MTL - Unique Legend-v17 Chapter 10 Ancient race

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Location: atlantis Time: 9:07 am

I didn't know how long I cried that day, after all, it seemed that I fell asleep directly in the senior's room.

Before waking up, there was a Bingbing thing that was touching my eyes. It was still groggy and didn't want to wake up, but in the end there was no way to open the eyes barely.

As soon as I opened my eyes, I saw that the atmospheric elf was still sitting on the cabinet yesterday, leaning his head on the view outside the balcony. It may be that he is much brighter now, his body is more transparent, and his bare feet are shaking, it feels like he is much younger all of a sudden.

Since he was sitting there, the person I felt was not him.

As soon as I thought about it, I immediately got up, only to discover that I didn't know when I was covered with a thin quilt, and the person who was helping me to apply ice to my eyes immediately pulled back.

Good morning, do you need to sleep more?

Do not know when Nile appeared next to me, put the towel on the hand back to the small water basin, and then said with a smile.

Then I realized that I had pillows under my head. The point is, when is Nile coming in? Shouldn't I ever forget to lock the door after entering the senior's room yesterday?

The pillows and quilts did not look like the things in the senior room. They were a bit elegant and gorgeous. They should be brought from the count.

No, even if I forgot to lock the door, but Nile is not my housekeeper, why does he come to control me?

All the robes have a convening order today, and they have all rushed to the guild for the largest meeting. Nile seemed to see my doubts and took the initiative to speak: Before leaving, my husband ordered me to come and take care of you.

So I lay back on the soft pillow and sighed: I won't do anything weird ...

Slightly raised the corners of the lips, Nile said nothing.

After lying for about a few seconds, I got up with my hands and feet. Because it was a senior room, I didn't want to stay too long. The longer I just felt the kind of oppression and silence.

He didn't ask much, as Nile packed up what he brought, and followed me towards my room.

Just a few steps out of the room, the real trouble came.

The atmospheric elf followed us behind, with no intention of returning. The point is that he was dragging two things with him.

Rabbit, French paper.

The rabbit was drawn last time when I went to the original world with the senior. I remember that the paper was used on Guangying Village. I can understand that he is holding food paper for Guangying Village, but why is he dragging a very expensive rabbit?

Nile helped him to take over things immediately. Obviously, the actual power of the atmospheric elves was not great. Only natural forces could be used. Would you let him in first? He seems to have something to tell you.

Now that Nile was talking, I had to open the room for them to enter.

As soon as he entered my room, the atmospheric wizard automatically floated to the cabinet near the balcony and sat like a senior room. He didn't care about anything, and put his eyes on the scenery outside the window.

The air in my room became a little cold and clean immediately.

The rabbit and the paper were put on the table by Nile.

If the atmospheric elves brought such things, I think he should have reason, especially from the senior's room, but he did not speak at all and ignored us, I don't know what these two things are going to do.

Should this rabbit be for the village of light and shadow ... I looked at the things on the table, and put the rabbit on the paper with a random mood, anyway, as long as the time is not there, the other party will not come to collect .

It just happened suddenly.

After the rabbit was put on the paper, the magic circle of Guangying Village was suddenly activated.

Nyrom stood up in front of me, watching alertly for sudden changes.

There was no terrible thing happening after the light from the Array paper, but the rabbit standing on it suddenly stood up, and Red Se's eyes turned around and looked at us as if it was given some vitality instantly.

Ah ... go to him and prepare this body for Uncle Ben! Suddenly the jewel rabbit who moved by himself made a sound that seemed to have been heard somewhere: I am the village head! How could such a cute thing come to be a medium!

Village head ... wedge? Nile immediately recognized the identity of the rabbit.

Oh? Little werewolf? After the automatic activity, the rabbit kicked the light array paper of Guangying Village to the side: Now that I was forcibly summoned ... Is there something wrong with His Highness?

I glanced at Nile, and then slowly took a deep breath and sighed something I didn't want to say: Senior ... I won't be back anymore. In fact, I really don't want to say this, as long as I don't say anything, it seems that the seniors will really appear again at any time.

Until now, I still hope that will be the case.

Sure enough. Rabbit ... It should be said that the village head of Guangying Village, Wedge took a breath, and sat down in a strange sitting position directly on the table: I had a contract with His Highness Bing Yan, and as long as he left here, I would come over He deals with one thing.

What are you going to do for the senior? Looking at the rabbit drawn from the shopping street now sitting in front of me, I suddenly felt a mixed taste.

Even though the senior is not coming back anymore, he has prepared a lot of things beforehand.

It is very consistent with his personal style. I don't know how many things he will have unexpectedly.

In fact, I always have a feeling that the senior seems to often help myself to pave the way, as if I already know many things that will happen, including Guangying Village or other things.

That is confidential. The rabbit glanced left and right, shaking its ears: I felt that there was cotton in my body ... I want to transfer the whole body later. There is no way for us to appear directly in this world. We need media and contracts. Please help me prepare some food. Living in this place temporarily will consume a lot of strength.

OK, rest assured. Nile quickly responded to his request: I think you will enjoy many sweets in this world.

I saw the rabbit giving Nile a thumb ... short, almost invisible.

The atmospheric elves who didn't join us started to hum the song, it was very quiet, and it almost melted in the air so people could not notice it. After a while, I noticed that there were several transparent objects outside my window, but because it was too transparent, I saw only The outline of the dots, nothing else.

After that, Nile told me that it was a wind elf, and soon they would spread the news of the senior to all parts of the world.

The atmospheric elves were still humming, and the people who could understand them would no longer appear.

Wedge borrowed the room. It didn't take long for me to enter the room, and there was a sound of knocking on the window outside my balcony.

Faster than me, Nile stopped his hand that was helping us prepare food and went straight to open the half-closed window. Outside, there was a white se thing that looked like a bird.

Our host wants an invitation from Mr. Chu. That white se suddenly resembled a bird: please be sure to come. Just after finishing speaking, the bird suddenly slammed into a card-like thing, which was firmly caught by Nile.

He handed the card to me. Although it was handmade paper, it looked very elegant. It had a totem on it and signed my name on the front. It's Chinese. Open the card and see that they have an array map like Ido, and then write me in beautiful handwriting. Invite me today. If you have time, please go over it.

The end of the card reads: Bai Lingran.

I think the time should be almost here, and now it has become like this, if I did not find me then I would feel strange.

Need something for you? I didn't ask much, and I was sure that I would go to Nile.

Uh ... no need, it doesn't matter, I think about it myself. Suddenly there was an extra person trying to take care of things for me, which made me feel very strange, especially my stuff was jammed. It was better not to mess around.


Suddenly there were many people and things in the room. I glanced at the atmospheric elves secretly, and he still had no plans to leave.

Don't know how long he will stay here?

May I go with you? After setting the food on the table, Nile stared at me while eating, and then asked after a while.

I thought about it for a while, although I knew the other person ...

However, according to Ming Zhi, he is the leader of the contemporary demon division. From the beginning, he also had a purpose for me. I cannot tell whether he is still as friendly as before.

But I want to believe him.

Hmm ... I can do both. The bite seemed to be a tasteless sandwich, and I answered slowly.

Now I don't want to go to the appointment alone. I can't predict what will happen next. I don't know if someone will disappear in front of me.

That terrible feeling ...

Nothing can be thought of and nothing can be seen, only to make people feel scared.

After using the meal, the wedge did not come out. I guess he should not bother him casually, because he seemed to have said that it would take a long time for him to transfer his body.

If it is disturbed, it will be bad if it becomes half cotton and half flesh.

Nile sorted out my room during the short stay, and gave me a spare key, saying he could borrow the bathroom in the count's room.

I feel a sense of salvation.

Because I think, in a short time, I should not step into the senior's room, where the space is ...

After borrowing the bathroom to clean and take a bath, I followed Nile to the outside of the black building, took the card, and started the formation method inside.

As usual, we were teleported to strange places.

There are trees, old houses, and then ... a swing that has been half-broken.

For a second, this scene seemed to be connected to something in my head, and all of a sudden my impression floated into the time before a long time ago. It felt like something terrible had happened in it ...

What happened to you Nile's face suddenly enlarged in front of my eyes, and I was frightened before waking up.

I, I have an impression of this place ... looking around, all the houses are surrounded by mountain views, it seems that they are not in Taiwan, but they are not in the world, because the plants in the world over there are a bit different from here In other words, the plants over there will not be so quiet, so this must be somewhere on the earth.

It feels very quiet. It's a bit like the ancient urns seen on the TV. The surrounding area is also covered with flowers and plants, as if someone is taking care of these things very carefully.

Have an impression?


Before I could describe my feelings, Nile suddenly frowned, suddenly turned back, and immediately caught the person who didn't know when he was silently approaching behind us.

It is an old man with gray hair, dressed in a big coat, with eyes and faces separated from other features, and looks a little like an animal.

what are you going to do!

Nile tightened his fingers, and the other party made a strange grunt.

The master and the master invited the two into the house ...

After struggling a bit, the old lady suddenly fell down like a deflated balloon, dropped abnormally from Nile's hand, and the big sloppy fell aside, and the whole person disappeared.

Then we all saw a gray mouse crawling out from under the clothes, and the smoke disappeared.

I glanced at Nile and nodded.

go in.

Seriously, the house is really big.

After approaching, if Ronnie said that the specifications of this kind of house should almost lead the way, I might find the entrance alone.

The two of us walked together in front of a wooden door. The door panel was exuding a certain scent of fragrance, and the totems like phoenixes were carved on it. They are probably works of a certain age.

Just when I was a little hesitant, the door was opened.

Unexpectedly, the one who opened the door from the inside was someone I had met once.

Why isn't Hao Yun's brother coming in? Cynthia pushed the door and smiled and looked at me, then nodded to Nile: We are still wondering if you don't want to come, after all, I didn't tell the truth before.

Hmm ... it doesn't matter. After knowing that she was a descendant of Xin Ya, I didn't say much. Under her greeting, Nile and I entered the door one after the other.

Just like when you see it outside, it's also astoundingly large inside. There is a long distance at the end of a wooden paved corridor with the same smell, and there are hanging scrolls on both sides. It is unexpectedly classic feel.

However, I don't know how anyone can feel it.

Except for Cynthia, so far I have only seen the strange Mrs. Mouse just now; other human organisms that can move are exactly zero.

If we were killed here, we should n’t notice anyone ...

this way please. It seems that Cynthia who lives here led us up the long corridor, passed through a hall-like place, turned left, and saw the second door leaf, with a large totem on it. It is a totem mark of the demon division, because the descendants of the demon division now have different occupations in various places. In order to help each other, if you see the same mark in the future, it means that there are people in the tribe who can help you. Just go in. A female elf who is not a demon class but knows more than me smiles and opens the door.

I do n’t know if there is such a pattern outside my house ... But Ming Ye said that his mother ’s memory has been changed, and she is not sure about anything here, so I do n’t think so.

After a momentary consideration, the door was opened.

After the door was fully opened, I saw Bai Lingran, who had been waiting here for a long time, and another acquaintance who was supposed to rest in the holy place but appeared here--


It was surrounded by wooden floors and pulled up high, and you had to take off your shoes and step on. The whole interior is a bit like the old furnishings, even things like fires. There are small tables and no chairs on the wooden floor. And the water fairy half leaning on the small wooden mat smiled and nodded to me: it's been a long time, Yang Yang, you seem to have experienced a lot of things ... I hope I can help you.

I walked to Edo and asked him to pat his head lightly.

I heard about His Highness Bingyan from the Wind Elves, and the results are the same, but the process has not progressed to the worst place ... Suddenly, Idol looked at me a little sadly: I ca n’t tell you this is good Or bad, but I'm glad that what should have happened has been reversed, and that may mean something different for us.

Looking at Edo, in fact, I still don't quite understand what he wants to say.

Sitting on the other side came over: Please take your time. There is no medical class here, so be careful of your physical condition.

Ok. He smiled and nodded his head, and Edo fell down a little, and blinked at me a little naughtily: When I came out, I didn't tell Yado that they only left a note. It is estimated that they should be very Angry.

Huh? Did you come by yourself? I thought that Ido's situation should not be enough to go out alone, even if there is a mobile array.

No, I brought him here. I coughed a bit, then took the cushions and let me and Nile sit down on the wooden floor next to Edo: After talking about something with the water goblin, we reached a consensus and we must let you know.

Walking on the wooden floor, Cynthia still silently brought tea and placed it beside the floor for us.

Also, I don't know many things. I'm not sure if I'm sneering. In short, I have too many things I want them to tell me.

He didn't sit down immediately, Nile stood a little bit beside him, as if on alert, and probably sat in the back after making sure it was really harmless.

I think that Ming Ye should have told you something about me. After sitting upright, Ran calmly told me this: This is the home of the demon division, surrounded by layers of enchantment. Unless led by blood, ordinary people cannot enter.

Oh. I do n’t have much interest in this matter, because I think of another thing-that is, I am sure that I have an impression of this side, and I should have been there, plus Ming Xun said that I had pestered me before Cousin playing, there is only one meaning: has our family been here before?

Yes, correctly, you have lived here for a short time. There is nothing to hide, but it was also straightforward to tell me: about four years old, your father was on a business trip. At that time, your mother's memory has not been modified, so take the time to take you home with you, but Because of an accident, we decided to modify your mother's memory. In order to protect your family's blood lords, sorry.

What happened at that time? I just remember someone hanging in the air.

Hmm ... you saw my father, the head of the former demon division, killed by people hunting demon divisions on a swing outside. I reached out my hand and pointed it on my forehead: Actually, I hope you do n’t know that these things are better. The family ’s affairs are handled by the family ’s people. We hope that the people of the demon teacher blood outside can lead a normal life. .

But now I want to know everything. Closing my eyes, my fingers felt a bit cold.

Almost at that moment, a lot of memories appeared in my head.

In fact, young children do not remember clearly, most of them are fragments, and the duration is short.

Among the vague memories, there are the same old houses, there are many old trees nearby, and I am a young cousin who chases around and has fun.

At that time, it seemed that it was already very mature, and talked about a lot of things about the ancient demon division.

He once said that because my sister and I are both capable, he will protect us in his family.

In the summer of a certain year, my dad went on a business trip as usual, so my mother took me and Minglu back to my home. At that time, Minglu seemed a little weird, and she talked about things in the room. After talking for a long time and not coming out, my mother was talking to my uncle.

Because only the leader has always lived in this family, to avoid unnecessary hunting, the entry and exit are all animals or servitude.

Among the almost yellowed but familiar memories, I walked out of the house alone, playing boringly nearby, picking flowers and wanting to follow the concubine. So after talking about the matter, I came out and said not to go in first to disturb my mother, just sit beside the old tree and talk to me.

He said that there was a relationship between the demon class and the werewolf family, and that even after leaving, the contemporary demon class still paid attention to the werewolf group that was left down, but he could no longer see each other. Because the demon division was not long after he was left, he was caught up by those who followed him, without resistance, so he was killed.

The ability of the demon division to pass through is more terrible than people think, but because of the fear, it will face the fate of being hunted down.

Although very negative, most contemporary demon masters try not to reveal their abilities, so they rarely fight back on a large scale when facing death. Also, because some predecessors helped us to bleed our way, so talents in the past will increasingly feel that the demon master is not as horrible as the legend, and even if it can't be found later, it is directly concluded that the demon master has been eliminated.

The demon teacher who re-emerged in modern times has no ability. Through the secrecy of the guild, he gradually became an ordinary person to survive.

And the leader of the demon division who inherited all the power is still reclusive in a place where no one knows.

They reach a consensus, do not participate in world affairs and then exchange for the survival of the tribe.

I patted my head and said that maybe everything is destiny.

The soul abilities of the monster division will be manifested in you after thousands of years. In the beginning of the elf war, we all need to protect the strength and memory at that time.

So we will work harder.

And we directly transmitted the power of the ancient demon division, which means that the descendants of the elves should have appeared at that time, because this power was someone's plan and came to the world with him and returned to us.

If you meet the descendants of the three princes of the elves, all you can do is to protect him from being caught by the ghosts or to do something for him, so that the evils owed to them by the wizard family can be paid off slightly.

I was too young at the time to understand the meaning of the words.

After speaking for a while, I said that I would let myself go to play nearby.

After I ran for a while, I remembered asking if I could find a day for Ran to live in our house and play with me.

The moment I turned my head back, things were different.

The swing is so empty, I saw a pair of feet swaying in the air, and the person who was just there was dragged to the tree by a black thing. There was one standing between the branches. I have never seen it. Adult, wearing black se costumes, then stretched out his hands and pinched his neck.

The **** spider lying next to him looked at me with six yellow se eyes.

Six fingers were deeply trapped above the neck of the person being held up and raised, and the blood of the black SE permeated from the abnormal finger.

I just stood there staring blankly, watching the man's hand make a clicking sound, severing the neck completely, and the spider next to it greedily rushed up and wanted to bite something.

After that person looked at me for a few seconds, it faded away slowly and suddenly.

I did n’t know what happened later. Someone pulled me back into the room, and then covered my eyes with both hands, and said gently: Forget all the things about the demon master, before people, after recording And hide everything away from here.

After that, I opened my eyes and went home, and I didn't know anything.

And after a long time, when I returned to this world again, I remembered everything.

So I opened my eyes and saw that it was already wide open.

He still smiles at me.

You are welcome to return to the home of the demon master family, Chu Mingyang. 2k novel reading network