MTL - Unlimited Cycles of Death-Chapter 102 Butterfly Throne 11┃ becomes a letter, which will make you more relaxed and happy.

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Mu Qin raised a contemptuous smile: "There are many ways to deal with me? Come on! Come on! You can try as much as you can to kill me!"

Faceless people can't do anything about Muqin's unassuming, indifferent attitude. He emphasized to Muqin: "As long as you are good, I won't hurt you."

Muqin satirized him: "Oh, well? Sitting in this chair as your doll? What do you think of me as?"

"I just want to be with you, Muqin ..." The faceless man held Muqin's hand.

"Yeah, we sit in this chair in a daze, cursing each other with the most malicious language, this is what you call 'together'!" Muqin almost sneered.

He really laughed out loud: "Haha! Seriously, I can't understand you at all, I just think you are boring and have nothing to do, so catch me over as your big doll? How old are you? Hard Are you still weaned? "

Muqin's ridicule and ridicule were extremely unpleasant. What's interesting is that the faceless person didn't say anything to refute. The faceless person just clenched Muqin's hand and lowered his head slightly.

Mu Qin narrowed his eyes: "Why do you want to be with me? Do you like me? Do you love me?"

This sudden question seemed to make the faceless person stunned for a moment. He held it for a moment, then looked up at Mu Qin, still unable to squeeze out even a word from his mouth.

"It looks like you don't love me." Mu Qin easily understood his attitude. "You just think of me as a substitute for someone."

"You say you are Axin, I don't think it looks like it at all." Muqin continued. "From the memories you disclosed to me, Axin has no idea about his brother at all, he is a complete heterosexual. He likes gentle, beautiful and kind girls. "

Mu Qin couldn't help bringing his face closer to the faceless man, staring at the other with his eyes widened, "You look more like Axin's brother Amu."

"I'm not Amu." The faceless man finally retorted.

Mu Qin laughed: "Maybe you really don't think you are Amu, but this may also be the subconscious you want to evade, for example ... you want to evade your role as an elder brother, you want to escape your identity as an elder brother, you want to escape yourself as Amu. You may think that being an Asin will make you more relaxed and happy. "

"Shut up!" The faceless man was indeed provoked by Muqin again. This time he no longer reached out and touched Muqin's neck. Instead, he squeezed Muqin's mouth so that Muqin couldn't continue to speak.

Mu Qin didn't speak or move, and closed his mouth, still pouting. The faceless man took a moment to let go of Mu Qin's mouth.

After the faceless man let go, Muqin naturally reached out and rubbed his cheek.

Faceless people no longer want to face Muqin's endless sarcasm and provocation, especially Muqin's mind is extremely keen, and every sentence is turned into a sharp blade that is stabbed in the heart of the faceless man accurately. So before Mu Qin had spoken, the faceless man stood up and tried to leave here, turning and disappearing as before.

But this time, Mu Qin retained him. When the faceless man stood up, Mu Qin stretched out his arm and grabbed the corner of the faceless man.

"Don't run, Amu." Muqin knew that he couldn't let the faceless people escape this time. First, Mu Qin was worried that after the faceless people left, he would go to Zhou Yue for trouble. The second is that Muqin must get the intelligence he needs from this guy.

Mu Qin is about to escape from the throne and the map of the throne, to escape from the marginal world, to get rid of this inexplicable faceless man, and he is going to live back to the present world and meet Zhou Yue alive.

"Don't call me Amu, I said ..." The faceless man responded gloomily.

"You said you weren't Amu." Muqin interrupted and smiled. "But you never told me who you are."

"I'm Ashin," the faceless man muffled.

"Don't do this. Individuals can see through your stupid lie." Mu Qin turned sharply, trying to soften the other's attitude. He knew that it was not a good choice to keep each other on a tit-for-tat. Meaning, "Well, I'll treat you as Axin."

After hearing that, the faceless man finally dismissed the thought of leaving, and looked back at Mu Qin: "Will you stay with me obediently?"

"If you tell me why you want to stay with me, I can think about your request." Mu Qin lowered his voice and looked very gentle. "I am special to you, right?"

"You are special." The faceless man turned to face Muqin. "You are very special ... Muqin."

"Then you would make some sacrifice for the special me?" Muqin's voice was soft and slightly confused.

"What do you want?" The faceless person asked.

Mu Qin shook his head: "No, I should ask you this sentence ... what do you want?"

The faceless person said, "I want you to stay here."

"This answer is too general, to be more specific." Mu Qin bluntly, "Since you want to leave people, you must give people a reason to pass?"

"You know, if I stay in the marginal world forever, it means that I am dead in the real world." Muqin said, "In order to stay here, I will pay the price of death."

"Since you have to pay me such a huge price, but you are not willing to tell me anything, and you are not willing to give me anything, you may be so ... shameless."

The faceless man understood Muqin's meaning: "You want to know the truth."

"I have the right to know the truth," Muchin replied.

The faceless person seemed to think about it for a while, and said to Muqin after a short while: "I should really tell you the truth, but the dictation is too troublesome ... just like before, I will show you directly."

The faceless person said, reaching out and holding Mu Qin's throat again. He did not press hard, but Mu Qin still lost consciousness for a moment.

Unconscious Mu Qin, consciousness fell into the memory shown to him by the faceless man.

Before Muqin, he was able to dream about the memories of the brothers Amu and Axin. In fact, after contacting the faceless person, they spied on the memory of the faceless person.

The wandering ghost in the library, and the gold that has long been brainwashed by faceless people. They can all pry into part of the memory of the faceless person through "psychological contact" with the faceless person, but they can only see a limited amount of things, and the faceless person does not mind their snooping.

The faceless person's memory is quite huge ... it is better to say that he actually has many, many people's memories at the same time.

The spirit, memory, and even some personality of each player who died in the marginal world will be devoured and digested by faceless people.

Yes, the dead players in the marginal world will become the "food" of the faceless people, which makes the faceless people's spirit and consciousness become larger and larger, making everyone who notices their existence feel creepy. ... a huge monster.

But the constant swallowing of these people's spirits and memories has also brought negative effects to faceless people. For example, when a faceless person invades the mind of another person, if the person being invaded is strong enough, that person can in turn peep into the memory of the faceless person, like King and Muqin.

However, this negative effect is harmless, because the "memory" of the faceless person is too large, and only the scales and phoenixes are snooped. No matter how bad, faceless people can completely erase other people's memories.

But the negative effects are not just this.

More often, the faceless person is actually very confused because he can't tell who he is.

Is he Amu ... or Axin?


On the other hand, Muqin was immersed in the memory shown to him by the faceless man and returned to Estonia in 1721.

During this sensitive period, the relationship between the Aboriginal people of Estonia and the Russian settlers was in hot water. Menshak, a Russian, hosted an adult banquet for two adoptive children at his own estate, and invited most people in the village. Come and join, and the village is basically all Aboriginal people except the Mensaks.

Many rumors and rumors that have recently emerged in the village are directed at Mensak. Mensak intentionally clarified one by one at this banquet, hoping to take the opportunity to regain the trust of the villagers.

When preparing the banquet, in addition to setting up the venue, Mensak also made a lot of psychological preparations. He even wrote a speech for himself and wrote various notes on the note. He expected that he might be ridiculed by some villagers. Critique, there must be malicious people against him.

Mensak was ready to deal with these, but he never expected that third party forces appeared at the banquet.

A group of pirate pirates entering from the nearby bay suddenly appeared in the village.

When these bandits entered the village, most of the villagers had already set off for the banquet at Mensak.

When these ferocious men carried their swords and guns into the village boldly and swayed, no one found their invasion at all. Everyone gathered in the courtyard of Mensak Manor, attracted by Mensak's prepared food and wine glasses. With.

As the protagonists of the banquet, Amu and Axin have already dressed up and stood waiting for guests in the hall of the manor. Before the banquet officially started, Axin's eyes had been also come to Surier who also came to the party Attracted.

The beautiful Suryl faded her capable hunter's outfit and put on a gorgeous long dress. This was bought by her father to save money in the town, which made her instantly attracted the attention of many boys at the banquet. .

A Xin's gaze was also deeply attracted to her, thinking that he had promised to promise Su Lier on the day of the banquet, but when he was about to come, he was stunned and frightened.

In order to be brave, when a waiter with a wine tray passed by his side, Ashin reached out and took a glass of brandy from the waiter's plate. Amu next to him stopped him. Ashin breathed out the wine in the glass. Drink up.

As a result, the wine was just poured in, and the spicy wine suddenly let A Xin choke suddenly, and the good brandy was spit out by A Xin again, and the white towels on his chest were wet.

Helpless, Amu wiped him with a tissue: "Axin, don't drink it."

Some Xiaoxiao generations saw Axin's wolf howling at the same time, and immediately gloated at the brothers and laughed.

Amu glanced at those who laughed with sharp eyes, and was swept away by Amu's cold eyes. Those people soon snored and turned around.

Amu turned his head, held his brother's hand and said to him, "Your clothes are wet, they don't look good, come in and take off your coats, and let the servants clean."

Axin nodded obediently and was temporarily entered into the back room by Amulla.

But the two brothers didn't know that after they entered the back room, something happened quickly outside.

When the invading pirates saw that the village was empty, the doors were closed, and they led the brethren along the road in the village. At halfway, a pirate with a burn scar on his face ran back from the front of the team and said to his boss: "Boss, the manor in front is brightly lit, and the people in the village are probably gathered there!"

The leader of the pirate spit on the ground and said, "Brothers, are you hungry? We just fled from the sea and haven't had a good meal for a few days. This group of people are still having a banquet here? Kill them up They all killed! "

The leader of the pirates gave an order, and a group of desperate people immediately held up their arms and echoed. Some of them rode on the horses they had snatched from somewhere and rushed towards Mensak Manor. on.

The guests in the manor were immersed in the staggered cups and pans, and no one was aware of the dangerous approach.

When these gangsters rushed into the door and cut off the head of the first person with a long knife, after a brief silence, the guests screamed with treble shells, and fled as birds and beasts scattered.

However, the gangster who rushed into the door had long expected that the people at the banquet would run away, so he took the lead in sending someone to the back door of the manor to intercept it.

Because the retreat was cut off, Mensak Manor immediately messed up, and women and children gathered without hands, while men tried to pick up items that could be used as weapons to resist the invaders.

Once the fighting broke out, it was immediately stuck.

At this time, the two brothers, Amu and Axin, were still in the back room, and Axin had just handed over his clothes soaked with wine to the servant and let the servant dry them. After the maid left, Axin changed the temporary coat in the room, while Amu waited for the younger brother to change clothes outside the door.

Both brothers heard screams and cries from the manor yard.

Asin quickly put on his clothes, opened the door and took a look at the brother who was guarding the door, and asked, "Brother, what happened outside? Why is it so noisy?"

"I don't know." Amu wasn't sure what happened, and when he saw that his brother had changed clothes, he said, "Let's just go out and see."

Asin nodded and was about to go with his brother. At this moment, their adoptive father Mensak rushed in from the door, with a tense and anxious expression, shouting the names of the brothers Amu and Axin.

"Dad!" The brothers responded to Menshak in unison, and Menshak beckoned to them: "Come here! Something is going on outside! The pirates who landed landed at the Sharon Pier next door and ran to our village. coming!"

"Pirate?" Upon hearing the word pirate, Amu and Axin looked at each other in shock. There was indeed a small pier near their village. The pier was next to a bay. The bay used to be an endless sea.

Amu and Axin often followed Menshak to go to the beach when they were young, but they have been unable to go there recently. It is said that many deserters in the sea battles have become pirates and fled in the nearby waters. During this time, fishermen were afraid Go to sea again.

No one expected that these fugitive pirates had invaded Sharon Pier and landed in Estonia.

"Look, children. The purpose of the pirates is to rob our village. They blocked the door and the back door of the manor ..." Mensak is also experienced in dealing with such things. In his early years, he visited various countries around the world. He has also participated in some local wars. I don't know how many times he walked on the blade of death, so he seemed very calm in the face of the attack.

"When I built this manor, I thought about accidents, so I asked the workers to build an escape passage in my study. This passage leads to the nearby forest-Taya and his daughter often go hunting. That forest. "

Mensak tried to explain to the two children in a simple and quick tone: "Now the men outside are picking up weapons against the pirates, and I want the women and children to follow the passage first. After leaving, you must Go to a nearby town as fast as possible and ask the stationed Russian army for help, and let them send troops to besiege these pirates! "

Compared with the mature Mensak, the sixteen-year-olds apparently couldn't calmly respond to this sudden situation for a while. Ashin shivered to Mensak and said, "Dad, what about you? You won't go with us !?"

"I can't." Mensak reached out and rubbed Axin's head. "I'm the owner of Mensak, and I must stay here."

"But ... Dad!" Ashin couldn't accept it. He grabbed Menshak's sleeve and worried, "What if you do something ... in case ..."

Menshak did not continue to talk nonsense with Axin, and turned to look at the more stable Amu: "Amu, take good care of your brother, I believe you!"

"Relax, father." Amu reached out and held his brother's hand.

Menshak nodded comfortably to Amu: "A small statue of a snake-wrapped cross is placed on the middle shelf in my study, twisting that, the secret door of the study will open. You go first, and I will let Hull Dr. Qiu and the other children also left in secret. "

Menshak explained what had happened, and turned to leave the room. At this moment, all three of them could hear the screams, gunfire and various fighting noises in the melee.

"Come on!" Menshak shouted to them, picked up the shotgun hanging on the wall in the living room of the room, and strode out of the door.

Axin was still reluctant to Mensak, while Amu clenched his brother's hand and pulled his brother to turn and walk to his father's study.

"Wait!" Ashin looked at his brother in disbelief. "Did you just leave Dad like this?"

"Otherwise? Shall we follow up to die?" Amu held his brother's hand tighter. "Don't be willful at this time! Do as your father says!"

Although he felt inadequate, and Axin did not have the ability to refute, he bowed his head anxiously and let his brother Amurah walk towards the study side. They quickly arrived in his father's study, and quickly found what his father said in a few seconds-a snake-wrapped cross statue on a bookshelf.

"It should be this ..." Amu twisted the small statue, and the bookshelf quickly opened automatically, revealing the hidden passage behind the bookshelf.

Amu stood at the entrance of the underpass and looked inside, only to see that there was a downward staircase in the underpass, which was dark and did not know where to lead.

After opening the underpass, Amu quickly found an oil lamp, two leather coats belonging to Mensac from the study, and some biscuits placed on the desk tray, wrapped in greased paper and placed in the coat pocket.

Put on your own coat and wrap your other coat with your brother. Amu held the oil lamp in one hand and walked Axin into the dark underpass.

I do not know what kind of mechanism principle, after the two people entered the underpass, the door closed automatically behind them, and at the same time, the light revealed from the study room was completely cut off. After the undercover door was closed, Amu did not find another mechanism in the undercover that could open it again.

A confidence exclaimed: "Why did the door close by itself? In this case ... Dad, can they escape from the undercover?"

"The agency should only be opened from the study side. It can't go out, so we can't go back after coming out." Amu judged this and comforted his younger brother. "Rest assured, my father also traveled everywhere. He has also been on the battlefield, so he has survived. How could he easily die in the hands of a few pirates? "

This remark made Axin relax a little, and then Amu continued: "Let's go first. This road is too dark and too narrow. Dr. Herqiu will bring other children to catch up with us later , So many people crowded in together, it is very troublesome to go, we first go to the secret road exit and wait. "

Having said that, the two of them started groping in the undercover daringly. The dark aisle reached out with no five fingers, and Amu worked hard to hold up the oil lamp, and according to its faint light, slowly walked down the stairs in the dark passage.

The underground tunnel was not repaired very securely, the corners were supported by wooden brackets, without any decorations or lights, and the stairs were also very simple-the shape of the stairs was dug directly on the soil, which was irregular and a bit high Uneven.

When the two brothers walked down the stairs all the way to the end, they found that there was standing water under the stairs, but fortunately the water was not deep, just passing through the soles of their shoes and stepping on the sound of water. The leather boots on their feet are water-resistant to prevent them from running wet with their feet.

But this secret passage was too long and too cold. Although Amu had foresighted Menshak's coat in advance to put on it, the cold air was still permeating, and he drove down the collar sleeves of the clothes.

Because of the cold, Axin leaned instinctively with his brother, walking slowly against his shoulders.

When Axin posted it, Amu turned his head to give him a gentle look, and reached out and hugged his brother's shoulder.

"Is it cold? Don't worry, we'll be out soon."

The brothers are similar in size, but somehow, in the eyes of Asin, his brother Amu always looks extra tall and makes people feel a little dependent.

"Brother." After walking a long way in the cold and dark aisle, Asin couldn't help but say, "Why don't you ever call your father‘ Dad ’?”

This question seemed to frighten Amu for a moment, then laughed, "Did I ever call my father when I was a kid?"

"But when you grow up, you just call 'Father'." A Xin bowed his head slightly sadly: "I thought you had some conflict with your father, but after watching it for a while, it seemed like it didn't ... Dad didn't seem to care at all this problem."

"That's just a title, Ashin." Amuth panted slightly with the oil lamp. "This doesn't mean I don't care about my father."

"It's called" Daddy "more intimate." Asin thought so.

"But‘ Father ’is even more respectful.” Amu raised his lamp higher, and he seemed to see the end.

The two finally reached the end of the underpass, and the end of the underpass was a staircase going up. When they raised their heads, they could see a dim light at the top of the stairway, and they could hear the breeze whispering into the underpass.