MTL - Unique Legend-~ Fanwai: Memory and Space

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Location: atlantis Time: 4.07am

He had a dream.

It's a long, long time, but it doesn't seem to be that long.

The place in the dream was full of **** smells, the rugged and strange rocks were stained with black liquid, and the twisted bio-inorganic and desperate crawled on the ground. When I stepped on the ground, I only felt that I had stepped into a swamp-like space, raised my feet, and the unfavorable weird black se liquid pulled out filaments in the shoes, implicated constantly.

Those walking in front of the road signaled them to be careful. This battle was only an attack, not a head-on intersection. They are not enough, and as long as the attacker's backup is broken, it is easy to force the front forward.

When the flames of white flames came, the blood se splashed in the river. What they have to deal with is not simple and easy, but a border war that can cause a lot of death at every turn.

Anin, isn't your qi good, or are you waiting for us at the entrance? The leader's black robe looked back at him, with a little worry on his face: After all, the place of the ghost tribe is easy to affect the elven trivia angel ...

No problem, keep going. When he cut off the leader, he smiled slightly. Eleven of the twelve people in the group were worried that he was too embarrassed. The first task was to break the Panshi site. As long as it was broken, there would be no impact. Right.

After hearing the words, everyone else laughed.

This time, the group of ghosts who broke the front line of Panshi will probably run back with their butts, and the flames will surely burn their **** and run to vent their anger. I don't know who said that, and it quickly aroused other people's response.

The fire essence was originally a first-class fierce, this time must have a big sigh of resentment, let's send it out once.

Several purple robes and black robes spoke quietly and happily, letting the head of the person in front had to lift their lips, and smiled and shook his head helplessly.

Even in dangerous tasks, they still find some relaxation for themselves.

After returning, let ’s go to the tavern's tavern to celebrate. It ’s been a long time since we went to Yizu. Their shop is not built ...

Younger, you thought the task was so easy to celebrate.

Ha, think about it first.

Whispering and noisy, immediately washed away the treacherous atmosphere in the passage, as if walking only the usual path, the things on the ground, the things on the wall are nothing but decoration.

The exit seems to have arrived. The youngest person in the group held the weapon in his hand, and then all of them snorted and gathered their breath, and quickly disappeared.

Behind the exit of the glowing light has their goal.

The location of the Panshi of the ghost clan is also just a place of supply. As long as they are cut and destroyed, they must retreat, and because the bad luck of no Panshi supply will make them quickly weaken or even die in the big enchantment, so for them Location is important.

In the long war with the ghosts, they naturally understood that destroying Panshi was the first important goal.

Anin stopped his action and ambushed at the exit of the passage. He was accompanied by a black robe partner, who was also the leader and captain who had just led everyone.

Although not a senior black robe, but the strength is among the best in the same robes.

How many people? Leaning back, the man asked in a low voice.

After looking at the entrance, Anin drew a few patterns on the palm, a little blue se light slightly illuminated the slightly dark space: not much, only a dozen.

more than ten?

The leader of the black robe frowned slightly, and suddenly a strange feeling spread across his chest.

Strangely, this number ... the guards at Panshi shouldn't be more than a dozen. I also felt wrong that Anin tried to double the detection range, and the number of enemies was more, but not as much as to surprise them, and not as much as protecting one that affected the war. Feeling important place.

They looked at each other and felt too abnormal at the same time, this place is completely unlike the previous attacks.

Is Huojing really sure this is Panshi? The guild's intelligence was delayed because it was too late to deliver, so they adopted the intelligence of the fire. But at the moment it seemed that Anin suddenly felt a weird feeling.

This place gave them a feeling of uneasiness.

… Inform others to retreat immediately. Immediately gave up breaking the original target, the leader of the black robe immediately ordered.

Almost immediately, the rest of the figure who was hiding near the exit at the same time pulled back at the same time, but did not take a few steps. Another black robe immediately found something wrong: Ran! The passage is blocked!

Suddenly looking back in horror, the entrance of the channel that originally came in has been covered with an unknown layer of darkness, and it seems like something is constantly moving on it.

Step aside! Immediately jumped off the stone surface, Anin pulled out amethyst se crystals and crushed them in the palm, and a powder like purple dust was drawn in an arc in the air: the hitting world retreated!

The powdered foreign body suddenly vibrated, and then a large hole melted in the middle like an ice wall splashed by hot water. But what appeared to all of them was even more astonishing--the same layer of black walls of foreign bodies blocked all the passages afterwards, and there was not even a little gap into the wind.

Transfer arrays and space spells cannot make Chuan. Soon, some people discovered the problem that made their situation worse.

There was a sudden silence all around.

They all felt a cold breath, the strange air was pressing on them as if they were ironed with steel, the occluded air was almost suffocating.

This is the breath that someone deliberately hides.

A few inferior guests who came in, don't you just come in and take a look. Just as everyone was silent, a strange sound came from the rear exit. The sound and shadow are not very big, but the whole channel echoes so that it cannot be ignored.

Ran, how? Another black robe asked quietly.

… I think our location is not Panshi. The black robe of the guard kept biting his teeth a bit, and the unconscious palm had clenched sorely: let Anin, Neil and Li Yi leave the obstacle of destruction, as long as the people who have the opportunity escaped this place.

Ran! Faced with the ghost clan needs my skills, let Zhuli stay. I couldn't believe how my partner would arrange this, and Anin immediately protested.

Anin, cooperate.

The other party only told him this sentence firmly.

Then he woke up.

The surrounding air is clean.

He woke up and saw the ceiling of Bai Se, with a few small decorations from the fairies on it, as the night breeze was shaking, the small ringtone showed that he was now the safest place. .

The most dangerous moment in my dream just seemed to be false, but a hundred years later, it seemed to have happened just yesterday. In the end, he still followed, and watched the blood of Hongse spit out from different bodies, and the whole ground was stained with blood.

Those shameless ghosts are like ants who smell honey, licking up and licking blood, they are disgusting and want to destroy these pictures.

Anin, are you awake?

The interrupted picture was a warm and polite voice, and he didn't even have to look to know who was sitting next to the bed. Looking away, a white hand was stuck to his face, and it seemed that there was no fever. How did it feel?

Even in the darkest time, he could clearly distinguish the elf who started the faint light and looked at him with a kind of eaves expression, what happened? Without answering, Anin lifted the duvet properly covered and sat up halfway.

Most of the night, he couldn't understand why the elf would sit by his bed.

No, maybe he knows why. The elf is the dormitory manager. As long as there is something wrong in the dormitory, he can come and go freely in any room.

Jing Luotian's mark began to move again. With a low voice, Saita said quietly to the other side: You slept too much, and the mark made you sober in your dreams, and then the messenger left the room.

Alas, the ghost king started to fiddle again. He noticed that there was indeed a breath of the ghostly messengers in the room, and Anin narrowed his eyes immediately. He usually doesn't care so much, even if he sleeps, as long as those things come in, he will definitely blast them out immediately.

And that dream just now ... his black robe partner will never return in the dream.

Dreamed about the war a hundred years ago. Instead of questioning but affirmative, Saita stood up, left the bedside and poured him a cup of tea: Will the mark hurt?

The gentle tone seemed to melt in the wind, and even after getting along for a long time, Anin still felt that the elves were really an incredible existence, similar to angels but completely different races.

Slowly drank the tea, An In pulled down his shirt, and the totem mark of blood red se appeared on the back of the right shoulder to the shoulder. It was usually sealed and was not easy to appear, but tonight he felt a little hot pain .

It should be the relationship between the ghosts, and the evil has polluted the seal and weakened the effect. Rubbing the hateful mark on his shoulder, Anin said coldly.

The dormitory enclave has just been remodeled and is still stable, so the bad gas has not been purified in time. Looking at the red totem, Sai Tower also felt that it was full of retreating ominous: I will help you clean up the bad gas and re-seal it.

Trouble. Lying down on the bed, Anin listened to the low ballad from behind.

He didn't understand the ancient language of the elves, but felt that the sound was very comfortable, like singing with the wind, walking around the wind, and passing it into his ears little by little.

A little crackling sound sounded, and he saw a little transparent powder exhausted out of the window with the wind in the room, and Yu Guang went away toward the moon and opened a beautiful halo.

Then he remembered that the elves had actually participated in the war.

Longer than his, a battle with the ghost king thousands of years ago.

They all have a connection with the ghost king.

Saita's hand was resting on his shoulder, and the coldness was not cold, but a reassuring feeling.

The mark on the body slowly began to recede from the pain, and the red se color slowly disappeared in the ballad, as if it had receded, it gradually disappeared into the air.

He remembered that angels also love to sing, but it was not as profound as the elf voice.

The angel's hymn is so beautiful that it makes people want to cry. But the spirit's voice penetrates the body and is engraved in the soul. After a long time, it will make people recall the sound that seems to come with the wind.

Youyuan, a kind of clear soul singing accompanied by years.

Saita, what war did you participate in ... what was it like? Unconsciously, he asked Saita with his companion who had broken into the ghost king's hall.

Well, maybe the same as what you see. The song was ended without any discomfort. Saita's voice was still gentle: I was too young at that time, and I could hardly remember what it was like. I only know that the smoke of white se and black se fluttered from both sides, Xin Ya wore armor and patted my shoulder; we used to exchange new songs on the tree of Firefly Forest, and the night of the battle was full of sadness. The elf below sadly decorated the flowers on the road. The long, long road was covered with small flowers.

He is too young to walk in the team with other companions who are about the same age as him.

They passed the radiant flowers, long and far away. One after another, the elves who did not participate in the war continued to chase them out and put the flowers by the road, hoping to illuminate the road of leaving the tribe.

Hotaru no Mori, Ice Fang, Elidor ... he can hardly remember how many elven companions came to the battle.

Memory is receding.

Looking at the past, it seems like unreal memory.

Angels remember, elves forget.

Anin closed her eyes, and several faces that had not forgotten from her memory floated in front of her eyes.

And how did that war end?

The blood will taste heavy.

Anin, you have a way to escape, just go. In front of his black robe partner were the bodies of more people, and the ten purple robes only escaped; two people, another named black robe, had just broken their necks under the ghost king's hands.

Blood was all around.

The Ghost King stood in front of his seven masters and watched their struggles very interesting.

The people who came to help were defeated by the dark breath, they were an overwhelming failure.

Ran Yun, the guild needs a black robe. He was determined, anyway, the Ghost King and his men did not look very good in spells, so if he could do his best, he would have the opportunity to send his partner away. The robe-level corpse could not flow out, and I stayed to make the knot. There was no chance for them to be resurrected, nor was it possible for a medical class blocked outside to come in to save people, and the incoming medical class had also been corpse corpse.

So they make their final plans.

The corpse can reveal too much information, and it will likely be used by the ghost king to reshape it into a ghost clan, so in the most desperate moment, they will first destroy all the corpses.

Noting his intention, the ghost king beckoned, and his men rushed out and started to steal the body.

Ran snorted, waved the weapon on his hand and gritted his teeth to destroy the body of the friend closest to him: An Yin, we are partners, right? He said so, then smiled, and my body would bother you.

Then, his partner met seven masters.

Anin couldn't remember how his friend was turned into an ashes at that time. He stood under the protection of the layered matrix method, and the screams of the ghost king and the ghost clan suddenly went very far. Can't hear it anymore.

So why is he here?

The distorted shape of the dark space, the ghost king stepped out and began to destroy his curse and approached himself.

He heard the sound of the enchantment breaking, and then saw the ghosts standing in front of his eyes.

The other party said that it is rare to see interesting angels, so stay and be our companions.

The twisted ghost family and the dark space, he sneered, and suddenly sent a strong attack on the king's face. Without stopping, the second attack was to finish off immediately.

Rather than talking nonsense to the ghosts here, it is better to destroy people with their bodies at once.

Vaguely, he saw someone rushing in, and the master of the ghost king pounced on him with a punch, and the powerful force made the ghost family unable to get up at once.

So he saw a colleague who claimed to have been away for a long time from senior missions and heavenly soldiers.

There was no waste of time. The man grabbed himself and attacked the ghost king directly without any fear. The ghost king had dragged him far away before he could react.

On the occasion of confusion, he felt that Jing Luotian gave a slap on his back shoulder.

Then he was rescued from the land of the ghost king.

Far away from that place, there were already several medical classes and intelligence classes on standby, and he could see that the two purple robes that had escaped before were being treated, and they saw him.

Teacher, is there anyone else in there? A member of the intelligence team approached them, inquiring about the senior black robe.

None of them, return to the guild immediately.

He couldn't hear anything about their quarrel afterwards.

The flaming mark imprinted on him like a burning flame.

So quieted down.

It was a distant memory but also a memory of yesterday.

Saita's singing resounded in the room again. Listen carefully not to the old elves, but to the language used by modern elves. I wish the voices of the sleepers calm the air.

Then the song was silent.

Anin, we ... because we have lived for a long time, there are so many things that we don't remember. The elf sat next to the bed and whispered: Perhaps it was the one who had experienced the song, but it was not true like that. Time is always changing, but everything that has happened will not be wiped out.

Angels remember, elves forget.

But in my memory, the millennium war sometimes seems to have happened the next day. After that, the influence on the Elven clan has far-reaching impact on other races, and it is still unbroken to this day. Firefly's sorrowful tree is still sad, and the long white flower road is still sending every departing passenger.

The distant memory still continues through the song.

Elves remember, angels forget.

Remember differently, forget differently.

Anin turned over, the marks on his shoulders had all disappeared, and he draped his clothes back to him.

Early in the morning, a gloomy light had appeared faintly outside the window, and the birds outside the black hall slowly awakened and uttered a howl or two.

He could hear the sound of morning dew dripping on the treetops.

The blowing wind was like singing a song of praise to the Lord, and then wandering in the room for a long while before leaving.

By the way, he hasn't set foot on the wood angel's residence since that day.

Dirty imprints of the evil breath, I don't know how long it will take to get out of the house.

Memory and space are still intertwined, and he suddenly remembered the hymns that friends were singing on the trees when they stepped out of the Angels.

A cup was passed silently from the side. The scent came from many people's elves' drinks, and the refreshing breath dispelled the stagnation of the night.

Subconsciously he took the cup.

The elf smiled at him, then stood up, walked over the balcony to open the window, and the morning breeze rolled up inward, blowing the decoration in the room into many clear and beautiful sounds.

It is really irresistible in the morning, the sober and pleasant sound of the trees and the invitation of the wind. I wonder if you want to walk around the campus in the morning? Slightly squinting, pale gold se's eyelashes trembled with the wind, and the slender hair raised most of the light to the wind.

An An forgot who said it, the invitation of the elves has always been difficult to refuse.

Indeed, he didn't even have the slightest desire to refuse.

I drank the beverage on my hand, stepped down on the bed, and watched the sky outside begin to change. The morning was about to be changed on the cloud.

Beautiful sounds, awakening scenery.

To commemorate our friends who are in the same war, let our thoughts be sent to the other side along the morning wind. The elf told him so.

Anin knew he was probably laughing.

OK, let's go.

His memory suddenly became distant in this space.

Maybe it will soon become very clear again.

Angels remember and forget.

Ran Yue, who is my body going to trouble?

The partner in memory laughed, and then patted him on the shoulder as usual.

You can live a long time, so it's definitely not me.

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