MTL - Unique Legend-v16 Chapter 6 Initial story

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Location: atlantis Time: 8.51pm

The whole venue was quiet.

The boy who had intercepted the knife sharply stood up straight, first glanced at Chi Dongsui and Wuse chicken head coldly, then moved his finger lightly, and the knife actually shattered in his hand. It felt as if the knight was actually not a knife but something like clay paper.

\ "Do n’t throw your knife away randomly next time. \"

After saying this, the boy turned his head and looked back: \ "Don't you say you don't want to go to a crowded place? \"

\ "Ming is definitely coming from the emperor ... \" Then he murmured protesting.

\ "Let me introduce it to you. \"

Disregarding the seemingly unhappy boy, Emperor turned to us on his shoulders: \ "Some should have met, this is a minister and one of the administrators of our school building. \"


That boy looks shorter than me!

\ "The short is not related to the ability. \" The senior took a pat on the top of my head and pressed it down hard, regardless of whether this action would break my cervical spine: \ "Chen, long time no see. \"

The boy nodded and glanced at us: \ "Good evening. \"

\ "Hello, hello. \" Looking at a boy that was a few centimeters shorter than me, I suddenly felt that he was stronger than me.

Um, there was probably nothing to tell us about the minister who pushed the emperor to the exit: \ "We are going to go back, see you next time. \"

\ "Ah, I'm just here. \" After a few words, Emperor Zhizhi, who wanted to protest, was pushed away.

\ "Then I will go first. \" After seeing that both companions left, I felt that I didn't need to stay here and ran away quickly.

Because just after this trouble, Chi Dongshui and Wuse chicken heads were probably embarrassed to continue the trouble, and after being dragged away by the crowd, they disappeared in the crowd of prom.

\ "Yang Yang, let's go dancing." "After seeing the obstacles completely disappeared, the meow who still remembered this thing reached out to me. Her hand held a flower, which was the one I got in the morning. : "In the name of Bran Fairy's Goddess of Friendship, I hope everyone will always be good friends."

I do n’t know why, I think this picture should be reversed ... Generally, it is not the girls who donate flowers ...

I reached out and took the flower, and I found that the flower was a bit cold, but it was very comfortable. Then I shook hands with Meow and let her lead me to the dance floor.

After playing the music again, the atmosphere was reversed, and the whole thing was relaxed.

In fact, if you are in the crowd, even different people will never know who is who.

The meow meow that led me to dance was slow, and I followed her slowly.

In fact, this seems to be good occasionally.

So just like that, the party ended slowly in a seemingly peaceful night.


The day after the Academy Festival, many people were still in a state of exciting discussion.

I did n’t know until later that the college festival was selling some souvenirs and other things, because the meow who likes to collect things everywhere, clutched the dolls that were limited to the Games in recent days.

If I knew it, I should get back a little bit as a memorial!

Holding the prom clothes that were sent to the left shopping street for cleaning, I rushed to Randall's room early in the morning and knocked on the door to return it. I do n’t know why, the moment Nile opened the room, I seemed to smell some kind of blood He also politely invited me in for breakfast, but I refused.

I don't want to have breakfast in the morning against the body.

\ "Classmate! Hurry up and borrow it! \" Just as I was going to run down the stairs after finishing my clothes, I heard a loud cry coming from behind me, instinctively flashing to the side of the corridor, A whole black thing turned over my head all at once, and the movement was very light and very light like a cat. He held the stair handrail with one hand in the air to stand firmly, and walked along the handrail like a slide. Just slide to the bottom instantly.


This trick should be able to learn! In this way, going down the stairs will save more time than rushing.

But because your black guy is running too fast, I didn't notice what was just running, but since the black guy is in the black hall, I guess which black robe should be ...

\ "Borrowed! \" Shortly after the man opened, another person rushed out from behind me, this time it was murderous, and the heavy footsteps ran down: \ "Bastard! Stop by me! \"

I knew the person who rushed out this time. I saw him when I came to the Black House on the first day. He was the owner of the face on the door and was scolded by the senior.

\ "Don't stand! \" There is a voice coming from far downstairs, that person must have ran outside the black hall: \ "Classmate! That's a greeting for you! \"

\ "Stop me! \" The owner of a bunch of faces banged on the stairs and rushed down to chase people.

The black hall is also lively ...

Wait, what did he just say about meeting gifts?

After making a mistake, I suddenly realized that I didn't know when an unfamiliar small bag was stuffed beside my small backpack. He didn't even find it.

The small paper bag was all white. Only the folded seal was affixed with a pictographic sticker like wings. After opening, there were a few small snacks, which looked simple but had a strong aroma.

What a strange person.

Thinking about thanking you again next time, I ran down the stairs and walked out of the black building. I also saw the chasing black robe looking for that person in a rush, but I couldn't find it at all.

It ’s better not to get involved ... This is the time when the black robes' war has nothing to do with me ...

\ "You get out of me! \"

Just when I decided to pretend that I hadn't seen anything quickly slipping away, there was a sudden loud noise from behind, a sound suspected to be destroying the surrounding environment, followed by the sound of a resident cursing from a window upstairs.

\ "Chala! Quiet me! \" A demon wearing only black lace lingerie with a lace rim took a pot of things that he didn't know was hot water or something from the window sill upstairs, and then took half a second. I heard a wailing cry.

... you can't do it with sulfuric acid!

Nu Leli scolded something I couldn't understand, rubbed her temples, dropped the basin and walked back to the room. The black se's tail dangled and followed.

Well, I still don't want to get involved in the war of the black robes.

\ "Yangyang! Let's go to dinner together. \"

After leaving the dark hall, Meow Meow and Chitose were still outside and came to me for breakfast as they would do every day.

This is my life, as if I really want to start to calm down.

I thought so at least until later.


The day after the college festival ended, the day Lilia made an appointment with me.

In the evening, I early rejected other people's appointments for me to eat, and hurriedly found our appointment.

Just like the last time I read a book, Lilia was sitting in position waiting for me. There was also a bamboo basket on the table, which was covered with a napkin and was obviously a prepared meal.

\ "You are so slow! \"

Lilia, who seemed to have recovered her spirits, spoke to me angrily, and then she took off the napkin: "" This is dinner, let's eat it first. "

I took a look. It was like sandwiches, steaks and lettuce, as well as a pot of tea. Fortunately, I did n’t eat enough before I came here.

After thanking Lilia, I sat across from me and started eating with her.

I still don't dare to ask about Hudi, because I think it's too abrupt to ask people about this kind of thing. If Lilia herself doesn't want to say it, it would make her feel embarrassed.

\ "What are you looking at! \" The person who was about to eat a sandwich suddenly glared at me, only to find that I had stared at her in a daze to think about something.

\ "Sorry. \" Immediately lowering my head, I pretended to eat seriously.

To be honest, the meal brought by Lilia was quite delicious, and it didn't feel like it was brought from the restaurant, because the restaurant's food will have the restaurant's mark on it, which should be brought back from the outside.

After we solved the dinner at a fast speed, the entire tabletop was cleaned up, so Lilia took out a thick rectangular object wrapped in black se cloth from her backpack.

I swallowed, and I knew what it was.

The black cloth looks very high, with an exclusive totem embroidered on it.

As if afraid that too much force would damage the books inside, Lilia carefully opened the fabric layer by layer until the cover of the book that I had seen in my dreams was exposed to the air, and a heavy breath came out.

In fact, I don't know if it is right to read this book, but some wonderful feelings motivate me to come to see it.

Hese's book looks extremely old. It can be seen on the old breath and the ruin of time. It is not as brand-new as it looks in a dream.

Lilia's fingers touched the bronzing of the cover, then she turned the first page.

At that second, my heart seemed to beating.

Behind the cover is a piece of parchment paper that has become so yellow that it is hard to see the original face. It depicts a war-like scene with many people and many blood. I do n’t know if it ’s Lilia ’s magical relationship or I was attracted to this book. A lot of bright silver dots of light suddenly appeared around it, helping to light up the darkened pavilion.

After looking at the picture page a little, Lilia opened the second page, which was still very yellowed paper. I couldn't help but lean over to see it, but I couldn't understand the typeface at all.

\ "Nine Gates Armor. \" Frowning, Lilia took out the magic dance weapon and placed it next to it: \ "This is an ancient elf language, I can't understand it, you can barely interpret the meaning of three points with Nine Gates Armor. \ "

\ "Um. \" I nodded. The handwriting in the book was very beautiful, almost as imaginable as an elf, and the ink of black se had a faint light of silver se.

After putting the weapon in place, Lilia began to read according to the above words: 'The words written on the front and the last, pay tribute to my loved companions and people in the world I love. It's the truth that shouldn't be circulated ... but the people who want to see it ... can always remember. I, Emperor's waiter, Emerson, Wei is the witness, and the recorder of this war, only to tell the truth-

In fact, there are quite a lot of words on this page, but because Lilia doesn't know much, she jumped a lot.

'The truth begins with the group of ice tooth elves ... The season of blessing is coming, and invitations are spreading among each race. It is a prayer song sung to celebrate the birth of the three Highnesses-paused, Lilia frowned again Next: 'At that time, His Royal Highness invited me to stay and write for His Highness, who was a new student of Bingya, and I agreed without hesitation. Just like all the elves sing, His Highness grows more beautiful, smarter, and even brave than any of his elder brothers-

Suddenly interrupted, Lilia quickly flipped through a few pages, then looked up at me: \ "The first few pages of this book seem to be talking about the growth of the three princes. Do you want to continue listening? All are very smart. Did a lot of good things or something? \ "


Interrupted by her like this, I suddenly couldn't connect for three seconds. After a while, I figured out what she was talking about: \ "Uh, otherwise skip this first? Is there anything happening before the war? \ "Looking at that book, it seems pretty thick. It's probably dawn after listening, so I decided to focus on listening faster.

\ "Wait for me. \" With one hand turning the nine shields next to her, Lilia carefully read the text above, page by page should be turned over in praise, and the time began to slowly follow Passing.

Just waiting for the gap, I saw a few transparent things floating near the garden, similar to those I saw last time in White Garden, but not in the same batch. They also probed their brains nearby, but probably didn't like the weapon, so they didn't get too close, watched from a distance, and left after a while.

I yawned while Lilia wasn't paying attention. I didn't know why. I always felt that the area today seemed very quiet. Quietly there was no sound except the sound of flipping books.

The atmosphere is weird and doesn't feel like something good will happen.

\ "诶! I have. \" Stop turning the book, Lilia pointed to the font after more than ten pages: \ "There are some strange things recorded here, he said: 'Our prince has two A secret friend, his daily routine is as usual, but he will leave the family with his friends at night and look around-\ "

After a pause, Lilia glanced at me, and we all seemed to feel the doubt of the recorder, because his handwriting was a little hesitant, and then he continued writing.

‘It ’s been a long time like this, no matter who asks, I ca n’t know the two mysterious friends, but I know. My prince told me quietly because he wanted the recorder to record the truth for him, the two were friends ...-

Lilia stopped.

\ "Who are those two people?" She was stuck here. I was a little nervous. I always felt that the key point was here.

\ "I don't understand. \" Lilia frowned, apparently also very embarrassed and let out her hand: \ "He used very hard words to describe the two people.

I was a little discouraged looking at the long paragraph in the back.

Is it possible to ask the senior to translate?

But I always think that the seniors will definitely explode ...

\ "Let ’s go ahead and find out if anyone understands the ancient elven language that can be translated. \" Lilia patted my shoulder, her tone softened, so she skipped that section and continued down : 'I keep this secret with the prince, and Fengshen is willing to believe that the prince's vision is correct. But that is that time can't last forever, just like the green fruit always **, we can't predict how a living body will transform. When winter came, the prince never went to find his friends, and the silver-winged bird singing for happiness was silent, I know that his friends are no longer-

‘The recorder ca n’t do anything for him. The prince does n’t speak. I can only record the quiet air and silence for him. We watched the winter Xuejing die in the sun, and the melted snow melted her and his body back to the earth. When the next winter comes, she will wake up again-

Then there was a bunch of scenes that were absent, snowy and snowy. Lilia took it at a fast speed, and turned over several pages.

I suddenly felt that the elves seemed to be quite sloppy, and when I talked about it, I would talk about a lot of them. Even the tower has such a tendency.

But it sounds pretty comfortable.

Stopping the page turning, Lilia motioned me to come and see.

From the page where she stopped, there were suddenly a lot of paintings, some were originally connected to the paper, some were clipped in, and almost all came from different people. The style of each picture is different; but the same, These are all scenes depicting painting wars.

There are a lot of pictures, and Lilia told me that what happened at the beginning of this period must be very important, so the miners and the recorders will compete to draw such a huge amount of picture scrolls.

Yes, the size of the drawing can just be clamped in the book, or smaller, which means that the place where the painting was drawn is turbulent and there is no way to carry large drawings. The need to quickly draft small drawings indicates that the place will be at any time. If something terrible happens, you need to run away at any time, and its event dynamics also change quickly, and it needs to be represented continuously by many small pictures.

As she said, I also noticed that most ancient pictures have different backgrounds.

Some are in the woods, some are in palace-like places, or streets, etc ...

The protagonist is very obvious, half of them are elves.

Just like Sai Tower, although the elves on the picture are fighting, their body movements are still very beautiful like dancing, and the painter puts a light on their bodies.

These pictures are arranged according to the time in the book, and each folder is a drawing of the same place.

You can gradually see that most of the initial pictures are elves, and then slowly add other races. The most obvious one is the Beast King family. The characteristics of animals can be easily identified.

Their common enemy is the ghost clan.

In order to highlight the evil and cruel killings of the ghosts, as long as they are not realistic drawings, a large amount of black se is used to draw distorted shapes, or ugly faces and bodies, which make people feel uncomfortable at first glance.

Just looking at these pictures, and not even the content, I know what to say next.

The elves' largest coalition war against the ghosts.


After turning over the picture a little, Lilia restarted the terminated translation.

'My hometown, the second year after the succession of the abyss of the wind, the next year when the prince gradually began to regain a smile and let us feel a little bit relieved, when the autumn golden leaves covered the road, a terrible and shocking The news came with a **** wind.

It was an escaped Western brother, and the Wind Elves guarded him. By this time, he was almost in the arms of the Lord God. The poor Western brothers could not survive the arrival of Xuejing, and his news caused all the ethnic groups to panic.

The ghost clan, who is the enemy of all the world, broke the taboo of time and came to our beautiful land. His evil breath contaminated the field of Nishigaoka, where no one inch of grass buds could grow.

The West Hills longed for by the elves was originally a place of rest, a beautiful place that can soothe tired mind and body. But from now on, there is only death there, no one will sing and sing along with the wind, and the barefoot An An will not be able to set foot on this place.

Our king instructed us to prepare for the blockade of the ice, but when winter came, Xuejing's sad tears melted her cherished ice and snow. The northern snowy territory came to the border. Our brother was taken away and slaughtered by the ghosts. The atmospheric elves no longer sang, and the wind elves also stopped and no longer flow-

I know almost everything next, and I remember seeing similar records when I was at Onizuka.

After that, the three princes of the elves and the father of the elven kings had different opinions. He united the elven nobles to form an elven army, and then went to the west hills, which is now the ghost king grave to wage war.

Knowing that I also know that Lilia skipped this section.

Anyway, these surfaces are roughly the same. After the prince formed the coalition, he started to retreat them in places where there are ghost families, and forced the ghost families back to the beginning.

\ "Strange ... \" After turning a few pages, Lilia narrowed her eyes suddenly, then went through the pictures again.

\ "What's wrong? \" I looked over and didn't know what she was turning.

\ "In theory, there must be someone to help the prince to paint portraits. I want to show you the New Year's first look of the elf prince at that time, but it ’s strange ... there is n’t even one here. But it did n’t make sense. Several of the assistants around have portraits, look. \ "Pointing at a portrait portrait portrait, I immediately recognized it.

Coincidentally, I've seen him this elf.

At that time in Onizuka, the fairy warrior of Firefly Forest.

\ "Everything like this, there should be a prince's right." "Lilia rummaged unconsciously.

I also feel very strange. Since it is the main central leader, someone should help him to draw, unless the prince is a transparent person ... but you should also sketch an air human figure?

Or is the prince in fact a bit like a passerby who was ignored by us as a soldier?

After a short period of time, the two of us turned over the original and didn't see the portrait of the prince. Not to mention the portrait, not even a picture with his shadow.

\ "I don't know if it was stolen by the fanatics ... \" Lilia seemed to be very sorry, but turned to the last page a little bit angrily.

\ "Wait a minute! \" I suddenly held her by the second of the last page.

The last page is a piece of cardboard ... there may be several thick layers of paper with a portrait of an elf on it.

\ "Isn't this Mr. Seita? \" Lilia, who recognizes me like me, picked up the big piece of cardboard, and it was painted with people we both know ... even the whole school should know, Is the manager of our dormitory.

It seems that he is at least a thousand years old!

very scary!

The tower in the picture is actually not much different than it is now. It feels a little younger, and the hair is tied behind, showing a mild smile. The name of the person who painted for him at the time is next to the picture.

I took the cardboard on Lilia ’s hand, because the age is a long time, the bottom right corner of the picture is slightly tilted.

People, when you see this kind of inevitable, you will want to look at it. I am a human, and of course I think so.

\ "Hey! Don't mess around! \" Lilia slammed **** the back of my hand.

\ "It hurts! \" Your hand is a hammer, \ "I just have a look, I haven't known if there is a tapeworm for so long, and see if I can stick it back ... \"

\ "Come here! Put it back! \"

I nailed that small horn, and it was awkward to release it.

Forget it ... It's better not to destroy it casually. This thing is antique at first glance.

\ "What are you doing here!"

Just as I gave up, it wasn't mine or Lilia's voice came suddenly.

I was shocked at the time, so that thing ...

It was torn off by me. 2k novel reading network