MTL - Unique Legend-v14 Chapter 4 Rosalin Hall

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Location: atlantis Time: 11 am

Good times always pass quickly.

Although I don't think it's beautiful to run around in the kitchen all the time, it's really the best compared to going to a haunted house.

At eleven o'clock in the afternoon, everyone gathered in the lounge.

Although it is a lounge, it is just a classroom for the workers.

One, two, three, four, that's good, they're all here. After Qian Dongsui counted his head and determined that no one had escaped, he revealed that he was very satisfied, and in my eyes it should be a demon's crooked smile.

I really want to say I don't want to go.

I bought all four tickets. Taking out four stamps with stamps, Qian Dongsui lifted up at me, not one was missed.

He was warning me I knew.

and many more!

You were n’t thinking about it in front of the counter. Where did you go to buy your ticket?

Then we hurry to the haunted house. Meow Meow said with excitement, like this college festival, there is no place to go except the haunted house.

In fact, we do n’t have to go to the haunted house. Like I just received a leaflet from another class, it ’s a good leisure to go for a balloon or dart

lets go!

No one is waiting for me!

Do you plan to wear it like this? I ran two steps and found something wrong, and hurriedly shouted at the footsteps of the other three.

All of us are still wearing the uniform of the snack house!

Meow Meow turned his head and looked up and down for a while. The uniform was cute and could be advertised. Meow Meow was just like that. She made a small circle and said happily.

Of course you are cute.

lets go!

Don't wait for me again!

Hurrying to catch up with the three unscrupulous students who walked fast, I followed the Chitose to slow down.

The corridor is very lively. The classrooms of each class are deducted to be used as a rest area accident. Almost the entire row of classrooms has been opened into a shopping area. At a glance, almost the entire corridor is crowded with people.

I found for the first time that the people in our school are very good, from children to adults in the crowd, the age distribution is very scattered, and the night market scene where Grandpa and his younger sister appear.

The activities of the Adventure Club are about to begin. Little brothers and sisters are ready to go! There was a man in a rabbit costume standing at the door, surrounded by a group of little ghosts in front of him. The rabbit shouted so loudly, the little ghost below looked at him with a strange look.

Hurry up to get started, anyway!

A black line fell on the rabbit's head on the spot.

Recent kids are really not cute, especially in college.

Hi! classmates. As soon as I took my eyes back, a short figure crowded out of the crowd and ran towards us with a black se, which should be marshmallow.

I recognized it and was the librarian.

Li, can you move freely today? Chitose stopped walking and greeted the administrator.

Yes, there are not many people in the library today, so just go back before noon. It shook the animal's ears a bit, and there was a bright ornament hanging on it. It seems that it was also bought in the classroom store. This year, the student-run shop has a lot of good things. You can also stroll around when you have time.

When I saw it, I immediately thought of another thing: Do you know someone named Aka Lisi?

Li's ears moved and she blinked at me: I know you, have you seen her?

I took out the necklace entrusted to her by Lisie and handed it to her because I wasn't sure when I might run into it. She asked me to tell you that she was still fine, and that was it.

After taking the necklace, Li looked down for a long time, then put it away silently, and then looked up again with a cute smiley face: that's good, I have been worried about her, and that's it. She said happily, as if the news was very good for her.

I followed the smile, and I felt fortunate that I helped bring it over.

Thank you. If you can help me, please tell me I owe you kindness. Lili told me so, happy.


Afterwards, the limited time administrator generally said hello and then said goodbye to us with marshmallows, and soon the crowd of people who entered the corridor disappeared.

Just as we were about to move forward, a chaotic throb followed the screaming horse.

Get out! Get out! Don't get in the way!

A medical class appeared in front of a classroom.

They dragged a half of the body out of that classroom.

I looked up and saw a large signboard hanging over the classroom, which read: Haunted House.

Now, I suddenly want to go home.

Just standing far away like this, I felt the suspicious spirit from that haunted house.

Yangyang, let's go, here it is. Meow Meow took my hand and continued to move forward.

I don't want to go!

It is said that the three walls of the teaching room were nailed with wooden boards. It looks like a wooden room to be collapsed, and the moisture and black stains on the wooden boards look very real. It feels like they are real. He removed the wooden boards of the house and nailed them. Even the spider web and the strange bugs crawling around appeared at the corner of the wooden board.

By convention, the front door has an entrance and the back door should be an exit but the door is closed.

There is a woman standing at the entrance, a big sister dressed like a warbler, thick makeup with a tube of cigarettes, a super skirt and big curly hair, and it has a very uncomfortable appearance with the outer wall.

There is a row of people in front of the haunted house, there are probably dozens of them, but not to the entrance, but to the ticket gate next to it, where a person dressed like a tramp is sitting and stamping the tickets.

The entrance was dark, and nothing inside was completely visible.

Okay, let's just kill it like this. Qian Dongsui walked forward with a ticket.

I hurriedly grabbed Qian Dongshou's back collar, didn't I observe it first? That entrance is weird!

Qian Dongshui turned his head and gave me a white look, and pulled back his own collar, and stretched his head to cut his head and cut his head. What is there to fear?

It's all terrible!

Yes, I'll know if I go in anyway. Ryan's sudden speech surprised us. He was still following.

Just before we yanked, a group of people who had bought the tickets went to the entrance and handed the ticket to the older sister.

The elder sister took the ticket and placed it on the tobacco pipe. The ticket caught fire in less than half a second and disappeared into dust.

After the group entered, they were quickly swallowed by darkness. Within a few seconds, a huge sound came from the whole haunted house, as if something heavy hit the ground fiercely. The sound echoed the entire corridor and caused a short silence for tourists. .

Go away Go away! Don't get in the way!

The shadow that suddenly emerged from the entrance was the familiar medical class. Two people in a group, one dragged half of the corpse and ran outside. Soon, a moving array appeared at the feet and disappeared.

I took a step back.

Take a step back.

Are you sure you really want to play!

I looked down and saw all the suspicious traces of black se on the ground at the entrance. The blood of the dead body had covered half of the black se stains.

Don't tell me what those stains are! I don't want to know at all!

Looking up, what I saw was the excited look of Qian Dongsui and others eager to try.

forgive me…

Come on, the haunted house rushes forward! Meow Meow grabbed my hand and rushed towards the entrance.

Do not--!

Suddenly my stomach hurts, you guys play first!

Qian Dongsui pushed his glasses and looked at me, Yang Yang, aren't you afraid of ghosts? His glasses were eerie.

Correct! That's right!

I'm afraid of ghosts ... This kind of life-and-death situation must not be like a guy in a guava show. He must swell his face and fill himself with fat. Kind of, please let me go, everyone.

Yang Yang can't do this. If you are afraid of ghosts, it will be very difficult to perform tasks in the future. Meow Meow blinked and looked at me like an angel.

My future is full of civil servants. I won't deal with ghosts. Thank you.

And you did n’t have a confrontation with the ghost clan last time, what a terrible thing. Qian Dongsui pushed his glasses and continued to shine, and looked at me theoretically.

That ghost is different from this ghost!

Stop talking nonsense and go. Ryan, who was almost forgotten, grabbed my collar and dragged it forward.

Save people!

The elder sister holding a tube of cigarettes came to us like death.

four people. Chitose passed the ticket to her.

The elder sister glanced at us, and her eyes stayed on me, um ... aren't you the classmate who supervised? She has good eyesight and immediately recognized me. I have seen you come to our classroom several times. The elder sister exhaled, and the smoke of the black sediment came out of her mouth, looking a little scary.

Um, yeah ... It ’s a rare passer-by, I still know someone.

The four tickets were burned as before. The eldest stared at me with a smoking rod, for the sake of my classmates' friends, and kindly reminded you of one thing. After entering, you must get down first, otherwise you will not have to play.

My eyelids twitched. Why do I have to lie down before I go in? !!

Thank you for reminding. Chitose is very polite.

So, Big Sister gave way, welcome to our haunted house, I hope you all have a good time.

Everything is a foregone conclusion, and there is no space for me to escape.

go in. Rice pushed me, and I took a step forward and stepped into the haunted house.

The surrounding area immediately darkened, just like the transformation of space, and the light just after the entrance immediately disappeared.

Reach out without seeing five fingers.

I heard the wind.

Yang Yang! Hurry up!

Someone suddenly threw me from behind, my entire face hit the floor, and for a second my head couldn't think.

The whole eyes are dark, then the heart is full of swear words.

It hurts!

The howling wind suddenly rushed over my head, and then I was very familiar with the loud sound that had just appeared, and the sound of the boom was shaken to the tinnitus.

I felt the floor against my face shaking.

What it is?

A small voice sounded. I saw a bright light ball next to meow's face. Is there anything wrong? It is forbidden to use full light inside the haunted house.

He also banned Quan Liangyu.

I think it's not bad even if it's all bright, there should be no scary places anyway.

Turning my head, Qian Dongsui, who just threw me down, just stood up. It was really dangerous. Fortunately, the school sister just gave us advice, otherwise we don't have to play. He reached out and pulled me off the ground.

I didn't see anything terrifying until I stood up.

With the shimmer of the meow, I saw a huge beheaded sickle on the other side of the dark wall stuck on the other side of the wall. There was still fresh blood on the wall. Obviously it was the group who just left.

I finally understand why the eldest sister told us to lie down as soon as we came in.

If you do n’t lie down, you do n’t have to lie down again.

This is a real knife. Ryan, standing by looking at the sickle, made the above nonsense.

Otherwise, do you really think that the seniors will be kind enough to use fake swords? Don't be stupid!

When there was silence all around, the shimmering light of dark red se lighted up slightly in the room, not the kind of big light, but the kind of weak light that could barely see the path and a little decoration.

Yes, if you have been to a haunted house, you should be no stranger to this kind of light.

Meow Meow extinguished the light ball on his hand.

Then, what appeared to us was the first floor of an abandoned and occupied old house. It felt like a traditional Japanese house. We stood in front of the porch and were surrounded by dilapidated wooden walls and beams just like the outside, closest to us. The porch decoration is a wooden cabinet. It can be seen that it has been unused for a long time. The upper area is covered with a thick layer of dust, and small unknown black insects crawl over the edge.

I turned my head and saw a door appearing in the back with an unknown pattern on the door.

The mood is heavy here. Lace looked around like me and said so.

Dude, please don't tell me anymore ...

Please let me go the whole way without knowing it.

I rubbed goosebumps all over my body and didn't want to go down anymore.

Welcome to Rosalin Hall.


Suddenly Fu's voice scared me. The meow next to me grabbed me and hid behind me.

I do n’t know when the full shadow behind us appears. The shadow slowly emerges on the door panel, looks like a woman, but ca n’t see the appearance. This is our old residence, but in the most joyous place Under the slaughter of Xia Ming, guests from afar, please find out the secret in the house, otherwise don't try to go out. With that said, the body began to fade away slowly.

Wait! What's the clue! Qian Dongsui took a step closer to reach out to catch the woman, but it felt like she felt the air, and her hand penetrated it.

My love, why are you so cruel ...

The woman left only this strange sentence and disappeared.

It was quiet again.

A few of us looked at each other, wouldn't it be love killing ... Meow meow first.

No, I remember Rosalin was not a murder. Pushing his glasses, Chitose started turning his brain,

There was such a case, which should have happened a hundred years ago. At that time, there was a noble house and Rosalin Hall in the East. The owner was the very famous noble Rosalin at the time. His style was magnificent and had a great influence on the government at that time, but one night broke into the invaders. A total of seventy-nine lives were killed in the entire house, along with the master and the servant. No one was left alive. This outstanding case has not been cracked to this day.

In other words, is this haunted house real?

I think my goosebumps are more vigorous.

This should be the theme selling point of the haunted house? We'll know as soon as we leave. Strange, I remember that the senior was not an ancient battlefield ghost? Why did it become Rosalin's house again?

Could it be more than a theme for their haunted house?

Just as I wanted to walk quickly and take the first step, I found that the other three were watching me.

What, what? Stuck a moment, what is going on with you?

Yang Yang. Gan Dongsui took my shoulders, we must first solve this mystery to move on. He told me this in a heavy tone.

Usually he said that he didn't want to go out without unlocking the secret.

... I don't play anymore!

The atmosphere around it was weird and weird to its highest point.

Is there any clue at that time at Rosalinn? 7 The voice of meow came from the side.

I took a step forward, and the wooden floor made a rattling sound, as if it would collapse at any time, and it seemed that the sound did not come from below but something else, and I almost got goose bumps all over .

Is this really their haunted house?

Why doesn't it look like a fake thing at all!

Hmm ... I seem to have seen some records and archives. Although the Rosalinn at that time had many high-level support, there was something strange after the murder. Qian Dongsui thought with a tilted head and said so. At that time, it was clear that there were seventy-nine corpses when counting the corpses. It was also correct to gather them in the square and burn them seventy-nine, but when the official wanted to converge the bones after the fire Suddenly, only 78 bones were found.

Come on ... please don't tell the ghost in the haunted house.

I felt cold all over my body, and I felt like I didn't want to go in again.

Wait, why is there a missing body?

Could it be confused when they were mixed and burned ... I asked with a hint of hope, and walked behind Ryan. The three of them seemed completely afraid of this haunted house.

Impossible, according to the data, because the Rosalin Hall's murder case is so important, the bodies were burned and picked up separately, but the owner's side left nothing after the incineration. Chitose suddenly turned around and shoved his glasses.

Is that so? I swallowed and drunk cold sweat.

Usually this situation only represents one thing. Ryan walking in front looked at me and continued: The owner of Rosalinn is not human.

Eh? Not human? What could it be?

I also think so, it should be a transfiguration monster or another race. After the fire, the whole body will disappear and the dust will not be found. Stepping on the floor that made a noise, Chitose said calmly.

It ’s a monster ...

This should not be a ghost haunted house, right?

Hmm ... but if the monster dies, then the ghost is hard to deal with. Meow Meow frowned slightly, and spoke again to make my whole body hairier.

Isn't the monster dead when it dies? Why is it more difficult to handle than ghosts!

A few people were chatting and slowly passed through the factory hallway corridor. The first room that appeared in front of us was on the right. There was a paper sliding door that had been dismantled halfway, but the paste paper on the sliding door was gone. Now, only the wooden frame left hanging on it.

It was a large room. One of the walls was also a bad sliding door, and the other two were solid walls with dust and unknown black se marks on it. There were a few nail marks hanging on it, but they were almost worn. I can't see what it is.

The room was very dark, only the lights that were as red as corridors and almost invisible to the ceiling.

The same second as we all stepped into the room, a flickering blue flare ignited on the abandoned lamp stand in the corner.

what--! I immediately grabbed Ryan in front and took a step back.

Please, since you are monsters, it ’s not good to play in a monster way, I hate ghosts, I hate ghosts! I don't want this kind of scene that will be cursed by ghosts!

That is just a lamp. Ryan uttered classic nonsense.

I know it's a lamp, of course, but that light is too unnatural. Didn't you notice it!

Yangyang Haven't you done many tasks like monsters and ghosts before? Should be used to it. Chitose looked at me and said so.

You can see that ... I do n’t have to worry about knowing what it is, but the problem is that I do n’t even know what it is!

Aren't they all the same?

Not the same at all. Don't compare me with those of you who are abnormal.

Lan Se's lights made the room brighter, but mixed with the previous red ginseng seemed extraordinarily treacherous, as if something would run out between the two colors se interlaced.

Chitose went to the center of the room and looked around. There was nothing here. He looked over to the room on the other side, and the room inside was almost on the same moment as the flame of the blue se, as if something was opening the road, but it looks like we may find something after more searching. He pushed his glasses, and instantly upgraded from a spirit film to a legendary detective film.

Ryan took a step forward, and I followed him.

This is a terrible place, as if something would appear without notice.

While I was thinking this way, a subtle sound came straight from my feet, and there was a cool thing sticking to my trouser tube.

At this time you lose your head ... Yang Yang, your feet ... Meow meow pointing at me, big eyes looking down.

Everyone looked back at me.

I lost after half a second because I looked down.

A man's handbone punctured the wooden floor and scratched it on my feet.

Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!

There are ghosts here! 2k novel reading network