lied to the lords for fun because he wanted to please his favorite person. Later, because he ordered too many times, the army that was cheated to rescue each time was fighting. At that time, I thought I was lying to them, so I did n’t send troops, and the country was attacked. \ "A simple explanation, a teacher with a fairy spirit blocked the desire of the devil.

\ "Our communications are so developed here, it's a fool to be fooled. \" The female devil said nothing at all.

Holding a transparent crystal cup filled with red se liquid, the vampire who did not join the topic shakes the glass at all, enjoying the last glass of quiet wine before the storm.

His housekeeper was always on his side, silent at the same time.

\ "Is that Anin, are you really okay? \" A little worried about the angel returning to the college temporarily, Li Yi aside from the topic of beacon, leaned his head and looked at his colleague who didn't say a word.

\ "... Thinking about killing those **** ghosts with my own hands, I'm very happy now. \" Clenching his slightly trembling hand, Anin smiled dangerously.

\ "Rest assuredly, my sister would be happy to take him to the medical class. \" Nu Leli shook her tail, her eyes brightened.

Are you sure you would really take me to a medical class?

All the people present were full of the above questions.

\ "No trouble. \" An Yin flatly returned to the absolute side \ "Good intentions \".

\ "I mean, others are so slow. \"

Shaking his body, Li Yan was lying at the small table next to him, bored and waiting for the people who had not arrived.

\ "Will the guild come back so soon, maybe there must be something wrong with the guild and let them stay first to help." "Luo An has taken his breath and is doing his breath to adjust his body and mind.

At the gathering place, everyone was waiting to spread out automatically. A transfer array appeared on the ground, bringing a black robe without a black robe.

\ "Jiu Lan! Don't come over! Put down all the internal organs on your hands! \" Pointing at the classmate with a string of **** organs, Li Yi issued the highest warning.

The man with glasses looked down at the layers of meat on his hands, then suddenly clenched: \ "Do you want to take away my preference! \"

\ "We don't want to see a man like a chef attacking the Ghost with fresh materials. \" Although I know those who have blood \ "Materials \"

It must be from a certain source, Li Yan still coughed, and turned to the beginning.

\ "Tyr will go crazy seeing you taking these things into the medical class. \" Anin gave a full suggestion.

\ "Ah ... he doesn't understand these things. \" With a loving look on the viscera that was hard to get on his hands, Jiu Lan gave out a shining light behind him.

\ "Sorry, we don't understand either. \"

Everyone here will speak.

\ "Forget it, I don't have much confidence in ordinary people like you." "Carefully put the contents of your hands on the table one by one to see if there is any damage. Jiu Lan changed to say something else:" "The Guild Society Here comes the message. Ghosts have been attacked everywhere. We need to act first. Do n’t wait. "

\ "Ha! Is it time? \"

Standing up, Nu Le Lisong loosened his bones: "" It's been a long time, it's been so long since I've been so excited. "" The devil loves chaos, the more chaotic the better.

\ "The four enchantments are the first protection, and the rest are placed first. \" Luo An organized the arms and backs, and nodded: "Everyone must be careful."

It's time to go to war.

No one said it first.

The black robes at the gathering had already figured out what might happen.

\"set off.\"

Anin's voice was short, and instantly moved everyone.

War has begun.

The cold flame of the silver blue se cut through the sky, followed by the birds of the snow se and the birds of the soil se.

One after another the flaming birds flew up the sky, burning the air and passing smoke.

They fly towards the end of the world.

Bring the message from here to there.

Prior to the Ghost Invasion, the mission would not end until everyone knew it.

The cold flame bird howled, passed through the clouds, and disappeared above the enchantment.

Time is up and the wind starts to stop.

Black air swept through the clouds.

Then, war started. 2k novel reading network