MTL - Unique Legend-v13 Chapter 10 True and goodbye

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Location: taiwan

Time: 12.08 noon

Yuri's words were like a bomb that detonated without warning.

I was dizzy when I was blown up, and immediately stood up: I don't know what the demon master was. He said so suddenly, if it was a genocid, how could there be me.

And I'm not the one keeping the world!

He also stood up with me. He looked at me strangely first, and then seemed to be thinking about something: it wasn't obvious that I had touched something of the demon master, and it tasted very similar.

I want to tell him, doesn't it mean me?

If so, why didn't anyone tell me?

Since this is the evil devil race, someone should come to destroy me, right, but I have not been destroyed yet, so I should not be.

Seeing that I didn't speak at all, Yuli spoke after a long while: I don't know why you wouldn't know about it. The smell on your body is so explode that it is difficult to distinguish without careful identification. Someone should be protecting you, but it might be you protecting yourself. And I can never admit it.

Pursing my lips, I don't know how to answer him.

Suddenly things about the monster division came so fast that I was caught off guard. I don't know how to confirm or not to confirm. I don't want to confirm him ... it seems like it is not something that can be easily tapped.

But why didn't the senior tell me?

From the bottom of my heart, I felt that the senior must know about this and he did not tell me about it. He only said that it was not important and that I should not let it go.

A light was painted before my eyes.

The source comes from Yuli's hand. He has a chain on it, which has a silver se pendant like a triangular cone on it. It is small and has a lot of words that I can't understand.

My ancestral family is the one who came to the original world from the guarding world. This is something that is passed down from our clan. It is said that before the earliest and earliest time, our ancestors were much loved by a certain demon master.

Looking at Yuli stupidly, I suddenly thought that he should have shown me something at first, shouldn't it also be the reason?

The demon division later died during the war. This was the only relic brought by our ancestors. Later, I came to the original world in order to escape the pursuit. Until now I appeared here. Yuli handed me the necklace and put it on my hand. For a second, the necklace ice made me almost fall out: this is yours, you can take it away.

Looking at the necklace on my hand, I don't know why I suddenly felt familiar, as if I had seen something similar.

I really want to refute that I shouldn't be such an amazing thing.

How can a demon master be as bad as me ...

According to them, the demon master should be determined to destroy the world to be the devil once he is born, and then stand on the highest point in the world without fifteen years of blood and rain, and then be chased by the brave according to the law of animation, and finally become a meteor. That's it for a short life!

I look left and right and look horizontal and vertical.

But it was weird. I couldn't make a sound of protest. I could tell Yuli that he was mistaken and return the necklace to him, but I didn't do it. I put away the necklace.

Chu Mingyang, nice to meet you.

Yuri showed a kind smile that I had never seen before, and then stretched out my hand and patted my shoulder: If I had the chance, I really hope to meet again.

He is leaving.

I hope we can really meet again, and I want to ask him more.


Then, Yuri left and returned to that room.

The door of the room suddenly disappeared after the moment of closing, turning into an empty wall, as if there had never been a door over there. Quietly all around, only the voice of someone speaking occasionally upstairs.

Looking at the necklace on my hand, I hesitated, but I put it on my neck.

After all, this is the last thing that Yuri gave me. It's not good to throw it away.

Thinking about it this way, my stomach suddenly became hungry, and I screamed several times. After relaxing, I realized that time had passed for most of the day.

It's time to eat.

There are obviously fewer people in the restaurant today.

Most people are because of the Haimin matter. Many people become a little suspicious. They are afraid that the boat will sink immediately, and they take all the food back to the room to eat.

Yang ~

I just walked to the entrance of the restaurant, and immediately there was a guy who waved at me with great enthusiasm, ignoring the prohibition of noise. In addition to the five-seed chicken head, who knew who it was without looking, I also saw Thomas Sit by.

Why are you two here? I looked around and didn't see the senior. The table was filled with special meals from the kitchen, much better than others.

The senior is sleeping. I had to come out to find food by myself, but I could n’t take it back for food. Where should I go? The five-seed chicken head answered in a tone of nonsense, and then happily carried a large plate of fish on the table and started to swallow.

Seriously, I suddenly felt that it was a good thing that Wuse chicken head could always be so happy-as long as he didn't drag me into the water often.

I sat down beside him, and Thomas didn't know why he kept staring at me.

He looked a bit shaggy, I quickly lowered my head to pretend to eat, took the bowl and chopsticks, and began to eat hard.

The ship is expected to arrive in port tomorrow night. Just after I had eaten half a bowl, Thomas suddenly spoke and made me wonder if I should continue to eat it, and it would definitely cause throbbing at that time.

I do n’t need to tell you about this, the boat has broken a hole ... Although it has been repaired, throbbing must be inevitable. But I think it will be suppressed by the terrible guild just like it was on the highway.

You are an all-pervasive organization!

I still keep my head down to eat. I do n’t know how to discuss this too-gren problem. It always seems to be a senior or someone else. Now it ’s weird to tell me.

That is to say, Uncle Ben is going to wear the best clothes to take pictures of them! Five se chicken heads suddenly killed this sentence and sent all the atmosphere to the air.

Can you please don't! I'm afraid he will wear the brave to cool.

Rude! Uncle Ben didn't say anything to take out the treasures, do you still dare to abandon it! Turning around, he looked at me with a very strange look, as if I would dare not see the big ship entering the port tomorrow.

No, it ’s not, I think it ’s better to put it away than to take it out. What if there are many people who like to imitate your signboard? Pretending to be serious, I started to chatter.

makes sense. Five se chicken head actually agreed.

There are many treasures in Desiree? Thomas asked curiously, as the killer hadn't fully understood.

do you want to see? As if meeting the same friends, the whole spirit of the five-se chicken head came: all of the uncle's treasures are selected from the world, tell you! It is absolutely impossible for ordinary people to get such things!

I don't think most people would want to use this kind of thing.

It seemed that Thomas had listened with great interest. He even forgot what he was about to say. He began to discuss his ghost collection with Wuse chicken head happily, and he still agreed to go to him when he was free. Take a look at home.

You will regret it ... you will really regret it. When you see a pile of bling clothes, you will regret it.

I prayed for Thomas in my heart.

After I was full, I was not interested in listening to the five chicken heads one by one to analyze his collections. After asking for a lunch box from the kitchen, I quickly walked towards the room.

I do n’t know how long the senior will sleep. Wake up and feel hungry ...

After turning the corner of the stairs, I naturally walked back to my room, but stopped in front of the corridor.

I saw Andy standing at the door of our room. It was obvious that he was waiting for someone. I do n’t know if it was me or my senior.

That whole second, my whole body started to feel hairy again.

Why do n’t you come to the door of our room? Don't create horror here, these two days have been terrible enough.

I thought about it, I really can't miss this opportunity, do you really refuse to give your face a drink? The face that Andel had disguised showed a weird smile that made me really scared.

Can you say no?

But I looked at his expression, as if to say that nothing would happen.

Downstairs, rest assured, I won't do anything to you. He then told me so.

After thinking about it, I bit my head and resisted the fear of agreeing: I, I went back to the room to put things first. He gave way, and I immediately opened the door and ran back to the room. The senior was sleeping heavily on the bed. I didn't even notice when I came in. I didn't dare to wake him up to tell him about Andy.

Putting things out of the room, Andy was still waiting for me in the outer corridor.

I don't want to go anywhere with him casually.

Wouldn't you like to have a drink? Unexpectedly, instead of holding me directly, he asked instead.

Looking at him, I nodded cautiously.

Come on, who will go for a drink with an enemy, especially the other is a fierce ghost family.

Things at that time made me still scared.

Then forget it, I don't force you. Beverages will lose flavor. Shrugging, Andy suddenly changed his mind, and it almost made me think that he couldn't quite resemble the wind direction constellation in the girl magazine.

May I return to the room? Since I don't have to drink, I shouldn't have to stand here to face him, right?

Seriously, the pressure on Andy was still very high. When he was Asis, he knew it now. I didn't dare look directly into his eyes when I stood in front of him.

can. He took out a business card from his jacket pocket, and really handed it over like some kind of business person: close it, you will have a day wanting to find me.

Subconsciously took the business card, the whole was white, there was only a set of mobile phone numbers.

Has the ghost clan made such progress?

Do you even print your own business card?

I didn't want this business card at all, but I didn't dare to lose it, so I took it down, and quickly opened the door of the room, hid in, and threw the door in his funny eyes.

Shouldn't he just think about chasing it again?

Fortunately, I haven't waited for a long time.

As a result, the principal continued to sleep until midnight today.

As Thomas said, the boat really returned to where we originally came up the next evening.

A lot of media have gathered on the shore. From the window, you can see that the flashing lights are constantly on, and it is exaggerated to see a bunch of machines crowded together, as if you squeeze others out and win.

At that time, I was desperately packing my luggage, because I was desperate to go to the boutique area to buy souvenirs earlier than I expected to return home. Five-se chicken head was eating up the last little thing in the refrigerator, and the senior who had not slept until just awake not long ago took the seafood porridge nest made by Thomas to eat half on the sofa.

Arrived! I watched the flashing light getting closer and closer outside the window, and suddenly there was a feeling that I hadn't seen the ground for a long time.

Having said that, because of the early return of the accident, the shipping company also specially provided vouchers for all passengers on board, most of which were United Food Company vouchers, such as afternoon tea, cakes and the like.

It may be the relationship between the seniors. They originally wanted to give us a new three-day two-night flight coupon, but my mother rejected it.

She was probably afraid that she would really sink next time.

So the flight coupons have all turned into vouchers for cake shops. Twelve big cakes can be exchanged for the equivalent.

Really, it's gone, I thought it would be more fun. The five-seed chicken head squatting in front of the refrigerator stuffed the last piece of cake into her mouth and expressed her feelings.

It's fun enough!

There are also Haimin and Ghosts in ten days, otherwise how much fun do you want?

Chu, have you packed your things? Put the empty bowl on the table, the senior voice came over.

alright, alright. I hurriedly pulled up the backpack, and I looked around this place where I lived for more than a week.

Seriously, if nothing happens to the sea people, I really miss it, but now I just want to get off the boat and return to my lovely home.

What's the matter around your neck? I was full of energy after eating, and the senior noticed the necklace around my neck immediately.

It was given by Yuli ... he said it was a demon master.

The senior frowned: Do you accept such things?

The problem is that the other party said that I am a demon teacher, and I do n’t know how to refute ... Senior, do you know this?

Thinking very seriously, I looked at the senior, hoping that he could give an answer.

do not know. He gave me an answer we all knew was lying.

Then, I didn't follow up.

Please, Xuelong's mouth is tighter than the dead clam shell. I can change my name to God when asked!

You can also change course to be a god. The cold words hit me, and I immediately backed away a long distance.

No, no need, thank you. I heard that God counts a lot ... Keke, it will be very competitive. I'm already bad enough, I don't want to get worse and worse, that's enough.

A knock on the door outside interrupted the conversation between the two of us.

Five se chicken heads opened the door, and the other three people in my family were all standing outside with their luggage: Yang Yang, are you packed? We have to wait in the lobby first, and we'll be there in ten minutes.

After I nodded and pulled my backpack and walked out the door, I finally had to say goodbye to the large room where I lived for several days. Seriously, it's a bit reluctant to be too comfortable.

There weren't a lot of luggage for the senior and Wuse chicken heads (I suspect they used teleport spells to send things back in the middle), so they almost left without packing.

The door of the room was closed, and the sound of snoring was automatically locked.

Walked to the meeting place in the hall, where many people were waiting, the staff maintained order and delivered tea and snacks, but many people obviously looked very anxious, probably did not want to stay on the accident boat for too long, and some I've just waited on the deck.

My dad walked back at the counter after paying off the expenses of this trip, and he still had a box of souvenirs from the shipping company.

Then the ship arrived at the port.

Just as we just started on the ship, we also disembarked in order.

However, there were many more media reporters this time. When they saw that they were about to disembark, they immediately surrounded the exit. You do n’t have to approach them to hear what they think about the accident on the ship, what did the shipping company say? .

The first person who went out was immediately surrounded, followed by the second person. Everyone who went out stretched his face and pushed the media to hurriedly leave the place after finishing the formalities. Occasionally, there were several media chasing after him. But soon he turned back.

My house is also in a similar situation, because there are so many people, they are almost enveloped and dispersed.

However, the senior and Wuse chicken heads are very similar. I just wanted to turn around and look for them. They actually stood out and waited for us at the end.

After leaving the media to go through the formalities, my dad quickly left the door.

Different from the salty wind at sea, although it is still cold, but I feel the wind on the land blows in.

Sure enough, it is still good on land!

We are not hitchhiking.

Just when Dad was taking us to drive, the senior suddenly spoke.

Dad turned to look at him in doubt, and the senior smiled slightly: Thank you, Mrs. Chu and Dad Chu, for inviting us to take a boat trip this time. People in our family just called and said they would come directly to pick us up, so do n’t bother Chu Overloaded us. He explained it in a polite tone.

Senior, will your parents really come to take you?

I suddenly thought the excuse was foolish, and then I was glared by a vicious black eye for several seconds.

Huh? It's quite far back to Taichung here. Is it too hard for your family to run this trip? Or is it more convenient for me to carry you back together? My dad froze and asked immediately.

No need, the people in our family just happen to do things on the way. A rare and cooperative five-se chicken head grinned: Can you go to your house next time?

welcome any time. My mother answered with a smile: come and play often.

Hey, surely.

I suddenly felt my future was dark.

So we formally parted ways at the port. I know that the senior and Wuse chicken heads must have returned to the college or their homes directly by using a transfer array.

These days, everyone is tired.

Immediately after I got into the car and fell asleep, there were one week and four days left in my winter vacation.

After the cruise came home, my life suddenly seemed to fall back to a normal person from a different planet movie, and it made me feel very scared.

In the last winter vacation, nothing happened. Except for Meow Meow and Qian Dongshui, who would occasionally call to chat, nothing special happened.

I'm getting numb with strange things on the street.

Even if I do n’t want to accept it, I know that I am almost a normal person, it ’s super sad.

Before leaving home, the function of the thing that the senior and Wuse chicken head drew on the door of my house, I finally knew it was dry. The night when there were only four days left in the winter vacation, I nestled in the room and turned on the electric. I saw a sneaky shadow outside the window—I would turn off the small lights when I played video games, and probably he didn't notice that someone in the house was still awake.

It was half past three.

The thief screamed and flew out before he could do it. There was some unknown force that bombarded him and awakened many people. He heard that he was directly bombed into a nearby ditch, and was caught by the passing patrol officer. Then, he happened to be a wanted burglar again, so the matter came to an end with joy.

I looked at the two things that Yusong and Yuli sent me, poison and necklace, both of which seemed to interfere with my future peaceful life ... Well, although it didn't seem to be quite peaceful on campus.

Those days I really think, what will happen to the two of them?

Would Yuri notify me or anyone else if Yuge died?

I don't think they will, anyway, I'm not who they are, it's useless to notify.

The new semester information of the college was sent soon, similar to what I got last semester, but without the thick student handbook, it seems that he will only publish it once. I have to be careful to keep it.

There are registration slips and some receipts, as well as my compensation when playing ghost and sea people on the boat. The considerable account makes me afraid in the peaceful life. Isn't this the tranquility before the storm?

I poured out the other contents in the bag. The first thing I saw was a course selection sheet, which indicated that some of the lessons in the previous school year should continue to be read, while others could be selected and changed to other, and the fixed lessons that needed to be read were already scheduled. Good time, the remaining empty halls are free to choose.

Then there is the community table.

I haven't joined the community, and I haven't seen it carefully.

Then the last thing that floated down made me stumble for ten minutes, because I always thought that I should have seen my eyes cramped wrongly, otherwise why would I see such a funny word?

In the new semester, everyone will be notified that the school gate has changed. Please look for the designated car number at the designated locations below. The school gate will be changed in front of the bus this semester.

I'm leaning-next to him.

Is this a whole person!

Is it necessary to be a whole new semester!

Even if the train isn't fast enough and you can't drive too late, you can crash smoothly. What is your bus like! What if he suddenly fails to hit the brakes!

Looking at the time and car number above, I suddenly wanted to cry.

Sure enough, life was calm and the disaster began.

Can you put the school gate in a normal place ... I am a bit afraid of being hit by the bus brakes. Can you give me another guide this term?

So my winter vacation was finally over.

The new semester is about to officially begin.

—To be continued—2k novel reading network