MTL - Universal Sword God-Chapter 1 Jingya Genius

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It faces the city in the east and is located in the westernmost part of Lanqu County.

"Looking to the east, see Jingjia, Jingjiawei is famous all over the world!"

"Jing Jiaqiang, Jing Jiawang, Jing Jia's talent is far-reaching!"

Twenty years ago, these two sentences spread across the city, even a three-year-old child knew.

The origin of these two sentences is because the Jing family had a martial arts genius, Jing Yan.

Jing Yan stepped into martial arts at the age of five, became a martial artist at the age of six at the age of six, became a martial artist at the age of six at martial arts, and became a martial artist at the age of twelve at the age of twelve. Realm strong.

I must know that in the entire east facing the city, the number of innate realms is not large. Even in the several large families facing the city in the east, the innate realm is only about ten people.

The appearance of a fourteen-year-old congenital powerman, which shakes the entire east facing the city, is inevitable.

When Jing Yan was sixteen years old, he successfully entered Shenfeng College, one of the three major colleges in Lanqu County. He is also the only martial artist who has entered the three major colleges in the past ten years.

At that time, the brilliance of Jing Yan radiated to the entire east facing the city. He was the glory of the Jing family and was hung by every Jing family child every day. Although only sixteen years old, Jing Yan was already a role model for countless young warriors in the east of the city.

However, just a year ago, Jing Yan was expelled from Shenfeng Academy and had to return to the family.

It is rare that I enter the Shenfeng Academy for training, but are forcibly evicted. Therefore, as soon as the news spread, not only was Jing Yan himself ridiculed by the warriors in the east, but even the Jing family was the subject of ridicule by others after their meal.

But the reason for Jing Yan's deportation was the fall of the martial arts realm.

Yes, less than half a year after entering Shenfeng College, Jing Yan ’s martial arts not only did not continue to improve, but fell, from the innate realm, directly into the martial arts nine heavens realm.

This is just the beginning. In the subsequent period, almost every month, Jing Yan's martial arts level will fall. Up to now, Jing Yan has only repaired the martial arts triple-sky realm.

刚 When he first returned to the family, the senior figures of the Jing family also held several meetings for Jing Yan. They wanted to find the reason for Jing Yan's realm to fall, but in the end they failed. The Jing family expended a lot of resources and could not stop Jing Yan's martial arts realm from falling, so he had to give up in the end.

Now the Jing family again refers to Jing Yan, and the loudest sound is a heavy helpless sigh.

The star that used to be the brightest is now in the spot where no one cares.

Jing Yan lives in a separate courtyard of the Jingjing Family House.

景 When Jing Yan was dazzling at first, there were warriors from Jing family visiting Jing Yan every day. But now, the whole courtyard is dead, and it seems that no trace of the bird can be seen.

In the room, Jing Yanpan sat on the bed.


运 Jiang Yan who had just been working for a week, slowly opened his eyes, and a bitter smile appeared in the corner of his mouth.

"It's still like that!" Jing Yan shook his head gently. "The vitality just cultivated will soon disappear without a trace. What's wrong with it?"

Wu Jingyan was helpless.

Now, every time I practice Gong cultivation, I also have vitality, but every time I generate energy, it disappears without a trace within the breathing time after the end of Yun Gong, as if it never happened.

The martial arts practitioners practice exercises, the normal situation is to generate vitality, and then store the vitality in the body. With more vigor, the martial arts level will gradually improve. But Jing Yan's body was like a hole in the bottom of a bottle, and no more vitality could be saved. No matter how much energy you cultivate, it will flow away from this cave.

Wu Jingyan himself did not know what the reason was.

This happened during the third month of entering Shenfeng Academy. At the beginning, Jing Yan didn't pay much attention, but in a few months, the realm fell from congenital to Martial arts. It is something wrong with his body.

If an ordinary person experiences such a big ups and downs, I'm afraid he has abandoned himself, but Jing Yan hasn't. He never even thought of giving up martial arts. Even if the realm keeps falling, Jing Yan still insists on practicing daily, even if the vitality cultivated every day can only keep a few breaths, he never slackens for a day.

"Did I really become an ordinary person?" Jing Yan glanced at the twilight sky, "No! I don't believe it! I can definitely regain my strength and return to the top."

"Continue to practice!" Jing Yan stood up, moved a little, and immediately sat down again to continue his exercises.

Time is flowing, slowly passing away, the night gradually dissipates, and the dawn of the dawn pours down.

Throughout the night, Jing Yan had practiced the exercises for six full days and cultivated a lot of vitality.

"Don't disappear, don't disappear!"

At the same time I received my merits, Jing Yan was silently thinking.

"Well, still the same." Feeling that the vitality just cultivated disappeared at an alarming rate, Jing Yan shook his head again. In fact, he also knows that the possibility of staying strong is very low, but after each exercise, Jing Yan will give himself a hope.

I hope to be destroyed again and again, and then again and again ~ ~ and so on.


When Jing Yan was about to get up and move to the bones in the yard, his mind moved a little and he noticed an unusual feeling. This time the vital energy dissipated does not seem to be exactly the same as before.

"How is this going?"

Wu Jingyan's gaze quickly fell on a ring worn on his finger.

This ring, called Qiankunjie, is more than a year old, and Jing Yan's grandfather left it to him. Jing Yan's grandfather Sedum, who was the owner of the Jing family before his death, died a year ago. When Jing Tian died, Jing Yan was next to Jing Tian. Jing Tian personally handed over the ring to Jing Yan, asking him to keep it safe and not to lose it. Although Jing Tian did not say what the ring meant, Jing Yan knew that this ring was extremely important.

So after getting the Qiankun Ring, Jing Yan never took the Qiankun Ring off his finger. He always wore it regardless of eating or sleeping.

After this Qiankun ring fell into Jing Yan's hands, there have never been any unusual changes.

At this moment, on the ring of Qiankun, there was a slight flash of milky halo.

Because the ring has never changed in this way, Jing Yan frowned slightly and stared at Qian Kunjie. He could feel a faint warmth from the ring.

At the beginning, the feeling of warmth just stayed near the palm of the hand, but after a few breaths, the feeling of warmth spread through the whole body of Jing Yan. The yellowish halo emitted from the ring's surface not only showed no signs of disappearing, but instead became more and more abundant.